Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 32: Flag battle

If one could go back in time, would you do it? Silver asked herself this. She could be a guy again, save her father and spirit mother. Russ loved his sister’s mother very much so, but they would not approve of her abandoning everyone and things in this kingdom, just to save them.

With Wishlist’s wish, she couldn’t change her life back anyway, so why does she still think about this?

Is it because she brought it back up with her mother and sister? She doesn’t know, but she still needed them both in her life...

Now that the meeting was done and the kings were on their way to her kingdom. Silver sat in a box, specifically, a battle box. She looked at the men and women who were in her flag. Lispa, who was in the box with Silver. She wanted to be with the silver king, but she seemed really worried about her old life. All of her friends and even her father were gone. They were not dead, but they hated her. She chose to live her life with her King.

"Do you have any regrets?" Silver asked Lispa.

"No, me and my mother have spoken about this very thoroughly. We actually agree that King Al Bastion was a bad leader. We haven't had any intentions of betraying him, or saying how we felt, though. At least not to his face..." Lispa said sadly. "Just promise me something. The more I want you the more I see that you're not a bad person. Can you promise me you will continue to protect me and my mother from our previous King? If you can make me that promise. I would do whatever you ask. I would like you to also promise not to involve my mother in your sexual activities…"

The last part was wishful thought. She didn't want to upset Silver or tell her what to do; she merely hoped Silver would agree to her terms.

"If it makes you uncomfortable. I won't fuck your mother. I can promise that, but I make no promises on protecting anyone. For one thing, things always happen around me. I could only promise I'll try…"

"You trying is more than enough for me." Lispa said as she laid her head on Silver's shoulder.

The passion Lispa had for her mother. Reminded Silver of her own spirit mother. How she was always patient and calm. She treated Russ like her own child.

The six children were divided with the parents. Margolin favored Lady Annabella. Abigail was for her mother. Luna was a rebellious one, so she didn’t care for anyone but herself. Auly loved being around her father, mother, Russ, Luna, and Margolin.

As for Russ himself, it was Sandra, his spiritual mother. She was his sister’s mother. For one thing, she was a pervert too. She taught Russ and Ala everything when they were old enough.

Sandra, The Reaper was what she was called. She gave them the [Stalker] class. Ala ranked her to [Creeper] while Russ ranked himself to become a [Groper].

Ala had gotten her class first, in order to switch her body from male to female. Russ wasn’t interested in that. He was very interested in the groper class to have multiple hands to touch things with!

On the battlefield, Sandra was always covered in blood. Her class feeds off of it.

Her fellow soldiers feared her, they hated her. They didn’t like a mud bitch making them afraid. They all wanted her dead but they couldn’t kill her. For one thing, she was a fellow soldier, and even if they did attack her, she'd slaughter them in an instant.

And seeing how her [Reaper] class had a way to bring her back to life, Russ didn’t believe for a second that her and Travis died because they were protecting a village… It wasn’t Don and his man who killed them. It was Margolin and the rest of their children.

“Mistress?” Lispa questioned.

Sandra begged Russ to save the girls. She was crying, and Sandra never cried before then. Sandra and Travis sacrificed themselves for their children to not become traitors.

No matter how much the king denies ever using the villagers as a trap for the enemy, Silver knew the truth! The official reports don't matter!

“Mistress, we are ready!” Lispa screamed to get her attention.

Exactly what deal was made? To this day, she doesn’t know…

Lispa persisted, but Silver was non-responsive, she was still caught up in her thoughts.

‘Mother said the king didn’t want me to mess up his plans. What did that mean?!’ Silver thought. "There were so many unanswered questions."

As Silver concentrated, Lispa did something her friend did to her once. She leaned forward to nibble on Silver's ear.

"Wha?! Hey! What the hell?!" Silver screeched while holding her ear.

Lispa giggled. "Works every time!"

Silver frowned.

"Now, now, you said you won't hurt me!" Lispa teased.

“If everyone is ready, we can get this show moving!” Jeopardy yelled to the flag.

"Miss Silver, are you alright? You were deep in thought." Lispa asked Silver.

Silver put on a face that said, (nothing was wrong with her) as she spoke. "I'm fine… Let's go..."

Without any more words, they all proceeded with the battle plan. All of the soldiers thought this battle was about testing them. To see if they were loyal soldiers. They didn’t know the kings were coming, or the fact that Silver was trying to become emperor, or any major information that a spy would want to get their hands on. Silver didn’t want to deal with spies and the kings at the same time, so this had to come first.

Cliff’s battle has its own dimensions, and this includes time. No matter how long the fight, in the real world, the battles are about two hours max.

“Let the battles commence!” Cliff said.


{Battle One: Fucking Battle}

“My Lords, what’s going on?” Lispa asked the two Russ while surveying the area.

