Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 35: The Cycle (Part 3)

{At Roton’s keep}

King Roton dragged Wanda by her hair, while her husband, Kevin, trailed them down the hallway.

“I can’t believe I have Margolin! I’m going to make so much money off of her!” Roton said.

He told his man to trap her in his study and strip her clothing.

‘I’m going to have my way with her, first! Then sell her! Silver would have to beg and give me everything I want to become emperor!’ Roton thought.

When he made it to the study room it was locked?

Roton knocked hard on the door, which made a small peephole open up.

“What do you want?!” A man asked from the other side of the door.

“Can’t you see, it’s me?! Let me in!” Roton demanded.

“Why?! I don’t know anyone named ‘Me’! Go away, fatso!” Man replied.

“Wha-?! What the hell are you playing at?! Who’s in there?! I am your king!” Roton screeched.

“Fuck you, ‘Me’! Your no king of mine! My ruler is an Emperor! Get lost! And get a better name!” Man yelled.

Roton was getting pissed. His skin was turning red from anger.

“Guards! There are intruders here!” Roton said.

“Wow! You whiny little bitch! Well, you all can suck my long dick! You can all do it together, they‘ll lick and suck my balls while you deep throat!” Man said.

Roton’s mouth gaped, no one has ever talked to him this way! He’s a king, dammit! He looked at Wanda and saw she was half-smiling.

“Stop your grinning you damn bitch!” Roton said while smashing her face against the door.

Wanda cried out against the door. The door opened and made them both fall forward to the floor.

Roton saw that there were several people inside.

The long dick doorman grabbed Roton by the neck.

“That’s not how you treat a lady. How would you like it if I‘d made you into a woman and treat you that way?! Huh?! It wouldn’t feel good, would it?!” Long dick said.

Roton saw so many people raiding his whole study room. They were finding his secret documents and were even in his bookshelf compartment that had a secret room with his special girls in it.

The once captured women were now sitting in chairs. They were given covers and something to eat and drink.

“Mr. Brox! Can you bring the king over here?! Oh! The woman and man, too!” A Lady said.

“Yes! Ma’am!” Long dick, Brox said. He looked towards the two people that were with the king. “Come, you two!”

Brox was a huge man with long arms. He carried the king towards his Lady. Kevin, Wanda’s husband, helped his wife up and took her to the king’s desk.

While being manhandled, Roton’s eyes wandered to his main desk. There was a woman of color sitting there. She was a brown-skinned woman he knew.

“King Roton, how are you this evening?” Lady Margolin asked.

“Wha-? What’s going on?! Where are my men?!” Roton asked as he was forced to sit in a chair that‘s in front of Margolin’s desk.

It felt like he was in trouble with the principal for something he did and he was sitting in ‘her’ office.

“They are in prison. We have no intention of killing anyone. We’re here to collect Emmett‘s deeds, people, and his wife.” Margolin said casually.

She was busy multitasking in her settings, not really focusing on Roton himself.

“How are all of these people here, and how did you imprison my men?!” Roton asked.

“Are you seriously asking how we, who’s known for teleporting, can just pop in your kingdom?!” Brox scoff. “And if we can teleport people in, that must mean we can teleport people out! You’re a really dumb king, aren’t you?”

“Nevertheless, I don’t have that stuff! I’ve sold everything to do with that useless king. So in other words, your trip was for not! Now, get out!” Roton said.

“Did you just sell it or you’re still in the process of doing so?” Margolin asked.

Roton didn’t want to mention that the people he sold were still in his land. The slave traders have not picked them up yet.

When it comes to the money system. Deals can be transferred through the settings. However, people are not transportable items through the system itself, unfortunately.

The silver empire was the only group of people who had good teleporting methods. Sure, there are items and spells others can use, but they all carry a huge price and that doesn’t mean money...

“King Roton, it doesn’t matter. Give me access to your settings, I can track the transactions from there. If you cooperate, you won’t have to worry about me or Silver coming your way.” Margolin said.

“No! Fuck you and you’re family! You’ll get nothing from me!” Roton said.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I can do everything legally. So if you’re sure about this, the system would recognize that we are in the right. You’re forcing my hand here.” Margolin said.

