Side Note

Chapter 89: Gravity

If I had to describe this feeling… it'd be like I'm floating. My whole body feels weightless, the bed under me feeling like nothing but air, and my surroundings being nothing but… hold up… where the fuck am I? I'm… I'm lying on nothing. I don't see Mel; there's no room, and I couldn't fly last I checked. I looked down but saw just clouds, clouds, and more clouds. Like, damn, I knew it felt that good, but not good enough to send me to Heaven.

"This is no Heaven. You are merely beyond the sky that entraps us." I turned to the source of the sound and saw a… a what? "I am what you mortals would call a god. Specifically a god of gravity."

"What the fuck is gravity?"

"It is the natural law of attraction. The bigger the mass, the more it attracts."

"Explain it in simpler terms, please."

"Big stuff pulls small stuff."

"Now I get it. That explains why all the demon maids constantly stare at Myka. By the way, why do we need a god of gravity?"

"Mendass has, in simple words, infinite mass."

"Infinite mass?"

"The Endless Sea is true to its name. No matter how long or fast you travel on it, you will never find its edge. The edge of Mendass, which you are very familiar with as you are native to Hamblin, is also equally endless. You could fall for an eternity and never see the bottom since there is none."

"And since there's infinite mass, the gravity should be really, really damaging! Man, this gravity thing is really whack."

"Quite so, especially when applied to worlds whose rule sets were created outside of normal conventions. I have been given the ability to control gravity through anomalous means and act as a stopgap."

"So are you, like, weakening Mendass' gravity?"


"What would happen if you just… stopped?"

"No idea. It's very possible nothing could happen, or universal implosion. All I know is that I existed before Mendass was made infinite just in case."

"I sure don't understand what you mean."

"You are not the big idiot you claim to be. I was merely humouring you with my initial simplification."

"The voices in my head need the clarifications, not me."

"Ah yes, the voices in your head."

"I hear voices in my head."

"They counsel you. They understand. You've already made that jest before."

"I don't even know where I came up with it! Anyways, why am I here?"

"The gods are dying, Madeleine."

"Okay… and?"

"There is a malicious entity taking the gods out. To ensure existence wouldn't crumble upon my death, I surrendered my ability to my daughter, and I wish for her to be safeguarded within your Shadowrealm."

"Huh? My Shadowrealm? Is it really that safe?"

"Consider it a hunch, but I believe the safest place in this universe is there."

"Coolio. So where's your daughter?"

"Next to you." I turned to my left and saw a cloud. "The other side." I turned to my right and saw a little girl. Sure is a little girl. Wait, if she has the power of this god, does that mean I know another overpowered little girl? Huh… that's pretty funny. The little girl looked at her father before she turned and faced me. I'm glad she seems humanoid and not whatever weird existence her father is. Also, we're making eye contact! What nice-looking eyes.

Gravitational Control

You can control gravitational pulls.

Side Note: I have harnessed the harness.

Harnessed the harness? "Since my daughter is here, please allow her entry into your Shadowrealm."

"Okay, okay." I turned to the kid. "So, how do you want to enter? Stairs? Quicksand? An unnaturally large explosion that contains bunnies, cheese wheels, and lutes?"

"The normal sinking, please."

"Aye aye, young mistress!" I lightly tapped the… floor? Air? Whatever I'm standing on, stretching my shadow under her, then letting her sink into it. "I'll keep your daughter, and therefore Mendass, safe!"

"Many thanks."

"So… who's the guy going around killing gods?"

"That damned anomaly. The one who peered into realms forbidden to all."

"Wow, very specific."

"Then I shall share with you his title, given to him by the very few who have survived his presence: The Man In The Pinstripe Suit."

"Oh… I already met him."


"Let me see, a snazzy suit, a really cool hat, a face that looks like a face and a world map at the same time, and a pet hamster. Right?"

"Uh… correct."

"Then yeah, I've met him."

"Did you make a deal with him? Are you a target of his and just happened to escape? How do you know him? All the documents about his existence were destroyed by him."

"Eh, read a book about him. He also gave me a jar with a pair of eyes in them. Well, I have two now, but I have no idea where the second came from. I also get the feeling I met him with Myka, but that memory feels fake. Other than that, nothing, really."

"Hmm… then he must favour you. That explains my hunch. It is good to know no harm will befall my daughter. I will be sending you back to your physical body. I would like to say 'See you again', but I fear this will be our first and last meeting. Keep my daughter safe, please."

"No worry, gravity god. In the entirety of my life as a combat maid, I've only failed to protect one person. She got shot in the head with an arrow."

"I… see. Farewell, Madeleine."

"Bye bye weird cloud light guy!"

I shoot up, my eyes flying all over the room. Familiar roof, familiar bedsheets, familiar pair of jars with eyes in them, familiar singular maid dress messily thrown and left on the floor, and most importantly, to my side, a familiar person. Ah… back in the mansion. I lie back down, hugging Mel, letting my eyes shut, and my mind enter my dreams.

Character profile: Filia Gravitas

Sacred power: Gravitational Control

Favourite pastime: Making apples fall

Description: The daughter of the god of gravity, although since she holds Gravitational Control right now, she's technically the god of gravity now. Children of gods are actually incapable of inheriting any divinity from their parents, even if both parents are of divine origin. Due to this fact, many gods choose to not have children. There are, however, exceptions to this rule. One such exception are the gods whose domain is gravity. Although gods are immortal by nature, they are not invincible, and due to the importance of the god of gravity for Mendass' survival, it was made so that their children are capable of receiving the ability of their divine parent. 

Chapter namesake: Gravity by John Mayer

I would like to once again say I have no idea of what's going on. I assume I've said this before, which is why I wrote 'once again'.

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