Both Russ stood over a crowd of people who were slowly spawning in a dark castle room with pillows and pink cushions everywhere. It was like a large bed world.

“We’ll explain everything when everyone has joined the flag battles. Because there are four battles going on at once, Margolin and my mother are sorting through the people who are joining. This is gonna take a while, you all can sit down and relax. We’ll start the battle when they are ready.” Silver shouted. She wanted everyone to hear her announcement.

“Okay, my lady... You never mentioned any of this. I thought this was supposed to be a flag battle.” Lispa said nervously.

She obviously wasn't the only one blindsided. The entire Kingdom had no idea they were under suspicion in the first place.

Lispa was no longer afraid of Silver and Russ, she just didn't know if she trusted them yet.

"Don't worry, Lispa! None of you are in trouble, we’re just separating the ones that are!" Silver reassured with a hug.

Silver was so warm to her. Lispa knew this a while ago, Silver was not the same as Russ.

”There’s gonna be a lot of fucking here, so try to have fun!” Jeopardy grin.

“O-Okay... can I stick around you two?” Lispa asks.

“Are you worried I’d get angry if you’re not around?” Silver laughed when the woman nodded. “Wow! We really did a number on you, huh?!”

Lispa blushed, then spoke. “I haven’t seen you in a while… When you are busy, I just sit around with my mother doing nothing. During that time, I couldn’t stop thinking about you both.”

“Wait, she knows who we are? I thought it was a secret.” Jeopardy said.

“I never said this… I’d required a class that shows you both as my master. I can't really explain it, but I just know you're both Russ. It happened when you two split. My duty is now to serve you both.” Lispa explained. She opened her mouth wide with her tongue out to show she’s ready to suck or lick. “I’ll always be here for use.”

“Oh, we’ll get to that! We are not selfish types. Even though this is for us two to have fun, we decided to let anyone who wants to express themselves be here. With that being said, you are to only pleasure one of us. We won’t ask you to take care of someone else.” Silver said.

“Yes, Mistress!” Lispa said.

Silver felt eyes bearing down on her. There was a woman sitting on a fat man‘s back.

“I’ll be right back, handsome.” Silver said.

”Okay, I will go speak with the other people who are here. I don’t want them to get too anxious or too impatient and start without us!” Jeopardy said.

“Can I come with you?!” Lispa yelled to Silver.

“Me? Don’t you want the one with the dick first?” Silver asked.

Lispa rapidly shook her head. “I haven’t pleased you as a girl, so I want you first when we start!”

Silver laughed, “Okay! It’s nice to still be wanted!”

“Of course you're still wanted, love!” Jeopardy said to Silver. “I’d hate to have you think you're useless as a girl!”

“I feel the same way! You’re so pretty!” Lispa said.

“What’s with you two?! Did Margolin tell you two I thought about getting rid of the coin?!” Silver asked.

“You’re going to get rid of the coin?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Jeopardy asked. He was hurt...

“You may be okay with all of this because you’re still a guy, and you don’t have to deal with this shit! But I have to deal with a different situation from you! I don’t even know who I am anymore!” Silver said, then walked off.

“Wait, what?!” Lispa questioned. She looked between both Russ. “Aren’t you going to stop her?! I don’t know what’s happening, but this seems to be something internal!”

“It is... and to answer your question, I am not going to stop her... She needs time, all of this is happening too fast, even for me... I hate it when people rely on me... I’m not all that great with helping anyone...” Jeopardy said.

“That’s all the more reason to help her! If you can’t rely on yourself, then who are you going to trust to help you?!” Lispa said.

The woman didn’t seem to care about seeing Russ’s fury. Her skills to make them happy were going off like crazy. She legitimately cared if one were sad.

“Do what you want! I will be fine eventually! I’m going to fuck after all! All will be okay!” Jeopardy said, then he walked away as Silver did.

‘I wasn’t sure if my skill was telling me the truth, but these two really are the same...’ Lispa thought.

She saw Silver approach the woman on the big man, but decided to wait a bit before accompanying her.


“Uh-Oh, here she comes my little piggy.” A seductive woman cooed.

Piggy oinked as his mistress rubbed his balls.

“Hello, have we met? You seem familiar.” Silver asked the woman, she was still sitting on the man in a pig suit.

“No, we have never formally met, and to be honest, I didn’t think that we ever would. My name is Poppy.” The purple-haired woman said.

She had tan skin with a voluptuous body. Big tits and ass. She was wearing a leathery outfit with a tiny skirt.

“That man looks like Wild Pig, he was in my army. I don’t like that he is here to feel pleasure when he is supposed to be punished...” Silver said.

“Oh? He’ll feel pleasure, but he won’t be touching anyone! That’s one of his punishments for raping Auly.” Poppy said.

Silver had a shocked look on her face. “How did you know about that?! Who are you?! Where is Auly? Are you from her personal troops?”

