Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 38: The Law

{In Wing Guardian’s Garden}

This is a place where guardians hang out in their own safe haven. A place with buildings, homes, shops, you name it.

Wing Guardian’s Garden currently had swarms of angry guardians.

“We need to stop her, this Silver! This is getting ridiculous! You talk about balance, but she is openly breaking them!” Several guardians shouted at the Guardian of Justice.

They were in a capital courtroom.

Law, the Guardian of Justice slammed his hammer down several times to shut them up.

“She has broken no laws! I have no idea how she is getting her skills! However, these skills are officially her’s! It is out of our hands!” Law yelled.

“You can’t just say-!” A guardian started.

“I am the LAW! If you can’t follow the rules then you would be punished!” Law yelled, cutting off the Guardian.

Law was furious, he’s been hearing this for quite some time.

Three guardians secretly talked amongst themselves,

“We have to do something.” Guardian One said.

“We can always give a human the power to destroy her. We just can’t let no one know we did it.” Guardian Two said.

“Oh, yeah? Like what? And won’t someone stop this human?” Guardian Three said.

“That’s the beauty of it! Give the human the power to kill her, then kill him. If they find out about us killing him, they won’t be upset with us because he shouldn’t have this type of power. We won’t be in the wrong. I say it’s a win-win.” Guardian Two said.

The other two Guardians looked at him with aww. Then started their plan to seek their own justice.


Now that Silver had Bastion in jail, and had obtained the Village her parents died in. She could start her investigation.

Silver didn’t want to even talk with him until her investigation team came up with something.

She really wanted Margolin’s right-way plan to work. For too long, people had been dying for crimes they didn’t commit. They plan to make a justice system where everyone can get a fair trial, including enemies.

The building Margolin made was huge! There were hundreds of [The Ladies Of Grace], [The Lords Of Devotion], or anyone else who were smart. This building was for both criminals and citizens who could dispute claims for land and stolen goods.

Margolin would never let Silver handle this type of responsibility... She didn’t care if that was technically Silver’s job. Rulers normally decide on land and settle disputes with their people. But Silver always made bad decisions.

She even took the responsibility to decide what to do with the people Silver got from her deals. This empire does not condone slavery. So the men and women they received would go to court and talk with the advisor. They can choose what to do with their life. If they wanted to go back to their own king, they would provide protection. Margolin has set ways to prevent them from going back into slavery. However, not everyone they’d received was slaves, but queens.

Silver told Margolin, at least ask if they wanted to service the emperor... Like she had done with Wanda. Margolin didn’t have any problem if that was what they wanted.


{In Silver’s room}

Silver was having a conversation with her parents and Margolin.

“So, you two have no idea if Bastion did anything wrong or not?!” Silver asked.

“I know he wanted me dead because of my skin, but that’s not a crime,” Sandra said.

“It should be!” Travis yelled. “But anyway, no... All we knew was he was trying to kill the enemy in the village. We got in the way, and therefore we are traitors. He technically has done no crime...”

“Fuck! We could make our own law, but I don’t know how people will react to that... It will be no different from making our rules and enforcing them like any other king...” Silver said.

“Which is why we will vote for our laws and stick to them. I want a three-week trial for the king. We shouldn’t do this irrationally. Take our time, get the proof, find out what he planned, and talk with other kings to get a stable law.” Margolin said.

“Ahhh! I didn’t really find anything from the men I interrogated. There was definitely something more than just him fighting the enemy. This would be so much easier to just use a skill!” Silver said.

“Then people will say we fabricated evidence... Which is why we won’t use skills on him. He can use that as his defense against us. He could say we put thoughts in his head and planted evidence on him. Also if we break his sanity, he could end up going to a psych ward instead of prison. So do nothing to him! We can interrogate him, but that is all! During this trial, we must uphold the law in order to enforce it!” Margolin said. “I’ll get going. I’ll let you know what we find. Don’t do anything that would make him seem innocent and we are the villains.”

“Ahh! Fine! I won’t do anything!” Silver said.

Margolin stared at her sister, then walked away.

“She's still mad at you,” Sandra said.

