Shuttling Between the Two Worlds

Chapter 78: Allocated Missions [2]

"Good morning."


In response to Lugh's greeting, he just gave him a nod. Seeing how he's about to pick an allocated mission, he didn't bother him with a "morning spar" or a "light morning exercise".

'So the beast race here are actually considerate? No, I should get used to my world view being refreshed everytime.'

If you ask Lugh about his impression of the beast race, it would've been "battle maniacs". With no care about the people nor the surroundings, they would start a fight with someone in a whim.

But, he didn't knew that this tendency of theirs had been toned down after the despair that the zerg race brought. They loved fighting the best, but they knew that they'll just become a baggage to the Alliance once they don't change this.

In the end, each races had changed in order to cope with the current situation. Be it Beasts or Demons, they have something to protect.

'Allocated Missions are even split into the known Realms..'

In his sight, the difficulty of each missions is sorted as: Yellow, Orange, and Red. It's also split according to the realms, such as Mortal, Law, and Demigod. The Deity-Realm Combatants has their own 'board', so they didn't really need to do this. Their missions are also more confidential than the most of here.

'Scouting, clean up, guard missions.. I should choose a short-term mission. After all, the Origin Slate Mission would begin in around 2 weeks.'

After looking for a while, he finally chose one. It's a mission regarding a planet in this Star System. A transport ship heading there will also leave today, which makes it perfect for him.

Since he still haven't acquired any mechanic-related skills or has enough money to buy a ship, this is his only option. Though, he can also rent one with his credits.

<Askar Base Clean-up Operation>

Description: Due to the intensifying conflict at the moment, many zerg scouts has been sighted near the Askar Base. There are 3 confirmed personnel who fell to their control.

Objective: Clean the zerg scouts and save the personnel who are under their control.

Reward: 1,500 Credits

Penalty: Credit deduction upon failure.

Note: Additional rewards if one subdues the leader alive.

(Deadline: 106 hours, 45 minutes, 59 seconds)

With the help of Xiao Song, he accepted this Yellow-Difficulty mission under his name. Xiao Song is, after all, an Armor created from the peak technology of each power systems. It's no problem for her to act as a terminal for Lugh.

He then scrolled through the Equipment catalogue. There, he saw many useful things, such as weapons, consumables, etc. After buying some items that he deem essential, he prepared to leave.

"Take care. We all have a high expectation of you."


Before he left, Kahn said this words to him. Lugh is a high potential combatant in their eyes, and the more high potential combatant the Alliance has, the longer they could withstand the zerg race. What's more, all they're waiting for is a person who can turn the tables with them, so it can be explained just how highly-valued geniuses are.

Due to Kahn analyzing Lugh's body, he concluded that he's slightly over 200 years old. He forced a Demigod to use one of his trump cards, so that speaks of his potential.

On the other hand, Lugh didn't have any intention of hiding his age, but his Master suggested that he disguise it as well. Still, his disguised age and potential made others have a good impression of him.


"Team Leader, I just picked up an allocated mission. Yes, I chose one that has a short deadline. It's 3 days from now. The difficulty is Yellow. Yes, I can do this. The destination? It's just few dozens of planets away from here. I can also go back here in an emergency... Understood."


When Technology and Fantasy intersected, it is bound to result in a very good thing. That is also what Lugh had experienced just now.

At first, he rode an interstellar ship to reach a transport planet. After that, he used the teleportation array of that planet to reach Planet Askar. It's that easy.

With his identity being confidential, not many knew that he's the Sword Fanatic's disciple. Only his team mates, Team 7 knew of him. As for the others, they only knew him as someone with a good potential. Lugh also predicts that it won't cause him much trouble.

"Are you the one who accepted our mission? Greetings."

He shook hands with Planet Askar's Commander, a SSS Rank Combatant. Right now, they're inside a concealed room.

'Xiao Song?'

{Negative. He isn't one.}


Lugh saw that a minimap popped up from his vision yet again. Thankfully, he found out that there's no controlled person nearby. Even if they're only under the control of zergs, a tinge of green would appear, thus Lugh felt that this mission really suited him.

"I already know most of the details. Rest assured that I'll deal with them quietly."

"Thank you."

In order to not alert the zerg scouts who controlled the personnel, the Commander knew that the best course of action would be to call someone from the Nebular Base. After all, he doesn't know whether the zergs are monitoring his movements. Even now, he only had the chance to met Lugh thanks to his subordinate serving as his body double.

Still, he couldn't disappear for a long time.

"I shall start now."

"Alri-excuse me?"

"I will purge them now. I already locked onto their locations."


Lugh disappeared from the room where they met.

"Got you."

In an instant, he appeared in the back of a woman. She's in front of a computer, so it seems that she's a non-combatant. She might be the type that gives information and commands from the backlines.


With a single Mental Attack, she lost consciousness. Lugh made sure not to disrupt her Mental Realm to not alert the zerg behind her.

He did the same to the rest who's tainted with green tinge. In the end, he knocked down a total of 10 personnel! Without his [Decisiveness], he might've been startled by a bit. Still, the info on the mission isn't the one to blame.

"It should be because of the upcoming battle. It's for the Origin Slate, I guess."

It's only now did he realize that the Origin Slate is a much bigger matter than he had expected.

With a thought, he used [36 Heavenly Constellation Steps] and went to the place that the minimap indicated.

Naturally, it's the zerg nest.

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