Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 29: Free to love

At the army camp, soldiers saw Auly leave the magic jail cell door. She then made her way to her own magic room.

It didn’t matter if a small voice was yelling from a box she was holding. No one could hear Wild Pig’s screaming. The soldiers were yelling and cheering for their victory of the dungeon. Silver allowed them to drink as much as they wanted.

“Let me out! Someone help me!” The tiny pig yelled.

“I can’t believe how much stuff we got from that one dungeon! We are going to be so rich!” The crowd of soldiers was so happy with their bounties. They couldn’t hear the sounds from the small metal box.

Otis shook the box, making the man inside crash his face and body to the surrounding walls in the container. Wild Pig was not having fun.

“All you had to do was apologize to Auly and get on our good side. But you didn’t! For what you did, we should kill you! However, Poppy and the others have plans for you.” Otis whispered to the box.

“People will hear about this!” Wild Pig said.

“Oh, yeah? I can take you to your wife if you want. We can tell her everything. You were in jail at the time, so you did not know that we had received the dungeon core. Did you know that the core keeps a record of everything that goes on within its walls? I’m not just talking about logs of abilities that people use to kill the creatures, but live footage! That was how the spider guardian knew what we were doing the whole time! She didn’t understand what was happening, but she still saw it. Her recordings did not stop after her death, did you know that?! Hahahaha! Silver saw this recording with us personalities! I can show your wife and children if you like! You can tell people about us or whatever you want! Oliver doesn’t want to be found out, but the rest of us couldn’t care less! As long as we still get to punish you! So, SURE! Tell everyone you want because we don’t care!” Otis said.

“No... that can’t prove anything! All they would see was Auly come on to me!” Wild Pig said.

“Yes! And you threaten her to do it! Don’t you realize what ‘everything‘ means?! Also, you are Poppy’s sex servant. There’s a full result of your performance, it has Auly crying and her distaste of her situation. If you want to test the definition of the word ‘everything‘, go right ahead! We are not scared of your threats! Rather you choose to test us or not is up to you!”

Wild Pig stayed silent. He allowed himself to be taken into Auly’s magic room.

Once inside, Otis saw his personal guards at a war table within the room itself. It was a big room with a balcony over a forest and a river. The magic room also had a kitchen area and a bedroom area.

The personal party looked at Otis who just casually walked in. They were discussing plans for future encounters to protect Auly.

“Miss Auly? Did you have a nice talk with your sister? Was everything okay?” Captain Mira asks.

“Yes Mira, everything’s okay,” Otis said.

Mira was confused because she thought that Auly was going to call her Captain. She was acting differently for some reason.

“What are you going to do about Wild Pig?” One of the personnel said. His name was Leon. He was a short blonde man who was lean and fit. He specializes in arrows. From his modified class from the flag’s shop, he didn’t need a bow or real arrows.

“Have you all been talking about that this whole time?” Otis asked.

“It was one of the many concerns, yes.” An orc said. He was tall with a bald head. His name was Molze. He’s the Lieutenant of Auly’s troop.

“Can we handle him?” A High elf woman asked. Her name’s Alexis. She had green hair and she was really tall for a woman.

“I personally would like to handle him first,” Hanna said. The girl with the dick looked angry.

Cliff and the giant egg were with Julia, they were in Cliff’s room having sex. Julia took Cliff’s big dick while the egg licked her. She still didn’t know how an egg can fuck, but it didn’t let its appearance stop it from doing the action.

“I need to go over some things with you all. Before I get started you all need to sign a contract with me and the kingdom. I don’t know how well you all knew Wild Pig. We are sure some people believe he’s innocent. I would never ask any of you to fight for me if you don't want to be here. This flag will be undergoing a lot of changes over time to reach a goal. Silver expects our personal guards and people who are around us to have a bigger responsibility than others.” Otis said.

Valerie stood near Auly, then spoke. “Please be rest assured. These contracts not only protect us from you. But you from us or anyone. Or else who may have a vendetta against the flag as a whole.”

The siblings don’t usually agree on things, but not a single one of them disagreed on protection with these contracts. Silver has been working on physical protection. While Margolin and Lady Annabella have been working on these contracts. Even Luna intends to enforce what the contract says as well. Not just Margolin, but Silver‘s other sisters use the flag for their own personal gains.