“As I said, fuck you, mud bitch!” Roton said slowly.

“Okay... you asked for this...” Margolin sighed. She then looked at Wanda. “Hello there Princess Wanda. How are you, sweetie?”

“I’m fine... what’s going on?” Wanda asked.

She heard so many things happening around her at once.

“We’ll get to that, soon. I’m going to ask you some questions. Are you okay with that?” Margolin asked. Wanda nodded slightly, she was confused. “Where is your mother?”

“She is in the king’s chamber, sleeping,” Wanda said.

Margolin sent someone to go get her.

“Okay, I need to know this if I’m going to decide what to do with her... Was it true that she betrayed King Emmett?” Margolin asked.

“Nooo! The only reason that happened was because of me! I was being naïve and I... I’d forced my father to surrender his kingdom!” Wanda said.

“I did read some stories, Emmett was winning and he suddenly gave up... I guess you are the reason why...” Margolin said.

Wanda froze to those words, she was remembering every stupid thing she did...

“Explain to me what happened,” Margolin said.

“I won because he was weak!” Roton yelled.

“King Roton, be quiet or I’ll teleport you to a desert! Where I don’t need to deal with you anymore!” Margolin said with heat.

“Awww! That won’t be as fun as my idea!” Brox said with a grin.

“Go on, sweetie. Tell me the truth.” Margolin said. She ignored Brox.

“When... I was young... there was a war between my father and King Roton... For years they fought over land. I was sick of it. I convinced Kevin, who was a stable boy at the time, that we should run away and get married... Well... we did that and got caught by King Roton’s men... King Roton told me to get deeds to my father’s land or he’ll kill Kevin... So I did... My mother took the blame, but it was me who betrayed my kingdom. To get me back, my father had to surrender...” Wanda said.

Margolin shook her head in disappointment.

“I really wish this wasn’t the case... You seem like a good girl and I don’t want to cause you any more pain. However, because I made some rules... I am not allowed to break them...” Margolin said, not wanting to put forth action in this matter. “Wanda! Because you betrayed a kingdom. I have to sentence you to prison!”

Wanda said nothing. She felt she’d deserved this...

“My emperor wanted the land and deeds for your father, and along with the person who betrayed the king. Because you are the betrayer, I must offer you as... a gift to the Emperor... So I’ll give you a choice on which sentence you want. Go to prison, or become a gift for my sister...” Margolin continued, still not wanting to do this... But she couldn’t expect people to follow the rules if she does not.

“Okay, I understand... I choose your sister.” Wanda said. “What are you going to do with my mother and sister?”

“Well, they are free women. If they did nothing wrong then I won’t do anything to them. I am obligated to take them to our empire though. The emperor asked for the people as well.” Margolin said.

“I see,” Wanda said.

Margolin went into her settings again to arrange some things.

Wanda saw a message asking if she was sure if she wanted to become Silver Coin’s bitch. Wanda said, yes.

A new outfit was equipped for her. She now had a silver thong and bra on. She was handcuffed and a silver choker on her neck with a string attached to that. Her mouth was gagged. There was a way for Silver to open the mouth hole to do things to the woman... After a Lady tied Wanda‘s hair in a ponytail. She put a big silver bow at the back of Wanda’s head. To complete the gift, silver ribbons were layered around her.

“This was all for your mother... I‘m sorry this had to be you... I am still taking your mother to go see Silver. This is ultimately her decision on what to do about this situation. She may decide to let you go, but I doubt it...” Margolin said, then looked at a man. “Tim? Can you take her to the emperor? She’s expecting her. I told her what’s going on.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Tim said.

“Umm, can I come too...” Kevin asks.

“Yes, of course, you can go with your wife! I am sure my wife is already worried about me, so I understand!” Tim said.

Timothy nodded for his teleporter to prepare a teleportation spell.

When Wanda felt she was being moved, she mumbled and tried to speak through her gag. Margolin quickly took the gag off in concern.

“What is it, sweetie?!” Margolin asked.

