Silence the Hunger

Chapter 55 – End of Book 1

Alphonse wanted to talk to the monster inside his head, but his eyes snapped onto the young man. He was about to make his move as the pink substance surged forwards, towards his team.

“I can’t talk for very long. The other monarchs are protesting. Shut up, I get it! Damned creatures… Anyway, Don’t even think about it. He’s the Prince of Lust. You wouldn’t stand a chance.” The voice of Gluttony giggled forth within Alphonse’s head. “Doomed to eternal suffering, bet he ain’t too happy. Run away, that is my advice.”

Gluttony’s voice disappeared as Alphonse shook his head at the strange sensation.

Who said I wanted your advice? Alphonse thought as his body rocketed forwards.

Alphonse appeared in front of the Prince of Lust, cuts and lacerations littered his body. Despite his broken ribs, his shadowed teeth lurched towards the prince, threatening to swallow his head whole.

The prince turned around. Wrath was clear in his eyes as his clawed hand clutched Alphonse’s neck like a misbehaving chicken.

“No matter what you do, you can’t beat me-” The prince’s voice trailed off as he peered into Alphonse’s eyes. A vicious grin sprouted forth. His head turned back, looking at the opened chest near the throne. “Well, I admit, that was an oversight by me. I can’t believe I let my emotions get to me, to be too focused on this little group.” The prince broke out in laughter as his fingers clenched. The strained breathing of Alphonse was music to his ears. “Well, it changes nothing.”

The Prince of Lust’s eyes shone a savage light as he squeezed down on Alphonse’s throat. Alphonse clutched at the clawed hands, but it was as if a mechanical vice had clasped around his throat, unable to be pried off.

Alphonse sent his knee forwards, but because of his position, his strength was lowered. He didn't have enough room to move. Despite that, a great thudding sound rattled against the prince’s chest.

“Unlike your friend with that peculiar skill, you can’t do much as long as I control that mouth of yours, can you?” The prince taunted him.

Alphonse watched closely as the demon’s eyes changed. Here it comes. Alphonse broke into a smile as his throat was caving in.


Markus struggled, he was bashing his mind as he desperately tried to escape the prison he was in. Despite his high strength and constitution, he could not budge. He wanted to help Alphonse. But it was futile. His eyes rested on Alphonse’s eyes. They looked… sad.


Let me free you fucking piece of shit. I’ll gouge out your eyes with my damned arrows! Tariq screamed within his mind, wishing to break free but couldn't, no matter how hard he tried.


Haydon's body tried to break free from the restricting spell. His eyes watched as the demon tightened his grip. Blood seeped from Alphonse's mouth, nose and ears. His face was turning purple. He couldn't breathe.


Felecia was screaming internally, as she helplessly watched as Alphonse was in the demon's grasp. Blood seeped from her mouth as she willed her body to move. She felt a strange sensation well up inside her body. It felt almost… divine. It was about to explode outwards when a phantom blade gushed forth. The weakened blade shot towards the demon and split the ocean of pink.

“Another one…” the prince swatted his hand to the side as the already weakened blade from entering the pink mist was dispersed.

Lucus’ body shot forwards like a phantom, his steps were as sharp as his blade as he flashed towards the demon.

A lance-like spike appeared from the demon’s hand as it tore through Lucus’ abdomen. Lucus spat blood as it trickled down his chin, his lips turned up into a smile as he moved his hand, a faint beeping sound was heard from his hand.

“What the hell is that?” the demon looked downwards at Lucus’ hand. A small cylindrical device was flashing a red light. He had seen nothing like it before.

Lucus smiled as he threw it behind the demon.

< Teleporting users back to the Garden of Eden >

The words that entered their minds were like a blessing from the angels. They felt their bodies become light, their visions blurred.

Alphonse watched as the device opened up like a door. A small black marble like object lay within as the surrounding area distorted and fracture.

“No… what have you done?” The prince screamed as he tried to move forward. His killing intent surged towards the young group, but his body was stuck to the ground like tar. His eyes watched as the device began sucking in his body like a black hole. His leg soon vanished as the black hole pulled his body further inside.

The others disappeared. It had the same appearance as when they arrived on this planet. Their bodies distorting, Gabriel and Alphonse were the only ones left. It seemed to have a slower effect on them.

Alphonse stood there, clasping at his throat. The device seemed to have no pulling effect on him. However, a sudden sense of danger tugged at his heart and mind. His head twitched to the side as Gabriel's lips had turned into a smirk. A mana condensed within his hands, but, unlike before, it was fast. Too fast to react. By the time Alphonse looked at the spell, it had already bored through the air as it aimed for his heart.