“Additionally, I have secrets I must share if you are to protect me. So there will be contracts for different aspects of your service with me.” Otis said. Then the male personality looked at Mira. “As my Captain, you will have a responsibility to make sure anyone you add to your team respects the contracts, Captain Mira.”

She nodded then spoke. “I don’t have any problem with any of this.”

“And all of you understand?” Otis asks.

The others instantly agreed. They still went over all of the contracts to be sure. Most of it made sense. If Auly tells them a secret, they are forbidden to speak of that matter to anyone else. By doing so, the law states that they will be put in prison for some years. They will also lose the memory of the secret. Some may say if they lose the memory, then they're no longer in the wrong. Even if that may be true. Silver made it an actual law, so in the end, it doesn’t really matter what people think. If you break the law, you must be punished, period. If they don't enforce it, people will keep doing it.

In Wild Pig’s case, he doesn’t believe he did anything wrong. Margolin made a contract that says you are not allowed to have sex with anyone in the kingdom unless they both agree. If you threaten someone and make them agree to your terms, they can choose a third option on the sexual contract that says yes, but they were forced to do it. Of course, this option will record everything that happened within the sexual activity. So if the person was lying and saying he/she was raped. The records would tell the story. None of this was perfect, but they are trying to make life in their kingdom better.

“The contract states if any of you believe you cannot withhold the contract, then you have the right to refuse. This goes for any of the contracts.” Otis said.

“Because this is a new kingdom, our laws are not balanced yet. However, this is the only way we can maintain order in this kingdom. You all will follow the law, and we will do the same to protect our citizens.” Valerie said. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure my sister helps all of your families as well. We are also contracted to follow the law.”

Auly’s hair changed to several different colors while looking at the people who signed.

“Okay sister, what is this big secret you and Silver were hiding?” Valerie asked.

“Well, for one thing, I’m not Auly,” Otis said plainly. Everyone looked confused. “Every time Auly blacks out, a personality takes over her body. My name is Otis.”

The male personality took off his hair covering, showing his faded blue hair.

“Are you serious?” Valerie asks.

“Yes...” Oliver said. The hair changes to gray. “I would’ve done the introductions myself, but there are personalities who are concerned about things. I was the one who suggested that Wild Pig got a chance to help Auly retrieve the dungeon core... Some feel I was responsible for what happened... I will let the other personalities take over for now, but I did want to say something before I continue my long conversation with the very angry people who're in Auly‘s body...“.

Oliver didn’t really feel like arguing with anyone... There are some who, like Poppy, didn’t blame him. However, Samantha was one of those who did...

Oliver walked near a member of the team. It was a woman wearing a grey robe and big breasts. The robe was made out of silk. She looked like a fancy wizard.

“This lady is my familiar, she’s hiding her identity right now, but I want you all to treat her as if she’s part of the troop...” Oliver said.

“Hehe, hi everyone!” Spider-Bitch said with enthusiasm. She started doing poses, she seems to like doing those.

They of course noticed the woman with the big breasts. They just didn’t say anything. She told them she was Auly’s secret companion. Valerie thought it was some joke Silver was playing on her little sister.

“Okay, I’ll be going now...” Oliver said.

The hair changed, then that person spoke. “My name is Jake. We‘ll now talk about this box.”.

Jake shook the box and threw it on the war table.

“Aaahhh!” A tiny voice said from inside the box as it crashed on the table‘s surface. “Hey! Stop that!”

“In this box, there is a tiny Perkins inside. Poppy is using materials we received from the dungeon to make a new box. She has already commissioned the magic smithy department in the kingdom. Whenever it’s finished, we’ll talk about what we want to do with him.”

The room was speechless. They didn’t know what to say.

“Let me out! I’ll kill all of you freaks!” Everyone was quiet except for Wild Pig, he had plenty of things to say.

“Are there any questions any of you may have?” Otis asks.

Still nothing, they were still confused.

“Do you guys really have nothing to say?” Valerie asks.

“Well I do but I’m not sure if I can ask,” A blonde girl said.

“How long have you been this way?” Hanna asks.

“We are not sure, but we think Ala started it all, we want to ask her,” Otis said.

