Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 39: Who’s afraid of the bad wolf?

{At Wing-B, Wendy’s wing}

Silver walked down the hallway to Wendy’s room, because this wing didn’t possess a core yet. She wasn’t able to see Travis accompany her. However, Travis was still following.

Boris and his sluts also walked with Silver and Lispa. Silver wanted to make sure this added kingdom wasn’t up to no good. She still didn’t trust Wendy.

“Boris, I’m happy you’re here with me. Without you or Ala, I don’t feel safe...” Silver admitted.

“Honestly, you have a right to be paranoid. There are guardians after you. I’m always a call away, Ala too. So don’t worry about it.” Boris said. The lover then looked near Silver. “You’re father said he is here for you as well.”

Silver stopped. “Wait. You can naturally see the dead? You’re a Spirit-Walker?”

“I am technically many things. Just not obligated to do any of them. Beyond had us lovers perform many tasks for her.” Boris said.

“I see. Now that you’re here. I have so many questions about things. Do you mind talking later?” Silver asked.

“I’d rather you ask questions than me having sex as I did before... My men didn’t like it. But anyway, ask away.” Boris said.

“Is there a way to see my father without a core? I still want him to be a part of my cores.” Silver said.

“I can craft a sword that allows him to do both. I can practically make any weapon do whatever I want. It can be a core sword.” Boris said.

“Really?! If you can do whatever you want with a weapon, I could definitely think of something for you to do! Anyway, what are the limits of this weapon? Like how far from the core. Also, can it be any weapon?” Silver asked.

“I prefer swords, but I specialize in any weapon,” Boris said.

“Great! I want you to make it look lik-“ Silver started, she stopped talking because the lover raised his hand.

“With all due respect, do not ask me, a weapon master, to make something inappropriate...” Boris said respectfully.

“Okay... I won’t... Just give me something that’s not a blade...” Silver said.

Boris turned around and Silver heard one loud clicking sound.

“Here, take this weapon,” Boris said.

He gave her a metal staff.

“Wha?! That was fast!” Silver exclaimed.

“Well, I am a weapon master, Silver. Now, with this portable core. You can add monsters and do what you normally would do to the cores. Being a dungeon master, you can link it with your staff. I don’t know what affinity you want this portable core to be. I’d advise you to choose something that will fit your needs.” Boris said.

“Really?! That’s cool! I guess you really can make a weapon do anything. Because you normally can’t use a core on the move! What would happen if I go too far from my linked main core, or if I go into a dungeon with this one? Would it still work?” Silver asks.

Boris walked towards Silver to lay his hand on her head.

“You can now go anywhere you want with any core. I made you a five-star dungeon master. You have several additional abilities that revolve around cores. If you go to a dungeon. Use your staff and require the information to your staff and master that core. You can take whatever you want. Now, even though your staff is linked to all of your mastered cores. If you’re too far from a dungeon tethered, they can’t come to you. In other words, the radius is big, but you still need to be close to where your father is.” Boris said.

“So, I can steal monsters from other cores and master the cores, without taking the physical core themself? I was wondering if there was a way to do that. I didn’t want to put my army in danger again. Especially if we don’t have to get another core.” Silver said.

“However, with all of that being said. You still have to tether the other cores to a place. One day I will teach your people how to create weapons such as these. Dealing with cores and anything with energy is dangerous. You have seen how your last energy weapon turned out? These types of weapons are unpredictable. Someone could try to attach a core to something and the core could explode in their face, or the monster they add could kill them along with everyone. Basically, know what you’re doing, before you do it. There were some people who saw me do something easily and thought, ‘Oh! He did that quick and easy! We can try that too!’ They ended up destroying an entire country and killing thousands of people. That's why I constantly tell people I'm a weapon master, and I worked hard for that title. People still don’t get it...” Boris said. He was talking firmly. He didn't want anyone to try anything stupid, again…

Silver nodded. “I understand, Boris.”

She looked at her staff. 

“If the staff is too long for you. You can shorten it by just thinking about it.” Boris continued.

