Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 31: May we meet again

((Six years ago))

(( Inside of a bar hidden under the capital of Isan Asim. King Al Bastion’s men were hiding from an unknown threat. They sat at a table and discussed the matter.

“What have you heard?!” A man said. He was a big man with a beard. He was Don, a soldier of the king.

“All I know, it was two of them! There are two people killing our fellow brothers!” A skinny soldier said.

“But that is just rumors, right? I thought they all died by accidents?“ Another soldier said in confusion.

“Accidents, my ass! I don’t think falling down the fucking stairs can get your head cut off?!” Skinny soldier said with a snarl.

“And your sources say there are two of them? Any other descriptions?“ A soldier asks.

“I don’t know! It’s just funny how it’s everyone who killed Lord Travis and that brown-skinned bitch, though!” The skinny soldier said.

“D-Do you think it’s Lord Russ?” The confused soldier asked.

“What?! That lazy ass?! I’ve known Lord Russ for quite some time. I‘ve seen him when he was just a child and I loved his father as a friend. Sure, his father died and I was the one who did it, but that was an order! I told him that! Lord Travis is a deserter and a traitor!” Don said.

“I don’t think it’s that loser either! Furthermore, we are king Al Bastion’s elite soldiers! He can’t kill strong men like us! He‘s probably getting his dick sucked at his mother’s school or moping around!“ A buff soldier said.

“Travis was a disgrace! I am glad the king ordered us to kill him and his brown bitch of a wife! They deserved to die! He should have stuck to his own color and not some mud bitch!” The skinny soldiers spat.

The man was salty that she used her weird spirit skills on him. It was almost like voodoo magic.

“If it is Russ who's doing the murdering, then he’s a traitor too and he should die like his father!” A bald man said.

“Russ is a coward! He’s no soldier! All he wanted to do was fuck his maid! They didn’t fight, just fucked! Why were they even there?! I’m not scared of a stuck-up rich boy!” The buff man said.

“Well... his maid was pretty scary... She had a look about her, I had nightmares about her!” Skinny man said.

“We are elite soldiers of the king himself! I’m not scared of a big-breasted bimbo!” The buff man said.

“Hey! If the king asks us to kill the half-mud bitches, can we have our way with them first?!” Skinny man said. He was referring to Travis’ girls. “They may have been colored, but they still have good sucking lips for our dicks!”

“You mean like that bitch Margolin?! If only the king let us! I can put that bitch in her place! That mud bitch acts all fancy and important!” The buff man said.

“You know, why kill them?! I’d keep her in Raphael’s dungeon! He has other mud bitches! I’d fuck them multiple times when I had the coin for it!” The bald man said.

“I think we can find a place for all of Travis’ girls. They can all suck our dicks!” Skinny man said.

“Do you mean the actual girls or that faggot Auly as well? I don’t want my dick anywhere near that fag!” Buff man said.

“I‘m sure Auly’s mouth would be on a real man’s dick sooner or later. If he wants to act like a girl, I know men who would have no problem showing him his place!” The bald man said.

The soldiers all laughed around the table.

One soldier felt someone touch his shoulder. He looked around to see who it was, but all he saw was his fellow men so he ignored it. He felt it again on the same shoulder.

“What the hell do you want?! The bald man asked the man on his right.

The guy looked confused, then spoke. “What are you talking about?! I just wanna get laid!”

“Then go get a fucking girl! You don’t need me to hold your hand for that!” The bald man said, annoyed.

“Well, I wasn’t asking for your help anyway!” The confused man said.

He got up then made his way to the exit of the bar. However, he felt a hand push him hard to the floor.

“What?! Who’s there?! What was that?!“ The confused man said.

He felt a huge slap on his face, and another man got punched in the gut.

“Who the hell is doing all this?! Show yourself?!” The speaker got kicked in the groin, then he fell to the floor.

“Russ, is that you?! I know you have the groper class and you’re able to touch from afar!” Don said.

“What?! I’ve been saying you are a coward and it’s true!” The buff man yelled to Russ.

They couldn’t see him at all.

“Surround the area! He has to be nearby!“ Don said.

“Show yourself, Russ! You traitor! We’ll kill you and your half mud sisters!“ Skinny man said.