“Yes, because you always do something!” Travis said. “Now, tell us, what are you going to do?”

“As I said, nothing! I am going to let Margolin handle everything. My mother is handling the land I received. The materials I got are being processed in the shop by workers. I have someone to interrogate the king. I even got beast-tamers for the animals. The only thing I need to do is nothing! Even the shows and sex dungeon I am making are done by someone. My empire is handling itself and all I gotta do is just sleep!” Silver said.

Both of the ghost parents stared at Silver...

‘Why do people keep doing that when I say I’m not gonna do anything?’ Silver thought.

“Okay... daughter... Can I ask her if I can do the interrogation for the king? Maybe we can speed this along.” Travis said.

“No, no, trust in your daughter Margolin! If she says she can handle it, let her!” Sandra said.

“I agree! If she needs our help with anything or she gets attacked by kingdoms. I will be there to help her! She trusts that I would do things and I would trust her to do things. I am going to see what my women are up to.” Silver said, then walked away.

“Do you believe that hothead will do nothing?!” Travis asked.

“Yes! Our kids got this! They have been doing so good for themselves so far! Silver is not my real girl, but I see her as my daughter. I just know she will make the right decisions. She’s not bad, just misguided.” Sandra said.

“Sigh! Okay, but I worry... If anything happens to them...” Travis said.

“Then we will help! We are finally here for them!” Sandra said.

“Oh, yeah! You said that you made a contract with a grave-keeper to protect Silver?” Travis asked.

“I did and didn’t. Every Soul-Walker has an option to make a contract with them. When Russ and Ala got their stalker class from the spirit world, they were given the option to make a pact with one of them. I told them both to do it. Grave-Keepers and Spirit-Walkers help each other. They keep us alive and we keep them fed. Russ likely didn’t realize what he signed in blood.” Sandra said.

“Huh?! You never told me you took them to the spirit realm?! You made Russ a Spirit-Walker?!” Travis question.

“What?! You knew my reaper class is a Spirit-Walker. You knew the starting class is the stalker class. You knew Ala and Russ acquired this class! How did you not know the classes are connected to the spirit world?! The groper class even has ghost hands! You saw him touch things with them! How did you not know? I thought those ghost hands would be equal to the spirit world was obvious! So, yes! Russ is a Spirit-Walker. They are those who walk spirits to the spirit realm. That is the Spirit-Walker’s job and responsibility!” Sandra yelled.

“Okay, okay! I was just confused. Didn’t seem like Silver knew, herself.” Travis said.

“Yea, but you saw her reaction. She didn’t care... She probably forgot and still doesn't care even now. You tell her that someone is protecting her. She shrugs and moves on with her life. She has always been simple. Most people find spirits creepy. Well, Silver dealt with Ala who lived in her body and possesses her all the time! She is now dating a Guardian with a bunch of tongues and eyes. There are hundreds of people who're trying to kill her. So it’s not surprising to me that she’s not worried about an entity that has been protecting her most of her life. The Grave-Keeper is not all that different from Ala.” Sandra said.

“I’m sorry, I’ll try to stop worrying... I just don’t wanna fail, again...” Travis said.

“I know, honey... We won’t...” Sandra said.

She hugged her husband and talked about other things.


Silver was so bored... At the moment, her fiancés was doing their own thing.

Mille was helping Auly with her personas.

Mary was with the Queens and Princesses Silver received. She wanted to help Margolin with them. Tell them Silver was not good for them and they should leave! You know, be helpful?

Wendy wanted to help with protecting the citizens and prove that she is the head empress. Silver didn’t know what to do for herself...

“Where is my daughter, Tess?” Silver asked Lispa.

“You have a daughter?!” Lispa replied.

“Oh, yeah! You didn’t know! Let’s go find her! I haven’t been feeding her, I hope she didn’t die.” Silver said.

“What?! You have a baby girl and you didn’t feed her?” Lispa said incredulously.

Silver had a thoughtful look. She didn’t know exactly how to answer that...

“I am sure she is fine! She came from my blob skill and was a part of me. I didn’t see her pop up saying she’s dead. Let’s go look for her!” Silver said.