“When can I squish the pig?! That is what I wanna know.” Valerie said. “Sister, I don’t care about your personalities. You are still my family. So if you say you have multiple personalities, then you don’t have to explain yourselves.”

“The cage is done!“ Poppy suddenly said.

She ignored the surprise looks of the group and held a small hexagon-shaped container. It was made of glass. One side of it was long and had a hole in the top. The corners had golden trims swirling around them.

She picks up the metal box he was in and opens it. Before he figured out what was going on, she picked him up and.

Threw him inside the new magic box.

“Whaw! Owww!” The tiny pig yelled as he slammed into the new container.

“Okay! Punishment time! Everybody else except for Mira and Hanna, get out!” Poppy said.

“What? I want to punish him too!” Valerie said.

Before Valerie knew it, everyone except for Hanna, Mira, Tiny pig, and Auly was kicked from the room.

“Hahaha! That was fun! I am happy I added that dungeon core function to my room!” Poppy said out loud. Then she looked at Hanna and Mira. “I want to be clear before you two go. Whenever Auly wakes up, I want you two to make sure she has a contract of her own demands. You’d signed all of our contracts, but not hers. Our contract states that she is not allowed to fuck without our permission from now on. Us personalities can say no and will be playing by majority rules. Now that’s been said, I‘m going to fuck now.”

“Wait, you want to have sex? You just lost your virginity! And I’m supposed to heal Auly tonight.” Mira asks.

“I don’t care about that! I want to torture my piggy, so I’ll be getting females to have sex with tonight. All I need you two to do is just tell her if she gets threatened like that again, we‘ll say no!” Poppy said.

“Okay, we’ll tell her. Can I stay? Auly has been through a lot tonight and I‘d like to spend time with her!” Hanna said.

“Yes, I feel the same way,” Mira said.

“No! That’ll complicate things. You both don’t belong to us and I want to save you two for Auly. Our personalities have an agreement. None of us will take the other person's love interest. That means I can‘t have sex with Spider-Bitch and no one but me can fuck with my little piggy! They can punish him, but not fuck him! That includes Auly having sex with him, that is why I’m asking you two to tell her!” Poppy said.

“We belong to Auly?” Mira asks.

“Yea! Now, go!“ Poppy said while waving her hand. She kicked them from the room, then looked at her piggy. “I hope you are ready to get fucked!”

“Huh?! No! Stay away from me!” He squealed.

“Oh, don’t be like that little piggy, I bought you some clothes to put on!” Poppy said in a playful tone.

“Clothing?! I don’t want anything from you!” Piggy said.

“Did I make it sound like you had a choice?” Poppy asks. She invaded his inventory and put him in a pink jumpsuit. It had pink flat ears and what looks like a snout on the suit. The costume also had a swirly pink tail. “Oh my guardian, you look so cute! You are wearing this pig outfit from now on!”

“What the hell?! I don’t want to!” Piggy squealed.

“Ah, I forgot to mention that no one but you and me can understand what you’re saying! I am going to bring my sluts in here to have fun while you watch all the fucking! They will only hear your oink and the sounds of you enjoying it! Also, you are not allowed to touch yourself until I tell you to!”

“Wha?!“ Piggy said.

Poppy ignored him and she waved her hand and made three girls appear out of nowhere in her room with them. The three had a glowing small stone to teleport them into her room.

“I am glad you three could make it! I understand that this is something you normally don’t do, but hopefully you three will enjoy what I have planned.” Poppy said to them.

The three were little women. The first was a blonde halfling. She was small, but she had confidence on her face. Her tits were pretty big for a small woman.

Next had brown hair and she was a mousy wood elf. They are not as strong as normal elves or even dark elves. They ran and hid most of the time. This one had small tits.

The last one was a dwarf with dark skin, her breast was nice and juicy.

All of them were timid. They were not exactly soldiers but were still part of the army. Auly had a lot of enchanters, gatherers, weapon crafters, and other departments that were in the army. These three were part of the workforce.

Poppy pointed to her piggy’s container and continued talking. “As you can see, I have a little sad man over there. He is getting punished for something he did! He likes to fuck little girls and that’s why he is a pig!”

The three little women had various looks of disgust on their faces.