“But not before their bodies are all used up! Hahaha-!” The bald man said.

The man‘s laughter suddenly stopped. The rest of the soldiers looked towards him. His head was rolling on the ground.

“What? What happened to him?!” The confused man exclaimed.

“It’s not just him here! Stick together, men!” Don said.

“Hahaha! It’s like I thought! He’s a coward! Come out, you pathetic pervert! Why don’t you show up like a real man?! Are you and your bitch maid scared of us?!“ The buff man said. “Huh, coward?! Why don’t we put you in a dress like you’re a little faggot brother! All of Travis’s disgusting children will get fucked by everyone! You are all fucking bitches!“

A figure appeared right in front of the buff man.

“You wanna make me your bitch, you say? I like to see you try it! “ A masked figure said.

The buff soldier took out a sword then raised it up and slashed it towards Russ.

Russ didn’t even bother moving, the sword fell to the ground with the buff soldiers' hands still attached to it.

When the buff guy realized what happened, he fell backward with his arms severed.

“Are you still gonna make me your bitch?! You have no hands to touch me with! Are you gonna smack my ass with your cut off hands?!“ Russ questioned.

“You fucking bitch! You coward punk-!” The buff man was shouting until his head got cut off.

“Men, what are you doing?! Surround him!” Don said.

For some reason, there was no answer. He didn’t see anyone move to Russ.

“Where the hell are you guys?!” Don looked around and saw a bloodbath all over the bar. Russ was standing there the whole time. Russ’s abilities can’t do anything like this.

“Do you want me to kill him as well?” A female said.

She stood next to the masked figure. She was wearing assassin clothing, it was Ala.

“Please! I have a wife with children! And I am an Elite Guard of the king himself! If the king finds out you killed us, he will hunt all of Travis‘ kids! You‘ll all be traitors!” Don said.

“So what?! You’ll kill us anyway! My sisters will not be fuck holes for the army!” Russ shouted.

“What would your father say if he sees you like this, huh?! He was a true soldier! He would never approve of such guerrilla tactics! This is a non-battlefield, dammit! You are a murderer!” Don said.

“Oh? Why don’t I go ask my father how he feels about me killing you?” Russ said slowly. ”Ooh, yeah! I can’t ask him! Why?! Because you fucking killed him! You killed your friend, and you killed my fucking father!”

Russ lunged at Don, but Don moved back to dodge it.

“You're nothing but a screwup! Your father hates you! He loved his faggot son more!” Don said.

“Stop calling my little brother that! Fuck you!” Russ said.

Russ moved a dead body with his skill to trip Don.

“Wha-?!” Don said as he fell to the floor; giving Russ an opportunity to stab Don in the neck several times. The elite soldier couldn’t defend himself because he was held down by multiple ghost arms from Russ’s groper class.

“This is also for killing my spirit mother! Aaaahhhh!!!! Die! You can‘t have me or my sisters!!!” Russ roared as he constantly stabbed Don. Russ was a bloody mess but he kept on stabbing. “You can’t have them! They are my responsibilities! My Spirit mother told me this!”

Russ continued to stab until he felt a hand on his.

“That’s enough Master... I miss her too.” Ala said softly. “I’ll clean up here, go outside, please...”

Russ had tears, he tried wiping it off from under his mask, but he ended up spreading blood on his face.

Russ got up to see even witnesses are dead... He ran to get outside as fast as he could. He smelled nothing but blood...

When he made his way to the door, a teenage girl opened it. She was shocked to see what had transpired.

“W-Wha... What happened?! Is my father here?!” The girl asked.

“Run! If you don’t, I’ll kill you!” Russ yelled at her.

“Wha-?!” The girl said, stunned.

“Run!” Russ screamed.

The girl still didn’t move or talk.

Ala hovered near the girl’s shoulders.

“I have marked you... if you tell anyone, I’ll hunt you down and kill you and whoever you’d told.” Ala said to the frightened girl. The girl fainted from Ala’s skill.

Russ hated this, all of this! He was going to kill that girl! This feeling, the smells, he doesn’t want to do this! He doesn’t want to kill anymore! He’ll just let Ala handle the rest of his kill-list, he just wants to run!))


