Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 30: Dying Wish

Silver woke up alone in her bed. Esther and Myrtle were gone and everyone else was getting ready to leave for the kingdom. Silver felt so exhausted from last night, her body was sore.

She didn’t remember half the things she did or even the two children of light that were with her. All she knew was she was very hungry, but that hunger’s now gone. Silver figured Beyond has left her or something. When it was just her true guardian Wishlist, Silver always felt sleepy and her guardian was always asleep. Beyond seems to have this ‘hunger‘ about her. Not just eating, but she loves power and seems greedy. Silver realizes they seem like the seven deadly sins, but she puts it out of her mind because she needs to worry about her kingdom for now.

Silver got off her bed then put on a dress. She didn’t care to wear men's clothing in this body. She loves to upset her sisters by having manifested breasts. Dresses were the best choice to let her girls move and bounce in her blouse rather than a suit. She didn’t know why but she felt freer in general. She felt... pretty... and she didn’t like it.

“Ala!” Silver called out. Silver’s Ala tattoo glowed and it spawned Ala's naked body. “Wait?! Why are you NAKED?! Every time someone calls you from your power, you'll be like this?! I don't want you to show your body to the rest of the world!”

“You mean like how I’d watch you have sex with everyone else but me?” Ala asked.

“Yes! Just like that! You are mine and I am not sorry that you have to look at me fucking whoever I want! It’s not like you don’t get me back for that!” Silver said.

“Hmm? Can I do that whenever later on?” Ala questioned.

“What do you have in mind?” Silver asked.

“I want to join your body again, but I can't now. Your mother and sister are making me create protectors for you. I now have a small squad of little bitches who thought they could get over on me. You probably don't remember Jacques, but she is my best student. When you are done with the kings, I want you to reward her for her work. I want to watch you fuck her like the slut she is.” Ala said. She didn’t smile, but Silver could tell she was getting joy off the Idea.

“I knew it! You do love to watch!” Silver said.

“You have my demand... Did you want something from me? Why did you call?” Ala said. She had no intention of admitting anything.

“I think I'm turning into a woman!” Silver said.

Ala raised her eyebrows at Silver, she was a woman for quite some time now.

“I don't see what’s the problem. You have used my body several times. I'm going to be honest and say I miss that...” Ala said.

“I do too and maybe we can find a way to do that again, but for now, I just wanted to see you...”

She didn’t want to eat her friend. Silver was hoping she could find a way to get rid of Beyond.

“You going to do something dumb are you?”

“What, why do you ask that?”

“I like our new roles here, Margolin is worried you may give up the coin. She told everyone to stop you and make sure you are happy in any way we can.”

“I see, tell them I am happy, I will stay as the king and they can keep their new lives!” Silver said.

“Okay, then... Tell me if you need anything. I am here for you... But for now, I'll be going now.” Ala said.

“I know... Love you!” Silver said then kissed Ala on the lips.

Ala went frozen stiff again... Then she spoke. “S-Stop that! You're making me weak!”

She vanished back into the tattoo, leaving Silver alone again. Silver decided to leave her magic room.


Outside, at the camp, everyone was packing up to go.

“Auly? What’s wrong?” Margolin asked her little sister.

Auly was holding her stomach in pain.

“I don’t know why my tummy hurts! I didn’t eat anything for a while now...” Auly responded.

Captain Mira started humming a tune to alleviate Auly’s pain.

Silver watched all of her sisters and guards fuss over Auly, so she walked towards them.

“What’s going on?” Silver asked them.

“We don’t know, my king. Let's get her to the kingdom and we’ll see.” Mira said.

She didn’t know what Poppy did last night. She knew she should've stayed with Auly.

“Okay, you girls seem to have a handle on this. I’ll meet you women there,” Silver said.

“Russ, can you be a little bit more compassionate about your sister who’s in pain...?” Abigail asked sadly.

Abigail was the middle sister of the five. She had pride in her beauty. Silver only saw her around men. That’s the reason why she’s here at this army camp. She loves looking at strong men. But regardless of all that, she‘s the easiest sister to deal with. They didn’t really talk much and they, for the most part, didn’t have a problem with each other.

“This asshole? Caring about us? Fat chance that would ever happen!” Luna scoffed.

Luna on the other hand was the second annoying out of her sisters. Margolin was still the top dog pain in the ass sister though...

“Please don’t talk about the king around other people! Luna, respect the title of king!” Valerie said.

Valerie has always been the middle ground sister. She expects Silver to also act like a king, but she would never tell her to do so out of respect.

