Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 36: Soul-Walker!

{Still in the family meeting room}

‘He’s trying to interface with my soul? What does that mean?’ Silver thought to her guardian.

*Wishlist*’You know how if you look at an item. You can see its stats and what it’s used for? Well, the soul also has something similar. A guardian can see if a soul is tainted or tampered with. He is trying to look for me. He believes your true Guardian is hiding inside of you! Although, most people think Jeopardy is your real guardian. He definitely knows that’s false!’**

*‘You seem calm about this. What would happen if he found you?’ Silver thought.*

*Wishlist*’Nah! He won’t find me or Beyond! He’s too weak! He can look all he wants! Anyway, just agree with it! I’ll go back to sleep! I only wanted to let you know what he wanted! Something musta happened for him to ask now! This is technically a violation to a mortal. No guardian would ask this freely!’**

*’You sure do sleep a lot! What are you two doing?!’ Silver thought.*

*Wishlist*’Well, we are soul-forming your body and soul! Also, we are making my next vessel strong to maintain my being. It takes a long time! We are here, we just have plans for you! For the most part, we‘ll let you do your own thing. You don’t need us for this weak guardian! If they ask to add another guardian to your body, let them. It will resolve their suspicions!’**

*’How many can be in me?! And would they hear us talking if they’re inside!’ Silver thought.*

*Wishlist*’You can hold 4 weak guardians! No matter what they do inside of you, they’ll never find me and my girl! All guardians use a different frequency. My girl can’t hear us unless I want her to. Same for anyone else. Oh! If my girl feeds off the new guardians without them even knowing. Tell them it’s the coin’s doing! You know what?! Blame everything on the coin! We shaped your body to fit our needs! Far as they know, the coin is beyond anyone’s understanding!**

“Do we have your permission to add more guardians to the flag?” Lavender repeated.

“Why do we need more?” Silver asked.

“There are only two guardians who are useful to protect your flag. Jeopardy is not always available. If the flag was attacked right now by other guardians, he’s nowhere to be found... Fragment is not reliable when it comes to fighting. And we still have yet to find Mr. Chuckles. He is a strong guardian and if he has fallen into the abyss. We can’t stop him from killing you. He can be absolutely anywhere without us knowing where. I’ve tried to sense his essence. But no luck. The poison has hidden him well. Kilo and I need at least three more to help.” Lavender said.

“Yeah, but I think something happened to make you say this now! And you don’t need to look at my soul for any of that! Just say what you want, now!” Silver said.

“Yes... Very good, Silver. You actually did something wrong. Being an Emperor is one thing. Some guardians hate it, but that is not enough to anger all of them. Your skills are breaking rules! Let’s take your silver coin ability for example. Your skill basically makes silver coins worth more than gold... And this is for your full empire. They can‘t do anything about it. However, it’s still grounds to kill you. Guardians built the system around balance. You see where I’m going with this?” Lavender said.

“They can all suck my dick! The system gave us that!” Silver said.

“You’re right! That’s why they can’t do anything! But that doesn’t mean they won’t try something! We must be prepared! Also, we don’t know if the system gave it to you. Me and my brother feel like it’s something else stronger than us... That is why we were curious about your soul. We don’t ask this lightly.” Kilo said.

Kilo was scared for her girls. If something big was going to come for Silver, then her people can pay the price.

“So it’s my money skills they hate?! So what?!” Silver said.

“No! It’s also the ability to make a baby a boy or girl. You have a lot of unbalanced things. You can potentially make a girl king! Or even give kings only sons. You have at least 35 skills that unbalance the entire system!” Kilo said.

“Silver Coin. You are a problem. It’s not just your coin anymore. It’s you as a person. I fear there’s a war coming for you. Hence, we need more helping guardians.” Lavender said.

“I am completely fine with more guardians, but if you know me. They’ll have to fit my standards. I only put up with you and Kilo because I know you two very well.” Silver said.

Kilo looked at Lavender. She knew what her brother was thinking...

“We both have a Guardian you may like... However, not many people will like or understand why we have ‘this’ guardian... She feeds off of misery and she doesn’t have a lot of followers because of it. No one wants to be miserable all the time. She is Kilo’s daughter.” Lavender said.

“Can we not show her... I love her, but people won’t understand her..” Kilo said.

“Wait! You have children?! Don’t Jeopardy know?” Silver said.

“Children and marriage work differently for us... We don’t need to have sex to give birth. If an All-Father was to bless us, he’d just do so. He doesn’t need our permission. I’ve been married 36 times. I am old, Silver. I was made before this Galaxy came into existence. So, yes! I have children! All guardians do. Just not the way you think. My girl is... a sin...” Kilo said.

“She’s a sin? Is she evil?” Silver asked.

“No! Why do people always think that about us?!” Kilo asked.

“Us? Are you a sin, Lady Kilo?” Silver asked.

“No! Well... yes, but I am not evil! I am a guardian of burden! I can take the pain away! That’s not evil! How is that evil?! Huh?!” Kilo yelled.

She hated this topic... she doesn't even want people to consider that she was something bad.