“I am punishing piggy by making him watch you three have sex! Tonight he‘ll learn that he’s mine. He is unable to play with himself or even cum by himself, I made sure of that! If for some reason one of you feels uncomfortable or needs a break. Let me know! I‘m not punishing you three today, only my little piggy. He can’t touch any of you, just look and feel what you three are feeling!“

They all nodded and started undressing. As her pets, they agreed to do whatever she says. This pig in the glass jar was so small and cute in a way. They heard what she said but they felt he was really adorable.

Wild Pig was furious. He was jumping while screaming, and crashing his fist onto the glass walls. His magic container didn’t even budge, it was too strong. The fact that she’s the one who bought the container, he couldn’t destroy his mistress' things.

The way her class works, if she buys handcuffs and puts them on her pets. No matter how strong they are, she’ll hold dominion over them.

“Let me out!” The piggy squeaked in a tiny voice.

The three new pets only heard cute oinks from him. Poppy didn’t tell them every time he’d oinked, it made her female pets hornier. She didn’t want his yelling to annoy them.

“For today, I‘m going to only watch. I will not be giving direct orders. Maybe tomorrow or another day I will. I want you three to play a little game with just yourselves. I call this game ‘dick toss’! There are two ways to win! I’ll give one of you a dick, if you cum in your opponent, you’ll make that bitch yours! The one you didn’t cum in will be going away for tonight! The second way is the opposite. If the time runs out and no one has cum, the one with the dick will be my bottom feeder for a whole week.” Poppy said to the girls, they looked confused about what that was. “The reason why I made the rules this way, was because I want to see who has the balls to keep going. Or who’s going to pussy out and don’t use the dick! You may give it to someone else if you don’t want it! Just be careful if you do keep it, you may end up as the loser! Do you three understand?”

“Yes, mistress,” they all said.

“Little piggy’s dick will be what you three will be using! Don’t worry, it won’t impregnate you or anything. Nor does it smell like him! When you take the dick, it is yours! It will even turn to your skin color and everything! Now, have fun!” Poppy said.

Poppy started the timer then used her skill to give the cock to the wood elf. It scared her so badly she immediately gave it to the dwarf by accident.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. If you don’t want it mentally, it will go away to a random opponent!” Poppy said.

The dwarf woman took down the halfling and started playing with her tits.

“What‘s happening to me?!” Piggy asks. He feels his dick rubbing against something. “Do they really have my dick?!”

He wanted to check but he was ordered to not touch himself.

“Why yes, my little piggy! You're not allowed to touch others either! However, you’ll only feel the sex around you! Unless I give you my permission otherwise!” Poppy said.

“W-What‘s the point of this?! I don’t get how this is going to teach me a lesson!” Piggy said. He looked at the non-humans that were playing her game. “If you think these monsters will turn me on, then you’re sadly mistaken!”

Try as she might, the dwarf couldn’t get his dick hard. They were getting worried that they may lose like this.

Poppy didn’t care, she wanted one of them to become a bottom feeder anyway.

“We need a plan,” Athleen the halfling said. “I’ll suck on it and use my spells to entice it!”

Piggy felt lips on his dick that made him want to thrust his hips. The dwarf grabbed the halfling's head then started.

Face fucking her. She loved the way Athleen was sticking her tongue out and licking her balls while she was getting throated. The halfling gagged but she still took it with no problem. She enchanted the cock to stay stiff on the dwarf’s body. It didn’t matter if he disliked their race. This Athleen knew how to take a dick, he wanted to cum. He also wanted her to suck him even after this, she was that good. He still hated those non-humans though.

“Ahhh! This feels so fucking good!” Rinelyn the dwarf said.

She fucked the halfling's face as Athleen turned on her back. Rinelyn's balls were slapping the halfling's nose in a half 69 position. This gave the dick easy access down Athleen’s throat as she was getting face fucked.

“This isn’t fair! I don’t want these monsters to suck my dick! You don’t have the right to do this to me! I’m not even participating in this! You're having your way with a part of my body!” Piggy squealed.

Poppy ignored him, she was masturbating herself.

Because the wood elf felt left out, she decided to lick the halfling’s pussy while fingering her. They didn’t know what a bottom feeder was, but they felt like it’s better to let one of them win than to find out.