Silver looked at the metal staff. It was body length. The long staff had a circle on the top with the middle having a big core.

She shrunk it to a little wand. Silver didn’t know where to put it yet so she held onto it.

“Can I add it to my inventory?” Silver asked.

“If you want it to work, no,” Boris said.

“Okay,” Silver said, then made her father visible with the staff. “Good, it works! I will still add a core to this wing. Now let’s meet my queen!”


Silver and her group walk to Wendy’s room. She saw two guards standing by the door. When they saw Silver, she was guided in.

Even though Silver was an emperor. She had rules against teleportation within her empire.

Teleportation law works like this. Unless it is to fight an enemy of the empire, you cannot teleport into someone’s room or home without permission.

This teleportation law was not only for Silver’s sanity of someone popping in-out of nowhere, and demanding things from her. This was for the citizens.

People would feel much safer if they had laws to prevent random intruders.

There were many laws that have been passed. Due to the growing power of the empire. Maintaining order was key. Getting permission, warning, telling people what’s going on. The empire has scary abilities. Even to its own people. So to keep the people’s minds at ease was important. No matter how strong the empire gets.


Inside of the room. There were several people inside, she saw Wendy with two women.

They were sitting on a sofa watching a big Magic Screen.

It would seem everyone was watching what happened to the slave-traders.

They have taken the deal. At least for this organization. There are still others out there.

As for Roton, he went to jail to be processed by the law.

Wendy turned around to notice her guest.

“Hello, My emperor,” Wendy said.

“You wanted to talk? What is the matter?” Silver asked.

“Ah! Before we get into that. I want us to have dinner. There is a lot to talk about if we are going to move forward with our relationship.” Wendy said.

She called for the maids.

Silver hasn’t seen much of her counterpart lately, but Jeopardy had created so many maids who cooked and cleaned. There were also real people doing things, but this empire was so big. Jeopardy’s maid clones were quite handy. Some people knew they were fake, not all.

Still in Wendy’s room. The maids set up a big table, then Silver and the people had a seat.

Wendy sat next to Silver in the middle of the long table.

Wendy was smiling at Silver.

”I don’t trust you.” Silver bluntly said.

Wendy giggled. “I know we don’t know each other. However, as the Head Empress, we must be open with each other. If we want our people and our women to fall in line.”

“Well, first of all. You and they are not yet empresses. And who said you are the ‘Head Empress’?!” Silver asked.

“That’s simple. Everyone thinks so, including you. Less than two hours of me joining. Your wives have been following my examples. And I’m getting the feeling you are looking at them and wondering why they are even there. I am better than them in every way. I am not someone who boasts about myself, but these are facts.” Wendy said.

“Just as long as you all don’t break the law, I don’t care what you do.” Silver shrugged.

“Don’t pretend you’re okay with me. I know I am an outsider. Are you really okay with me trying to be your top woman?” Wendy said.

“I am having dinner with you, to get to know you. That’s why you ask me here, right?” Silver questioned.

“That’s why, yes. And to reveal some things to you. You were a rival king, so I had no intention of telling you any of my secrets. However, now that we are together. You need to know some things.” Wendy stated.

“What? Did you kill your king or something?” Silver asks.

Wendy didn’t really say anything. She regarded the ladies around her with a smile.

“Actually, he died before she became a queen.” One of the ladies said.

“Okay?” Silver said.

“I am Rosalyn, his real wife. 11 years ago, he died of his illness. I was left alone to rule in his stead.” The lady said.

Roselyn was an elderly woman. She talked very firmly.

“As you may know, I was her sea captain. She asked me to help her rule and so I did. I secretly married her, got a fake king and we've been keeping this a secret until now. Not even our own people knew. They think he married a new wife, decided to become a shut-in.” Wendy said.

“I am Diana, a ruler of a tribe. My story is complicated, but I lived with them for years. Everything was fine until you came along...” The other lady said.

She was a darker-colored woman. She looked to be between 25 to 30 of age.

“Me?!” Silver asked. “How so?!”