Lispa was confused, but she followed.


They walked closer to a door in the castle.

“Okay, I can sense her in here! I always had a weird connection to her. I can feel her getting stronger. I just never saw how.” Silver said.

Silver opened the door and saw Fragment face-fucking the shit out of Tess’s mouth. The blob woman was upside-down with her head hanging from the bed.

“Aaahhh, I’m cumming again!” Fragment exclaimed.

Tess happily gobbled the cum down her throat.

When the climax was finished. Fragment started back up. She was loving on Tess’s face. They both seemed really happy.

“I haven’t seen you two for so long! And you’ve been doing this the whole time?!” Silver asked.

“Hmmm?! Oh, hey Silver! Your daughter was hungry and I had to feed her! I lost count after 300s!” Fragment said.

Even though Tess had her mouthful with a big dick. She still smiled at her mother. Tess multiplied herself to talk and suck at the same time.

“Hey, sexy! Are you here to check up on me or join? My girlfriend has been wanting you as well!” Tess said.

“What?! She’s your girlfriend now?” Silver asked.

“Yes! I love to suck a dick and she likes to get her dick sucked! We instantly fell in love! I love her dick down my throat!” Tess exclaimed.

“I see. Well, as long as you’re happy! I’d rather you take her dick, than me! She is all yours!” Silver said.

“Really?! You’re okay with this?!” Tess asked.

“I don’t want to suck her anymore! I didn’t in the first place! You can have her! You two have fun!” Silver said.

“Okay! Thank you, sexy!” Tess said with a hug. “Can this part of me join your body? That way, my throat can be my girlfriend’s fuck-hole and I can still see the world at the same time!”

Silver looked at her. Her daughter had purple-pink skin and bright red eyes. The hair was also purple, but most of it was silver. She had no clothing, so her large nipples and pussy were showing.

“I don’t mind. We can fuse.” Silver replied.

“Yay!” Tess said as her blob clone went into Silver.

The main body was still getting hard throated.

“Okay, bye!” Silver said to Fragment.

Fragment wasn’t listening. She was still having her way on that face.

“Tess, multiply two more of you. Spread her legs from behind and fuck her with a big dick. This will surprise her and give you an opportunity to fuck her face.” Silver told her daughter.

This was a special mother and daughter moment. Silver was teaching her daughter how to love.

Like a good obedient girl. Tess did what her mother asked.

Fragment did not expect the attack. One of the multiplied Tess went behind Fragment. The big dick dug into Fragment’s pussy that was under her dick. Because Tess formed another dick. That one went into that ass.

These dicks were nice and thick. Tess fuck her girlfriend’s face and other holes.

This made Fragment cum a lot more often, which was what Tess wanted.

Tess was getting her to fill and she was also making her girlfriend happy.

Now that her women were satisfied. Silver and Lispa walked out of the room.

“That was, wild...” Lispa said.

Silver shrugged.

”This is my life... I would drive myself crazy freaking out on everything I see... My life has always been complicated.” Silver said. “Anyway, because everything is getting done for me. There’s nothing for me to do... We can go check on your friends if you want.”

“Ummm.... well... They don’t want to talk to me... I tried to invite them like you said I could... However, I am a traitor to them... Even my family disowned me...” Lispa said.

“Wow, that happens a lot. You should be able to pick your own path. If you want to tell me that you want to go with your family I will let you go. I would erase your memory first, but you’ll be let free.” Silver said.

“Noo! I had lots of opportunities to run from you! I was scared at first, but I feel like this is where I belong. I never liked Bastion! I don’t even call him king anymore! I don’t respect him and if my family is going to sell me out, then fuck them! I don’t need people who are going to hate me for what I wanna do!” Lispa yelled.

Travis popped in out of nowhere.

“Daughter, we need to talk!” Travis yelled.

“Ahhh!” Silver and Lispa screamed.

“Sorry! But this is important!” Travis said.

“What?! What happened?! Is Margolin okay?!” Silver asked.