“Wait! Before I go, what are you going to do with King Roton?!” Wanda questioned.

Margolin regarded the king. He was glaring at her.

“Would you like to listen to his sentence?” Margolin asked.

“Yes!” Wanda eagerly said.

“Very well! King Roton! The Silver Empire declared war on you for holding what belongs to us! You have already been warned about this and you even prepared men to fight us! Therefore, as the adviser of the empire, this war is valid! Because you neglected to give what was owed to the emperor! You are our enemy and this kingdom will be open to be sieged!” Margolin spoke with power.

Roton’s entire kingdom became enemies with the full empire. Seconds later, the king saw a message.


You have lost your kingdom and your title of the king! All of your skills and levels have been stripped from you!


“What the hell?!” Roton exclaimed.

“Your family has also been notified of this. If you had any heirs to the throne, then their rights to rule have been revoked. I don’t know your settings, but it doesn’t matter. If anyone is still loyal to you then they are going to continue being our enemy! We’ll do everything in our power to prevent any retaliation. You were warned before that this was gonna happen! If you ignore and continue to piss us off! Then we will crush you like the bug you are! However, we won’t kill you! I am half minded about punishing you and doing what Brox has suggested. I could let the people you made suffer, have their way with you! But because I tell our citizens not to do this for revenge. I’ll hold back that urge! I must withhold, law and order, or there would be only chaos! Although, it’s so much easier to give in... The cycle of payback, death, and pain is a never-ending cycle with innocents continuing to suffer! There would be no one making a change!” Margolin said.

Roton was speechless, confused about what just happened, then was kicked from his own kingdom. Margolin was tired of looking at him. He didn’t seem to care what she was saying. He only cared that he lost everything.

“I’d recorded everything, Ma’am!” A record mage said.

“Thank you, Gloria. Make sure you record what happens with his citizens as well. I want a record of everything! Including my uncle and cousin.” Margolin said.

“Yes, Ma’am!” Gloria said and walked away.

“You should have just punished him...” Brox scowled.

“As an empire, we are getting stronger. With that strength, we’ll try to justify everything we do. I believe this way of thinking is wrong, and we can end up no different from the kings.” Margolin said.

“In other words, just because we can do whatever we want. That doesn’t mean we should.” Tim said.

“Although, Off the record, I did punish him... He was teleported to his slave traders. They paid for hundreds of people. But instead, they only received him. If they try to attack this kingdom to get the citizens, my uncle and cousin are no strangers to war. They also have the empire to back them up.” Margolin said, then stood up. “I must get going. I have to talk with the other kings. Stay here with my uncle and cousin while they sort out all the people in this kingdom. Eventually, my cousin will rule over Emmett’s kingdom and my uncle will take this one!”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Brox said.

Margolin looked at Wanda. She was smiling. Margolin could tell she had been wanting this for a long time.

“I hope that satisfied you enough to breathe easier. I will convince Silver to let you go when I get a chance.” Margolin said.

Wanda shook her head. “No, if this is the price for my people’s freedom. Then I’ll gladly do it! Just tell me, will my people be safe?”

“I can promise you they will be in good hands. My sister may really like sex, but she will not hurt you either.” Margolin said.

Wanda nodded. She opened her mouth as an indication that she's ready to be gagged again. Margolin didn’t want to put it back on, but she did...

“My wife feels responsible for what happened... So this is her way to atone for her sins.” Kevin said. “Which is why I want to be a gift as well... I am also the reason why our people suffered...”

“If that is what you want...” Margolin said.

She went into her settings and did the gift treatment to Kevin. He got a sexy outfit as his wife did. Silver thong, bra, and all. They were a matching pair.

The difference with the guy was that he had a long silver wig. Which was Brox’s idea.

“Happy Silver Day!” Brox yelled as he captured an image of the gifts.


{Inside of Silver’s room}

Roy was gone and Mille was asleep.

Silver sat on pillows with Lispa, Mary, and Lacey. They were discussing things to come.

“You’re an emperor?!” Mary yelled.

