Side Note

Chapter 50: Wiggle

Hello there, it's me, Madeleine, the half-demon maid. My father was a lonely hunter who lived in the forest, far away from society. He decided to use forbidden magic to summon a demon in his lonely desperation. They fell in love and boom! I was born. By the way, my father was a fairy outcast, meaning I'm half-fairy and half-demon. That means I'm very valuable on the slave market… actually I'm just valuable in general. Half-fairy, half-demon, lover of an S-Ranked adventurer, the world record holder for the most daggers stuffed into a maid dress, the previous number one ranked assassin, traveller of the stars, graduate of the Maid School, and the head of a harem that's six women strong.

By the way, only two of those things are true. The rest are going to happen in the future… I hope so. It's what I saw in my dreams. Wait… do I even dream? Eh, whatever. Right now, I'm in the attic of the mansion to deal with a rat infestation. How am I dealing with it? Simple, I throw a dagger at any rat I see. Oh, I see one, time to throw a dagger. That's 32 rats dead. Merida didn't tell me how many there are, but I'm sure I'll reach the end at some point.

You may be wondering why am I dealing with the rat infestation? Simply put, by pure dumb luck, rats counter every person in this household bar two. Merida, Speedy, and Mila all are scared of rats for different reasons. Speedy thinks they're disgusting, Mila is reminded of this secret rat cult she was kidnapped by once, and Merida tells me you don't want to learn the true nature of rats in this world. Then again, she says that about a lot of things. Mel can't really use her bow in the attic, the demons seem to be upholding a deal Hell made with the Rat King from decades prior, so Merry is useless, and May is a bit overkill. Both on the rats and the house.

So that left Myka and I. To decide who would deal with the rats, we played a game of Go Fish, and I lost. By the way, Myka is the new maid that Merida hired. She wanted me to have a proper vice headmaid instead of Mammon, so she hired Myka. She was also hired because apparently, the world would end otherwise. I don't know how those things are related, but whatever. I have rats to deal with.

It's been a while since I've seen a rat. I had enough time to do a whole thought ramble. I wonder where the rats are? Wait… is that support beam wiggling? Oh shit, all the support beams are wiggling. Did someone spike my tea? I grabbed ahold of one of the wiggling wood beams to feel it was legitimately wiggling. Ooh, that feels nice. Mmm…

Wait! I'm wiggling now too! I looked around, trying to find the culprit, when I saw a rat standing on a stack of boxes next to me, standing eye to eye with me.


You can make things wiggle.

Side Note: Wiggle wiggle wiggle.

Oh, that explains the wiggling… wait, it's a rat! I grabbed out a dagger and slammed it down onto the rat. Mid-swing, the knife started wiggling, which combined with my current wiggling, made me completely miss the rat. This might be difficult, but no problem! I grabbed some emergency dirt I kept in my pockets and threw them toward the rat. The rat just stood there, getting completely covered in dirt. 

"Haha! You fell for my special attack! Pocket dirt!" The rat tilted its head before letting out a loud squeal. Suddenly, a legion of rats appeared at my feet, some wiggling, some not, but all were staring at me. Well… shit. I stomped my foot on the ground, completely missing the rats, but letting me do my magic. The dirt that I threw at the Sacred Power holder rat turned into spikes, completely impaling it. Hah! Suck it, rat! The wiggling stopped, which is great, but all the rats looked at their dead leader, then me, which isn't great. 

The rats then ran towards a coat in the attic, eventually forming a humanoid body solely made out of rats. I didn't know rats could do that. I threw a dagger at it, killing one of the rats, whose corpse just fell out of the person. I don't think I have enough daggers.

Before they could retaliate, I made a run for it. As soon as I made my way down into the main house, I slammed up the entrance to the attic. I stomped my foot, sending a shockwave of ice through the floor, up the wall, and onto the attic's door, freezing it shut, before a loud thump from behind it came. Okay, it can't escape, good.

"Yo, what up Madeleine." I looked behind me to see the bunny girl Myka. She looks good in a maid dress, although I have no idea why she's wearing a blindfold. "I just felt like wearing a blindfold. So, finished with the rat extermination?"

"Uhh… kind of?"

"Good enough. So, you've got two options. Let me seduce you, or we play some Go Fish. Which one?"

"Go Fish."

"Then let's go." And off I went to play Go Fish with Myka, completely forgetting about the rats.

For the next three days, the rats terrorised us at any time possible before eventually, Merry summoned a demon specialising in diplomacy with rats, and we signed a treaty.

Character profile: Rat (You really think a rat would have a name?)

Sacred power: Wiggle

The rat's name: Stu

Description: It's a rat. Plenty of Sacred Powers are held by animals and monsters, but they are typically unable to utilise their Sacred Power due to their limited intelligence. In most cases where a beast uses a Sacred Power, they tend to be more passive than abilities that require thought to work. This means this rat, which held Wiggle, was a prodigy among rats. It is one of three Sacred Power holders to be a rat.

Chapter namesake: Wiggle by Jason Derulo ft. Snoop Dogg 

Well that concludes that experiment. What was the experiment? Considering all my chapters are all music references, I wondered if I could write an arc where every chapter is a reference to a song in an album. I've concluded that I will most likely not do this again any time soon. I love the idea, but I feel I suck at the execution of it. The album reference was bo en's Pale Machine, I recommend giving it a listen. Well, not only did I feel my execution of it was lacklustre, but I kind of got bored halfway through, and considering this story is fueled solely by my whims, that's not good. So yeah, cool idea, might not do it again any time soon.

On a different note (I'm never saying side note), it's chapter 50. Back in chapter 25, I said "Let's do a Q&A every 25 chapters" and so we are. Feel free to ask questions, from something simple like "You reference a lot of songs, which is your favourite" to something stupid like "What are the chances the main character is actually a fragment of a dead evil God who will make a sudden appearance one day?". You can also ask questions to characters if that's a thing you want. Although if you don't want to ask a question, that's fine. Honestly, I expect the first question to happen in chapter 125, assuming I don't die before then.

One last thing, I've got a question for y'all, just something I'm curious about. How many references out of 50 have y'all gotten? Personally, I've only gotten 45. Don't ask how that works.

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