“I’d help all of my girls' problems! They don’t feel the burden, I do! I’m not a sin!” Kilo continued.

“Sister, as I said many times before about this topic. We all have our roles to play as a guardian. Some of us are for love and hope. They are the good guardians peoples can rely on for rough times. You and your daughters are for burden, misery, suffering, and pain. You're all sin! You’re not like me who is made for intelligence. No matter what you do, you are created for something specific. You are the weight that people bear. Your daughter is strong with someone who is miserable. When you and your daughters do your jobs. It is the good guardians who will take their pain, not you and your girls.” Lavender said.

Kilo hates hearing this! Why do people constantly think she’s evil? No matter how many people she helped?!

“Lord Lavender... You know I have the utmost respect for you. But I can’t sit here and let you disrespect my guardian like this.” Lady Annabella said. This particular topic makes all of [The Ladies Of Grace] angry. Kilo teaches her girls no matter what people think. You should have your own path. “We are all here today to help my daughter. Not put my beloved guardian in a box!”

“Yes, forgive me. I know this flag is trying to do something different and I want the same. I do love you, sister Kilo. I just want you to be honest with Silver. Truth is, you are considered a sin. Something from the underworld. I feel that is best to be honest, to the best of our abilities. If you’re going to tell Silver to bring your daughter into the flag. She should know why.” Lavender said.

“Silver... The reason why I think my daughter will be good for you. You and she are similar...” Kilo said. “She likes sex and you are miserable when you don’t get it. She’s perfect for you. Even though I am her parent. I understand why most people would run away. I’m scared that if she doesn't have followers, she’ll do something terrible.”

“I would advise you not to show her to anyone. She is visually disturbing to regular people. Guardians take the appearance of their followers to help co-exist with those around them. If a guardian is specifically for an elf. Then that Guardian will look like an elf. Misery looks monstrous... So we will show her to you in private. We only wanted to ask you if we can add more. Other than that. We can be on our way.” Lavender said.

“I don’t mind looking at her now! Where is she? And I thought you wanted to look at my soul?” Silver asked.

“We want to look at your soul, but in private. My girl will be shown later tomorrow. You and your family can finish the meeting. What we‘re talking about is no rush. We just think it should be done.” Kilo said.

“I don’t even wanna be in this stupid meeting any longer! If she likes sex, show her tonight! However, I’m leaving, bye everyone! None of you care if I’m a ruler anyway! So my opinions won’t matter at this meeting!” Silver yelled.

Without hesitation. She walked away like she always did. There’s absolutely no point and staying in a room full of people who don't really want you there.

“Because me and my son have kingdoms to conquer. We’ll be on our way as well. Just let us know whatever the family decides.” Theodore said.

Theodore, Joshua, and some other family members surprisingly followed Silver. When they all made it outside the room, they stopped Silver.

“Lord Emperor! The reason why my father and I showed up for this meeting. Is because we wanted to talk to you about some things. Your mother is right. You do have something good here. You have a chance for us to do good in this world when we previously could not. When I saw the people we’d liberated at Roton’s keep. All the slaves were so happy to be released. I’ve been seeing people suffer for years. Finally, we can unchain them. This is the reason why I’ll continue to follow you.” Joshua said.

“I don’t think anyone from the family wants to undermine you. I personally don’t care if you like to have sex. It didn’t bother me before and it doesn’t now.” Jennifer said.

She was a dark-skinned cousin on Margolin’s side. Of course, Margolin didn't just invite Russ’s part of the family. When she said, all of their families. She wasn’t playing around. Not that Margolin really plays.

“I don’t even know half of you!” Silver said.

“You could change that! You think we are only using you! That’s not true! If you actually spend time with us you would know that we don’t have any animosity against you!” Ethan said.

Silver had no idea who this guy was to her... There were just too many people! First, she had to deal with the personalities and now she has to deal with these people?! She just wants to fuck! And it will take all day to get to know them... Not this again! She didn’t want to waste time not having sex!

“I want to thank everyone for helping me in this endeavor. I know I seem ungrateful, it's just I have a lot on me, really quickly. I just need to settle down and have time to breathe. I am going to fuck and sleep now! Maybe after I deal with the kings in the morning. I will be able to talk to you all, properly!” Silver said.

“Yes, we understand. It is getting late. If you need us, we’ll be around. I think we need at least two days to completely take the kingdoms.” Theodore said.

Him and his son walked away. As did the rest of the family.

They all seemed to understand. Some did want to talk more, but decided to save it for later.

After they said their goodbyes. Some went to sleep. The others went back to the ‘emergency‘ family meeting.

The last one who was standing in the hallway with Silver was Jennifer.

“Before you go to sleep. I want to talk to you in private. Can we go into a room far from prying ears?” Jennifer said.

Silver didn’t know what she wanted, but she looked serious. They went to a location of the castle no one goes to.

The castle was huge. There were several wings and sections of this big building. There were parts of the building that went as high as five stories. The lowest was three.

Jennifer wanted to go to a section completely far off. Even if the castle is mostly empty. The people who are staying inside the castle take at least 3% of the castle. The family members didn’t stay there yet.