Margolin and Silver walked down the hallway to the meeting room.

“When are you going to tell me more, Silver?” Margolin asked.

“Later! Okay?!” Silver responded.

“Okay, I’ll hold you to that,” Margolin said.

“Yeah, whatever!” Silver said.

Silver wasn’t in a good mood. She was so annoyed about her crying! She hated feeling emotional! She cannot believe she’d actually cried!

‘Why did I bring up old shit?!’ Silver thought. She regretted ever telling them. ‘Now I have to deal with Luna and the other sisters knowing!’

Silver feels they would hold her past against her.

As for Margolin. She still can’t believe Silver didn’t tell her about what happened to her mother and father!

‘How could she not tell me?!’ Margolin thought. ‘I have always taken care of Silver, and she did not tell me about this?! I could’ve done something to help! Silver said she had sex when they died. Does she even feel bad about that?! I always had high hopes for Russ, but I just can’t sometimes with him! He is a lazy person and I don’t think he’s fit to be a king! However, I don’t want him to get rid of the coin and leave all of us out to dry! He is so infuriating!’

They both quietly thought to themselves as they drew near the meeting room’s door.

There were several people standing and waiting for them.

There was Lady Annabella, two noblewomen, a maid, and two elves.

The high elf was downright gorgeous, her name was Edith Lemur. She was with her sister, who had an outfit that covered all of her face and body.

Mary, who was Russ’s fiancé before he ran away from her, walked to Silver.

Mary Afton was a braided redhead with rosy cheeks. Her dress was big and fancy. It was colored with pink stripes on her white dress.

“Hello again, Master Russ..” Mary said to Silver.

Silver almost didn’t want to have sex right now, she has never been that annoyed in a long time...

But she didn’t want to back down on the challenge with her mother. Her mother said she’ll get a pussy-licker, so she’s going to get licked anyway. She hates being this mad. Her anger was mostly because she cried.

“What did my mother tell you about why you are here?” Silver asked Mary.

“Nothing really. She said I can get another shot with you...” Mary said.

“What? Is that what she told you!” Silver asks, then Mary nodded.

“I want to apologize for what happened with us... I may have gotten a little mad that you abandoned me... I am sorry about sending my men to... kill you...” Mary said while fidgeting. “But I forgive you now! You didn’t know I was supposed to marry you at the time! Now that all that is out of the way, we can continue our relationship!”

“No!” Silver yelled.

“W-Why?!” Mary was confused.

“I actually didn’t care when you tried to get me killed. I feel like Ala and Margolin want to kill me all the time! It’s the married part, I don’t like to be tied down to anyone! I wanna fuck whoever I want, whenever I want! You didn’t want me going anywhere without you!” Silver said.

“I-I’d had no problem with your habits... I even told you, you’re allowed to have other women. Just as long as I’m okay with them... You hurt my feelings after you left me... Don’t you think I’m pretty?!” Mary said.

“I think you’re gorgeous, but you always want to be with me every single moment, all the time! It was a pain in the ass!” Silver said.

“And what’s wrong with that?! Can a girl love someone so much, that she wants to be with that person all the time! I thought you loved having sex with me!” Mary asked.

“The sex was fine, but that was all there was to it...“ Silver said. “And even if you say I can have sex with another girl, you seem like the jealous type. I don’t want to only have sex with people you know!”

Mary pouted. “Yes, you making love with other women does upset me! And as for only having sex with someone I know, like my maid, I’m okay with that because I know her well. I must approve of any girl you're with if we’re going to make this work...”

“Or, you can fuck off! I have no intention of following your demands, nor do I want to marry you in the first place! So if you’re not going to lick my pussy, then be gone!“ Silver said, then looked at her mother. “You have failed this challenge, mother!”

“What? Lady Annabella, you approved this!“ Marry asks.

“You heard her, Ms. Mary. You can leave if you're not going to lick. And as for your daughter, she wasn’t the one I chose for that task. You only assumed that, and then I’d asked ‘does it really matter who serves you?’“ Lady Annabella said.

“Wait a minute-!” Mary said before Annabella expelled her and the two women next to her from the tower. The flag had been using the dungeon functions almost everywhere.

Annabella then gestures to the two women.