“Oh, forgive me! Your royal hiney! I didn’t mean to disrespect you as a jack-ass!” Luna said to Silver with a bow. “You don’t need to mingle with us little people anymore! So, go away!”

Silver rolled her eyes then spoke. “If you don’t like me, why the hell is you even here?! I understand why Margolin wants to stay in the flag, but why are the rest of you still here?!”

“The truth is my Lord... I need your help, but I will speak about it in private.” Valerie said. “However, I would’ve still joined you. You are my big brother and King!”

Young Russ was Valerie‘s first lord. No one normally wanted a female as a knight, and because of that, she was never able to level up her class. She has done the training and got the class, but without a Lord to serve under. You cannot further your career in it. Russ didn’t make her do anything in particular. Sometimes he told her to stand guard and make sure he didn't get caught sleeping with women. Valerie never let him down, she even punched a man and made him watch his wife get fucked by Russ. She was always loyal to Russ and didn’t seem to care about him being a troublemaker.

“I don’t want to say why I am in your flag either at the moment, but I‘ll follow your rules, Lord Brother.“ Abigail said to Silver.

Luna groaned loudly then spoke. “I will behave for now! You don’t need to know why I’m staying in your stinking flag!“

“It’s a boy problem again, is it?” Silver asked. “Or perhaps money like always!”

“I’m not saying anything to you about my life! The way I see it! You be you, and you’d leave me the fuck alone! How about that?!“ Luna growled.

“Or you can tell me and I won’t give you the fucking boot?! How about that instead?!“ Silver yelled.

“Fine! I will tell you later! Okay?! Geez!” Luna cried out.

“That’s fine! I expect all of you to pull your own weight! If you’re going to stay here! I don’t care about kicking any of you!” Silver said.

“Yes! Your royal ass-ness!” Luna retorted.

Silver sighed. She hates putting up with her sisters! Valerie was okay. She usually did what she’s told, and never asked for much.

“How long are we just gonna sit around here...? Can we please go to the kingdom now...?” Auly asked.

The sisters looked at Auly. Her hair was not red for some reason?

“Auly, your hair changed again! Why do you keep on changing it to look like Silver‘s?! It's not cool! Stop making it gray!” Luna said.

Oliver and the other personalities didn’t expect the real Auly to pass out from all the arguing and pain in her body, but they will have to make do with the situation.

Auly stood up straight and cleared her throat to make her voice as deep as she could.

”As I said before... I am not trying to look like Silver... This is just an effect due to a circumstance... But enough about that, I am currently feeling pain... So if you two are quite done with your ridiculous conversation, can we please head to the kingdom...“ The gray-haired Auly said.

“No! I’m tired of you keeping secrets from me! You're not acting like yourself! Who are you?!” Luna asked in a demanding voice.

Auly took one big breath and then her hair changed.

“Sleep!” The dark orange-haired Auly said with a snap of her fingers.

Luna fell down to the floor; unconscious. During everyone’s shocked looks, Auly’s hair changed blonde. Her outfit also changed. She had a tunic with a red vest over it and short yellow shorts.

“This is my chance to capture you!“ The personality said while tossing a ball container onto Luna‘s unconscious body.

The magic ball bounced off her and then absorbed Luna. When the ball fell to the floor, it jiggled around a bit while flashing white several times before a loud click. The blonde personality then received a message.


You have caught a Wild Luna! Congratulations!

Would you like to give her a nickname? Yes/No


The personality chose, ‘No‘. She didn’t plan on keeping her.

“What just happened?” Abigail asked.

“No time to explain! I feel Auly waking from the pain!” Another Auly personality said.

The personality with blonde hair gave Mira five magic balls.

“You are a healer, right? My name is Ace! Please mend these too! They were on my floor, so I decided to capture them as well.” The blonde said.

(Past events.)

((Last night, Wild Pig’s tiny man debuff wore off. Poppy didn’t want her glass cage to break, so she‘d tossed him to her room floor before he expanded to his full size.

Piggy didn’t run away. He stayed to fill out all of the contracts he’d received. He needs this flag and doesn’t think he could get out of his situation easily. His wife and children loved it here because they don’t want to live off the land anymore. Piggy was a wanted man in some countries for various reasons... Their contract says they won’t kill him or let anyone hurt him as long as he stays in the flag. They also won’t tell his wife what he has done.

His choices were, let them punish him, or throw him in prison which would result in his wife and children getting kicked from the flag. He really didn’t have many options here...

