Silence the Hunger

Chapter 54

“I was wondering what the power of Gluttony’s potential apostle was going to be like.” The young man’s voice sounded almost ancient as it reverberated around the large, gilded hall. “Now that I see you—I must say—I’m quite disappointed.”

Large jagged horns grew out from within his well-combed hair, a pink cape draped loosely over his shoulders as it hid most of his body from sight.

The young man stood up as he kicked the small chest to the side. “I remember the last apostle like it was yesterday.” His voice trailed off as his vision drifted to a corner of the room. Someone had nailed the skeleton of a young boy to a cross. His hands and feet had large metallic rods that had pierced through the bones.

“He was always so happy… so jovial,” the young man smiled and then broke into laughter as he reminisced about the past. “He used to call me big brother. The boy was a cute little runt. Always done as he was told.” The young man licked his lips as he approached closer.

“Alphonse!” Felecia shook him from his reverie. Alphonse stripped his eyes away from the chest, his heart still thumping uncontrollably.

“What is Gluttony’s apostle? What does it mean?” Alphonse grabbed hold of his cleaver as he looked forward. He did not know if his current strength was enough to deal with the young man in front of him, but he needed answers.

“Gluttony’s apostle… They are always the most useless. All they do is eat, sleep and shit.” The young man broke out into maniacal laughter as the recruits flinched backwards. “Ah, why would I tell you? You’re going to die here, Alphonse… You simply don’t have the strength to get past me. Even then, it would be pointless.”

The young man walked forwards unimpeded, Alphonse wanted to move, but his body refused to listen to him. The man walked in front of Felecia. A pink lustre flashed within his eyes shone as he grabbed hold of her small face. “Your hair is disgusting. You dare cover it up with fake colouring? But I commend the thought, pink is a fabulous colour, isn’t it?” The demon-like man whipped out his tongue as it landed on Felecia’s cheek. His tongue flicked upwards as he licked the dirt that stained her chin clean. “Such a dirty puppy. Once I’ve killed your friends, will you stay with me?” His lips curved upwards in a perverted smile.

Felecia’s eyes were filled with horror. She wanted to squirm, to run away, but she felt imprisoned within her own body.

Wrath filled Alphonse’s mind [ Spectral Rage ] activated as the paralysis that took over his body was broken. His body left an after image as he hurtled towards the demon, Alphonse brought up his fist as his feet accurately landed on the ground in front of the demon, shifting his weight forwards and turning his hip he used all of his strength to send a punch forwards.

The demon’s head snapped to the side. His movements seemed slow, but in a fraction of a second he held Alphonse’s fist as all the momentum had halted completely. With a twitch of his hands, a sharp snapping sound filled everyone's ears. Alphonse gritted his teeth as saliva seeped through his mouth. Alphonse’s wrist had been bent all the way back until his knuckles lay flat on his forearm.

“How rude. I was introducing myself to your lady friend. Ohh, can it be… do you like her Alphonse?” The demon said. “Ah, just my favourite! I love stealing other men's women. Oh, or men, I don’t discriminate. I am well experienced, after all.” The demon's lips transformed into a disgusting grin.

“You love the sound of your own voice, don’t you?” Alphonse said through gritted teeth. His stomach started bubbling forth as he felt the burning sensation travel up his throat.

The vile liquid barely traveled halfway before a fist smashed into his stomach. The punch was so fast, Alphonse barely felt anything as his body rocketed through the air as he smashed into the solid steps that led up to the throne. Blood escaped from his mouth as Alphonse held whatever was left of his ribs.

“Do not get in my way.” The young demon screamed–wrath filled his eyes–the booming of the voice caused everyone's ears to ring. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve seen a human female? Sent down into this prison with my only mission to wait for the potential apostles. How many of them have been women? None of them! Boundless lust and I am trapped in here with no way to escape, those fucking seven virtue scum. Oh, so righteous bullshit!” The demon stepped back in front of Felecia, his personality completely switched as a smile took over the wrath, his hand brushed up against Felecia’s face.


Gabriel’s thoughts were in turmoil. He was going crazy at being unable to move. Am I mad Felecia might die, or am I mad at myself for being so useless? Gabriel thought. He tried everything to move, but even his own tongue refused to listen to him.

No, I will break free. I’ll do what Alphonse can’t. I’ll kill the demon. Only I can do it. Gabriel’s eyes turned bloodshot, his hands slowly trembled as mana trickled through his body, like a dam wall that was about to be turned into rubble.

“Oh, now that is interesting.” The young demon stepped in front of Gabriel as he pulled his hair, revealing Gabriel’s bright eyes. The young demon’s forehead touched against Gabriel's as he peered deep into the wizard’s eyes. “What a discovery! Pride is bubbling forth from you like a volcano about to erupt. For two potential apostles to arrive before me. Truly astounding.” The young demon was shocked. “Although it’s only just budding, you have potential.”

“Such a shame. Pride has the highest potential out of all the Seven Evil Monarchs.” Long claws grew from the demon’s fingertips as he hovered them in front of Gabriel’s eyes. The claws were about to pierce forwards when the shadows all around them squirmed. With the noise of glass breaking, Haydon flashed forwards as his dagger, covered in darkness, slashed at the wrist of the demon.

The demon instantly stepped to the side. It was too fast for Haydon to react as those long, finger-like claws raked across his skull.

The claws continued as they passed through the hard skull of Haydon. However; they cut through too easily. The body broke into an abyss like shadow as Haydon appeared next to the demon. Haydon’s dagger skill tore through the air as it landed across the demon’s throat. A deep cut lacerated into the demon’s throat as blood poured out from the cut.

“You are all pissing me off.” The demon frowned as he raised his hand against his throat. As the bleeding immediately stopped.

Gabriel’s hands finally moved as a blast of mana gushed forth. The sheer heat of the fireball woke everyone up as it threatened to turn them all to cinders.

“Gabriel, you’re going to burn us to ashes!” Markus’ eyes shone bright as golden liquid spread all over his body like thick armour, his shield quickly encompassing everyone around him, shielding them from the raging heat that threatened their lives.

“I don’t care. I’m going to kill him.” Gabriel's voice rang out as the meteor formed.

Just as the spell was forming a pink energy frothed forth from the demon's pores, the sweet smell of plum surged towards the group.

His fire spell blasted forwards and submerged into the pink bubble-like petals as it ground to a halt.


Alphonse’s eyes shifted from the appearance of Haydon to the small chest that lay beside the throne. The giggling voice was going crazy, telling him to open the chest.

He then looked at the figure of the young demon as he shook his head. I don’t have a choice, do I? He brushed the thought to the side as he crawled up the stairs until he was in front of the chest.

Alphonse grabbed hold of the chest. The feeling that it belonged to him scratched at his fingers as they unlatched the chest’s lock. The hinges creaked open as the pungent smell of flesh tickled his senses. He could feel his brain almost short circuit at the excitement he felt, an excitement that wasn’t his own.

He picked up the still beating black heart with his working hand. The heart had small black teeth that had turned up almost into a vicious grin.

Alphonse listened to the voice inside as he devoured the black heart in one bite.

Finally, Alphonse.” The giggling voice bubbled forth within his mind. “I congratulate you on becoming my apostle.”

< Gluttony’s Heart consumed >

< You are now Gluttony’s apostle >

< You are Gluttony’s representative in the Fourteen Dogma’s War >

< Mission Complete: Uncover the secret of the Veiled Caverns >

< You will be teleported back to the Garden of Eden shortly >

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