“They are both princesses, from the Eldon Keenum of the sky mountain. They are very interested in their father ONLY becoming the next emperor, and you tell no one else. They were still hoping you’d accept an alliance with him by offering his eldest daughter.” Annabella said.

“Okay, but what’s wrong with her?” Silver asked while pointing at the cloaked elf.

“My sister is a half-breed,“ Edith said. The uncovered princess had wavy golden hair, her frame was very thin, she also had glowing golden tattoos on her body. This woman carried herself like a true princess, she was well dressed. It covered all of her except her sleeveless arms. “My name is Edith, and my sister's name is Nayu. She is mixed with both light and dark elf blood. She is covered because most elves don't like to see mixed breeds. We have been told that people of different races congregate inside of your Keenum (Kingdom).”

“That’s true, but what do you want? Is it only to make your father the emperor?” Silver asks.

“Yes, that is what he wants. What I want is for you to marry me while he wants you to marry my sister. I want to help you make a place for all of my kind to co-exist. It was a huge shocker to hear that a dwarf had sex with an elf in your Keenum. Although my father doesn’t approve of that, he does understand sometimes love makes you do crazy things, which was how my sister was born.“ Edith the light elf said.

“Ughh! Mother! I am not interested in signing a contract with anyone! And she is taking too long to get to the point! I am going to the meeting! And I won this challenge! You can’t find a good pussy-licker, I win!” Silver said, still annoyed. So she walked into the meeting room.

Annabella didn’t say anything and followed her daughter.

“Wait a minute? I’m not done! Tell her I want to help make a safe place for this war!” Edith said.

Lady Annabella stopped, then spoke to the princess. “Well, as my daughter said. If you’re going to bargain with us, you’re going to have to come up with something more than you or your sister. We need workers, land, and your full kingdom to join us.”

“What do you mean?” Edith asks.

“We have no interest in an alliance, you will join our cause or you don’t. We will tell all the kings how to become an emperor and give no one special treatment. My suggestion is, if you want my daughter to listen to you. Bring 100 naked elves for her pleasure.” Annabella said, then kicked the two princesses from the tower before they could say anything.


Silver entered the meeting room with her mother. She saw Margolin, Kilo, Cliff and his disguised maid Julia, and a giant egg. Jeopardy wasn’t there yet.

The meeting room was made like a circle. The council members sat around a half circle table with a big hole in it. It looked more or less like a crescent moon. This way, someone can stand in the middle of the room.

Silver’s throne chair also had a hole in the front.

“That’s a weird chair, why‘d you make it like that?” Silver asked her mother.

“You’ll see, daughter. Have a seat.” Lady Annabella said.

Silver didn’t know what was going on. When she approached the chair, a woman’s head popped out the hole.

“Waah!!” Silver screamed.

She jumped a bit, but only a little...

“Good morning, your highness! Have a seat on my face.” The Lady in the chair said with a smile.

Silver looked at her mother, confused.

“This is Heather, she volunteered to service you,” Annabella said.

The under-seat was more like a bed underneath the throne. The bottom was slightly slanted up for the under-seater to have their head near the groin of the top-sitter. The woman’s legs were seen from behind the throne. Both seaters, top, and bottom had cushions to be comfortable for them. There were handlebars on the back of the head area for Silver to grab onto.

When Silver sat on the top seat, she revealed her pussy to the woman below. The licker’s mouth opened and waited for her meal. Silver had easy access to her face.

Silver squeezed her legs on the licker’s head. The pussy licker enjoyed every minute of Silver‘s pussy rubbing on her face.

Lady Annabella walked near her daughter and firmly grabbed the head of the pussy licker.

“Are you really going to make your own mother perform this task?” Kilo asked Silver.

“Yes, she said she would do it, and I am going to hold her to it!“ Silver said.

“It’s quite alright, Lady Kilo. Me and my daughter have an understanding when it comes to these things.” Lady Annabella said.

“Silver, if you can allow for my selfish request to be answered. I will not tell any of our sisters about what you told us, only if you didn’t involve me, your mother, or even your sisters in your habits...” Margolin said.

“But what about your precious guardian? And what if my mother still tells them?!” Silver asked.