The next morning, he and the three little women were exhausted on the floor, they were captured in the balls.))

Mira was given the five capture balls. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to comply, but she did her best.

She placed all five balls on the ground and played music with her guitar.

“?Laaa~~Daa~laa~da~LA!?” Nurse Mira sang in a cheerful tone.

Her singing cured the stamina and health of the captured units.

“I can’t believe that worked!” Mira said.

Silver sighed.

“Can I go now? I’ll meet all of you slowpokes there!” Silver said while walking off.

The rest of the people didn’t say anything. It was just one of those average days with Silver.

Margolin looked scared. She still feared Silver would want her old life back and undo everything that has happened. She knew her brother, she knew this subject would come back up, but she didn’t think it would be possible until now! She must discuss this matter more with Lady Annabella and devise a plan to make sure Silver will never want to go back to her old life! Silver told her it was fine, but she feels really uneasy and doesn't want to leave it to chance... She could wake up one day and see everything she has done, went down the drain! All because her brother ran away from his responsibilities like he always does! So no! Definitely not! Something must be done! She wants to take Silver’s word on this matter, but she just can’t!


“Alright everyone, pack it up!” Ruud shouted to the army.

The soldiers picked up all of their things and the magic doors, in order to prepare to go to the kingdom.

It didn’t take them long to get ready. Most of the army was staying inside the magic rooms that can house hundreds of soldiers at once.

A magic room can only be moved when all life forms within it have vacated outside. Perishables like food are fine, as long as it's refrigerated.

“Everyone! Fall in line! The teleporters are ready to begin the process! It’ll be fast and easy if everyone follows the directions we have given during these proceedings!” Asker, the high elf general said.

The army lined up in the designated areas to be teleported. Some troops went in before Silver to make sure nothing dangerous was on the other side. Yes, they were going to her kingdom, but one can never be too careful. Any small oversight can endanger her.

There are different types of teleporters. Some created portals, some had runes or even touch who they wanted to teleport. This was another reason why they wanted to be organized with this process.

When the coast was clear on the other side, Boris entered with Silver at the exact same time. She was serious about him never leaving her side.

As soon as Silver entered her courtyard. A figure approached her.

“Our families are already inside the castle, dear daughter. They would like to talk to you about their living situations.” Lady Annabella said to Silver.

“Seriously? What did you tell them about me becoming an emperor?” Silver asked.

“Absolutely nothing. All they know is you’ll give them land within your empire. They have already offered currency to buy land in our estate.” Lady Annabella said.

“Alright then. Before the kings and their advisers enter my kingdom, we need to have a little chat with my counterpart. Bring the following list of peoples to my council tower. The family can wait,” Silver said.

“Yes, your majesty. I‘ll get on it at once.” Lady Annabella said with a curtsy.

She was so happy her daughter had the power to give her what she wanted! She doesn’t care that Silver was the leader. Her lazy-ass son will become the emperor! And there’s a good chance she may become Queen of her own region. She fully intends to cater to whatever her stupid daughter commands.

“Mother, in order to become emperor, one of the many requirements is for you to become married. Whoever you choose has to agree to serve under me as the lord emperor. How do you feel about me getting a commoner and making him a Lord just for you?!” Silver said.

Lady Annabella scowled, then spoke. “Dear daughter, I have already made preparations for all of the requirements for the reincarnation of an emperor... I have suitable options for you as well.”

“But I don’t need to be married as you do! Whoever you choose as my lords and ladies will have to follow my rules! I don’t need some old people telling me what to do! And I’ll pick my own advisors!” Silver said.

“Yes, my Royal highness! I already knew you'd say that! Don’t worry, whoever I pick would not stop you from having sex... everyone I have chosen already knows you and you know some of them. Not one single member of our family doesn’t know you, daughter. The main reason why they decided to come to your perverted kingdom, is because they know your personality. You are the type of person that will let me and them do whatever we want as long as we don’t stop you from fucking someone’s face... Hell, I’ll even help you do it! If you take your time to read my contracts you’ll see that it’s impossible for them to betray you. Not that any of them wants to destroy their chance of becoming royalty.“ Lady Annabella said.

“You would keep my dick down someone’s throat?” Silver questioned.

“Yes.” Lady Annabella said simply.

“You always tried to stop me from doing such things...“ Silver said.

“And yet you do it anyway! If I can’t stop you, I will rather be on your good side!” She quickly responded.

“Okay, bring a noblewoman who is young to the meeting. She will be my licker. I hope your arms don’t get tired holding her face on my cunt.” Silver said with a wicked smile.