“Yes, it happened this morning. We’re not telling everyone in the kingdom just yet. Margolin is afraid people will attack me before I get any stronger. So keep quiet about this.” Silver said.

“Wow, my Lord Emperor, that’s amazing!” Lacey said. “And you’re saying my husband really was working for you?”

“Yes, but I can’t tell you what he is doing for me, it’s a secret! The safety of my peoples is a priority. So I hope you can understand and know that I will not put him in danger.” Silver said.

“I trust your judgment, my Lord! I am just happy he’s still faithful! If he can do anything to help make this empire better, you may use him. He’s a good man and I know he wants to be of use.” Lacey said.

“I have finished dressing for the night, your highness...” Emily said as she walked out of the bathroom.

She was in a pink sexy see-through nightgown. Because she was a man with no shame, she tries to please the one who rules her. She learned life becomes easier that way...

“Oh, Emily! Come over here! I want you to look at the presents I got you!” Silver yelled.

“Presents? For me? You don’t have to do that, I did nothing to deserve it...” Emily said.

“It won’t be for free! You’ll sign all the papers saying I own everything you have! You won’t be a king or have anyone under you!” Silver said.

“Okay... I’ll do it... The only reason why I didn’t do it with Roton, was because a king can only hold one kingdom at a time. And if he takes more land, then it would raise taxes on his holding. I was only a proxy, but I lost my rights to be called; king, a long time ago... No need for gifts... you can have all of me...” Emily said.

“So, you want me to throw the presents away? I want you to at least see them first! They are coming!” Silver said.

“I will do whatever my mistress wishes...” Emily said.

“Don’t be such a downer! You’ll like the gifts! I swear!” Silver said.

“I’ll accept whatever my mistress gives me,” Emily said, she faked a smile.

Emily didn’t know how to pleasure Silver yet. Like what are her preferences, dos, and don’ts. So she went closer and rubbed Silver’s shoulders.

Silver seemed to like contact, so she did what she thought was best...

She kisses Silver’s lips to test the waters. Then her mouth moved to the breast.

“I see that you’re like Boris! I personally don’t like this slow stuff, but it does feel good. You’re very gentle. Kind of boring though.” Silver giggled.

“Do you want me to be bolder?” Emily asked.

“If you can!” Silver said.

“No! That was already too much to look at!” Mary growled.

“Then don’t look! Join!” Silver said.

“Okay, if you are going to do this, I’ll do it too!” Mary said as she completely disrobed. Then kissed Emily. She wanted to make Silver jealous, but it didn’t work. Emily kissed her back, which surprised Mary.

Silver wanted Emily to be bolder, so she did something with her new skills. Emily had the power to disrupt, give, or take energy, and steal a random ability.

She took Silver’s blob ability. While stolen, the original user can’t use it. The downside was, Emily would lose the previously stolen ability if she takes another one. Of course, then the stolen ability will go back to its original owner.

Silver didn’t need her blob to be strong. She had other things she could use in a fight.

Emily didn’t know how to properly use the blob, but she made it a dick shape and rubbed it on Mary’s pussy.

Silver grabs onto Emily’s hand and forced the blob inside of Mary’s sex.

“Hey!” Mary exclaimed.

“Relax! The blobs are slippery, you don’t even need to be wet!” Silver said.

“My lord, if you truly want her to relax, then I’ll help,” Lispa said. “Mary, the problem you’re facing is pride and insecurity... I want you to let all of that go! Silver loves sex and you’re gonna have to get over your feelings. Just relax. We are Silver’s women and we won’t hurt you. It’s okay to love us too.”

“I know, but it’s hard!” Mary said.

Lispa hugged Mary while pushing her to Emily. They both kissed again.

Mary didn’t know why but this was making her feel good. Although, Silver was being rough with the blob.

“Silver, be more gentle with your women. We are not going anywhere. We all can love each other if you all give to one another. Everyone, relax.” Lispa said. Silver pouted, but she decided to go easier on Mary’s pussy. “That’s it, Silver! If you let them feel good, then you will too. I want all three of you to feel a warm embrace between each other.”

Emily started crying, she hasn’t felt this good in a long time.