“I don’t know where Auly is. When the flag battle started, us personalities had a choice of which battle we wanted to join. I have no idea where everyone else ended up. Although, I do see some familiar faces coming in, maybe you should ask them personalities.” Poppy said.

“Wait a minute, are you saying you’re Auly’s personality?! How are you here?! You have your own body?!” Silver asked.

“As I said before, I don’t know. I got the message to join, then I’d ended up here, that’s all I know!” Poppy said again.

Silver sighed, she knew her true guardian made the personalities real, but she didn’t think they would be this real.

“Say, Silver! I know you’re Auly’s sister, but I don’t feel like you are related to me. Do you wanna make love, sweetie?” Poppy asks.

“What?” Silver responded incredulously.

“We’re gonna have a fucking battle. As I said, we’re not really related.” Poppy repeated.

“That’s a weird thing to ask, you came from my little brother!” Silver said.

“It’s only weird if you think it’s weird. However, I understand your dilemma. Whenever you wanna play with me, I’ll be here. Just so you know, us personalities already had sex together. We don’t even feel like we are related amongst ourselves either.” Poppy said.

“Are there any personalities dangerous to the flag?” Silver asks.

“Not in particular, if there are, some of us would stop the other dangerous ones.” Poppy said then tilted her head. “Hmm, now that you mention it, I am worried about a personality named Samantha. She could possibly go after Auly and hurt her.”

“I see, anyway I’m not sure how I feel about the sexual contact. For now anyway. I’ll tell Margolin about the potential personality threat, but I’m sure Auly’s alright. Just sit tight until everyone is sorted out. The battle will start soon.” Silver said.

“I understand,” Poppy said while sounding very seductive. “Piggy! Say goodbye to your kingie~!”

Poppy squeezed the pig’s balls to make him let out a high squeal.

Silver was turned on by this woman, but it’s still weird she’s part of Auly. Although, Poppy and Auly’s body types were different.

This gave Silver a thought. ‘If she and the others are here without Auly‘s body, what about Mille? Would she still be in a wheelchair? I am going to invite her to see what would happen!’


{Battle Two: Spies Are Here}

“I knew it! That person is a traitor!” A girl in red clothing said.

“No, I’m not! What do you have to base that on?!” A man in yellow said.

“When I was doing my fucking chores with milking the cow, I saw you go out of the barn from the direction of the dead body! You’re definitely the imposter!” Red girl said.

“What?! I didn’t see you milk the damn cows! You stood there for a long time doing nothing! Then you self-reported.” Yellow said.

“You can’t visually see chores done, if you were a worker you would know that!” Red said. “And doing cows takes a long fucking time!”

“I’ve seen pink go into the kitchen and wash the dishes. Red took out the trash by us. I don’t think they are the spies.” Green interjected.

“I agree, I’ve also seen red do her chores,” Pink said.

“Yes, but she's been the loudest one throughout this whole ordeal, she is very SUS! How do I know you three are not the spies.” White said.

“And you have been defending yellow this whole time! You two were together when we saw two dead bodies at the same time! I say vote yellow, if he is not the imposter, vote for me! If he is, vote White next!” Red said.

“Shut your mouth, you bitch! You’re just a stupid woman!” Yellow said.

“Hey, enough of that! Samantha (Red) and I have been together our whole lives! I will not let you call her by that name! If she said she saw you, then I believe her! There are five of us left! If we vote for you, all we need is one more vote to win!” Green said.

Green’s name was Otis, he was one of Auly’s personas. Him and Samantha (Red) didn’t know why they were here, or even why they separated from Auly. All they knew was if they wanted to leave this world, they had to win.

An overseer by the name of Annabella, went down to tell them to battle to see who was a spy. Whenever someone was voted off from this farm, they faced her judgment.

The form itself was fairly big, it had a barn, a house, and a couple of animals within this world. The form world had various crops as well.

“It’s definitely, Yellow!” Samantha (Red) yelled.

The woman was a hot-head, she had blue hair and a muscular frame. She was wearing a red jumpsuit. Although she didn’t have her banshee abilities here, it didn’t stop her from screaming all the same.

“I vote, Yellow.” Otis (Green) said.

“Fuck all of y’all! We are going to lose because you’re listening to this woman!“ Yellow screamed.

“I will vote, Red!” White said.

Pink voted Yellow. With all of the participants voted, Yellow got the majority vote. He glowed a bright color, then blasted off in the sky. He started shining like a star.

A screen popped up for the remaining participants.

[Yellow was the imposter.]


{Battle Three: Gotcha!}

Even though the spy battle already started, Lady Annabella wanted to make certain they were all accounted for. She’d Inform them to begin the battles when she’s ready.

Silver’s battle was the last priority for the moment. The children of the flag need entertainment the most.

Margolin wants to do something for the kids. This war was harder on the little ones than anyone else. Some of their parents are either dead or captured. Letting them play games and be children was all they could do. This made the Silver’s citizens sad about this fact, though.