“Huh?! What the?! I can feel something weird!” Piggy said while confused. He felt the wood elf’s licking and fingering the halfling. “What’s happening?!”

“Did you forget already? You’ll feel everything they feel!” Poppy answered.

Back-and-forth the dick went in and out of Athleen’s mouth. Rinelyn was really going in this woman’s throat. Athleen has done so well, the dwarf woman wanted to pleasure her in return. She didn’t care if she lost, so she gave the cock to the wood elf again. This time, the elf wasn’t scared. She rams the rod inside of the halfling. The dwarf didn’t stop sitting on the halfling's face. Athleen licked her pussy as Rinelyn came on her face.

Poppy moaned loudly, she was also feeling this fucking. She wanted to have sex as well, but her pussy was feeling sore. She thought about asking Mira to stay and heal, however decided not to.

“That is my cock, dammit! You can’t just use it whenever you want!” Piggy yelled.

“Quiet you! You didn’t stop Auly from pleasuring you and you’re not gonna stop me from doing the same! After all, you weren’t in control when she fucked you, right?! I am in control now!” Poppy said with annoyance.

Piggy was curled on the floor. He was feeling so good from all the touching and fucking. They were using his dick to fuck a halfling of all things! The tiny woman was really tight.

“Let me cum, dammit! This isn’t fair! If you’re going to punish me like this, why have these freaks! They have nothing to do with this!” Piggy said.

Poppy stopped what she was doing and glared at him. Auly’s hair changes to several hundred different colors and in a rapid fashion.

“You mean like all of us?! We did nothing to you and yet we all felt your stinking little dick! We should kill you!” A whole bunch of Auly personalities was saying. They had a lot of opinions about this matter.

“Quiet down all of you! We agreed that I can punish him this way! He still doesn’t get it! He doesn’t think he did anything wrong! Let me show him!” Poppy said.

“Wait, is this what’s this all about?! If so, then I am sorry! Let me cum! I’ll do anything you all say! I don’t like this at all! Please!” Piggy pleaded.

“Hahaha! Are you sure you want to say that to them? They’ll hold you to it!” Poppy said.

“Yes! I will do whatever I can to make you all happy! Just forgive me!” Piggy begged.

He then saw a massive number of contracts filling his screens. He was surprised the system didn’t overload with all the requests.

“I’ll let you cum, but your punishment is not done!” Poppy said.

The wood elf came with piggy’s dick. Although the game was finished, Poppy told them they can keep on using the dick for tonight while Wild Pig squealed all night long.


The next morning inside Cliff’s room. He and Julia were lying in his bed. He woke up with Julia’s mouth around his dick. As she kissed and sucked it. He laid his hand on her head. When she saw he was awake, she took his dick out of her mouth.

“Morning, I couldn’t get any sleep last night. I am still horny.“ She said.

“Last night was amazing,” Cliff said. He wasn’t fully awake but he was enjoying her jerking him off.

“I have something to tell you. Although it’s important... I don’t want to ruin this moment...” Julia said.

“Hmm? What’s wrong? I thought you had a good time.” He asked.

“I did! But I don’t know what came over me... I don’t know why I was so horny. That wasn’t my first time, but i don’t have sex with just anyone... I don’t even know if I like you or it was something I’d decided to do on a whim. What if my feelings about you weren’t real...?” She said. She looked to the side, she was unsure and confused.

“It’s okay. You told me you had no boyfriend and I am currently single so it’s fine.” Cliff said. He held her chin up then guided her to his face to kiss her.

They were in a deep kiss then he noticed a smell. Someone was also missing.

“Is someone cooking? I smell food.” Cliff said.

“Yea, I smell it too. I don’t think there’s anyone else here. Do you have a maid or something?” She asked.

“I don’t have any, no. Let’s go check it out,” he said.

They both got up and went towards the kitchen. The giant egg was humming a tune while flipping pancakes, sausages and bacon. The pans and other utensils were flying around the egg.

“I’m almost done cooking breakfast, Cliff. You two can have a seat.” A gentle voice said.

“Umm..... there is an egg, cooking breakfast, with scrambled eggs...” Julia said slowly. Even when she said it, it didn’t make any more sense...