One thing Margolin did with the entire castle, she added furniture.

Jennifer and Silver went to the master bedroom of this wing. Which was {Wing-D}.

Jennifer sat on the big bed to get comfortable.

“Can you please come over here and sit with me?” Jennifer said.

“Sure...?” Silver questioned.

“As you know I am Margolin’s cousin. I have several things I want to say. It may sound weird to you. I just want you to at least let me finish...” Jennifer said.

“Okay... I am listening...” Silver said while sitting by her.

“I would like to first say, thank you for coming all this way with me. I wanted to see the castle, but I was scared to go by myself. I feel like a trespasser. Which brings me to my point. I’m not your immediate family, nor am I blood related to you in any way. Your father had married and had kids with my aunt. But we are just family by marriage. Usually when that happens with royalty families. They are never treated well or have good positions in the kingdom. Some of us are commoners. We don’t expect you to take care of us. We just want to know where we stand in the grand scheme for my part of the family. What are your plans for us?” Jennifer said.

“What do you mean? I don’t care about any part of my family! It’s not just your part!” Silver said.

“Wow, that makes the next thing I want to say easier. Is it okay if you make me an empress? One of your wives?” Jennifer asked.

“What?!” Silver said.

“We’re not related and we are just branches that can be cut off! You don’t even care about us, as you said! This way, we are less scared! We’ll have something to fall on! I don’t want you to think we are trying to use you, here! We just want a stable life for ourselves as well....” Jennifer said.

“I can always make you a Duchess or something!” Silver said.

“No! That’s not enough! I know this is a lot to ask and I even asked your mother for guidance in this matter! She said, yes! And your other family members approved! If you want me to ask my auntie Sandra, I will! This is no different from twins dating another pair of twins. If they’re not related, it’s okay!” Jennifer yelled.

“Wait! Do you mean my father’s wife Sandra?! Margolin’s mother?!” Silver asked.

“Sure... that’s the one. I can talk to the dead... Don’t tell anyone, it scares some people...” Jennifer said.

“So you are a spirit user like she was? I know her family has a lot of spirit wielders, but I didn’t think any of you would talk to her.” Silver said.

“Well, I don’t know if the others talked to her. I specifically talk with spirits when I need information or ask them how they are doing.” Jennifer said.

“If I consider you to be my fiancé. Can you let me speak to them?! I want to talk to Sandra and my father!” Silver asked.

“Yes! I have the power to let you speak with them! I’m not very high-level, but I can go to the Spirit realm to bring them here! Then use a skill to let one of them use my body so you may speak with them.” Jennifer said.

“Okay! Do that! I want to speak with my auntie Sandra first! Oh, don’t tell them I’m a girl or anything about me! I want to talk with them about myself!” Silver said.

“Alright, I don’t mind. Just sit here and watch over my body. It’s quite possible another spirit could take over my body, while I’m retrieving them. Dealing with spirits is very dangerous. Umm... If a bad spirit does take over my body, tie me down. Then get my mother!” Jennifer said.

“I’ll watch over your body. I have some experience with body possessions. Ala did it all the time!” Silver said.

Jennifer nodded and concentrated. She used a skill to project herself out.

In her spirit form, she got out of her bed. She looked at her lifeless body laying on the mattress, then looked at Silver. She was in her settings while she waited.

‘I guess now I have to look for them.’ Jennifer thought.

When she did this the other times, the souls were already there. She was at their grave or a family member brought them to her. She never went to look for them. So, she had to find Sandra’s location.

’This isn’t a problem. I can ask around.’ Jennifer thought.

She currently couldn’t see any ghosts in the area so she wanted to try something.

“Is anyone out there?!” Jennifer yelled with her [Ghost Call] skill.

She waited but didn’t hear anything until a shadow came behind Silver.

“I am here...” The shadow said.

The shadow had a sexy girl voice. Really seductive. It was hugging Silver.

“Who are you? And why are you hugging my emperor like that?” Jennifer asked.

“Hmm? It’s okay. I’ve been contracted to protect this mortal.” Shadow said. Its face was on Silver‘s head. “If you’re looking for Sandra. I can help you. I will watch over your body. As my lord’s subject, I am also your keeper....”

The spirit didn’t seem malicious. However, it was uncomfortably close to Silver.

Jennifer started hearing noises in the distance. She heard sounds from a horse coming towards her.

When the dead ghostly horse went near her, it started neighing.

The horse looked very dead, but blood was flowing through its veins. The color of the horse was red and black.

“Take my steed, it knows the way. Here, take this.” Shadow said.

It took out a lantern and held it out to Jennifer.

The lantern was all black and had a silver coin attached to the top of it.

“This will protect you,” Shadow said.

When Jennifer took the lantern, the shadow caressed Silver.

“Hold your arm out. I don’t want my kin to think you stole my things...” Female shadow said.

Jennifer held her arm towards the shadow. And in return, the shadow placed a bracelet on her wrist.

The bracelet also had a silver coin on it.