“If this calms you down, dear daughter. I will not say anything. I just hope you tell them on your own.“ Lady Annabella said.

“Fine! I still want you two to do things for me, but I understand. I will not involve any of you directly with my desires! Only still give me what I want!” Silver said.

Margolin sighed, she hates her brother sometimes.

Lady Annabella got up and went to her seat.

Jeopardy popped into the room, he was with a strange female. When he saw Silver was a little upset, he felt something was wrong.

“Do I need to know what’s going on, love?“ Jeopardy asked Silver.

“No, handsome, you don’t...” Silver responded.

Without further explanation, Jeopardy shrugged and then took his seat.

He made a similar chair to Silver’s. He figured if she can have something like that, then he can too!

His own dick sucker was pretty, she had raven black hair with tiny brown wings on her head. She looked unnatural, but she seems like the type of girl Silver can fuck with. She looked happy with Russ. Margolin rolled her eyes to both Russ, they are ridiculous.

Margolin and the rest of her family didn’t find it strange that her brother had a duplicate and became a guardian.

For one thing, doppelgängers and among other things do exist, and Russ was not the first mortal who transformed into a guardian. So it’s not as strange as one may think.

The silver coin was obviously powerful. The only thing that was technically new was there are now dick girls. However, Auly had a dress most of her life so not even that was strange to Margolin. There was also the guardian Fragment, but she didn’t know about her having a dick before now.

The split personalities with their own classes and among other things are unique, but not necessarily weird. At least not to Margolin.

Silver has gotten a child, a Kingdom, and now trying to become an emperor. If Margolin freaked out by everything that Silver did, she'd drive herself crazy.

Margolin realized that Silver keeping that secret from her was probably the biggest thing that she had done beyond everything else. She tried to calm herself down. Silver told her that she was going to explain it, so she’ll just wait until then.

“Now that everyone is here, I’d like to say some things.” Lady Annabella said. “Daughter, I know how much you hate the sight of blood and death. Even as a kid this was the case. I heard a lot of reports about you doing nothing but fucking during the war. Not because you don’t know how to fight. You and I both know this isn’t the case. I believe you enjoyed it, more than you wanted too. I have a plan, you don’t have to worry about punishing the criminals through violence. You don't have to watch their death or see blood.”

“Oh? How?” Silver asked curiously.

“Bring him in!” Lady Annabella said.

Moments later, three figures walked in. Two of the people had black masks on, it looked like an executioner’s mask.

The orc executioner was a shirtless male. He had spiked cufflinks and a giant stick. Both as a weapon he carried in his hand, and a big cock.

The female executioner was a dark elf. She had the same exact thing as the Orc, big cock in all! Her huge tits were hanging out. She was constantly stroking her cock with a menacing grin.

There were tribal markings on both of them, but one tattoo stood out. There was a silver coin on them. Was it their way to let everyone know who they represented? That elf also had tattoos. Silver didn’t know much about Elves, dwarves, and Orc cultures

“I didn’t do anything!” A man said.

The executioners had a male in the middle of them. He looked anxious, like he was on death row.

“While you were gone, there were several spies and other people who wanted to take advantage of your disappearance. We want to build a prison away from the citizens. This young man’s goal was to wait until you get back and kill you.” Lady Annabella said.

“I see, so you’re going to fuck them instead as a punishment! I like it!” Silver said.

“I knew you’d approve, daughter.” Lady Annabella said.

She nodded to the executioners to take the man away.

“W-Wait! I want a trial!” The man protested as he was dragged away, but they ignored him.

“Well, onto the heart of the meeting.” Silver said, she looked at Cliff. “Mr. Cliff, my counterpart has something to tell you.”

“Okay, I’ll help in any way I can. Will this help Renee, my friend?” Cliff asked.

“Will get to that,” Jeopardy said.

The dick sucker that was under him couldn’t move her head much. He modified the seat where the back of her head was able to go up and down his dick. He didn’t know who the girl was but she was an offering from Desire.

“I’d need to first tell you how your judgment battles work. Just like me and Silver, we are what’s called a dealer. Silver uses life force to flip her coin, but me and you use completely different kinds of currencies.“ Jeopardy said.

“What? Really?! That’s not fair!” Silver said.

