Side Note

Chapter 49: My Time

"Do you have any threes?"

"Go fish." I pick up a card. Right now, we're playing Go Fish in the middle of the Void… or at least what I think is the Void.

"This isn't the Void. The Void is a different shade of white, while also occasionally being other colours, like black, grey, or periwinkle. I should know. I was stuck in the Void for the longest of time."

"Different shade, how?"

"This place is a lighter white. If I had to guess, this is just non-existence."

"And how is that different from the Void?"

"Why are you suddenly asking actual questions now? Also, got any fives?"

"No, go fish." Myka picked up a card. "I'm asking questions because there's nothing to like… go off-course with. Got any aces?"

"Go fish. As for your question, the Void is an existing place outside of existence. Meanwhile, whatever this is just doesn't exist since whatever existed before no longer exists. By the way, the thing that existed before was our world. Eights?"

"Go fish. So if nothing exists, how are you still here? Also, any tens?"

She handed over two cards. "I still exist because I'm overpowered as fuck. After that unexpected death, I decided to make myself invulnerable to anything, including reality shattering shenanigans. Glad I did that."

"Oh. Jacks?"

"For fucks sake." She handed over three cards. "The real question is how you're still here."

"All four jacks." I put down the jacks. "Got any… I've lost track."

"You know what, fuck this card game." She grabbed all the cards, smushed them into a tiny ball, and then threw it into the air and into her mouth. "Cough it up. How the fuck do you still exist?"

"I have no idea."

"Figures. You know what, maybe I'll catch the culprit, assuming there are others. Let me check." Myka stood up and then observed the surrounding area despite there being nothing to watch. "Okay, we're not the only ones left. Including us, there are around five beings… never mind, make that four." 

"Do you think we're next or we're last?"

"Knowing you, I reckon we're the dessert."

"Can I be cake?"

"I thought you'd ask to be the tea." She pointed at her bunny ears. "It'd make more sense if I were the cake since I have a closer association with brown, and thus cake."

"But I want to be strawberry cake!"

"You have nothing on you that's pink."

"Wrong. I'm wearing pink underwear."

"Can I see it?"


"Well, fuck you then." Myka sat back down and created a bunch of board games. "So what game now?"

"How about instead of playing a game, we decide to complete our goals."

"Ah yes, because this," she gestured around us, towards the endless white space we found ourselves in, "is definitely where we can achieve our goals. What goals would we even do?"

"Well, I still haven't fucked a daughter, and since it's only you, me, and two other people, you can easily complete your destroying everything goal since there are not that many things to destroy."

"So what you're proposing is that we fuck, then I killed the other two that still exist?"


"Umm… well, why didn't you have that thought earlier?"

"Like when?"

"I don't know, maybe when before we played Go Fish."

"You know I'm not that good at thinking."

"Insane ramblings are basically thinking."

"I don't ramble on and on like I'm insane."

"And anyway, there are only three beings left now, and the remaining one is quickly approaching us."

"Can you defeat it?"

"No idea, since I have no clue who… or what it is. It's probably the culprit, though. Want to bet on who it is?"

"Well, that insane guy said Croen was a fake death god, so my bet is on Croen."

"Ooh, good bet. I'm betting on… Marigold. That seems very funny."

"By the way… the fucking?"

"I'm starting to think I'm not in love with you."

"Oh, okay. I'll just try to fulfil that goal in my second life, then."

"How optimistic of you. Also, seems I was wrong about them quickly approaching us. They seem to be the type of person to walk slowly everywhere there go, no matter the situation."

"So we have time to play another game?"

"We have enough time to create a family… god fucking damnit Madeleine."

"What? Did I do something?"

"You've got me thinking about procreation. Fucking hell."

"The mark of a true bunny girl."

"Look, it's true that Bunny Beastfolk fuck a lot, but I'm a reality-warper. I'm not affected by my base instincts."

"So you're just a pervert."


"Woah, no need to yell."

"Sorry, sorry… I'm… I'm feeling things right now."

"Why? Did I accidentally offend you?"

"No, it's more like that thing where you're about to die, so you realise a bunch of shit about your life choices or some shit."

"Ah, can't relate."

"Can you at least pretend to be empathetic towards me for once?"

"Maybe, maybe."

"Fucking hell… why are you the last person I talk to? I would've preferred a hooker, a serial murderer, or even Merida."

"I thought you loved me."

"I don't fucking know. I'm going through a lot of epiphanies right now, okay."

"Ooh, share one with the class."

"Umm… this whole destroying everything was kind of stupid thinking about considering our very nature. Like… a puppet wanting to have a life, so they cut their strings, only realising they don't have life without it."

"Wow… very profound."

"That didn't sound genuine." We sat there in silence before Myka loudly proclaimed, "You know what?"


"I bet you, this whole thing will be an 'It was a drug-induced hallucination' because I reckon you're a drug addict."

"Due to the typical drug's addictive properties, which will lead to a lower productivity output, the Maid School drilled into me that I shouldn't consume drugs."

"Well, shit. Maybe it's a dream? Do you even dream? I feel like you don't."

"I dream of rainbow cake and seven eagles."

"That's not that weird." She conjured up a rainbow cake and seven eagles. "That reminds me," She turned towards me. "Look into my eyes."

"Oh yeah, you're a Sacred Power holder. You know, usually, this is the first thing that happens." 

"I know. Now quick, look into my eyes." I leaned forward and looked into Myka's shiny yellow eyes. 

Reality Manipulation

You can manipulate reality.

Side Note: Yo, what up, Side Note. I'mma be honest, I thought it'd be funny if I gave this ability to someone a bit unstable, then I realised that was stupid, so I chained her up. I'm guessing you finally found the house in the Void cause that's where I trapped her. Unless you happen to meet her in like a white space after she decided to delete everything with this ability, then you're just fucked. Sucks to be you.

"Oh… so the Creator was the guy who chained you up?"

"He was? Well fuck him, I'm definitely destroying everything now… good news Madeleine!"


"Everything is destroyed, and I am satisfied!"

"That's great!" At that moment, branches, tentacles, and darkness grew around Myka and started dragging her down into the ground. 

"Oh, for fucks sake, of course, it's this guy."


"The eyeball gu-" Myka was entirely swallowed before she could finish. Wait… does that mean I'm alo- the tentacles and branches grew towards me, grabbing all my limbs and dragging me down. Then everything went black.

Character profile: Myka Jaspers

Sacred power: [DATA MISSING]



Chapter namesake: My Time by bo en

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