“Yeah! It looks good! She said we can take a seat while she cooks!” Cliff said.

“It... can talk...?” Julia asked. She was so confused...

“Don’t worry, when you two pair up, you’ll understand her! Like I said before when I didn’t want her. I couldn’t hear her talk and we were not in sync. If you truly want her to be in union with you. You must accept her as what she is!“ He said while helping her to the table. He pulled out the chair to help her sit.

“That is what you said before, but all I see is a big egg... And when you say accept her how she is, she’s a giant egg that broke other eggs and is now cooking them! This is all crazy!” Julia exclaimed.

“Just give yourself time to get used to her. I personally don’t see an egg. She has large tits and several different hands and legs. She looks almost human but not quite.” He said thoughtfully. “I believe she is still figuring out her shape.”

Julia tried staring really hard at the egg. No matter how hard she looked, all she saw was an oval shape with designs on it...

The egg noticed someone was looking at her, she turned around, tilted her body, then smiled at Julia. However, Julie didn’t notice.

“Cliff... I like to continue our talk earlier. I know we just met, but I want to know how serious you are about me...“ Julia said.

“You seem to be thinking about this seriously. I don’t mind getting to know you, so far you seem like a good person to be with.“ Cliff said with a smile.

“Thank you... but here’s the thing... my parents don’t particularly like... people of your skin color...” Julia slowly said.

“What? Hahaha! Is that why you’re scared? Don’t worry, I can meet them before we officially become a couple. If that’s what you want anyway.” Cliff said.

“I do want it... especially because of what happened last night...” Julia said.

“I understand that you may feel obligated to have a relationship with me because we had sex. If you choose to further our relationship or we go our separate ways. Any of that is fine, and I wouldn’t think less of you if you want to split. Also, I’ll stop anyone who‘d call you out of your name. You did nothing wrong. There are a lot of relationships that doesn't work out.” Cliff said.

“Stop it! You’re making me like you more! I really want to be with you, but it’s just complicated!“ Julia shouted.

“It’s only complicated if you make it as such,” Cliff responded.

“Well... the thing is, my whole tire family depends on quality. They expect me to marry a rich man with estates...” Julia said.

“Did you forget I was a part of Silver‘s coin flip? I have lots of money.” Cliff said as a matter of fact.

“If you’re not gonna use your money to help my family or allow them to gain anything, then they wouldn’t care. Power is the only thing they’ll respond to...“ Julia said.

“I see..” Cliff said.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but the food is ready.” The egg said to Cliff.

The giant egg carried several plates and placed them on a table. The egg then sat on a pillow and the three ate from their plates.

Julia watched as the egg ate eggs... It wasn’t just scrambled, but boiled eggs as well. It also seems to like syrup on its pancakes and sausages.

Julia was unsure how to deal with the ‘Cliff problem’ and cope with a weird egg... Her family would never accept either...

“Are you going to eat?“ Cliff asked.

“I am, it’s just so strange to watch an egg eat...“ Julia replied.

Cliff looked at his spiritual partner and all he saw was a beautiful woman eating with elegance. She didn’t stuff her face and she used forks and knives. This egg was a serious multitasker, it also was looking at menus while checking the daily news about the flag.

“You think so? It doesn’t really bother me. I think the bonding process will go more nicely if you stop freaking out about it. If you truly want this egg to join in union with you. You’ll have to accept it for what it is!” Cliff suggested.

“Oh yeah, and that is?” Julia said with an incredulous look.

“Well, your friend, of course! Just let go of all of your anxiety and eventually you will think it’s not all that weird! You might even see her beauty!” Cliff said.

“And you said this thing has hands...?” Julia asks while pointing at ‘it’.

“And legs!” Cliff added.

Julia thought this was all crazy talk! She only saw an egg! She doesn’t feel the connection, and she’s not sure about this union! He‘s a brown man!

‘It’s bad enough that my mother doesn’t let me do anything without permission. She’ll probably use me having sex with Cliff as an excuse I should always stay home... I really hope my family won’t kill Cliff for this...’ Julia thought to herself. She wanted to cry but she didn’t want him to worry about this... ‘I should just leave, I am bad at lying...’

“I am done with my food! I’m going to go now...” Julia said to Cliff.