“It is what it is, love,” Jeopardy said. “For me, it’s levels. I have to give my experience points to roll my dice with.”

“Interesting, you never told me that.“ Kilo said.

“You didn’t ask,” Jeopardy said.

“Did you make Cliff a dealer yourself?” Kilo asked.

“I did. Through me, you have the same power.” Jeopardy responded.

“Really?! How?” Kilo asked.

“We will talk about that later, now I need to finish explaining.“ Jeopardy said.

“Exactly how much experience?! It’s not fair that I use life force!” Silver said.

“Depending on the roll, it goes by a percentage of how many levels I have. Before I fought the three guardians, I was a high-level. By the end of it, I was low. Also, my dice aren’t as strong as your coin. That‘s the same for the judgment flag as well.” Jeopardy said.

“How so?” Silver asked.

“I’ll explain that later, I want to get into the battle flag now,” Jeopardy said.

“Okay, fine!” Silver said.

Jeopardy didn’t want to tell Silver he can level up pretty fast. That would piss her off because he doesn't have to work for his deals as she does.

“Cliff, your battle flag works like this. Let’s say that there are two opponents using your flag and they made a bet. If the wager is for 100 silver. The loser must give the winner that 100. When it comes to your flag, it’s instant.” Jeopardy said.

“And if they don’t have it?” Cliff asked.

“Then it falls upon you to take something of equal value from them,” Jeopardy responded.

“What about slaves?!” Kilo asked.

“Oh, you mean like Onslaught? Because guardians enslave each other all the time, that option was available for trade.” Jeopardy said. “Because you and I are married, we kind of counteracted each other.”

“You mean with your dice,” Kilo asked.

“Yea, you’re able to go into my inventory and do whatever you want, and I can’t stop you... But vice versa, I can do the same with you. Mine and Judgment’s ability created this scenario where we‘re both each other slaves, but we can’t control each other because we’re also each other's masters.” Jeopardy said.

“Please don’t take anything from me...” Kilo said out of fear.

“You take things from me all the time! Even constantly looking at my skills and abilities. I bet you even know what I’ve been up to!” Jeopardy scowled.

“That is different! I have to keep an eye on you, you can’t be trusted!” Kilo said defensively.

Jeopardy sighed then looked at Silver. “Whatever you do, don’t get married, it’s not worth it...”

“I wasn’t planning on it...” Silver said.

“I didn’t either...” Jeopardy said.

“Oh, will you two grow up?! Husband, continue!” Kilo said.

Lady Annabella told Kilo to be firm while dealing with Russ.

“Okay, Cliff, basically that is all to the betting part,” Jeopardy said. “This is optional and up to you, but you’re able to take 10% of the winnings. I felt you shouldn't work for free.”

“I can also retrieve something if I want to?” Cliff asks.

“Yes, if you don’t collect the winnings for yourself within five days, you’ll no longer have the option,” Jeopardy said.

“You won the last battle. Does that mean I take it from you?” Cliff asks.

“I was not the challenger, so no. You take it from the three other guardians.” Jeopardy said. “Blitz and Onslaught are currently doing something for me. You can take it from Kilo now if you like.”

“What? What can he take from me? Are you trying to give me as a slave? That’s all we bargained for.” Kilo yelled.

“He can’t take you because you are my winnings. It can be money or a 10% value of the trade. Because you’re a guardian and you are quite valuable, he can enslave quite a lot of followers from you.” Jeopardy said.

Cliff’s eyebrow shot up, while Kilo looked horrified. Cliff felt a tug on his clothing.

“Please don’t upset my guardian, she has done a lot for me... I will hate you if you turn out to be a bad man...” Disguised Julia whispered to Cliff.

“I am against slavery, but I like to be able to help the unfortunate. So I will take them.” Cliff said.

“Whatever, it’s up to you. Take out your flag then go into its setting. You’ll see the last battle records to claim your commendations.” Jeopardy said.

Cliff nodded then did what was instructed. He then saw a menu of two different types of options, he could collect his reward by force if the person he’s receiving from doesn't comply, or haggle with the person to make a fair deal.

He didn’t want to antagonize Kilo, nor his new girlfriend, so he decided to play fair. When he opened the trading screen, Kilo, Cliff, and Jeopardy saw it.