“Go now, Soul-Walker. Your skills don’t last forever. As I said. I’ll watch over you.” Shadow said. It kissed Silver on her head.

Jennifer wasn’t sure if she should leave Silver like this... But judging from what the figure said. It’s been doing this for quite some time...

“Okay, I’ll be back!” Jennifer said.

She hopped on the bloody ghost horse and it took off, fast. She had to hold on tightly.

Before Jennifer knew it. She passed hundreds of doors that lead to different purgatories.

The world around her was just pitch black. All she saw were these doors and spirits.

The phantoms were trying to grab at her, but the ghost lantern fended them off.

She had to protect herself from all sides, and they were relentless.

The Purgatory Realms had souls with unfinished business or they were just lost. Every ghost‘s end was different.

Although it took a bit of time to find the correct purgatory, she made it!

The purgatory door she was led to was all white. It looked no different from the other doors.

This was the first time Jennifer did this. However, she wasn’t scared. She got off the horse and entered the door.

She found herself on a battlefield. There were bodies everywhere. There were soldiers, peasants, all dead.

“Anyone know where Sandra is?” Jennifer asked.

“I do!” A dead body grunted.

Jennifer jumped in surprise. She looked at the female body in the grass.

It wasn’t moving in any way, but she can still hear it. She thinks it’s because of her skills. However, this body was definitely dead.

“I’m sorry I scared you, my dear child! The loop is almost done. The soul you're looking for is in the village.” The dead female body said.

“Thank you! I’m sorry I can’t help you!” Jennifer said.

“It’s alright! Travis and Sandra are good people. We are part of the loop where they die by their own friends... I suggest you hurry before the loop starts again! I never knew where they were when this started...” The dead female said.

“Okay! Thanks again!” Jennifer said as she walked away.

Jennifer had no idea what actually happened to Sandra and Travis. They died a hero’s death was all she knew.

This purgatory seems to be a constant loop of their failings. Over and over again, they died here.

Jennifer couldn’t do anything about the hundreds of souls who couldn't move on.

When she made it to the center of the village. She saw Sandra and Travis along with their fellow soldiers.

Sandra the reaper was killing so many people.

Jennifer thought that she was a hero? The men she killed were not an enemy, but her own unit?!

“Everyone! Run!” Sandra screamed.

There were scared villagers running from soldiers. The soldiers had wolf markings on their armor. Were these King Al Bastion’s men?! Why were they killing people?! The other enemy they fought had already died!

“Hi there, Soul-Walker. What can I do for you?” A male shadow said to Jennifer. He came from behind her.

Jennifer gazed upon the figure and it looked almost similar to the one she saw before. He didn’t look threatening, just curious as to why she was in his territory.

“Hi...” Jennifer said.

“Beautiful isn’t it?! I've seen this loop several times and I never get tired of looking at her kill!” The shadow man said.

Sandra was swirling her reaper’s scythe around, slicing off heads. She threw it at her own men. She was a killing machine.

“Seeing her work makes my eternity exciting!” Shadow man continued.

This guy sounded fruity to Jennifer.

“Okay...? Who are you?” Jennifer asked.

“I am the one who should be asking YOU that. You are the intruder here! But anyway, I’m Voix! Now, who are you and why are you here in my plane of existence?!” Voix said.

“I am Jennifer. I am trying to bring two people back to the real world with my skills.” Jennifer answered.

“Oh? Who?!” Voix asked.

“Sandra and Travis,” Jennifer said.

“I see, Spirit-Walker! I can let you do that! Just wait in the house over there! It’s against the rules for me to cut a loop short. When I’m finished I will bring them to you. Just so you know. If you’re going to do dealings with me, Spirit-Walker. There are rules. I’m not against you taking them for a bit, but you can not keep them! You seem new at this, dear Spirit-Walker.” Voix said.

She turned to look at where he was pointing. It was a little house.

“Go in there quickly Spirit-Walker! It’s getting to the good part and I don’t wanna miss it!” Voix yelled.

Jennifer looked at the scene he was watching.

“Travis! Lookout!” Sandra screamed.

Travis was shielding a couple of villagers with his big shield when an assassin man stabbed Travis in the back.

“Ahhh!!!” Travis exclaimed. He pushed the assassin off of him, but he was bleeding a lot.

Soldiers were taking the villagers he was protecting, then killed them. He tried to help them but he heard his wife.

“Travis, my love!” Sandra yelled.

Chain ropes went around her neck to pull her down to the ground. Which gave her enemies an opportunity to pin her with their bodies. They had her by her legs, head, and arms. A man walked over to her and kicked her weapon away.

Travis was killed because he was distracted trying to get to her. He was stabbed by several men. The final blow was done by a man named Don. He sliced his head off with a giant sword.

Sandra started whispering to herself. A large death spell was cast, then it went away.

“Sandra, the king only wanted you dead. It’s a shame all this had to happen.” Don said as he walked to her.

“Damn you, Don! I thought you were our friend!” Sandra said.

“What?! I never was your friend! You filthy mud bitch! I only tolerated you!” Don said.