“What?! No, not that! She’s fine! Your mother told me you are a Spirit-Walker! We need to go find Don! If I can’t talk to Bastion because you all are worried it’ll influence bad results. We can find some proof with the ghosts!” Travis said.

“What are you talking about?! I’m not a Spirit-Walker!” Silver said.

“I thought you were a groper?” Travis asked.

“Well... I sort of lost that class when I stopped the war.” Silver said.

“You did?! How?” Travis said.

“Long story. But the reason why I did it. I wanted to kill Don’s men and anyone who was involved.” Silver said.

“I see... so you don’t have it anymore...” Travis said.

“I didn’t really do anything with spirits! I only picked the class because Ala told me it’s good for ambushing people. So, Mother Sandra and Ala took me to the spirit world. I signed the contract in blood, they gave me the class and that is it! I didn’t do any more than that!” Silver said.

“Then you blindly signed a contract saying you’ll carry souls?! So you ARE a Spirit-Walker! Your name should still be written down!” Travis said.

“Even if that is true! I can’t see spirits! At least not anymore! Why do you need me anyway? Get Jennifer ” Silver yelled.

“The reason why I’m coming to you is because I don’t want Margolin and Sandra to find out. I just feel so helpless! I can’t help my family from that monster! Watching my two girls deal with Bastion on their own is painful! Please, daughter! Let me try something! Anything!” Travis said.

Silver sighed. “Fine! We’ll talk to Don! If we can get some evidence from what he tells us, this would speed things along. However, this means we need to locate him. Although, we can do this by force and use soldiers. I will do this the right-way. We will ask Jennifer as a Spirit-Walker to go find him. I won’t tell her why.” Silver said.

“Well, that’s not an issue. She is still in the same room you gave her. As a matter of fact, her whole family is there. By making her your fiancé, she is pretty much taking the role of empress. She is definitely fulfilling her role or at least trying to...” Travis said.

“Well... Her and all of my other fiancé‘s are trying to use their power. Wendy didn’t even try to hide the fact she is trying to be my number one bitch! She’s commanding my troops and trying to do everything I can do. I don’t know if she’s gonna betray me or not, but she’s not even taking this slow. She wants as much power as she can get and she’s making herself known with my people. This is causing my other women to step up... I guess Jennifer is doing the same...” Silver said.

“But I don’t think Wendy will betray you. I talked to her. Margolin likes her. Just give her time.” Lispa said.

“And your other women are not really used to battle. So they’re not all power-hungry. I know you have a hard time trusting people, but give them time. That includes loving them, you still think they only want something from you, don’t you?” Travis said.

“Huh?! Why would I care about them loving me?! I don’t! I can fuck whoever I want! Anyway! Let’s go see Jennifer!” Silver said.


{Wing-D, Jennifer’s section}

Even though this part of the Castle was so dead and empty. Now it’s dead with ghosts and Spirit-Walkers.

It wasn’t just Jennifer’s family, but friends, her branch families, and tribes from all over the world!

Their classes were variant. There were shamans, necromancers, priestesses, and ghost hunters. There was almost every type of Spirit-Walker class.

Silver, Lispa, Travis, and a teleporter name; Bryce, walked down the hallway. They saw children playing with ghost children.

“I see dead people... Why is that? I’m not a Spirit-Walker.” Lispa said.

“As the dungeon master. I can see they are tied to the core but without permission. These ghosts don’t have boundaries or limits, so they can destroy my kingdom from within. I only gave her the power over this wing to help her stay safe. I don’t know what Jennifer has been doing, but she’s been busy... And currently breaking my laws...” Silver said. Silver would have to unleash her chaos... “Father, prepare to fight...”

“Yes, my lord,” Travis said.

When they made it to her room, Silver knocked on her door.

A lady’s head peaked out the door.

“Hi, there!” The ghost woman said.

“Ahhh!” Silver yelled. “Why do you ghost keep doing that?! Stop it!”

The ghost giggled. “Who do you want to talk to? Empress Jennifer is busy!”

“What?! She’s not Empress yet!” Silver scowled.