They saw thousands of people that are indebted to her. She had been paying their bills and other things to help where she can. They literally owed her their life.

This was making Kilo upset and uncomfortable. She didn’t like someone else taking the people she cared for...

Cliff wasn’t sure if he wanted slaves, but he wanted to check something out. He wanted to make Julia happy with him. He added her to the list of people who can see the list. Kilo then noticed something.

“That girl is your maid? She is one of my followers, could you explain her.” Kilo said to Cliff. “I can look for myself, but I make it a point to trust my followers' decisions. If they want to be hidden from me, then I will not pry. However, I’m still curious why she’s here, and why did you add her?”

“She doesn’t want me to wrong you in any way. Because of the coin flip, I’ve acquired a lot of money to help the families that you're taking care of.“ Cliff said.

“Hahaha! That’s funny, he’s going to take your burdens!” Silver jokes. “Hey, does that mean he qualifies to be your follower?!”

Kilo smiled. “Yes! Not many guys want a woman to tell them what to do, so I don’t get many. I would love for you to join us Mr. Cliff! I want to make you my Champion!”

“Champion? Lady Kilo, what’s that?” Margolin asks.

“Hmm? Not even you know about that, sister?” Silver teased.

Silver also didn’t know, but it’s funny to mess with Margolin.

“She never mentioned it to me,” Margolin responded.

“Same for me also,” Lady Annabella said.

“Well, a guardian can have one champion each. This planet currently has no champion here. Because guardians have their own favorite Realms, they don’t usually go to this dimension. They consider this as a two-star. Yes, there are a lot of guardians who are here, but they only come to bully the mortals. I don’t have any champion in any dimension for several reasons. For one thing, as I said, we can only have one. The Champion must handle threats from the other Champions throughout the cosmos. And I would never ask my girls to do that!” Kilo said.

“So you’re only inviting him to be a target because he’s a guy?” Jeopardy asked.

“That’s true, but I don’t think he’ll be attacked. Because he’s in Silver‘s flag, and guardians are trying to avoid pissing Silver, you, and Beyond off. He’ll be fine. Even though he’s a guy, I’ll still protect him with all that I am.” Kilo said.

“What do you achieve from him becoming a Champion?” Silver asks.

“A guardian cannot level up or progress as a guardian unless they have followers or meet other requirements. I am like a baker without an oven. I have the followers, but my potential is blocked because I don’t have a champion. Both ability-wise and social-wise. It is against our rules to interfere with the well-being of our followers. We can receive money through normal means of that dimension. But we can’t create it out of nothing without breaking rules. He will be my catalyst to my followers. There are also Harolds, High Priest, and other catalysts, but I don’t have those either. Each catalyst is dangerous in their own right. Followers are probably the lowest risk to have for a Guardian. Having a high priest can affect faith like a double edge sword. Anyway, we’re going off-topic! Will you accept, Cliff?” Kilo explained.

“Lady Kilo, if you want me to be a catalyst, I am here,” Margolin said.

“After I establish a champion, you can be my High-priestess.“ Kilo said.

“I will accept,” Cliff said.

“Good! I will make preparations for the ritual! Husband, I want you to also have Silver as a follower.“ Kilo said.

“Sure, but I’ll also make a contract saying you can‘t have her coin!” Jeopardy said.

“What?!” Kilo said.

“You heard me!” Silver said. “I feel the same way!”

Kilo frowned. “Fine!”

Cliff and Julia both made decisions on who he would own. He has her entire family. If they are going to keep the baby, they didn’t want her family to try and get rid of him.

He ended up with over 3000 slaves under his rule.

“I’m only allowing you to have these families because you’re gonna be my Champion, and it seems like you care for this maid that’s also my follower. When I perform the ritual I want my followers to see it! My first champion!” Kilo said.

“Can I have one too?” Jeopardy asked.

“Sure! You can make Silver your Champion alongside mine. As I said, guardians likely won’t attempt anything.“ Kilo said.

“Nice! Well now that’s out of the way, let's speak of the flag's fight.” Jeopardy said.

“Very well, how do you want to do this?” Silver asks.