“That’s it, Emily! Let go of your hidden anger! I know it’s there! The moment you became entwined with my mistress, I can feel your feelings! Release your doubt, hatred, and guilt. You’re amongst friends here.” Lispa said.

They were all going into it. As Silver made the blob dick fuck Mary, Emily created a dick for both herself and Silver.

“You can all cum, now! Let the ecstasy overflow you all!” Lispa yelled.

They all made love noises while passionately kissing each other.

“Fuck! Ahh! Mmmm!” Mary said.

They were all panting when a knock on the door made Mary quickly put her clothes back on.

“Sir! They’re here!” A guard yelled from the other side of the door.

“Oh goody! Let them in!” Silver yelled.

Tim walked in first. His wife, Lacey, was so excited from that sex she witnessed, ran towards her husband.

However, she stopped. He held strings, which were attached to a man and a woman. The couples were gagged and wrapped like presents.

There was an anger building inside of her until Silver ran Emily past Lacey.

“Happy Silver Day! Emily!” Silver yelled. “They were meant for me, but my sister begged me to let you have them! The original plan was to only get your kingdom, the people, and your betrayer! We had no idea it was your daughter and you weren’t exactly betrayed! Roton was a fat liar! He likely told the fake stories to make you look bad as a ruler! And he also knew that blackmail and kidnapping are serious crimes, even for kings! So it was easier to say that your people hated and betrayed you!”

Emily wasn’t listening, she didn’t want to think about the past... She just couldn’t believe what she was seeing, now... Silver’s gift was Wanda?! She ran to hug her, she hugged Kevin as well.

“I am so happy to see you two! I thought I would never see you again, Wanda! Are your mother and sister here too?!” Emily said.

Silver took the gag and handcuffs off them.

“Wha-what?! What’s happening? Who are you? Are you the emperor?” Wanda asked.

“I am your father, Emmett! I’ve turned into a woman, but that doesn’t matter! We’re here together again!” Emily said.

“My father?” Wanda questioned.

“Yes, I changed him to a woman. I am willing to change him back and let your whole family go. I‘m just not able to do it now. I need the kings to think that I mean business and take me seriously. So until my dealings with the kings are done, I can’t let your family go.” Silver said.

Silver hated politics, but a weak hand is a dead hand. Seeming nice and kind, won’t win wars...

”Your other daughter and wife are sleeping inside a room I’d given you... They are exhausted from their experiences...” Silver continued. “Until I let you go, I need to own you and your family. You’ll be part of my empire and your entire flag would be completely integrated into mine. Your people will become my own. I’ll have full custody of you, your daughters, and your wife. You all will be loyal only to me. That’s what the kings would see.”

“Yes, we’ll do it! From now on, you are our Emperor!” Emily said.

“Excellent! I’ll just have to ask the rest of your family!” Silver said.

“I am here to serve you as well,” Wanda said. “I know my sister and mother would do the same.”

“Well, that was easy!” Silver said. “Emily, get your daughter and her husband cleaned up! I will have someone take you to your wife and other daughter! If you need food, ask your maid. I am told you have a brilliant mind. I’ll be using that, soon.”

“Yes! My lord! I understand!” Emily said.

“Oh, before I forget,” Silver said as she changed Emily back to a guy.

It was amusing to Silver to see a grown man in an outfit meant for a girl.

“Go to your wife and make her happy! However, when you’re with me, you’ll only be a woman!” Silver yelled.

“Umm...” Emily said.

“What’s the matter?” Silver asked.

“I think I like you more than I should, is that okay? I still love my wife, but can you join us in bed, soon...?” Emily asked.

“Sure! You’re all my bitches after all! Anything else?!” Silver said.

“Can I keep my dick and have a feminine body...?” Emily said.

“If that’s what you want, no problem!” Silver said, then obliged her request.

Because Silver wanted to have sex, she ignored her ongoing messages. She guesses this was as good a time as any to look at them... She saw there was an emergency family meeting called...

“My mother has been calling me, so I’m gonna see what she wants! Mary and Lacey! I have a room for you both. You’ll have a maid to help you. Lord Timothy will be doing things for me a bit longer, but don’t worry. He’ll join you later.” Silver continued.