“She will be! I am sure the Emperor will grow to love her! She is pretty awesome! She let us stay here! But anyway, let me ask if I can let you in!” The ghost said.

“Well, seeing how I am the Emperor! I’ll be the judge of that! Tess! Open this door!” Silver yelled.

The blob woman stretched her way out of Silver‘s body, squeezed her finger in the door lock to open it, then went back into her mother.

Silver didn’t believe in asking permission to go anywhere in her own home. When she walked into the room she saw so many people, living and dead.

“Where’s Jennifer?!” Silver yelled.

Everyone stopped to look at the screaming silver-haired woman.

“Your highness?! What’s wrong?” A dark-skinned woman asked.

Her name was Merrill and was Jennifer’s mother. She looked confused at Silver.

“Nothing is wrong in particular. However, I am pretty much wondering why my castle is filled with ghosts! And more importantly, without someone telling me! We are at war! I don’t need unexpected guests in my own home!” Silver yelled.

“Oh?” Merrill simply said. She didn’t think it was a big deal.

“If I don’t get some type of answer in 10 minutes! There will be a massive eviction going on!” Silver yelled.

Silver messaged her general in charge of emergencies. It said, (Send a ghost team to my location, now!)

A ghost floated by Silver then laughed. “I don’t know who you are, but you can’t do that to us ghosts! We can go anywhere we want! You need to chill and relax! And don’t get your panties in a bunch!”

Some ghost and the living giggled.

Without warning, Silver used repel to blast the ghosts away.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know if I am being clear or you all think I am joking! But I am not!” Silver yelled.

She didn’t know if she was a Spirit-Walker, but she can handle ghosts.

Silver looked at her father. She knew he was a warrior class, but she needed him to help her. She changed his class to handle these unwanted guests.

Without words, Travis nodded. He received a class with the ability to lock down a spirit with energy. He can absorb them inside of any object. She basically made him a jailer for ghosts. He already told her to use him at will, so she didn’t need to ask.

Some ghost attacked Silver.

With Travis‘s new skills, he took out his weapon that looked like a lance. He moved the weapon around to cast energy chains, they shot out towards the attacking ghost and attached itself to them. “Ahh! Ugh!” The ghosts screamed as Travis pulled them near himself. Travis raised his shield to absorb the bound ghost. The shield now bore their screaming faces on it. He had a big shield, so there was lots of room for more souls,

“Make no mistake! I will purge any threat out of my kingdom! So if you don’t want to be on my bad side! One of you would do well to show me where Jennifer is! Because I ain’t afraid of no ghost!” Silver yelled.

“But Lord Emperor... She’s in the spirit realm doing a task... for-.” Merrill started.

“I'm saying, get her now! Or I’ll evict everyone! I don’t care if you’re part of my family or not! She was worried I'd cut your family off! Normally I don’t have any problems with people doing their own thing. But bringing unwanted threats in my kingdom without permission! That’s not going to fly with me! They even attacked me!” Silver yelled.

“But... you attacked first!” A ghost said.

“I am not sure where you’re from, but when someone goes into a house without permission. They are considered trespassers! I have the right to evict or jail anyone or thing that’s breaking the law! We have rules! If you ghost can’t follow them then you’ll be put down! And if anyone helps you then they’ll go to jail with you! You can’t just go wherever you please! Not in my empire! Your 10 minutes are almost up, you can continue to argue with me, but you will fail this argument.“ Silver yelled.

“Okay! Please, wait! Give us more time!” Merrill said.

Silver’s General bust the door down and flood the area with an army. They were in the room, outside the building, inside hallways and other rooms.

The buff man had his sluts with him. The lover looked around to see any movement.

“Boris! Give them 1 hour! I still want you to secure the area! Put all of my citizens in other rooms and non-citizens in this one! If anyone wants to join my citizenship, they can do so. I don’t care if they are ghosts or living! But non-citizens are not staying! If anyone gets out of line, deal with them without warning! I won’t let my people die because of negligence!” Silver said.

“You got it, mistress! Men! You heard her!” Boris said.

The emergency team moved to the order.