The game was simple, find a gotcha stone before the time was up.

The stones themselves were magic, they had a little surprise in them. The children were not allowed to open it until the battle was over.

The sisters of the orphanage had secretly held a stone on them, just in case a child couldn't find an already placed stone.

If a kid gets upset about being unlucky, the sister takes out the hidden stone, toss it on the ground, and goes, “Look! There’s a stone! You did it!” This made them so happy! This battle was not about winning itself, only to get the children’s minds off the hardships of life.

“Look, Sister Mira! I got a stone!” A girl said.

“See?! I knew you could do it, Lilly!” Mira said.

Lilly smiled. Mira worked as a sister for an orphanage before joining the army. She too lost her parents in a war, long ago. She loved to help wherever she could.

The excited girl ran away to see if she could get some more stones.

Mira looked towards Auly.

“So... you’re saying I'm on something called a moon cycle? And that’s why I was feeling pain, and was bleeding?” Auly asked.

Mira smiled. “Yes! Don’t worry, it’s a natural thing for a girl! Was this really your first time?”

“Yes, I was a boy before now...” Auly said.

“Hmm? Valerie told me, but you seem so much like a girl, it doesn’t seem believable! But anyway, you’ll get through it. How are you doing now?” Mira said.

“I don’t feel it now, I think it’s because we are in this dimension. You told me one of the nun sister’s had a cut off arm, but here she does not. I think Cliff’s battlefields renew the participants to their peaks for the fights.” Auly said.

“Hmm, you could be right. That may explain why your personalities are here.” Mira said.

“My personalities?” Auly questioned.

“When you blackout, your hair changes to a color and a personality comes out, it seems,” Mira explained.

“Huh?!” Auly asks.

“You really didn’t know?!” Mira said.

“No, how do I act?” Auly said.

“I’ve only seen three of them. Poppy was the main one I‘ve seen. Although, I’m curious about this other one I met first. I think it was a guy, he seemed to care about you, but was strict.” Mira said.

“And they are here?!” Auly said, she was a little scared because she didn’t know what they thought of her.

“Well, Poppy is currently inside the battle with the king,” Mira said. “I don’t know where the rest is.”

“The male, was he... cool?” Auly asked.

“Can I be honest? I’d thought you were hot as him. You kind of turned me on with your controlled demeanor. I think his name was Oliver.” Mira admitted.

“You liked me as him?!” Auly asks.

“Yes, but I like you too! I am beginning to understand you!” Mira said.

“I see, people usually don’t like me, especially not in a romantic way...” Auly said.

“What?! That’s nonsense! Hanna likes you! I could tell, and I do like you in that way! When you asked to sleep with us, we thought you wanted us both! We can still do that together if you want.” Mira said.

“Okay! I don’t like sleeping alone!” Auly said.

“Okay! I can’t wait!” Mira smiled.

Someone approached them.

“Oh... you’re fine... I guess... I’ll take my leave...” A deep-voiced man said.

Both Auly and Mira looked at the man. He had an all-black formal suit, his hair was gray, and had a very deep voice. Auly wished her voice was that deep...

“Hello, Mr..?” Auly started.

“My name’s unimportant... I’ve only come to see if you’re okay... Bye, now...” The gray-haired man said.

“Wait... Are you one of Auly’s personalities?” Mira asked.

“You‘ve seen this gray-haired one?” Auly asked.

“Yes, I remember his tone, this is Oliver!” Mira said.

“Captain Mira... Since you’re here with Auly... I’m going to Silver‘s battle...” Oliver said. He only went there to check on Auly. He didn’t wanna be here any longer than he had to.

“Wait! Talk to Auly, please?!” Mira said.

“I don’t want to talk to her...” Oliver replied flatly.

“You hate me, don’t you? I am... sorry...” Auly said.

“It’s not that... I just don’t want you to rely on us... That’s all...” Oliver said. “You’re free to join me... But I am leaving...”

“You’re going to have sex?” Mira asks.

“Yes, you can come if you like,” Oliver said.

“I don’t want to... I like someone, you see...” Auly said.

“You’re speaking of Hanna..? She can also come...” Oliver said, then vanished.

Auly stood there shocked.

Mira chuckled a bit. “So you secretly want sex, hmm? We can all go if you want Auly.” Mira said.

“You’re really coming too?” Auly asked.

“Sure, I don’t mind! I am supposed to protect you anyway, right? Let’s go!” Mira said while hugging Auly.


{Battle One: Fucking Battle}

”It worked! Your legs are renewed!” Silver yelled.

Mille couldn’t believe it, she was naturally standing! She was so happy, she jumped up and down to see if she’s dreaming!

“How is this possible?!” Mille asked.

“I don’t know, but I have learned not to ask questions about these things and just roll with it!” Silver cheered.