“Can I come with you, too? If this is important I want to be there! Also, I want to sleep with you...” Mary said.

“Won’t your sister be lonely by herself? And besides, when they are ready to have a baby, you’ll need to help them!” Silver said.

“Okay... but only for tonight...” Mary said.

It seemed Mary and Emily had bitten off more than they could chew with Lispa’s suggestions. They seem calmer now.

Mary didn’t even get mad when Emily confessed her love to Silver.

Emily was biting her lips when she looked at Silver and Mary. Not to mention, her dick was hard! She didn’t even try to hide it.

Silver wanted to test something. She stood in front of Mary and put Emily‘s dick between her thighs from behind her. She wanted to see what Mary would do.

Silver pushes Mary’s head for a kiss. After that, Mary starts kissing downwards on Silver’s body. Emily was sliding her dick back and forth between Silver‘s thighs.

Mary was rubbing Emily‘s dick from underneath. With this little action, Silver started. The two didn’t need any more convincing. They were still horny from before. Silver likes what she sees.

Mary licked Emily‘s stick and began sucking on it.

“Why, Mary? You’re sucking on another person’s dick, on your own. I should punish you! You will finish this dick in your mouth! You’re going to swallow!” Silver teased.

Silver held Mary’s head in place, while Emily fucked between Silver’s legs and into Mary’s mouth. Emily pounded Silver’s ass with her pelvis thrust.

Mary wasn’t able to take the whole dick, because Silver‘s body was in the way. However, with the warmth between Silver’s legs and pussy. Silver’s body was jerking Emily off.

Mary rapidly sucked on that dick’s head. With the combination of her licking and sucking. Emily was drawing closer to cumming.

All of this was arousing everyone else in the room.

Lacey wanted to make love to her husband. So they excused themselves.

And Lispa took Wanda and Kevin to her room. She wanted them to get nice and relaxed.

Emily was grabbing Silver’s tits really hard as she pounded under her.

“It looks like I created monsters! I love it! Yes! Fuck her mouth! Cum down her throat!” Silver demanded.

It would seem you didn’t need to tell Emily twice. She was ready to blow her load. She held tightly on Silver‘s body as she came. Silver was not letting go of Mary’s head as she drank the cum.

When the bursts were finished. Silver moved out the way.

“Clean off my juices on that dick!” Silver demanded.

Mary took Emily all the way to the base. She didn’t seem to care anymore.

“Because I have something important to do. You two are allowed to please each other. I have blocked the ability of all of my sluts from impregnating one another. I don’t mind if my bitches fuck. Just as long as you don’t fuck anyone outside of my circle of sluts! I won’t be around all the time, so this arrangement is fine.” Silver said.

After she left the room. Mary and Emily couldn’t hold back their urges anymore. They wanted to be Silver’s perfect little bitches. So they gave in to the lust.

As Silver walked to her mother’s office. She looked at her messages.


You have gained a new skill.

[Tainted Union] Passive: Try as they might, but targets who are coupled with someone else. Would likely cheat on one another. This will make your targets tell their wives, husband, and lovers that you are the way to make them happy. Additionally, they will have lust in their eyes. They would fantasize about having sex with someone else. You can actively use their fantasies and make them real.


Silver didn’t see this message until now.

‘Was this what made them have sex with each other? I thought it was because of Lispa. But then again, they still wanted to fuck even after her spell wore off. Mary must really love me, and Emily must really love her wife to make me level up when I broke them. I guess they’re fantasizing who they really love.’ Silver thought to herself. ‘Oh, well! Time to see what my mother wants.’


Silver made it to her mother's office. This reminded her of the last time she went into her office... It didn't help when Silver opened the door and saw quite a selection of people within it. There were Silver's family members, Kilo and Lavender.

“You're late, as always, cousin... I have to get back to Roton's Kingdom, quickly.” Joshua said.

Joshua was Silver’s cousin, on her father's side. Joshua's father was the brother of Travis, who was Russ's father.

