Shuttling Between the Two Worlds

Chapter 79: Allocated Mission [3]

The moment Lugh accepted that mission, he got the information regarding the 3 confirmed personnel who fell under their control along with the speculations of where the nest might be.

Add Xiao Song's [Domain Detection] on top of that, it is natural that Lugh found their base after some dimension travelling. After all, this function of hers was designed to be used against the zergs in the first place.

Of course, Lugh isn't dumb enough to teleport right in the middle of their nest, thus he teleported nearby.

"A warehouse."

The place where the zergs had hidden and made their nest is a warehouse; to  be exact, it's underground that warehouse.

It looks similar to a 2 storey warehouse that can be found anywhere. Perhaps, that's the reason why they chose this place. It is too inconspicuous.

{Master, there's a total of 297 zergs confirmed in the nest.}

"Who should I look out for?"

{The 2 SSS- Rank present in the ruins, Master.}

"Well, fuck."

Originally, a Yellow-Rank Mission at the Law Realm will only have you face SS- Ranks and SS Ranks at most. Right now, Lugh experienced the so-called "Unstable Mission". That's the primary reason why accepting Missions should be done with a Team.

Even so, Irna decided that Lugh will be fine with the lowest-level difficulty, plus the fact that he's Sword Fanatic's disciple. Even if he encounters one, he can safely escape with the help of his treasures. By doing this, he can have some experience of the frontlines before their actual mission.

"This is just for an experience. Anyways, I'll just self-destruct if the zergs pull out a Demigod-level combat power."

As always, Lugh thought of the worst-case situation. He asked Little Xue to change into another form suitable to this event; one of the swords specialized for zerg slaying, <Despair Piercing Light>.

<Despair Piercing Blade>

-An advanced mechanical sword created to counter the annoying resilient nature of the zergs. It is created to be thin to maximize the processing power and the energy utilizing functions of the sword.

-After being devoured, the trait [Damage Permanence] has been retained.

[Damage Permanence]

-Allows the user to create astonishing piercing power to the zergs. The damage that has been inflicted will stay permanent and cannot be removed, unless no damage was inflicted in the next 10 minutes.

This mechanical sword is unlike the traditional swords and spears that he had been using up until now. It has a sleek design and contains traces of high-end technology being used to it. The handle is fully back while the blade is transparent light green.  All in all, it looks like your traditional longsword, albeit thinner and has a high-tech design.

The <Despair Piercing Blade>, one of the first weapons developed to fight against the zergs. Just by looking at the sword, one could see that the peak-level techniques of various power systems was used just to create this sword.

It was only here where one would find out that the handle is an important component of this sword; for as long as the blade isn't broken, it'll repair the blade. It absorbs the surrounding energies to do so.

"This is the thinnest sword that I ever held. It's the lightest too, so piercing attacks like the ones from a rapier would work."

He went inside the warehouse silently using his technique. Seeing that the inside looks normal as well, with some equipment and sealed boxes here and there, no one would think that it's the nest of the zerg scouts.

"Stealth is optio-oops. I'm not gonna jinx myself for the second time."

This time, he went straight to one of the tunnels in the nest. This time, he ordered Xiao Song to initiate another one of her modules.


'Xiao Song, [Terrain Detection] please.'

{Understood. Shall I overlap it with the results from the [Domain Detection] module?}


This time, a detailed 3D map appeared in his vision. Right now, he's fully wearing <Savior's Armament>, which is why it showed up in a screen instead.

If [Domain Detection] only detects the approximate place and the positions of the lifeforms present, then [Terrain Detection] scans the surroundings and creates a detailed map of the terrain. When the two are used, an unbelievable effect is created.

"Tunnels, tunnels.. They sure do like creating tunnels, huh. Wait.."

Lugh analyzed the terrain that was scanned using a special energy wave. There, he saw that the tunnels looks like a normal tunnel, but hundreds of hidden weapons are actually hidden!

"Dozen-Arm Zerg, it's their work. If I take into consideration that these are freshly installed, perhaps one's present here!"

Dozen-Arm Zerg, the zerg race's mechanics that specialize in producing mechanical weapons. Due to their evolution, they have more than a dozen thin arms, which specializes in mechanical item creation.

Since they are one of the three main mechanics of the zerg race, they are highly valued by them. Killing one on the battlefield can net one many credits.

"Now that I have a minimap, I can target the boss directly."

Lugh began charging up his energy to the <Despair Piercing Blade>. Knowing that the boss's room might be filled with detectors and traps, he has to kill him off in one sweep.

Once the energy concentration and his Mental Power reached a certain point, he disappeared from his spot.

Meanwhile, in the Hundred-Arm Zerg's room..

"The Alliance bastards wouldn't have guessed that we'll deploy our full force from the start. The Origin Slate's value is much higher, but they don't know of it. Pitiful gu-"

Instantly, light pierced from his back. To be exact, to his lower abdomen. Since it has a humanoid figure, it's heart, which is its weakness, was reposition onto that place. Lugh, who had extracted countless knowledge in his Master's library, wouldn't let that pass simply.


The light pierced through him for 3 more times, confirming that he's barely alive. Still, he was incapacitated to the point that he couldn't even control his mechanical soldiers nor connect to the hive mind. His Armor, which was there to protect him, became useless.

To top it off, he even received a Mental Attack, which incapacitated most of his cognitive skills as well.

'This is bad..! I need to sound the alarm!'

"Nope, you won't."

When Lugh attacked him, he did the same thing as the Demigod zerg from Planet Luminous. Since he had the prior experience of making things harder when he killed an enemy, he incapacitated them instead.

"Now, let's talk?"

With that, a 'peaceful' talk with the boss began.

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