“How is this the best part?! This is terrible!” Jennifer yelled to Voix.

Voix frowned. “If you don’t like it, leave! You’re ruining my fun!”

This Voix seems to really like watching this... Jennifer could’ve sworn he was slightly mimicking what was said. It’s like he’s watching some drama theater...

Jennifer looked back at the scenery.

“No! Don’t hurt my girls! I’ll die quietly!” Sandra said.

“Good! We know you have some sort of spirit magic! If you stay dead! We won’t kill your girls!” Don said.

Sandra was on her knees, tears in her eyes. Don stood over her with a giant sword.

“Auntie Sandra! I don’t want to see you die! Please, stop!” Jennifer yelled.

Jennifer's sudden outburst made Voix pause everything.

“I am tired of you ruining my fun! I’m just gonna put you in that building!” Voix yelled.


Jennifer opened her eyes. She was sitting on a couch. The building she was in was small, but it is definitely like a house. There was a little girl hiding under the couch.

Jennifer assumed that she was still inside purgatory.

A mother entered the house in a panic. She told her girl to come to her, the mother grabbed the girl then they ran away.

“I guess they are going to escape! Good!’ Jennifer thought to herself until she heard cries outside.

“Noo! Let my gi-!” The mother’s cries stopped.

“Mother! Someone, help!” The girl cried.

There was a strange carving sound going on.

Jennifer covered her ears! She didn’t want to hear this shit! The woman just sat there with her eyes closed, unmoving.

About an hour later. Jennifer heard noises in the kitchen. She opened her eyes and saw that same girl again. She was with her mother.

The mother was teaching the girl how to cook. They were minding their own business. They were both smiling.

“What?! How?! Is this the beginning of the loop?!” Jennifer yelled.

“Yes! I wanted to restart watching it! But I’m done for now. I will give the souls a rest! Here are the ones you asked for! As I said before, don't keep them too long! I don’t want my boss to be asking where they are. Bye, Soul-Walker! When you visit me again, I may have some things for you to do.” Voix said.

Sandra and Travis looked exhausted... They have been fighting and dying for all eternity... No matter what they did, they would fail… They tried new things, got some people out… But in the end, they died and the people they’d help were killed.

Sandra looked at the mother and daughter. They looked happy, for now...

“We don’t have long! Let’s get out of here!” Jennifer said.

The two didn’t argue. They didn’t know exactly how she was here, but they wanted to leave this forsaken place!

“It would seem you became a full-on Spirit-Walker, Jennifer. I will save all of my questions for later, but I want to ask if my girls and Russ are okay? And how long were we dead?” Sandra questioned.

“It was six years ago. And all of your children are fine.” Jennifer said. “Let’s go!”

Jennifer didn’t want to be here any longer than she had to... And she hasn't even been here that long…

Voix waved his hand to create a purgatory door, then it opened.

Jennifer saw the horse from the other side. It may not have been her blood horse but she was glad to see it. Her and the two confused ghosts left the purgatory.

There were several shadows surrounding the horse. Some were patting it and cleaning it. While one of them was feeding it a greenish-yellow substance.

Jennifer held the lantern towards them to scare them off. However, they didn’t seem bothered by it. They had lanterns of their own.

“Hi there, Spirit-Walker! We will not hurt you! It would seem one of us gave you a beautiful horse. They even lend their lantern!” One of the shadows said.

“You’re taking two souls, Spirit-Walker? Are you sure that’s safe?! You seem new! If you want assistance from us. Part of our job is to help you. You are the guide that binds us to the real world and spirit world after all!” Another shadow said.

“Jennifer? This is your spirit horse?! Not even I got one! That’s not fair!” Sandra said.

“It was a loan. One of their kind wanted to help me find you two!” Jennifer said.

“Well if that is the case! We will help you carry your souls!” One of the Shadow said.

This one sounded feminine. She created a carriage out of smoke. Then attached it to the blood horse.

“Be sure to visit us again, Soul-Walker! I have some errands for you as well! I need my souls carried across the forgotten sea! Remember my name, Rosa! I’ll get you a Spirit-Horse of your own if you can do it!” Rosa said.

“Jennifer! Do it! Those things are fast!” Sandra yelled.

She was excited. Sometimes when Sandra went to the spirit world as a Reaper, she had to walk... Unless she was given a ride in the spirit realm.

“Yes... I know. I had a hard time staying on it. While stopping spirits from attacking me using the lantern! My arms were so tired after that!” Jennifer said.

“I love these horses! I can do the steering for you!” Sandra said.

“If all I gotta do is hold a lantern. I can do that for you as well.” Travis shrugged.

“What’s this?! Spirits who are actually useful to their Walker? I can see why your Death-Keeper wants them!” Rosa said.

“I know, right?! That’s rare! Spirits are very selfish beings! They complain so much! That’s why we don’t get a lot of Spirit-Walkers who want to help us anymore...” Another shadow said.

Sandra got on the front of the carriage. While Travis and Jennifer got in the passenger seat. Jennifer handed the lantern to Travis. Then they took off.