Silver hasn’t seen Boris around in a while. The lover had been training men and women to go up against guardians and whatever else is out there. He is the General of the emergency force.

She may have her Army for war, guards for her castle. The emergency forces come up with ways to combat any threat.

Because they had their personal blacksmiths. They were making ghost capturing weapons as they speak. Some members had classes to go against the ghost as well. If they were to fight vampires and werewolves, they’ll have a response for them also.

So, if it’s something strange and it doesn't look good. She knew who to call, Boris!

Silver saw Merrill still standing there scared.

“You only have 1 hour to get her, are you sure you want to just sit there looking at me?” Silver asked.

The woman snapped out of her fear and scrambled around to get her daughter.


{Theodore‘s castle}

The Poulum Kingdom used to be Roton‘s kingdom. King Theodore was in his new throne room talking to slave-traders, telling them to leave.

Silver’s uncle and his family have offered to buy their entire organization. Now that they gave them a choice. They want to see what the slave-traitors would do.

The slavers seemed confused and partially speechless. Then they started laughing.

“Okay, okay, all jokes aside! I definitely need to hear that again! We have hundreds of men ready to fight you! You may have an empire, but we will destroy you from the inside!” Summeit, the slaver leader laughed.

Theodore stood firm. “I will take that as a no and will give you a second warning. Henri, warn him again.”

The halfling nodded. She stepped closer to the leader and spoke louder. “Basically, the Emperor will whip out a big dick and slap you with it! If you don’t shut down your organization, peacefully! That big cock is going down your throat! You now have one warning left!”

“Wow, wow! I am so scared!” Summeit laughed.

He lifted his foot backward to give it enough momentum, then kicked right through the halfling!

While his foot hung above the halfling. She wasn’t bothered by what he did. Because he kicked right ‘THROUGH’ her?!

Henri stood there smiling and the leader was confused.

Because his leg was in mid-air. He crashed his foot down directly through the halfling‘s head. Which caused him to crash his leg on solid ground?

“Are you done?” Henri, the halfling asked. “I have the power over matter and your attacks don’t matter to me. Now, since you are my enemy, I can do this!”

All of the slave traitors fell to the floor. They felt heavy and could barely move. The only enemy who was standing was Roton.

“Because we are trying to avoid bloodshed. I am going to make my last warning more clear. But this is the last time!” Henri announced.

Henri walked behind the leader. She moved his body to where his ass was in the air. His face was on the ground. She spread his legs to display his ass to a group of former slaves who were entering the room.

The leader couldn’t see them, but he heard a big crowd with clanking metal?

“So, here’s what’s gonna happen. Because you attacked me by trying to kick me. We are going to do the same for you. If you make us hunt down every slave. We will also take that out on you! I’m one of Emperor Silver Coin’s enforcers! We are tasked with making sure you understand we mean business! Everyone! Stump your feet three times!” Henri commanded.

He heard one big loud metal sound, again and again. It sounded like they were wearing metal boots.

Henri put on steel-toed boots then tapped on the floor a couple of times.

Summeit looked in horror at the idea of her kicking him with that!

“My Emperor told us, enforcers, we won’t be taken seriously. I am a halfling woman. I understand you think we are joking and I’m not willing to kick your dick with my boots. You also think we won’t find your full organization and tear it down. But here’s the thing. You don’t know me and you don’t know how serious my emperor can get. She would do any dirty tactic you can think of. She will stop at nothing to end your entire organization.” Henri said, then sat in front of him.

“W-Wait! You’re going to kick me in the dick with that?! You can’t do this!” Summeit cried.

The halfling lifted his head to look at her.

“Look into my eyes and laugh at my face again! Tell me I am bluffing! And say my emperor won’t take you down like the worm you are! Us little women won’t get bullied and kicked around anymore! Now tell me I’m not serious! I should kick you for trying to kick me! And I believe you tried twice!” Henri yelled.

The leader was speechless. He looked into the little woman’s eyes and saw tears. She has been kicked around her whole life and now she wanted to do the kicking.

Henri let the leader have control of his upper body. She placed contracts and a pan in front of him.