“Silver?! Can you please stop acting this way?!” Margolin said.

“No, no, it’s fine! I told my daughter I am willing to do this, and I am not gonna back down on this challenge! As I said, I’d made preparations for this moment.“ Lady Annabella said.

“Good! I can’t wait!” Silver yelled.

Silver doesn't actually think she’s gonna do it. She just wants her mother to go away!


{At the council tower}

Silver was making her way to the meeting room when she saw Margolin and Lady Annabella standing in the hallway with Boris.

“That will be all Mr. Boris,” Lady Annabella said.

The lover nodded then walked away.

“Where is he going?! Why are you making Boris leave me?!” Silver asked.

“To train people to protect you, of course. As an ascended human, he can hold his own against the guardians. He can’t teach anyone to kill them, but he knows how to stop them from killing you at least.” Margolin said.

“But I need protection now!” Silver protested.

“Don’t you trust yourself to protect you?” Margolin asks.

“What are you talking about? I can’t go up against a guardian!” Silver said.

“Yes, but your guardian self can. He is going to be in the meeting as well, so you’ll be fine.” Margolin said with a smile.

“Okay...“ Silver said.

She was not used to having no one to look after her. It was always Ala, or another powerful person like her father. She was a bit afraid...

She tried really hard to be on her own when she got disowned, but she’s starting to feel like the world was just too big for her. Guardians are trying to kill her and she probably would’ve died several times over if her family did not step in.

“Do you remember this young lady?” Lady Annabella asked while pointing at a woman down the hallway.

“Wait, why did you bring her?!” Silver asked.

The woman’s name was Mary, she was the fiancé of Russ. Lady Annabella tried everything she could in her power to make him a respectable gentleman. She created parties and alike to get him married, have a good wife with children in a big house. He could have lived in peace.

Russ decided to call it off because it was too much of a hassle to hook up with a girl for good. He doesn’t like to be tied down to one thing or person!

Because Lady Annabella refuses to leave her son to his own devices. She kept him in her school until he was ready to have a family.

Mary was trained by Lady Annabella, not only to please him, but keep an eye on her stupid son.

“You're going to force her to lick me?! Why her?!” Silver asks.

“Yes, and why not?! Does it really matter who serves under you?!” Lady Annabella asked. “And besides, it’s not compulsory if she wants to still be your wife.”

“She’s too clingy!” Silver shouted.

“Daughter, I have done everything I possibly could do to make you a respectable person! When I selected her to be with you, you told me that she was everything that you wanted! You even had sex with her on the first day! But when you found out you two were going to get married, you ran away like you always do! She was your shot of being a married man! Can you please take responsibility for once in your life?!” Lady Annabella yelled.

Silver growled at her mother then spoke. “Don’t you mean your life?! If I follow along with your plans, then I won’t be doing anything for myself!”

“Because you can’t do anything for yourself! You stupid child!” Lady Annabella shouted.

“I know! I need help! Just give me time!” Silver said.

Lady Annabella calmed down and spoke normally. “The fact that you admitted that, shows you’re growing up, however you don’t have time. You will become an emperor soon. I can admit that I push you faster than you need to be pushed. But just look at what you have done in a couple of days. Believe it or not, I have always had faith in you. You stopped a war with just you and Ala, and do many other things in your life. You are the only one I know that can go from a peasant to a king, and then an emperor in a short period of time. I push you hard for a reason, and I will not stop doing as such.”

Lady Annabella went to her inventory and took out an item. It was a small wooden paddle. She gave it to Silver and bent over, showing her ass.

“Excuse me, Lady Annabella, what are you doing?!” Margolin asked.

“I am giving my daughter what she wants.” Lady Annabella responded. “If we are to work together, I think it’s okay to let off some steam. This is your chance to hit my rear end.”

Silver held the beating stick, but then dropped it.

“I never actually thought you were trying to ruin my life! I just didn’t want the life you were giving me!” Silver said.

Silver was scared of her hunger coming back. If she can get rid of Beyond and not feel like she can eat everyone in her kingdom, she would try to do something about that.

“In the war, I killed people... and I enjoyed it. Ala and I are the same.” Silver said with an angry face.

Lady Annabella stood up straight, then looked towards her daughter.

“I know daughter, did you stop because your father died? You never said why.” Annabella asks.