“You told every king to show up to your meeting. We couldn’t deny the request because it was to become an emperor. It would look strange if our Kingdom didn’t show.” Roselyn said.

“I can admit, we were scared and freaked out. I’m normally never thrown for a loop. But we had to show up...” Wendy said.

“And when we did show. We honestly didn’t know what to expect. We heard rumors of how you’re unpredictable.” Diana said.

“We weren’t expecting you to offer us a way out,” Wendy said.

“You threw a huge opportunity on our laps. We are now Empresses. No matter what happens, we won’t ever lose our kingdom regardless of if anyone finds out about our king. Which was why after all these years. We finally told our people, they took it quite well. Some of them weren’t even surprised.” Roselyn said.

“Our children are safe and our people are safe. That’s what’s important to us!” Diana said.

“You taught us how to make a king, so one of our generals is now a king of our land,” Wendy said.

“So yeah, we are not going to betray you. If that’s what you’re thinking.” Diana said.

The three women stopped talking. They looked like they had a huge weight lifted off their shoulders.

“That’s a lot to take in... but if you three are happy with your decision. I need to ask something.” Silver said.

“Anything!” Diana said.

“You three don’t expect me to marry all of you, right?” Silver asked.

“Only if you want. We are older than you. If you want our girls, that’s fine.” Roselyn said.

“Speak for yourself, I’m not old! I’m 38! My people are over 500 strong! I am married to Wendy, but I want to be married to you as well.” Diana said.

“I’m not old either. I’m in my prime.” Wendy said.

“I don’t care! Anyway, I want something to happen today. First, I am putting a core in this wing. I believe in efficiency. I could’ve used one core for my entire kingdom. However, that takes too long. Also, it could be attacked and destroyed by one person. Multiple cores in different locations give me chances to have different types of monsters to defend my kingdom.” Silver said.

“I see. That’s why you have so many cores throughout the kingdom.” Wendy said.

Silver saw how they were expecting more for her to say.

‘I can’t say I expected all of this, but they still broke no laws. Unless they killed the king. However, I don’t think so. For the most part, if I was in their shoes, I’ve done the same. I need to find something else to make them angry and leave. Hmmm...’ Silver thought.

“I need you all to prepare one ship of every type you have. I want to destroy them!” Silver grinned.

The women were a bit confused.

However, Wendy knew Silver’s personality.

“Yes, my Emperor. Whatever you decide. We trust you.” Wendy said.

The other women weren’t so sure, however.

“If Wendy thinks it’s okay, then we will do what you asked,” Roselyn said.

“What, really?!” Silver yelled.

Wendy smirked. “I wasn’t sure until now, but yes! I look at everything you do. Your facial expressions, body language, dealing with lying pirates. I can tell when I’m being played and your poker face is obvious. So, go ahead and use our ships. They are technically yours.”

Silver was shocked.

‘Fuck! I can’t even upset her... Hmm... What if I make it look like I destroyed her ships?! Although, something tells me this plan will not change her opinion about marrying me...’ Silver thought.

Silver saw Wendy look at messages and information about the empire.

“Okay... I could make a plan to throw you off, but I am too lazy for plans...” Silver said.

“Awww, and I thought we were gonna play cat and mouse. You got me so excited and everything.” Wendy said.

‘Maybe if she sees how boring I am, she’ll move on! Although, they said they have been pretending for 11 years. And she mentioned her ‘king’ was not on the same level as her. So this might not work either...’ Silver thought.

“Oh, my! I can tell you are trying to outsmart me! Do your worst!” Wendy said.

“Whatever! Just get your ships ready! You’ll see what I am going to do!” Silver yelled.

“Aww! You’re no fun!” Wendy pouted.

“Well, how about this?! Try to figure out what I’m going to do before I do it! Additionally, I can send you a bunch of messages with puzzles to solve!” Silver yelled.

“Sounds interesting to me. I want to see if you can confuse me. To be honest, you did confuse me with the emperor thing. So I’ll play your game.” Wendy smiled.