Like before, phantoms were chasing them and doors were flying past really quickly.

However, Jennifer didn’t do anything this time.

Sandra was loving the ride, and Travis didn’t have any problems moving a fire around. He was bored if anything.

They talked a little bit on the way back, but it was very hard to hear over the loud screaming spirits and the fast sounds from the doors going by.


When they finally went to the room.

Sandra stops the horse in the middle of the master bedroom. The room was so big it didn’t matter even if they weren't spirits. Jennifer got off the carriage.

She saw Silver looking out of a window. Silver was still in her settings, smiling.

“Where are we? This place is huge!” Travis said.

“We are in your son’s kingdom. He doesn’t want me to explain anything. So talk to him yourself.” Jennifer said.

“What?! Where is he?!” Travis asked.

Jennifer constantly looked at Silver and tried to figure out what she was doing. She was happy about something?

“This girl is beautiful! Who is she?! I love her silver hair!” Sandra said. She looked closer at Silver’s face. “She kind of looks like Russ. Is this his daughter? But you said only six years went by? She looks too old for six years.”

“She wants to speak with you. Why don’t you ask her yourself? Use my body.” Jennifer said while pointing at it. “I don’t have long with my skills and I am getting pretty tired... I’ll carry you two back later...”

Sandra and Travis were still confused, but they complied.

“All right, here I go!” Sandra said.

When she entered Jennifer’s body. She opened her eyes.

Silver noticed movement. She blasted a [Repel] skill towards Sandra.

Sandra dodged it with a spin. She took out her scythe, then threw it at the silver-haired woman. Silver moved from the attacks and kissed toward Sandra to make big lips come her way.

Sandra wasn’t sure what kind of attack this was, but the silver-haired woman didn’t seem serious. It was almost like she was testing her. And she had silly tricks like someone she knew.

Using Jennifer's Body, Sandra closes the gap to Silver. No matter what Silver did, she couldn't hit Sandra.

“Russ! If you think I’m going to go easy on you. Think again!” Sandra said.

“Come, Master! I can finally beat you! You died before I could fight you for real!” Silver yelled.

“No! Not in this girl’s body! I don’t want to use my blood powers on her! You’ll just have to fight me with my weapon!” Sandra said.

“No! I’ve been waiting way too long for this! Give me your all!” Silver yelled.

“I... can’t hold my skill any longer!” Jennifer said, then took her body back.

Jennifer fell to the floor in exhaustion.

“Aww! It’s because you took too long to get them!” Silver said. “Whatever! I have a plan B! Are my parents still here?”

Jennifer felt weak, but she looked for them. Sandra was pissed. She wanted to fight and Travis was trying to calm her down.

“They are still here...” Jennifer said.

“Okay! Can you hear me?! I don’t know too much about dungeon cores, but I learned you can make a dungeon anywhere! If I set you two as my Dungeon Guardians. You two can be locked in this room if you want!” Silver said.

Jennifer blinked a couple of times, then spoke. ”Your mother and father are asking questions. We are confused about what you mean.”

“I’ll just show it! I didn’t set this room to a dungeon yet, because I didn’t know what it would’ve done to your body without a soul.” Silver said.

She stood on the bed then went to the top of the bedboard. She placed a small stone in the middle.

“Normally a dungeon core can create monsters that are the same affinity as the core itself. And if the core was destroyed. The monsters will disappear with the core. However, when you were gone. I had some people test some things. What if you can add things to it? And what happened to them if the core was destroyed? There’s still much to learn. So, I’m going slowly, but from what I can tell; only created monsters from the core get destroyed. If they were added, they would simply be released! This is not a problem because I can always make more cores! Tell them to touch the stone so I may claim them to this room!” Silver said.

“They heard you and they are doing so,” Jennifer said.

“Excellent! Okay! As the dungeon master! I’ll claim these two souls into this core and I also wish to make this core a spirit core!” Silver said.

The core shined for a bit and then faded. Silver made them dungeon guardians.

“Now anchor the core to this room! If you want to move it to a different place, you can do so! But you won’t be able to create monsters or go into the settings while the core is not anchored to a spot!” Silver continued.

As the Dungeon Master, she saw the core anchored itself to the area.

“The room didn’t change because it wasn’t given rules to do so! You two can now show yourselves if you want!” Silver said.

When she saw them, she smiled. They both looked like themself but ghostly.

Travis was a muscular built man with a body-size shield. His sword was put away, but he was holding a lantern.

Sandra’s frame was lean and athletic. Her long red hair was in a ponytail.

“Russ....” Travis said.

Travis and Sandra were smiling back. Silver wanted to hug them.

“I can’t believe you actually turned into a girl! This serves you right for picking on Auly!” Travis yelled.

Silver didn’t want to hug them anymore...

“Oh! Here we go again! Whatever! Me and Auly get along now! Can we not talk about this?!” Silver yelled back.

“Very well, daughter! Hahahaha! I have 6 girls now! What‘s a father to do?!” Travis laughed and pointed at his daughter. “What’s your name? Russa?!”

“Now, now dear! At least she won’t be such a dick now! Hahaha!“ Sandra said.