“No, there was a village that our troops were supposed to protect, at least that was what King Al Bastion told us... In truth, he wanted to use it as bait for the enemy. He told us to show up and tell the people we’ll be there if they need us. But instead, he wanted us to surround the village and let the enemy raid the village, and rape the women! We were told to fall back and allow everything to happen! My father said no! Then he and his wife deserted the army and then were killed by their own men! I was at one of the camps, and they were killed trying to save the small town. I... was having sex with Ala... I-I  didn’t know what happened until it was too late!”

“What?! They killed them! They killed my mother and father! Why didn’t you say anything?!” Margolin asked.

“Because your mother told me not to. As you know, your mother used to talk to the dead, one of her skills gave her the ability to speak with one person after her death. I don’t know why she chose me, but she begged me not to tell anyone or make matters worse! She said that if her daughters get angry and attack the king, then that’ll be all on me! So I did not tell any of you crazy girls!”

“Y-You should have told me...” Margolin said with pain.

She couldn’t believe Russ didn’t tell her! She could’ve done something about this! She could've gone to the king and found out why this happened!

“If I told you, all of you would've gotten yourselves killed or worse! So, I said nothing, I did nothing! It was literally her dying wish!” Silver said, crying.

“No, Silver! You could’ve at least told me!” Margolin was getting angrier.

“And what you would’ve done?!” Silver asked.

“Something!” Margolin exclaimed.

“The funeral was so beautiful! They have gotten a hero‘s funeral. The king gave them medals for their service to him.” Annabella said.

“With all due respect, Lady Annabella, I don’t care!” Margolin said.

“Please, Margolin, let me finish.“ Annabella said. “Did you know that the king owned your home?”

“What? But the deed was given to me! You gave it to me after they’ve died, you said it was in they’re will!” Margolin said.

“I did tell you that, didn’t I? I’m sorry I’d lied to you, but it was necessary. I didn’t know what really happened, but there were a lot of things that were off about their death...” Annabella said thoughtfully, she was looking out a window. “My son didn’t want to have sex for a week when he got back home. This was not common, even when he started back, it felt different. I immediately sought an audience with the king.”

“You did what?! I told you I was fine! I was just tired, do you know how dangerous that was?!“ Silver said.

“You, tired of sex?! Don’t make me laugh, my stupid child! You could never fool me!” Annabella said.  “Do you wanna know why I disowned you? The king personally asked for you to go back into his court, and join his army again. He said it was your noble duty, but in the conversation we had when I visited him years ago, he said he wanted you out of his hair. He told me to keep you away from him because you may mess things up for him. When I found out that he was going to take the house away from your sisters, I bought the house and told him I’ll keep all six of you from interfering with his plans. As I said, I had no idea what really happened at that time and I didn’t plan on learning. I am a smart woman and I choose my battles. I had every intention of keeping you in my home until I got that king’s letter.”

“Wait, what?! That’s the reason? I thought you didn’t love me or something! I thought you said you were fed up with me!” Silver yelled.

“Oh, I still hate how you are! But you are my son and my daughter! I’ll do anything for you two! I will never show it, but I love you both!” Annabella said.

“No, no, no I’m going to ask the king what really happened when he shows up! I need real answers!” Margolin said.

“Margolin, I have always been taught to get back at whoever wronged me! And oh boy, did I ever wanted to! And so I did one day! I basically disregarded your mother’s dying wish for a time.” Silver said. “Although I publicly did nothing, the week after the war ended, me and Ala killed them! We killed them all! Not only the soldiers who raped the villagers, but the ones who killed our parents! It was a little accident here, and a little mischief there, but I did it! There’s still one person alive and that is the king! But I had no proof of him being responsible and I did not want anything to happen to you girls. Our parents were technically deserters, and the children of these deserters are considered traitors! So yes, I ran! I fucked all of my problems away! Even though I finagled the promises I‘d made with your mother, attacking the king directly would definitely put you girls in danger!”

“Hey! What’s all this screaming about? Is everything okay?” Lady Kilo asked as she walked down the hallway.

Guardians don’t have to ever walk, but Kilo was a very simple guardian. She likes to walk and talk with people who are around her. Getting to know her followers was very important to her. Most guardians just pop in and out to check on their followers to see if they are doing their bidding. Kilo was never that type of guardian.

“Nothing, nothing at all! It’s a family problem!” Silver said to Kilo as she saw her get closer to them.

“Don’t tell anyone what I’d told you two, please. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Silver whispered to her mother and sister.

Kilo stopped by them then looked between them. “Are you sure? I feel pain from you all!”

“Yes, I‘m just under a lot of pressure right now. Being a king is weighing me down.” Silver said.