Gloria, The Record Mage was broadcasting the whole thing.


{In Jennifer’s room}

Silver sat on a seat, watching a big screen. She was waiting for Merrill to get Jennifer.

Silver decided to let her citizens have a channel screen. Not all shows were ready, but her women gave the ‘Okay’ to some shows. The great thing about magic screens. They are portable and even if two people are watching the same screen. They were possibly not seeing the same thing.

She was currently watching a live broadcast. Because it wasn’t for children. No child was able to see it. Margolin called this magic screen feature; Parental Control.

While she watched the broadcast. The emergency task force had rounded up all the non-citizens inside of Jennifer’s room.

Everyone watched this silver-haired woman look at something that can go violent, very quickly.

The people in Jennifer’s room, the entire empire, all watched in horror as a little halfling stood over a buff man. His ass was in the air and the halfling was giving him hard threats.

Margolin didn’t like this kind of publicity. People were going to have a negative opinion about Silver. Say she’s a bad emperor and they’ll get horrible king skills...

She didn’t have the heart for this type of thing. She didn’t disagree with Silver, she just didn’t care for her methods.

“Are they really going to kick his... you know..?” A ghost man asked.

Silver regarded him.

He, the other ghost, and Spirit-Walkers were in a big group sitting down.

They were scared of this Silver. This woman was casually watching torture on a screen.

“If he decides to go against me, yes... People continue to undermine me. And when I show them what I’m capable of. They think this type of thing is extreme. But I have learned that this world is extreme. I am someone who dances with danger. Killed hundreds of people. No matter how many men and women tried to kill me, time and time again. I always come back. I do things to make sure my enemies think twice about attacking me again. So if you all refuse to cooperate and go against me. I will show you I am not something to be laughed at.” Silver said.

She sounded calm. She wasn’t yelling. She was starting to accept this was her life now. So she felt no anger.

Silver told a soldier to come to her. When he did, she whispered in his ear. When she was done, she went back to looking at the screen.

The soldier walked near the non-citizens and set up a signing table with a chair. He didn’t sit down.

“The emperor is willing to make a deal with each individual of you! If you don’t want to be a citizen! You can be a guest or something in that nature! We will give you a permit to stay in his empire! But you must register at our law building! If you do not do this before the time is up. You’ll receive an enemy mark!” The soldier yelled.

The non-citizens had a look of panic on their faces.

Seconds later. Jennifer came out of a portal. She was looking confused. Some of her friends were sitting there, scared. Her emperor was watching a live viewing on a screen.

On the magic screen. A group of people with steel boots was lined up behind a guy with his ass in the air. The man was nervously reading several papers.

“Emperor? What’s going on?” Jennifer asked.

“Jennifer, what do you expect out of a relationship with me?” Silver asked.

Silver didn’t look at Jennifer. She was still watching the screen.

“Umm? I don’t know, I thought I could do some good with you...” Jennifer said.

Silver looked at Jennifer, then spoke. “I am not good... I never have been and likely never will be... Would you still follow me when I make decisions no one else would make?”

“Ahh... I don’t know....” Jennifer said.

Silver stood up then moved to Jennifer.

“This is where you're gonna make a choice, Jennifer. You don’t romantically love me. You need to decide why you want to be with me. You want to help your family. I get that. You may choose to be with me for that reason alone. But that is not enough. The soldiers you see around you, me, Wendy. We don’t have the luxury of playing nice. I have been a soldier for four years... I have killed. I have ordered people to do very bad things. I am not a good guy. My advice to you is to figure out what you want to do with your life. If you’re going to be a queen or an empress. You need to understand that these titles come with a price. You are going to marry someone who knows the price and is willing to do bad things. That way, people like you have that luxury of being nice.” Silver said.

A soldier guided her to the signing table and sat her down.

“We are at war and I’m not gonna apologize for making horrible decisions. Convince your friends and family to not get in my way. Ask them if we can do this on good terms. If you or them betray me. The punishment won’t be swift. I will humiliate you. You will be displayed as an example. I don’t make threats and then back down. Your family will be destroyed and you will get no sympathy from me.” Silver said.