“Very well, I’ll do just that!” Mille smiled.


When Auly arrived in the fucking room, she saw so many people here.

“Auly? I didn’t think I’d see you here!” Jeopardy said.

“Umm... Hi, there...” Auly said, she was feeling shy.

“Are you really going to fuck?!” Jeopardy asks.

“Umm... I don’t know...” Auly fidgeted, she was holding her crotch area.

“Oh yeah! You still have not told me what you decided! I don’t think you’re going to actually fight for it, so here’s what I’m gonna do! I want you to yell out loud about what gender you want to be! You can’t beat me, but this should be easy!” Jeopardy said.

“Umm... No, I don’t know exactly... can you just give it to me...?” Auly asked.

”No! That defeats the whole purpose! You need to decide for yourself on what you want to do! Not me, not Margolin, you! Do you not understand?!” Jeopardy yelled.

“Hey, stop picking on her!” Mira protested.

“What’s this?! Another girl helping you?! I know you want to be a man, all you gotta do is fight back, Auly! You can’t rely on everyone forever!” Jeopardy said.

“I.... umm... I can’t PICK!” Auly said.

“I would like for you to change her back to male....” Oliver said to Jeopardy.

“Huh?! Who is this guy?! Well, whoever you are! It’s her decision and hers alone! I know people think I’m being mean, but she needs to decide this for herself!” Jeopardy said.

“I don’t know... can you just give it back anyway? I don’t want to choose!” Auly said.

“No! You must scream it! And you need to stop wearing dresses if I give it back to you!” Jeopardy screamed.

“No... I can’t do that! I really like wearing them.... please just give it back anyway....” Auly said.

“Sigh! Fine! I thought this would do the trick and toughen you up, but this is clearly not working!” Jeopardy exclaimed.

“Excuse me! Who are you and what is going on?!” Mira said while looking between everyone.

“I’m... hmm...? I guess you could call me her guardian. I am the husband of Kilo, I am Jeopardy.” The Guardian said to Mira, then looked at Auly. “Whatever! I’ll roll my dice on this matter whether or not you should be a boy or a girl!”

“Hey, Auly! I didn’t know you’d be here! Piggy, move faster! I am not that heavy!” A purple-haired woman said while riding on a man in a pig suit.

“Sorry, mistress... I’m just tired!” Piggy said.

The pigman was feeling all the pleasures around him, he was enjoying himself more than he wanted to. However, if he admitted this, his mistress would do something about that...

“No excuses!” Poppy said to the pig. When she approached, she looked amongst them. “What is everyone talking about? Anything I should know about?!”

“Umm... who’s this...?” Auly started.

“Auly’s getting her dick back... This makes me so happy....” Oliver said.

“What?! She can’t! She’s fit more as a girl, and I think she loves being a girl!!” Poppy protested.

“I umm well... I do... but...” Auly said.

“See..? She hates it... Let her be who she was born to be...” Oliver said.

“Well, I think she should’ve been born a girl! She likes wearing dresses! I know this because I love wearing dresses and skirts and all types of girly things!” Poppy said.

“Well, I like boy things... So I should know more than you...” Oliver said.

“Oh, yeah?! There are more girl personalities than boy ones! She leans more towards us! You even refer to her as she! Why do you think she should’ve been a boy, huh?!” Poppy yelled.

“Even if you have a point... and all of that is true... I may be out of defenses on this matter... I still want her to be a boy... So there...” Oliver said.

“Wait... No... I... Please stop fighting over me... He’s going to roll his dice, so I don’t have to decide!” Auly said.

“Can you two stop! This is clearly stressing her out!” Mira said.

“I’m confused! I don’t know who any of you are, except for Auly! I don’t have all day! I am ready to fuck! If you are ready for a dice roll, I want this to be permanent! Whatever you roll as. You’ll stay a girl or guy!” Jeopardy said.

Auly looked horrified. “No, you can’t! I love being a girl! But my father told me to be the man of the house! I need to be male!”

“No, Auly! Decide for yourself! Our sisters can defend themselves! They don’t need me or you! If anything, they rather us be girls! I want you to fight for yourself! That is all I‘d ever wanted for you!” Jeopardy said.

“I... I... can’t...!” Auly gasp. Her breath was getting lighter, almost hard to breathe.

“She chooses to be a gir-!” As Poppy was talking, she became breathless.

Both Oliver and Poppy grabbed their necks trying to breathe through their mouth or nose, but they couldn’t do it easily.

At the same time, other people who were scattered around the room were also gasping for air.

“What’s going on?!” Mira asks.

“Don’t ask me, I don’t even know who these people are!” Jeopardy said.

“Handsome?! What did you do this time?!” Silver asks.

She, Mille and Lispa got concerned with all the dying people. Silver already knew who to blame...

“Me?! I’m sure I’d started this, but I had nothing to do with these people dying over here. Do you know who they are, love?” Jeopardy asked.