Kilo's eyes sparkled.

“I am the guardian of burden, handling your pain and strife is what I do. Are you finally ready to set me as your guardian?! You’re most certainly qualified to be my follower.” Kilo asked hopefully.

“What?! No! You’re too boring!” Silver said.

Kilo frowned then spoke. “Can you at least have Jeopardy as your guardian? He and I share everything now. I can still have you through him. I want to help you in any way I can!”

All this mushy talking was annoying to Silver. She just wants to fuck now! But she did have a question to ask.

“Miss Kilo, can I ask a question?” Silver asked.

“Sure, anything! What’s on your mind?” She replied.

“How do you feed someone who is always hungry?” Silver asked.

“Huh? I’m not sure what you mean...” Kilo said.

“Then I’ll ask your brother! He’s smarter than you, so he’ll definitely know!” Silver said.

Silver never saw Kilo lose her shit, but she definitely did for a split second.

“Silver, can you please not bring my brother and his intelligence in this conversation... I know what you’re trying to do here. You’re trying to deflect what's really going on here, and I’m not going to lie, that kind of pisses me off...“ Kilo said. “Lady Margolin and Lady Annabella are my followers, I can feel them being burdened by something that just happened! Let me help!”

“I’ll tell you later Lady Kilo, we need to start the meeting,” Margolin said.

“What?! I just told you not to!” Silver said.

“She is our Guardian and we tell her everything that is wrong, she is family too!” Margolin said.

“She is not my family!” Silver said.

“But I want to be! Technically we are married, in a way!” Kilo said.

Silver frowned.

“We should definitely ask Russ to join us in this conversation, whenever we get the time. I think Russ and his wife need to know.” Annabella said. “We should also tell the family including all of Silver’s sisters. We will have a big meeting about this, and what we should do with the king.”

‘What part of, (We should tell no one) don’t these people understand?!’ Silver thought.

“Fine! Whatever! Well, I hope my pussylicker is ready, because I am! I need to fuck!” Silver said.

She had already wiped away her tears and had a goofy face.

Margolin watched her sister walk away. She can’t believe Russ was hiding something like that this whole time! Margolin was so mad! But maybe, just maybe Silver was deflecting as Kilo suggested. Why didn’t Silver bring this up until now? Margolin feels uneasy about all of this...

“Silver, wait!” Margolin called out. Silver stopped, Margolin looked at the other women. “Can you two Ladies leave me and my sister alone for a bit? I need to ask her something.“

Lady Annabella and Kilo nodded their heads and walked away.

“What is it?” Silver asks.

“Damn you! Damn you, Silver! I understand why you didn’t tell our other sisters, but you should have told me! I am still mad about that! And what are you ‘really‘ hiding?!” Margolin cried.

Silver looked to the ground and spoke quietly. “Margolin, there may be a time... where that killer instinct I had, may come back out again... Although I have vowed never to kill again, I feel that there’s something inside me, I may have a hunger for it... If I see King Al Bastion again, I need you to be my anchor, Margolin....”

“You know I will, I’ve always been!” Margolin said.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, but I feel like you should know now. You already know me and the king had never gotten along. This war you are desperately trying to keep our citizens safe from, has already taken hold of me. Ala, however, has always been a killer, so nothing really changed about her. She did most of the killing while I fucked around and pretended like nothing was wrong. The king doesn’t expect me as a threat, before I got the coin I was never going to attack him directly or even at all. I was going to venture into the world and find myself and be alone. That way I wouldn’t have to deal with the responsibility of my family dying because of my anger. You were never going to see me again. I would have also liked to stay at my mother's school and get serviced all day instead, but here we are!“ Silver said.

“I see, I still feel like you’re hiding something else, but I’m glad you told me what’s on your mind. I want you to tell me more about what happened to our parents whenever we have the time.”

“Okay, I will...” Silver said as they walked towards the meeting room.

As you all may know, some have a mental shield wall they put up to avoid seeming weak or vulnerable with someone.  I am happy I was able to break down Silver's Shield just a little bit in this chapter.  She is still the same person she was from the beginning, but I feel that it was about time that she is trying to do better especially because of the hunger that she is feeling.  I feel the fear of her hunger is what I'm using as a device to break her wall down or otherwise it's going to feel like it is forced which is not my goal. I want people to like Silver’s progression as I teach her how to care for others.

I hope I was able to give a better understanding of everyone's role in this flag, but if anyone has any questions let me know and I'll try to answer them the best way I can.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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