Silence the Hunger

Chapter 56

Alphonse lay quietly in the hospital room. His eyes drifted to the fake window. The sound of birds chirping and the wind blowing against the curtains would have filled his mind with peace. However, now and then he would flinch at whatever sounds were being made within the hospital, whether it was a nurse doing the rounds or people visiting their injured friends. It was hard to adjust to the sudden change of atmosphere. He was used to keeping one eye open, even when he was sleeping.

His mind was racing from the events he had endured and survived. There is so much I’m missing, it’s like an empty void inside my head. With the consequences of overusing his skill, [ Spectral Rage ] his memories had blurred. Even some memories during the mission had faded. Most were but vague shadows within his mind.

Alphonse’s mind focused, then his hands trembled.

“Isobelle.” The name he had almost forgotten. It reminded him of the sickening sensation of her head being removed by his own hands. It was the only kill that made him feel… regret.

Alphonse let out a sigh. He pulled out the needles that had been injecting him with whatever fluids the doctors were using.

“You were never one for doing as you’re told, right, Alphonse?” The middle-aged nurse, Angella, opened the curtains that blocked people from looking in as she placed a cup of water on the side table.

“I guess you’re right.” Alphonse smiled. He hadn’t a clue who she was, but she seemed vaguely familiar.

“There’s that smile,” Angella laughed. “Although it’s not been that long since I last saw you, I’ve missed stitching you up.”

“Am I good to leave?” Alphonse questioned. He wasn't comfortable with someone being friendly with him when he couldn't remember who they were.

“Ah, alright then.” Angella joggled her head as she pushed forwards a piece of paper. “Just sign here.”

The nurse watched Alphonse. His previously cheeky attitude seemed somewhat muted. He looked on edge. It was usual for recruits to come back completely changed… or damaged from life inside a mission world.

“Thank you.” Alphonse signed the papers and left. Walking down the spaceship's hallways made him ruminate about the maze. He could still smell the dust and shit filled passageways as if they had burned it into his nose hairs, a grim reminder of life in that damned maze.

Alphonse walked past one of the many windows within the ship. His eyes gazed out at the many stars that twinkled within the endless space.

It’s a nice view. It was the only thought that sprouted within his mind as he continued forwards.

The sound of footsteps rang in his ears. Each one was faster than the other, as a group of people sprinted within the halls. Their eyes were vicious and cold, sickly blood dripped from their sharp weapons. Their clothes tattered, nasty wounds visible underneath. The badge of an officer was clutched within their scarlet stained grasp.

Alphonse quickly reached for his cleaver, but there was nothing there.

Shit, I forgot they took it. The thought painfully reminded him as he got ready for an attack, there was nowhere to run to as he was within a long corridor.

They were getting closer. He could smell the stench of the blood assault his nostrils. Their eyes completely disregarded him as they shot past, as if he wasn’t a threat, or didn’t exist at all. They stitched the image of bedraggled dog like badges onto all of their jackets.

The familiar sight of long blue hair trailed by him. The woman held a savage grin as blood splattered across her face. Her skull-like tattoos that sprawled across her arm looked like they were laughing. Her blue iris peered into his eyes as he felt a shocking sensation within his mind. He knew who she was.

Her bloodied fingers trailed across his throat, leaving the residue of a scarlet mark behind.

The group vanished as fast as they appeared.

What is going on? His legs trembled. He felt like she could have taken his life whenever she felt like it, just as before.


He had traveled to the other side of the ship and was about to enter the canteen when a phantom voice appeared behind him.

“Private Alphonse Khastal.” The sudden voice behind him scared Alphonse half to death. He didn't hear him, nor smell him.

Alphonse turned around. A man’s face appeared from what appeared to be a black hole. His eyes drooped like he hadn’t slept in years. Thick stubble mottled over his face, he lazily wore his uniform, wrinkles swathed around him.

“Report to debriefing room 012.” The man’s lazy eyes loomed at Alphonse before disappearing.