Silver was now wondering why she wanted them back...

“Okay! I can’t say I don’t deserve any of this! But I am going to bed! I’m tired! She took three hours to get you two... And my name is still Silver! Thank you very much!” Silver yelled.

They wanted to tease her more, but they nodded.

“Silver is a pretty name! Hi, Silver!” Sandra giggled.

Silver sometimes forgets she can’t say, Russ.

“Wait?! Three hours?! I was gone that long!?” Jennifer exclaimed.

“Oh, honey, it’s because you were in purgatory. If you were a ghost and talk like we are now. That’s fine. Even when you go to some parts of the spirit realm. But purgatory is different. It is not just the loops, but time itself. We didn’t know you were there until Voix showed us to you. You probably were in there for a while. You didn’t anger him, did you?” Sandra said.

“I wanted him to stop the loop...” Jennifer said.

“Yes, that will do it! We definitely tried! Everyone in there has tried...” Travis said.

“It was a never-ending nightmare... I don’t ever wanna go back...” Sandra said.

“Yes, I understand. I don’t either... But I got to... It is my duty to inform him that you will not be returning. My grandmother said if you have wrong spirits then they will find you. So I need to tell him that you two are bound by the core.” Jennifer said.

“But not tonight! You’re sleepy! We’ll tell him if he shows up.” Travis said.

“What if he doesn’t believe us and still gets angry?” Sandra asked.

The lantern Travis was holding burned brightly. A letter floated out of it and onto the floor.

Travis picked it up and saw a seal on it. There was a silver coin as a symbol. The letter was addressed to Voix.

“That’s strange!” Travis said.

“Yes! Silver! I need to tell you something! There is a weird spirit around you!” Jennifer said.

“Huh?!” Silver questioned.

“Umm... I don’t see it?” Travis said while looking around.

“It’s the one that gave me the horse and lantern! It said it’s your servant.” Jennifer said.

“Oh! That was my doing! It’s a long story!” Sandra said.

“What?! Isn’t that dangerous?!” Jennifer asked.

“I don’t know what you two are talking about. But if it was going to hurt me, it would’ve done so, right? But in any case, I’m going to sleep! I had to entertain myself to stay awake! We can talk later.” Silver said.

Jennifer was tired, herself. So she agreed.

“I am sleeping in this room, I don't want to walk all the way back... Can you sleep in a room nearby?” Jennifer asked. “This entire wing of the castle is empty. I don’t want to be alone.”

“I don’t mind. I don't feel like walking either. We could get a teleporter, but I don't want Margolin to know about this just yet... If I tell her now, I won't ever go to sleep. I have a lot to deal with in the morning!” Silver said.

“You two are not alone! We won’t let anyone hurt you two!” Sandra said.

“Don’t let Anything happen to the core either. Jennifer would have to go retrieve you two again.” Silver said.

“Don’t worry, we won’t let anyone else touch that, too. We don't plan to let ourselves fail again...” Travis grimaced.

“Goodnight, your majesty!” Jennifer said to Silver.

“Oh! Right! You’ll have to tell us about that too! When you wake up, though.” Travis said.

“Sure! There's a lot to talk about in the morning! Everyone have a good night!” Silver said.

“Yes! Good Night, Daughter!” Sandra said.

Silver ignored them while they were snickering to themselves.

She left the room and went to the nearest bedroom. The room was still big, but not as big as the master bedroom.

Regardless of the spiritual core not having a large radius. It was big enough to cover several rooms down from it.

Silver laid on the bed and fell asleep. She just hated that she didn't have someone to give her a goodnight licking...


{In Silver’s temporary room}

“Lord Lavender? Is there a reason why you and Lady Kilo are in my daughter’s room? It’s late and she’s trying to sleep.” Travis questioned.

“Our apologies. We didn’t know where she was. We thought she was hiding from her family and having sex. We can come later.” Lavender said.

“Travis, shouldn’t you be in purgatory?” Kilo asked.

“He is obviously tied to a dungeon core, Sandra, too. I can sense it over there. Knowing Silver, this was her idea. Try to keep up, Kilo...” Lavender said.

“What?! Are you saying something about my intelligence?!” Kilo asked.

“Who? Me? I wouldn't dream of it.” Lavender said.

Kilo glared at him.

“Yes, my daughter bound us to the dungeon core. We don’t understand how it works, but we are dungeon guardians.” Travis said.

“I see. You don’t register as a dungeon guardian yet. She didn’t execute the settings right. Did she tell the Death-Keeper about this? That part is important. Otherwise, you're still tethered to the purgatory realm.” Lavender said.

“I have this letter,” Travis said while holding a letter addressed to Voix.

Lavender took the letter.

“I’ll give it to him to avoid any misunderstandings,” Lavender said.

“Thank you, Lord Lavender,” Travis said.

“It’s no problem. I need to show her how to properly do things, later. But nevertheless, we will be on our way. We just wanted to show her Kilo’s daughter.” Lavender said.

“Lady Kilo has a daughter?” Travis asked.