“Alright, I’ll see you all later.” Silver said.

“Are we not going to now? I told the men to prepare the ships.” Roselyn said.

“Oh, that was fast. Then let’s get going.” Silver said.

“Okay, we need to get dressed,” Diana said.

“Let me know when you three are done.” Silver said.

“What do you mean? You can bring your fashion designers here. We are your women. You’re going to see us naked anyway.” Diana said.

“I don’t have any personal designer.” Silver said.

“What? Why not?! You had a beautiful dress before. We’re going to venture out of the castle. You need a designer if you want to fit every occasion!” Diana said.

“You mean like that sexy leotard Wendy wore? I can dig something like that. Okay, I’ll get one.” Silver said.

“One? You need more than just one. You need someone for make-up, dresses, designing everything about you! Fashion designers have the skills to work as a group! They even have a skill you can use at any time to call them or tell them to pick something up! Designers can do this no matter where you are. Our designers have a 24-hour service. That’s why it’s best to have a team!” Diana said.

‘Great! More women to tell me how to look... yay...’ Silver thought.

“Fine, I am a very lazy person. I’ll let them dress me!” Silver yelled.

“Excellent! But you must give them full control over your outfits and settings. Of course, you must trust your designers. That is the bond that you must have with your dressers. Trusting them to make you look beautiful. They should be able to put items in your inventory or take it out. I have suggestions for girls, but you should be able to pick who you want.” Diana said.

Silver really didn’t trust anyone... Mille maybe...

After Silver messaged Mille to task fashion designers as Silver’s working girls. Five women showed up. This was their first time doing this for royalty. Or even meeting each other. But they measured Silver from top to bottom. They needed to see what she had, and what they were working with. They left to go pick up what they needed.

All that was weird to Silver. She never had someone dress for her... Ala was a terrible maid.

“We are done, come to the docks when you’re ready,” Wendy said.

Silver saw the three women basically had new dresses but looked easier to move around in.

“We’ll get going too, Silver. I need to get back with the training. Your emergency task force is not ready. I may need a week.” Boris said.

“Okay, I’ll see you later!” Silver said.

Boris and his sluts walked away.

“I will go as well. My wife is calling me. I think it’s about the Jennifer thing. She needs help to decide what to do with the ghosts.” Travis said. “You should be fine for now. Call me if you need help.”

“Okay, thank you for today. Lispa, you can go as well. I’m not going to be long.” Silver said.

“Yes, mistress,” Lispa said.

Just like that, Silver was naked and alone. The designers were equipping and unequipping Silver, trying outfits out that worked. They even took her weapons to measure them.

Normally all this would be scary to someone, but Silver doesn’t use swords or any weapons for that matter to fight. She has always been a skill-based fighter.

They also asked her various questions on what type of theme she’s looking for. The only things Silver said were sexy and had good stats!

While she was waiting she saw fashion emergency buttons. If Silver needs something or she has a wardrobe malfunction, it notifies them.

“These girls are so dramatic… It does little good in combat...” Silver said to no one. She was rolling her eyes.

She got thongs and things the designers thought were cute.

Silver ends up with a silver outfit. It was a short dress, stockings, thong, bra, and a cute silver bag with a silver coin on it. The bag was tailored for her little wand. She also had a sheath for her sword.

Although Boris gave her this sword, she never planned on using it...

Silver rolled her eyes to the silver theme. She knew that it had a lot to do with her king skills, but it’s still annoying to her... She still hates being Silver Coin! Being this person was not fun. She had to put up with shit she didn’t want to deal with...

‘I guess I’ll get going...’ Silver thought.


{In Bastion’s holding cell}

The interrogators were not allowed to torture Bastion. So they could only get little information. He was giving them nothing to go on. Because of this, the investigation wasn’t going anywhere. They needed more proof...

Alone, Bastion waited in his cell. He then saw flashing lights.

A woman he never saw before appeared to him.

“Hello there, Bastion. I am Toria.” The lady said.

She was completely naked. The woman looked human with long black hair. She also looked like a random whore.

