Side Note

Chapter 88: Why I Love You


You are proficient with the bow. You gain strength whilst wielding a bow.

Side Note: Archer.

I'm… I'm… speechless… what the hell is happening? Mel… she… she just leaned over and kissed me… huh? I couldn't help but just sit there, my eyes wildly picking apart every detail of her face. The slight pink tint on her cheeks, the now sweet-looking lips of her mouth, the resolute but also tender eyes staring right at me… seriously, what is going on?



"I'm going to do what we call in stories exposition, okay?"


"Since I want to do that, you're to stay silent, okay."

"G-Got it."

"Geez, if I could make you this meek with just a kiss, I'd have kissed you earlier."

"Hehe…" I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. A kiss… by Mel… what a giddy feeling.

"Remember how we first met? I was a member of the Hero's Party on our quest to kill the Demon King, but we failed. The Hero got seduced by that lucky duchess, and the rest of the party was imprisoned." 

I nodded. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The damp jail cells, the eerie sounds of ghosts from a past unknown, and something else. Okay, maybe I don't remember it like yesterday. 

"I'm going to be honest, Madeleine. I was planning on killing you as soon as you removed my restraints, but as soon as you said 'Side Character', I hesitated." 

Huh? She was going to kill me? That's… well… I won't dwell on it. 

"I thought I could find someone who'd finally understand me, not the Side Character, or rather that was the Melina in me, I guess. It didn't help that as soon as you took off the blindfold and I saw you, you were cute." 

Hehe… I'm cute.

"Then it turns out you're a huge idiot when it comes to people. For such a happy-go-lucky person, you sure suck at being good with people. I didn't even know it was possible to be so selfish while having no desire whatsoever." 

Huh? Is she making fun of me now? Aww… we're close enough to mock each other now! I'd throw an insult at her right now, but she told me to be silent. 

"Instead of getting some cool arc where the Side Character gets to be more than that, I just ended up getting dragged by you and your dumb but cute face." 

Haha… she called me dumb but cute.

"At first, I hated it, you know. I couldn't stand it, but I only went along with it because it doesn't really matter." 

Her soft eyes suddenly turned, filling up with nothing but apathy. I… I don't know what to say.

"A combination of my characteristics, Melina's memories, and Side Character itself made me think that you know. I concluded that our reality is fictional, and since it is fictional, nothing matters." 

"Although, I haven't thought like that for a while, all thanks to you. You and your stupid, careless attitude. You, who says what they think and does what they want. I don't know when it happened, but I fell for you at some point, just like how you fell for me, but something was stopping me."


"That stupid Side Character Sacred Power. Just when I thought it couldn't make my life worse, suddenly it reveals I can't be a love interest! What the fuck! The love of my life is right there, and I can't say shit. Thankfully, I'm no longer tied to it, and my sister even noticed that and did this whole thing. I've gotta thank her later."

Huh… her Sacred Power… explains a lot.

"Argh, I don't even know what I'm trying to say anymore. You know what, I'll just say it straight… Well, it isn't straight."


"Madeleine, I love you. Nothing in this world matters, but because nothing matters, I'll do whatever I want, including loving you. Like how you do whatever you want, I'll do the same. I love you, Madeleine."


"You can speak now. Man, how'd you actually stay silent through that whole thing? Usually, you say all your thoughts out loud."

I immediately leapt over the table to Mel, wrapping my arms around her neck. "I love you too!" She returned the hug, and we sat there like that for a minute before I made myself comfortable on her lap. "So… what's your opinion on harems?"

"Seriously? We've basically started dating, and you hit me with this as a first question."

"I was just kidding, joking, jesting, making a big old laugh."

"If you say 'But seriously though', I will confiscate your daggers."

"Oh… okay."

"Any other questions?"

"Umm… when's the wedding?"

"No idea."




"The answer to the harem question is: Leave it to the Shadow Clones. You're all mine."

"Aww… you're making me blush."

"I'll make you blush even more." Suddenly, Mel carried me in a princess carry and started walking out of the dining room.

"Huh? Eh?"

Meanwhile, in Melina's room

"Fuck… I need a girlfriend."

"No, you need to rest. The drunkenness is amplifying your loneliness."

"Do you think Side Character will let me fall in love with other side characters?"

"Sorry, I've said it before, but I am not interested in you."

"What about Speedy?"


"Huh?! To whom?"

"Merida. You… well, Mel, more specifically Lanie, weren't there when that reveal happened."

"Fine, fine. How about Merry?"

"Only interested in demons."

"Fuck. Mila?"

"Obsessed with Madeleine."


"Holds an unrequited love for both her former master and former elven party member."

"Geez, that sucks. Any of the shadow clones?"

"Aside from Cookie, all the sentient shadow clones have lovers of their own."

"Fuck no, I ain't taking Cookie. Any of the demon maids?"

"You would have to make a contract that trades your soul for a romantic relationship with most of them."

"Uh… Maxine?"

"Seriously? Lina, you know who Maxine is."

"Look, the alcohol is getting to me, and it's not like she's physically my father now."

"Still your father spiritually. That's fucked up."

"I blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol… and also hentai!"

Character profile: Melanie Arcus

Sacred power: Sagittarius

Time spent with Madeleine: Anywhere from 34 days to 6 years (I am good with time)

Description: The straight man (Ironically) to Madeleine's madness. Melanie Arcus was formerly one of the many identities created by the Sacred Power 'Side Character', which used Melina Milton as a base. Melanie Arcus was created specifically as the 'Cool Elf Archer' and was primarily used for narratives related to the Hero Wulfric Break. Due to both her adventures alongside the Hero's Party and her adventures alongside Madeleine, she has spent the most time in Mendass compared to the other identities. The base identity of Side Character was supposed to come out when coming in contact with the holder of Side Note, but for reasons unknown Melanie remained. When Side Character was broken apart due to actions done by the Seer, only the base and Melanie remained while the others scattered.

Chapter namesake: Why I Love You by Jay-Z & Kanye West

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