“I-I will talk to them! Please don’t hurt them. They just wanted a place to stay! Don’t punish them! Please!” Jennifer pleaded.

“Then sit! Fix this mess you made and don’t invite unwanted guests again. The ones who are staying are now your responsibility. And next time you tell people you are an empress. You should probably read our laws before doing so. It will say that all non-citizens must register before staying in our empire. This is actual law and you broke that. You, your mother, the ghost, friends, and your family needs to take this seriously. I don’t see how breaking the law is a laughing matter. We are not playing house and I have enemies. I can’t keep an empress around who can’t follow the law. How am I going to tell my citizens to follow the law if you are not? Moving forward, you need to stop playing empress and know what the fuck you are doing.” Silver said.

“Okay! Okay! I’ll do my best!” Jennifer said. She was nervously sitting at the signing desk.

“Good! I just want you to know. I’m not mad at you personally. I am simply saying your actions have consequences. Your decision can cost the lives of thousands. Don’t think only about your family, but the entire empire.” Silver said.

“But... I saw Wendy bring her people into her wing... I thought it was okay.” Jennifer said.

“Oh, yeah... that woman read all of my laws... She even wants to make her own laws. But anyway, not only has her men and everyone she brought with her became citizens. With our integration, we have records on their weapons, animals, ships, you name it! I own everything about her! So she went further than getting permission. If you want to take her example, you should probably learn how to take charge of your care. However, you don’t need to be like her.” Silver said.

“O... okay...” Jennifer whispered. She was tearing up.

“Now, I’ll be back. When I come back, I’m going to ask you again why you want to be Empress. If you tell me you don’t know, again. Then you’ll no longer be my fiancé. As of now, you’re dead weight.” Silver said.

Jennifer was crying. She saw Silver walk away.

“C-Can you show me how to do this...? I don’t know how to do this... I don’t wanna make terrible decisions that will get anyone killed.” Jennifer said.

Silver stopped then regarded her.

“I don’t expect you to make those types of decisions. Just sign these people up and don’t break the law again.” Silver shrugged. “I’m going to see Wendy, she has been asking for me. I will check up on you later. When I get back. I will show you what I expect of you.”

“Okay... Thank you for giving me another chance. I never meant to upset you...” Jennifer said.

Silver nodded then a teleporter, ported her to Wendy.

Some of the emergency units also left. Silver left behind a sizable force.

Jennifer and her mother did their best to convince the people to sign some documents or leave.

Some of them didn’t want to be there anymore. Jennifer couldn’t blame them. She didn’t know if she wanted to be there anymore either...

In actuality, this was all a test to see if Jennifer would leave or stay.

Because Silver was the dungeon master of this core. She could have handled this entire thing differently. She's scared them all half to death because she wanted Jennifer to understand her role in this Empire. Technically the ghosts were already citizens, being locked in the core.

She was planning on doing this to all of her wives. Her hope was that her wanna-be wives would break and don’t want to marry her anymore.

‘I am sure after that scare, Jennifer would just leave! The same goes for all of them! I will drive them all mad! I’ll get Wendy to go! And Mary will be next!’ Silver thought. ‘Also, this gave me the opportunity to test the response of my emergency team! Today was a fun day!’

Because of the holidays. I don't know if I will be able to write. So far I've been doing two chapters a week. I am really working hard to finish the book before the year is up. If I have to I will do it in January but I'm really trying! I do love where I'm going with the ending. You all can expect maybe four to six chapters after this one. It depends on how many pages are needed for what I want to do. When I go back and redo some chapters. I wanted to add more interactions with Bastion. I feel like there's not enough between Silver and him. That is just one of many things I felt I could've done differently. More sex, Interactions, defining characters, helping people understand the story, things like that. This will all take time… However, I am happy to announce that I have another book coming. It's shorter and I don't feel like it's going to get in the way of my editing. The break of Silver Coin won't be too long. I still love the series.

Now as for the poll. I can't think of anything. I could ask should Jennifer quit trying to be an empress. But I believe I know what I want to do for her. 




Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif


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