“These are Auly’s personas!” Silver said.

“Her personas?” Jeopardy asked.

“I’ll explain it later, handsome.” Silver said to Jeopardy then she looked at Auly. “Auly! Whatever you’re doing, stop it! You’re killing them!”

(No one cares about you, Auly! You're a nuisance! You should just die! Why do you even exist?! You can’t even decide on what you should become! You’re unreliable! You’re like a weed that’s needed to be ripped out!) Auly’s mind.

‘1.., 2...3...4...5-‘ Auly started counting in her head. She just wants to sleep, and fall into the blacked world that she goes to, nothing can hurt her there... She wants to stay in the dark place... forever!

Oliver got a message from Samantha. He accepted the message and saw her in the magic mirror.

Samantha: Where is that fucking idiot?! Why is it hard for me to breathe?!

Even though she was running out of oxygen, she was still full of hot air...

Oliver: I’ll handle this situation... So... quiet, you...

“Auly, it’s okay... We’ll let you decide on your own... Please stop...” Oliver said.

Samantha: Is that your weak ass attempt to fix the situation?! Where is she?! I’ll handle her myself!

(No one needs you, Auly, just die!) Auly’s mind.

Auly heard a humming in her ears.

“There, there, Auly. Tune out everything else but me. Let my voice be the only thing that matters right now. Calm down and listen to only me.” Mira said.

Auly and her personas regained their composure.

Auly looked shy at the onlookers' watching.

“Okay... Is anyone planning to tell me what’s happening, now?” Jeopardy asks.

Samantha: That’s what I wanna know! What the fuck is wrong with her?! Do I need to come over there?!

Oliver: No…

Oliver hung up on Samantha.

“I’m so sorry! Forgive me! I ruined everything!” Auly yelled while crying.

Some bystanders were confused and concerned about this situation. They even helped some of the personalities off the floor.

“It’s okay, Auly. Let’s go over here and rest! You’re not bothering anyone, just relax!” Mira said while guiding Auly away.

“Don’t worry everyone, she is fine, just need to rest! She’s new to this type of thing, so if you see her during the fucking game, give her time to adjust to this nature. Although, this reminds me of one rule. Even though this is an orgy and anyone can have sex with anyone. If someone says no, that means no, regardless of what you may think! You’re all free to come up with safe words!” Silver said to the crowd.

They all nodded, then went back to their conversations. They were still slightly worried and confused.

“Okay, now explain to me what happened?” Silver asked. She didn’t care who answered.

“Well, as I was trying to make her decide if she wanted to be a boy or a girl! These two randos came and made her freak out!” Jeopardy said.

Silver sighed and walked off towards Auly. “I’ll handle this, handsome! You can start the battle whenever! I think that’s everyone who’s going to join!”

“Okay?” Jeopardy said questionably.

“Piggy! Take me to Auly!” Poppy yelled.

Oliver also sat on Piggy’s back.

“I’ll join you... This was my fault too...” Oliver said.

“Yes! This was your fault! Piggy! Mush!” Poppy yelled.

“Mush...” Oliver repeated.

He was kicking his heels on the pig's legs.

Jeopardy watched as the weirdos rode on top of the pigman. He had been in some crazy orgies, so he doesn’t judge.


Mira continued to hum with Auly.

“What gender do you want to choose, Auly?“ Mira asked.

“I don’t know... I was born a boy. So I should be that, right? I must protect my sisters as a man...” Auly said.

“I understand you need to help your siblings, but I believe they have accepted you as a girl. Even the Silver King seems to not care. Your real responsibility is to the Army, as mine is to you. Your gender itself does not matter, it’s what you want.” Mira said.

“I... don’t know.... when I was going to the all-boys school, they picked on me...” Auly said.

“I’d shown you how to kick their asses, did I?” Silver asked.

She sat near Auly. Mille and Lispa sat as well.

Auly frowned. “Ala did that... I didn’t want to tell you, but she took over my body...”

“Sigh, yes, I know. I could tell when you were ‘pretending' to be her.” Silver said. “Listen, Auly. I am also a girl right now. I have more responsibility as a woman, more than I did as a man. I understand that you want to do the right thing. However, your gender shouldn’t matter. We are sisters in a kingdom with elves, dwarfs, and whatever else we may have. I don’t care what the other kingdoms think or someone else’s rules! We have an opportunity to do things our way. This is our kingdom and if anyone has a problem with you being a girl, then they have a problem with me and the entire kingdom! You don’t have to choose now or ever if you want to. Just be you! The other me doesn’t understand yet, but he will. He’s a very slow learner after all.”

Silver hugged Auly.

Auly was shocked, Russ has never hugged her. She was so warm. Auly cried in her sister's arms.

Silver got up from the hug.