“Huh? You only bit a little of your sausage?” Cliff questioned.

“I’m not all that hungry!“ she quickly said.

“Are you really that worried about your family?” He asked.

“I am, and among other things...” She responded.

“What do you mean?“

“My mother doesn’t even know I’m here. And I’m not ready to let anyone know that I’d had sex with you...”

“Your parents don’t allow you to date at all, or is this really about my skin?”

“No! it’s not only dating you!... Let's... talk about something else!” Julia said while wanting to change the subject.

“Not just my skin color?” Cliff asks as he looks at his brown skin.

“So this egg, what’s her name?“ Julia said, still trying to change the subject.

“I have no idea and I’m not good at naming,” Cliff said as he got up.

He didn’t finish his food either and Julia wasn’t going to eat or talk about her family, so he wanted to leave as well.

He stood up and realized he was still naked.

“Listen, Julia... If you don’t want to continue this relationship, that‘s fine! You are the first girl of your color for me as well. I understand there are those who‘ll hate mixed relationships. We can keep it professional between us and I’ll help you understand the union with my Ree-Spirit properly. I’ll even let you give her a name if you like.“ Cliff said.

“Ree-Spirit?” Julia asked.

“That’s what she’s called. Wherever she came from, it’s not of our universe. I believe people who are on her planet are very used to having a bunch of eggs that fight. The stronger I get, the likelihood of her hatching. I bet the people on her planet don’t all get along and not every human has a hatching egg. She takes a lot of energy from me...“ Cliff answered.

“I see..” Julia said.

She didn’t say anything after that, she just sat there thinking. Cliff nodded and walked away.

“Where are you going anyway?” Julia asked.

“I am going to take a shower. In about three hours or so, we‘ll meet the kings. Silver is going to explain how to be an emperor to them. Also, like her, I also want my best friend Renee back.” Cliff said.

“Is she only a friend?” Julia asks while narrowing her eyes.

“Be careful! That’s something a girlfriend would say!” Cliff said with a laugh.

Julia glared at him then he continued to walk to the bathroom.

Moments later while Cliff was taking a shower. Julia opened the bathroom door and stood outside of the tub/shower.

“I feel like I’d upset you... I really need to talk to you about something...“ She said between the shower curtain.

“Can it wait? You don’t seem to want anything real with me and I need to focus on getting my friend back.” Cliff said as he was soaping his body.

She was already naked. She entered the shower with him.

“I need you to listen! I really like you! I just need time, okay?” Julia said.

He continued to wash himself, not saying anything. She just stared at him.

“I... didn’t get to finish making you cum...“ She said.

“Are you sure? We don’t have too-,” he started.

“Just shut the fuck up and do ME! I want you to fuck me now!” Julia snapped. She turned around and presented her ass to him.

Without saying anything else, Cliff slowly slid his dick inside her pussy.

“I want you to shove your dick in me, hard! I‘ve been a bad girl!” Julia said.

Cliff held her ass tightly and started pounding her. She moans as he kisses her neck. When she arched her back, it gave him more access to her willing pussy as he spread her legs.

“Ahh! Yes! Fuck me you animal! Make me yours!” Julia exclaimed.

He placed his hand on her head to put it against the wall. He also fingered her while he fucked her insides.

As they fucked in a passionate frenzy they both climaxed together.

“Cliff! Uhh-ahh!” Julia yelled.

When she was finished coming, she collapsed to the floor then licked his cock clean.

“We can’t tell anyone about this relationship, Cliff... But I want you to know. I really enjoy your company...” Julia said between the sucking.

“As much as I want us to have sex, I want you to be my official girlfriend...” Cliff said.

Julia stopped what she was doing then looked at him.

“I am pregnant, Cliff! I woke up this morning feeling ill! I didn’t know why I threw up at first until I looked at my status... That’s why I couldn’t finish my breakfast.  I-I don’t think I can have this baby, Cliff!” Julius said while crying.

“Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down! Don’t just spring this up out of nowhere!” Cliff said.

Julia got angry.