“If you're supposed to be conquering Roton’s Kingdom and subjugate his people. Why are you here...?!” Silver said.

“Because of the family emergency meeting you are late for! Were you sleeping around like you always do?! I’m here, busting my ass for you and you're sleeping around!” Joshua said.

He wasn't necessarily angry. He just didn't like this behavior. Joshua was a married man with two boys of his own. He didn’t believe in sleeping with multiple people at once.

“Boys, stop it! The quicker we can get this over with. The faster we can completely take the Kingdom!” Theodore said. “My general says we have the kingdom for the most part. There are just some rebellious groups. I want to conquer the Kingdom before morning. Then work on Emmett’s Kingdom. So let's get this meeting done!”

Theodore was Silver’s uncle. Margolin told him and his son to overtake the two kingdoms.

The thing about Silver is, she may want something, but don't have any ideas what to do with it after she gets it. She wanted deeds to the land of Emmett's Kingdom. But neglected to think about reluctant people who would take it back... She didn’t even think about what to do if Roton fought them and lost his kingdom. Margolin pretty much thought about everything. She knew Roton’s men would kill the slaves if given the opportunity. That's why the best option was to completely dominate both Kingdoms. Silver didn't think of any of that, she just wanted the land.

Silver's family believes she's a screw-up and not a very good ruler. However, they’ll still do whatever she says with their best efforts. In actuality, they don't need her to tell them everything. Margolin prefers to handle it her way, anyway. Silver was not exactly delicate... All Silver needed to do for Margolin was point in a direction, that was it. She’s fine with that.

“Okay! I am finally here! What do you all want?!” Silver yelled as she walked to the middle of the room.

She didn't realize how many family members joined her. There were boy and girl cousins, uncles and aunties, and grandparents. Lady Annabella had a big office, so it was able to fit them. But there were about more than 60 people here. Most of them only came to be high-rank Nobles.

Joshua and his father believed in the right way to do War. Travis was the same, but Russ believes in Guerrilla tactics. Outsmarting your enemy was key in battle. When Russ fights, he’d use any dirty tactics he had, like dick kicking. He’d deploy animals like snakes or whatever.

Now that he has a girl’s sexy body. He'll use even that if it's going to get him the victory of the battle. These kinds of methods are shameful amongst the war members of the family.

“I have called for this meeting to discuss things, moving forward.” Lady Annabella started. “I know you all think our Lord Emperor is an idiot. I do too. Regardless of any of that, my daughter has something here. Her new life can help so many people. I want everyone to step aside from your differences. My daughter is the Emperor and you will all follow her. Now with that’s been said, me and Margolin have been talking. Although we plan to make a change in this world. We want everyone to behave at the highest standards. People will be looking at us. Determining if we’re fit to rule as a family. Squabbling amongst each other will not solve any problems. If the emperor gave someone a task, I expect everyone to do it to the letter. And I expect everyone to respect her as an emperor. The first order of business is the Guardians. Lavender wants to talk to you, daughter.”

“Okay, I don’t mind. I'd like to say something before this meeting starts, and I have a feeling this is going to be a long meeting... I'm aware you all are using me to get what you want! I don’t care! I only ask if you don’t try to stop my fun! Over the years, I’ve never bothered any of you! I understand I am a black sheep of the family, and you all have your own ways of doing things! So I won’t tell any of you to do something you don’t like. Although I expect the same! That is all I have to say!” Silver said.

“Okay, I guess everyone is ready. I want you to add more guardians to the flag.” Lavender said. “Also, let a Guardian Interface with your soul.”

*Wishlist*’Uh-oh, Silver! I think he's looking for me, inside of you!’**

The thing about me is I don't like to tell someone to like a Character or not. If they are good or bad. The reason why show some things that my "bad" guys do, Is I want everyone to come to the conclusion themselves on what should be done about that person. I won't always show every "bad" guy but when it came to Wild Pig for example. It was you reader’s decision on what should be done from your own perspective. And I am curious to see what you all decide when it comes to these things. The next vote is for Roton.

I don't have anything else to say without spoiling, but if you have something to ask. I'll be here to answer it!



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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