“Ahhh!! I haven’t had sex this whole fucking time! I am going to do that now! Auly! If you’re personas try to make decisions for you, come to me! This is your body! They are the guests, tell them that!” Silver said while laughing. “I think I see them coming over! I’m going to fuck! Bye now!”


An hour later after the battle started, and still no fucking! Silver wanted to get laid!

Mille and Lispa walked close to Silver as they moved to the center of the giant bed. She hoped the people would come to her, she’s lazy like that…

When she looked around, people were talking and fucking.

There were doggies styles to cowgirls going on. She couldn’t wait to join in... However, it was hard to ignore that some people weren't happy, or rather uncertain.

The truth was, that whole Auly thing was a mood killer... The personas were telling the regular people it was okay now, but the people were still fearful. Of course, not even the personas could blame them. They were also scared it could happen again...

Silver really wanted to ignore this... She just wanted to mind her own business...

“You should say something...” Mille said.

“Why?!” Silver asks.

“Because my lord wants everyone to fuck, right? What kind of fucking king are you, if your people won’t fuck?!” Lispa teased.

“Sigh, you two really want this, don’t you?” Silver asked.

“Yes, you do too, now say something!” Mille said.

“Fine! But if this gets in the way of my fucking, I’ll get mad!” Silver said.

“We’ll take your punishment. That’s why I’m here anyway! Lay all of your fury on me, sir.” Lispa said.

They were right about one thing, if they weren’t happy having sex, then all of this was for nothing. Not even Silver was in the mood after seeing the personas nearly die, it kind of brought back a trauma.

“All right everyone, listen up! I want to first say that what happened to some of the participants is not contagious! What happened is a condition they have. They don’t want to talk about it, it’s pretty much a curse! They're from a group called, [The Personas]! The curse is called Shreyas! It’s new! I came up with the name myself! I’ll be helping them deal with it!” Silver yelled to the crowd, which looked very confused. “It’s not an allergic reaction! I know it doesn't make sense, but I want you all to know that we’ll try to prevent this from happening again! So, you’re free to fuck around and do whatever you want! Again, don’t worry, you won’t get infected!”

And with that, she felt like her job here was done! So she moved on.

However, everyone had even more questions, apparently, that did not resolve anything...

“How did they get cursed?! Will they die in any second?! Is there a way to help them?!” The surrounding people bombarded Silver with hundreds of questions.

Silver sighed, she didn’t want to deal with this at all... People are relying on her decisions again... She loves to rule, but not be in charge.

“It’s alright everyone, go back to your partners, we’re okay now! If everyone truly wants to know more, we will post it in an announcement! But, later! Get back to making love!” A brunette persona said.

The crowd dispersed, then the brunette approached Silver.

“Thanks! I didn’t know how to handle that...” Silver said.

“No worries, My name is Bonnie. I’m not sure if I need to call you sister or not, but I am happy that you came to our aid, so thank you, too!” Bonnie said.

“Don’t mention it, have fun!” Silver said while walking away.

“Wait! Can I talk to you for a bit?” Bonnie said.

“Why?! This is fucking time!” Silver yelled.

“But I don’t know if I’d ever get another chance to talk with you! You’re always busy and it’s not easy taking over Auly’s body to communicate with you! There are way too many stronger personalities. This may be my only opportunity...” Bonnie said.

Silver sighed "I guess you’re right! Fine! Meet me in the middle, I don’t want to get in the way of everyone else here.”

“Okay, let’s go, everyone!” Bonnie said to a group of personas.

Before Silver knew it, she had to deal with several personality problems. The personas had problems with their lives. They basically wanted to be official citizens of Silver’s kingdom.

“So... You’re saying you want to be a princess! You want to be a married woman! And you want to be something like a hero?! How can any of you do those things, you’re all not real! You all are stuck in one body in the real world!” Silver said to the group of personas.

This didn’t make any sense to Silver at all. She didn’t have the time to concern herself with them because they’re not real!

The personas looked downcasted, they wanted to get upset about what she said, but Silver was telling the truth... There’s nothing they can do to accomplish their goals...

”Silver, if I may, can I suggest you assign them to roles anyway? It’s not gonna hurt anything and they seem to wanna be their own person. From what little I know of you, you want the same thing, right?” Mille said. “You dare anyone to tell you no. You even told Lady Auly this is our kingdom and we come up with our own rules. And I say, give the personas a life of their own, even if it’s only for this battle...”

Silver couldn’t believe she used her own words against her! But she was right...

Silver sighed "This is a huge waste of time! But whatever! If it makes all of you happy, then line up! Tell me what you want to be and then move on!”

Unfortunately, some of them didn’t move on... Some became a royal guard, maid, Silver’s heroes, and things that tied them to her.

“I’d like to be the queen of the personas. Some of them won’t follow me, but I can help the ones who needs me.” A huge breasted persona said. Her name was Reyes. She reminded Silver of her mother and Margolin. These personas seem to take after people Auly knows or read about.