“Cliff’s battle flag has a ranking system. I’m on Tier 1 because I won my last battle. If I want to fight in the flag battle, I'd need to be in a free for all. That way, I can participate in the starting tears with the flag. Although, you’re able to fight your own Tier in 1 that’s below or above you. There are singles and team Tiers, but we don’t need to worry about that for now.” Jeopardy said.

“Aren’t you a guardian? Is it unfair for you to battle with us?” Cliff asks.

“I won’t use my full potential in the battles to come. The battle I will be fighting is a sex fight anyway.” Jeopardy responded.

“Wait, really?! You sound like our King,” Cliff laughed.

Not everyone in the flag was aware of Silver and Jeopardy being the same person. Nor him previously being a mortal instead of a guardian. All they knew was he’s Silver’s guardian. It was strange she’s not a follower of his yet, but it seems that would change.

“The last thing about your battle flag is you can schedule battles ahead of time. We are now going to set how the rule works for the flag battle now. We’ll make it to where there are 4 battles happening at once.” Jeopardy said.

“We can do that?” Silver asked.

“Yes, we will do multiple battles with different participants. The flag would think it’s an all-out flag battle, but in actuality, it’s a trap for the spies. Mother will take the spies in her battle. While me and you take others in a fucking battle! I want to see if you lost your sex drive as a girl!” Jeopardy grin.

“What?! You're on!” Silver said.

The rest of the room wasn’t surprised by this outcome. While the rest of the flag fight for their lives under threats, these two just want to fuck...

“You said 4 battles, what will be the other 2?” Cliff asked.

“I’ll leave that to Margolin and Auly if they want to test the rest of the army, or even do a flower battle, they can. I just want those traitors handled. The participants don’t have to actually touch the flag, only accept it.” Jeopardy replied.

“I understand, son.” Lady Annabella said.

“Now, mother, how are the citizens doing in my kingdom?” Silver asks.

“They are fine, just scared, and overwhelmed. More, and more people are coming, even other races. However, some don't want to live directly in the kingdom itself. The easy fix is whenever you become emperor, place other kingdoms within your empire. Make your king's various races and let them free perform their cultures. Margolin told me an empire can have 60 kingdoms with their individual kings. That’s quite a lot. I think you should reconsider getting married to the princesses that you met, you can have them control your domains. You don’t even have to see them all the time. They only really want power from you.”

“Even Mary?” Silver asks.

“Yes and no. She loves her wealth, but she likes strong people like you to tell her what to do. She’s not used to getting turned down, and you did it twice. I think she has a fetish for being told no... She still wants you and was never the type of girl to offer sex with another woman. She’s a selfish type after all.” Lady Annabella said.

“I’ll think about it, maybe I can get some fun out of her. I also want to conquer more dungeons. Having spiders as pets is not very fun. I do like using the core though.” Silver said.

“Perhaps we can get creatures for the children to use,” Margolin suggested. She finally got over herself. “We can use the capture balls to keep the creatures inside for them. That way they can protect themselves.”

Soon after, they discuss how to utilize the dungeon core better and even learn how to mix creatures together!

My friend told me, except for the first part, this chapter is dry. He also said it doesn't push the story forward. I feel like because this is a meeting and it tells about how different dealers do their dealings differently, the conversation is important.
I even basically said the flag battle is fake. So when the battle happens, I don't want people to get confused and ask, where's the flag battle? When it was already told that it's fake.
I could have said it later when the time came, but I didn't want to deal with double explaining. Meaning I'll have to explain the fake battle and the real battle at the same time. So I apologize if this is an explaining chapter, but I feel like a lot of it is necessary to tell you what's to come.
He says it's a Show versus Tell Situation, but seeing how y'all saw both jeopardy and Cliff as dealers chapters ago. I’d asked, How is this not showing and only telling when I've already shown how they work? He did know, but still didn’t want me to talk about how it worked. Even if I'd felt like it’s a long-overdue explanation topic, in my opinion, I know we all have our own opinion about a type of matter.
I still want to say forgive me for the explaining chapter. This is for people who care about Russ' past, How the dealings work, and what’s going to happen in the battle to come. Without getting too much into the details, story is going to get complicated with this next battle.

Now for the poll! Should Silver tell her sisters about their father and mother?


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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