“Well tough luck, Cliff! That’s life for you! You have sex, then you get pregnant by someone who your family wouldn’t likely never approve of! My sister has been married for seven years! And yet she still has no baby! I only had sex for one night and I get pregnant?! How is that fair?! I can’t fucking believe it!” Julia said. She was really, really mad now. She was worried about many things…

“Hey, hey, calm down! I am sure we can talk this out! We’ll get over this, okay?!” Cliff said reassuringly.

Someone knocked on their door.

“Cliff, everyone is ready to leave for the kingdom. Are you two done? The flag’s army announcement says they’ll give us about 5 minutes. If we miss all of the teleporting, we’ll have to walk all the way back! So let’s go!” The egg said outside the bathroom door.

“We are coming out!’ Cliff said to the egg. He exited the tub and looked at Julia, and spoke to her. “We should both get dressed, the army is going to leave us. We need to leave separately, okay?”.

“Okay... fine,” Julia said.

“Umm... don’t kill the baby. As you said, that‘s life and I don’t think you should throw it away, right?” Cliff said.

“Cliff... I can’t do this alone... you need to find a way to get my parents to like you... I don’t want them to disown me... or do something else...” Julia said, still crying.

“I understand, but I can’t change my skin color and you can’t change the fact that you fucked me. if you don’t mind living your life with a brown man, I will take care of you.” Cliff said.

“I don’t care what color you are! I am just really scared right now!” Julia responded.

“Haha, okay! Did you at least have a good time?“ He asks.

“Yes, of course, I did! The sex was fucking amazing, but we can’t do it again anytime soon. Especially when we get to the kingdom! Let's just lay low and not do anything for now!” Julia said.

“Not an issue,” Cliff said. “Now, let’s go!”

“How am I going to get out of your magic room undetected?” She asked.

“I can hide you inside the egg if you want.“ Cliff suggested.

“Wait, you can do that?” She responded.

“I can... But not for long. You can’t breathe in there, unfortunately.” Cliff said.

“I’m not good at holding my breath... What if I dressed as your maid?” Julia said.

“Well, you’re good at cleaning my dick, so maybe that’s a good job for you!” Cliff nodded.

“Oh, shut up Cliff!” Julia says with heat.

“Hahaha! Okay! Sorry!” Cliff laughed. “OK, let’s get going!”

Because I deal with racism in real life, I always knew I would eventually add this book. I want everyone to know it will never be the main focus though. I've already said this in my other note, but I want to add a story to the various different characters and what Silver has to deal with. Will she fix problems or make them worse... I know a lot of people still believe that I should only focus on Silver Coin, but if I'm truly going to say that all characters matter to the story. I think I should include their stories and show their life. Simply saying it like matters is not enough in my personal opinion. I know I said this but people continue to ignore everyone else. Or basically say their lives don't matter. Well, it does to me, I am sorry everyone feels this way but I am not going to only show Silver... This is not a 1st person viewer.

Anywho! When I talk about racism, I'm not just talking about the color of someone's skin. I'm talking about how some people don't like Orcs, dwarves, elves, etc. Most Orcs are always sawed as a bad monster and no one trusts dark elves. I haven't really shown this exchange, but it exists in the book. 

Silver has to deal with guardians and kings attacking her... She doesn't have the time or patience to deal with people's opinions about who should be in her kingdom. They will have to come up with a much better excuse to get rid of her royal guard then he is a brown man. Silver's five sisters are half brown. I don't know if you reader knows this but it's true, Auly was mix along. I have a friend that it's in the Air Force. Soldiers learn that if you are saying rank s someone of a different color than you it doesn't matter. Racism is usually not found within a unit. Silvers kingdom is technically in War, so Silver will see this the same way. 

I realized I only talked about one topic this whole time but I wanted to talk about it so I did! Other then that is wild pig and the contracts. I feel like I gave enough information about the contracts. If I missed anything let me know. My friend thinks that the punishment fits the crime when it comes to Piggy. Everyone chose repentance as his punishment. The other two choices were Vengeance and Redemption. No one's chose for him to die so therefore he is going to makeup for his deeds. I'm not sure if I are moving too fast when it comes to these things, but I would not drag the side stories too long. Yes, their stories matter, but I won't make you all suffer. 

I have no real voting for this one. I do however want to know what do you all think of the egg. If you have an idea of how it should look or you dislike it or anything! Let me know.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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