Gabriel's artefact staff disintegrated at the force of the spell. It reached Alphonse in the blink of an eye.

“You-” Alphonse spat. He was getting ready for the worst when a shield sprouted from the badge in his pocket. The shield shattered at the same time the spell fizzled out, losing all of its power.

He had forgotten about the shield he took from Krayton's corpse. Alphonse broke out into a wild laughter. The noise through his smashed throat created a choking-like sound. His eyes were bloodshot as his body disappeared from the spot. Alphonse didn’t hesitate for even a second as deep purple thorns sprouted from his skin. Ice formed around his hand as he thrusted it forwards. It tore through the air like a drill.

Alphonse travelled through where Gabriel was standing. He had vanished.

Alphonse was the last one left, a savage grin left on his face. He couldn’t make out very much. He had almost completely lost all of his sight. Something in his mind told him to head to the boy that had been pinned onto the cross.

He listened to the faint voice of Gluttony. A thin silver chain hung around his neck. The pendant was in the shape of a cross with an intricately detailed… head. Someone had carved a bright smile into the face and welded onto the front of the cross.

He placed it around his neck. His legs had already disappeared.

< Epic magic grade equipment found >

< The Smiling Man has been obtained >

[ The Smiling Man: Stray your thoughts away from evil. 25% Boost to magic power when happy. ]

| 25 intelligence

| 20 wisdom

Well, I’m pretty fucking pissed off right now. Alphonse cursed at the piece of jewellery around his neck.

Before Alphonse disappeared completely, shining gold vaguely entered his eyes, as a figure picked up the cylindrical device.


Alphonse looked around him as he woke up in the familiar colosseum-like room. Men and women in fine clothing held fans in front of their faces as their eyes looked down at the recruits from above. Their pompous faces reminded him of the young wizard. The resemblance was uncanny.

His eyes shifted to the survivors, his eyes scanned through the few that remained as his eyes settled onto Dillan and Ellena. Dirt and cuts covered their bodies, but they were alive. Their eyes were serious. None of their past childlike appearance remained. They emitted the aura of warriors that had survived on a bloody battlefield.

A strange happiness surged through his empty heart as a smile appeared on his face. Then his attention rested on Gabriel. Alphonse him, like a predator against its prey.

< Generating rewards based on contribution >

< Alphonse Khastal - Rank B Performance on Extreme difficulty >

< 4600 credits received >

“Welcome home, soldiers.” Noel Wilcox stood atop a podium as he addressed the young men and women that had survived against all odds. Alphonse’s sharp senses noticed the surprise within the suited man’s eyes.

“I’m happy to announce to those that received a high contribution will be directly promoted to higher classes. You will receive the benefit of those classes. Of course, that’s not the only reward. You will receive extra credits as a thank you for your service.” Noel smiled at the Class A representative. His vision seemed to ignore anyone that wasn’t in class A.

Extra credits. How many of us died, and that’s our reward? Alphonse scoffed.

“Well, I bet you are all exhausted and battered. The nurses will take care of your wounds, you will also be given leave for one week to rest and recuperate. Welcome back to the Garden of Eden. I look forward to your future success.” Noel said as he turned away to leave.

Alphonse could barely walk, let alone stand. His legs caved in as he sat in the middle of the floor as the nurses rushed forwards, onto the stage. Many people, including Lucus, were rushed to the hospital.

“We made it.” Felecia grabbed hold of Alphonse’s hand. Her tears that had long been held back gushed forth like a released dam.

“If all the missions are like this, I fucking give up.” Tariq fell on his ass.

“Maybe we should put in a complaint?” Markus leant up against his tall shield as he smirked.

Everyone broke out in laughter. Their worry had been washed away. At least for a week.

“Thanks guys, I would have long died without you.” Alphonse weakly said. His eyes struggled to stay open.

“Same here, Al.” Tariq rested his hand on his shoulder.

“Aye, you might be a crazy bastard. But you’re a trustworthy one.” Markus smiled.

Alphonse smiled, one side he wanted to trust them and believe that they were his friends. The other side told him they were just a crutch, who was to say they wouldn’t betray him? Like Gabriel, Lucus, Kristen… the list went on.

Well, I don’t enjoy being alone. Alphonse thought. He at least knew that much. He didn’t know why, but somewhere deep down inside urged him to protect them, to stay with them. It felt like a warm embrace had wrapped around his heart.

What don’t I remember? The thought continued to haunt him as his heavy eyes shut once more.

( End of book 1 )

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