“Sure... I haven’t become the emperor yet, so I can’t make Kings and Queens, but I will when I can... Here's my Coin name. This way I’ll see you in my family’s tree to remember you by... You’ll carry the Coin family in my name...” Silver said.

At this point, she wasn’t taking any of this seriously... She didn’t care because all of this was for nothing. If they wanted to be her brother, sister, soldiers, or whatever, who gives a fuck...?

“Ahh! Is that all?! Can I fuck now?! This is why I don’t like to help anyone, I don’t get anything in return! I wasted four hours sitting here doing all of this! You people can’t even perform the roles! Booo~! Let me fuck!” Silver yelled.

She wasn’t having a good time at all...

Mille shook her head and then spoke. “I don’t think it was a waste of time, you have made them so happy! I‘m not 100% sure what they can do, but I am sure they’ll make it up to you! Think from their perspectives. They nearly died, and it can happen again at any time. Is it wrong for them wanting to live the way they can, while they can?!”

“But I have five adopted daughters now! Why don’t I marry you, Mille? You can take care of them because I don’t wanna! You started all of this anyway! If you want to help in my place, go for it! You will have the same privilege I have!” Silver said.

“Yes! I’d like that! You treat me so well, you have given me working legs! I feel like I have a purpose around you! I’ll gladly take them as my responsibility! They also deserve someone to look out for them!” Mille said.

“Okay everyone, times up! I hope everyone had fun! We should do this again sometime!” Jeopardy said.

“What???!!! I’ve been cocked-blocked this long?!!” Silver exclaimed. She was turning red from rage!

Lispa quickly kissed Silver. “Don't worry, I'm here! Calm down, I’ll make you feel better! Don't get mad!”

“But what about the kings, mother?” Princess Bonnie Coin asked.

“Do you think I fucking care about them?! I do not! They can wait for all I care! We are going to my bed-chamber, right now! If you're going to be a Coin, you should know we are not pushovers! We are better than kings!” Silver said.

Silver realized she sounded like her mother...

“Yes, mother, I have so much to learn from you!” Bonnie said.

“Yeah?! Whatever! You're not real!” Silver said.

“But... I want to... be...” Bonnie said with a hurt look.

“When you find out how you can help me, let me know! You're no good to me! You're like a ghost!” Silver said.

When Mille lost her legs, she heard something similar... She hated feeling useless.

“I’ll do something to help you, Bonnie! You're going to be my girl soon, I want to help all of Auly’s personas. They are people too!” Mille said.

The personas lit up to her words, it’s nice to see someone look out for them.

‘They aren't real! But whatever! I do get where they're coming from, but what can they do for me?’ Silver thought.

“I’ll be heading to my room to fuck, let me know when you all figure it out! Here’s my engagement request, you can utilize my resources. If you need the army, helpers, or whatever have you, you only need to ask them! If you’re going to be a wife of mine, then impress me or the marriage is off!” Silver said.


When the battle ended, Silver immediately went to her room. She didn’t want to waste any more time not fucking.

When she entered, she saw Bonnie, her new daughter. She was standing near Mille?

“Hello, mother,” Bonnie said.

“Huh?! How are you here?!” Silver asked.

“I did it!” Mille smiled, she was quite pleased with herself.

Because I'm not able to release this on the day, I want to say, Happy Halloween! If you all want a Halloween special, I can do that if you all want that. It would be short and depending on when I do it, it may not be on the day.

I want to talk about the silver coin itself. The main reason why I don't do it as much is for several reasons but the main one is I don't want it to be a Deus Machina.  Every time a problem happens, Silver uses the coin to fix her problems whatever she wants. It'd be like, if something big happens. “Whoops! Let's use the dragon balls! Someone dies, Dragon Balls!” I want an actual reason to use the coin. And because her subjects know the dangers of the coin. They wouldn't openly challenge her. This is the same for the Kings as well. I don't want a person to challenge her unless it makes sense. So it's not that I forgot about the coins’ powers. I just don't want to use it as a get out of free card. For every single thing and every problem that goes her way.

With all that being said, I think her building the Kingdom from her own hands, speaks more volume. Her doing things her way without relying on the coin. I appreciate hard work over someone who can just press a button. Pressing the button does not build character. I felt like Silver would completely be the same if she does the easy way of making her kingdom. I don't know if everyone agreed and they want me to use the coin more anyway, but I feel like it's a cop-out. You might say, ‘why have a coin in the first place!’ well just because you have the power to do something, doesn't mean you should she use. I think the coin is more than just flipping at the chance. The way I have it now, she has a chance to make her own life with truly work! The silver coins in my eyes, have served its initial purpose. Don’t worry, I’m not done using it.

I can’t wait to show you all what I have planned for Bonnie. I’m really liking where I'm going with her.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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