The man disappeared into the small black hole, along with his voice.

Here I was thinking all the weird shit was behind me. Now I have to deal with blood-crazed people running through halls and people appearing out of fucking portals. Alphonse shook his head as he walked towards the debriefing rooms. he didn't have a choice.

Number 012. Alphonse looked at the door number before heading in. It looked like a normal conference room from earth, a large table surrounded by many chairs. He was expecting the room to be filled with high-ranking soldiers, but only a lone woman stood up to greet him with a smile.

He was instantly suspicious. Anyone in this place that seemed even remotely happy was a red flag. He didn’t know who was faking it.

“Welcome back from your mission Alphonse, my name is Christina Clark, a Lieutenant.” Her sweet voice rang forwards, but all Alphonse could feel was apprehension.

An officer. Her rank rang in his head. All the previous officers he had dealt with were borderline psychopaths or crazed killers. To see one with such a smile sent shivers down his spine.

“I will be in charge of your debriefing.” Christina sat down, many pieces of paper lay in front of her as her eyes shifted to them. “Alphonse Khastal Class E. System - Based on a game from Earth. Only trait - Hunger. Unremarkable strength, prone to getting into fights with a tendency to use lethal force. Punished frequently, yet unrelenting in attitude. You have a desire to not be under anyone and regularly refuse commands.” Christina took a sip from her water.

Alphonse’s forehead twitched. He understood they knew who he was, but the extent was a bit of overkill. It looked like more was about to come.

“You put on a smile and act friendly but, in reality, you are cold-blooded. You watched your 'friend' commit suicide." Christina paused, then continued. "During your mission, you killed Isobelle Mallia. You deemed her a friend. Then, you killed two others of class A. Marius Finney and Krayton Davenport.” The smile never left Christina’s face as she read the report in front of her.

Alphonse’s eyes turned cold as his hands clenched into a fist. Christina noticed that, but still continued.

“Such an unremarkable recruit, with only one month of training and thrown into an Extreme level gateway, managed to not only come out alive, but you killed two from class A and were one of the primary reasons as to the mission's success. Does that make any sense to you, Alphonse?” Christina’s eyes finally budged from the set of papers laying on the desk as they landed on Alphonse’s cold figure. “The fact is, I’m the person who decides whether you live or die. So tell me, why should you live, Alphonse?”

Alphonse was stunned. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t doubt her words for a second, looking at it from their point of view. Of course, he was suspect. He clenched his hands into fists as he wracked his brain.

“I have a reason,” Alphonse said. “I killed Marius because his prideful actions almost wiped out the classes. It was because of him that my friend Isobelle died. Krayton threatened my life, so yes, I killed them for the good of the mission.” Alphonse rambled. He wanted to make an excuse, but it came out wrong.

Silence filled the room for a moment before Christina placed her hand on the desk. “But it’s to my understanding that it was your own hands that reaped the life of Isobelle from Class E. Isn't that right?”

“Yes," Alphonse said with bloodshot eyes. “It was because of a skill I got I lost control of my body.” He felt his anger bubble inside of him.

“That’s all, Alphonse. Thank you for your time.” Christina leisurely gathered the papers into a pile as she sorted them out straight.

“That’s it?” Alphonse looked at her in shock.

“Yes, that is all. It should be about lunch time right now?” Christina looked at the antique watch on her wrist as she exited the debriefing room. “Oh, and I’ve got to tell you-you are now part of Class A. Congratulations.”

Alphonse sat rooted to the spot.

There’s no way in hell they will let me off like that. Alphonse sighed. It irritated him. Everything she said it should have been a death sentence. He couldn't follow her trail of thinking. It made his stomach groan in pain. He was hungry.


“Lieutenant Clark, dame.” A man in a soldier's uniform saluted the Lieutenant.

“Gather the shadow corps. I want Alphonse under strict surveillance at all times.” Her heels clicked against the tiled floor of the spaceship's floor.

Christina watched Alphonse's back disappear within the ship's hallways with a suspicious gaze.

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