“Yes! And she’s not evil!” Kilo yelled.

Silver yawned.

“See what you did? You woke her up...” Lavender said.

“I’m sorry... I just hate it when people say that...” Kilo said.

“What’s going on...?” Silver asked in a sleepy tone.

Silver was still groggy; she got out of her bed and turned on her lights.

“Sleep, we can show you later,” Kilo said.

“You mean your girl? I’m ready, show me now...” Silver said.

“We can always show you later... You have a big day tomorrow.” Kilo said.

“To be honest... I don’t even want to talk to the kings... So, show me now!” Silver said.

The only person she wanted to talk to was King Al Bastion. However, she feels like she could do that at any time.

She doesn't even have proof he did anything. He can simply say his men did things on their own or any other thing he has up his sleeves.

Now, that doesn't mean she won't try his hand. She just wanted to be sure he did something wrong.

All these years she never found out what happened exactly. Like how it started. She got testimonies from all the people she killed, but nothing led directly to the king himself. So she will not attack him without proof and based on hearsay.

Unless they attack her. She would never hurt anyone who she wasn’t sure of. She knew the king was a bastard and got people killed! But soldiers were expected to die for their kings, so that’s not good enough proof... She wants something physical to start a war with the man.

Although she did think about asking her parents. Maybe they have something that’s physical and not just them saying he did something wrong.

“If you are sure... Then I’ll summon her...” Kilo said.

When the guardian popped in. Silver wasn’t sure what she was seeing...

The entity had pitch-black skin with huge tits and ass! She was a very thick woman. Her cyclops eye was pure white. She had long white hair with blue highlights.

She didn’t seem to have a mouth. Silver did see a large line on her face. She suspected that was her mouth.

“Hi, there, I’m Silver.” Silver said.

When the guardian smiled. The line opens up to reveal a big white tongue. Both of her breasts also had lines and long tongues.

She then had tongues and eyes, everywhere!

“As you can see... This is why people don’t like to look at her...” Kilo said. “We can take her away...”

“Why?! She’s perfect! She can lick me to sleep!” Silver yelled.

“I don’t understand. Don’t you hear her voices?! She is currently saying things to you... She tells people how worthless they are...“ Kilo said.

“She is?! I don’t hear it...” Silver said.

Silver tried to listen very closely. Still nothing.

“I believe she heard these things her entire life. Your daughter only gets stronger when people let the words get to them. However, Silver doesn’t care, so she hears nothing. These are my thoughts on this matter.” Lavender said.

Silver shrugged. “I like her! I don’t have to listen to her bitch about me and I can use her tongues! It’s a win for me! What’s her name?”

“Despair. She’s unable to talk other than her verbal abuse. But she is strong. So we hope you like her.” Kilo said.

Despair had a tongue coming from her pussy. She went closer to Silver.

“She can get very awkward with this, so we are leaving. I don’t want to see her have sex. And she definitely wants to... No one wants to stick around her.” Kilo said.

Silver saw Despair’s tongues stretched and moved in a motion that’s kind of sexy to Silver.

So Silver took one of the tongues and slid it in her pussy. Silver ignored the onlookers who decided to leave.

Travis was still nearby, just not in the room.

“I’m going to fuck and have my way with you! This is all you're good for! I want you to lick all over me, you worthless guardian! You are a failure!” Silver said.

Despair never heard anyone talk to her this way. She kind of liked it.

Silver can tell she wanted more of what she was saying.

Despair And Silver’s big tits rubbed against each other. Despair tongues lick Silver’s tits, pussy, and ass. Sometimes sucked on Silver’s nipples.

“Oh, yes! I’m going to have lots of fun with you, all night! You’ll be my plaything!” Silver said.

I want to first say I really love this chapter. I was able to do a flashback of what happened to Silvers Parents, without even actually doing a flashback!  I didn't want Jennifer to go get them and then come right back out really quickly. Or I could’ve had it to where she summons them. But I really like books with a deeper backstory. Something aside from the main character. I won't go too much into the Spirit-Walker lore because someone told me to focus on one thing. I'm likely not going to do that, but I will try. Just so everyone knows. There will be more spiritwalker nonsense.

Now as for the loops themselves. I watch a lot of movies revolve around purgatory and I watched shows like re-zero. I didn't go too much into what all the parents went through, but I hope I gave a good enough idea of what they have to deal with.

I don't know if anyone was bothered by Silver and Jennifer's relationship, but I don't feel like they're related. I will do some tweaks with the sex scene with Margolin and Silver when I finished the book. That is something I definitely want to be changed. However, Silver and Jennifer’s relationships are okay. A lot of royalties have done that. They’d try to keep two families united. That's the one reason why I did it like that.

As for the Shadows. I do like this part of the story. So I want to do more.

I don’t want to spoil any other thing.  So on to the vote!

I don't really know if people are okay with the Despair sex scene. That's why I didn't do too much of the sex for that. I had no idea if it turn-on or not. If y'all say yes and you're okay with it. Then I will do more sex with this Guardian. If you say no then I would try to do a minimum like how I did.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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