“Who are you?” Bastion asked.

“I am your savior. I can give you powers far beyond your wildest dreams. When people ask about who I am. Tell them I am a woman who wants to destroy everything in this world!” Toria said.

“Okay, but why? Do you really want people to know who you are?  And why me?” Bastion said.

“I know everything I need to know about you! You’re a man with ambition! And we both have the same enemy. I want you to kill the one known as Silver Coin!” Toria said.

Bastion looked confused. However, he slightly nodded.

A beam shot out from the woman and onto Bastion’s chest. He didn’t feel pain, he felt alive! His strength, stamina, and everything about him rose in power.

Shadow wolves came from him. He felt like a Guardian.

“Use this power to destroy Silver’s empire! Take whatever you want! And spread the word that a woman did this for you!” Toria announced.

Bastion didn’t know why her being a woman was important, but he didn’t care.

“Will you be my woman?” Bastion asked.

Toria looked in horror.

“No! It’s true that men are superior in every way! But I... Ahh, belong to someone! Yes, that’s it! I have a powerful male guardian! He is who I belong to!” Toria said.

“So guardians are allowed to help humans now?” Bastion said.

“No! No! This is not a guardian’s doing! This was a woman’s doing! Women are the betrayer! Tell people that!” Toria said.

“I am not a stupid man. Either you betrayed a guardian or you are one. I suspect you are a male guardian who is trying to frame females... I don’t mind playing along. Although, people will ask questions that you’re not willing to answer. If you want to work with me, then you have to be my woman. Turn around and let me claim you.” Bastion said.

“What?! I can destroy you, human! How dare you threaten a powerful being such as me! Guardians from all over, fear me!” Toria said.

“So you are a male Guardian or you’re claiming to be stronger than them. I hope you know if you’re trying to kill Silver. She will figure this stuff out too... I have been playing mind games with that person for a long time. She may be lazy, but she is smart. I am the best person you have to outsmart her. What is it going to be? Reveal who you are or stay as you are. Just so you know. If you stay as a woman and are seen with me. You will be questioned. It’s in your best interest to stay under the radar and just be a simple whore for my pleasure. Now pull my pants down and start sucking my cock.” Bastion said.

“Ahhh! You, humans, are the worst! Just don’t tell anyone! And I’m not sucking you! Here!” Toria said while presenting her ass.

Bastion used his shadows to caress her ass and spread her legs.

“Hey, watch it! This whore’s body is sensitive! I’m feeling warm.” Toria said.

“You took a whore’s body? From what I see, you’re wet. Just give in to her instinct. Let her take over and this would go a lot faster.” Bastion said.

Bastion walked behind her and rubbed his hands on her ass. He took his dick out and slid it on her waiting pussy. She was surprisingly wetter than he thought.

Toria was moving anxiously.

“This is strange. I don’t like this...” Toria said.

“We can stop, but you need to get used to being a whore if you want to fool anyone.” Bastion said.

He slapped his dick on her pussy a couple of times.

“Umm... I don’t know... I kind of want to... I am curious...” Toria said.

“I am waiting... I am a conqueror! If you give me your body and power. I will do whatever it takes to make you happy as well. Don’t you want me to destroy all of your enemies? It doesn’t have to end with Silver. I can kill any human you want to destroy. You did say you want the world, right?” Bastion replied.

“Yes... I want power... I am not a very good guardian. I can only give other guardians and human powers... I am a bestower... I am seen as a lackey... That was why I was put to this task.” Toria grimaced and half cried.

She was always bullied by guardians...

“Then let go and take my dick. I will raise an army to kill the humans in your name. You don’t have to use your true name or tell anyone who you are. And to top it off, a woman did all of this, right? That is what you wanted.” Bastion said.

He was finessing her. He continued to rub his dick onto her.

“Yes! Okay!” Toria yelled.

In one swift motion, Bastion entered her tunnels. The sudden penetration made her arch her back in surprise. Her mouth was wide open.

Bastion didn’t stop. He continued to fuck her. In and out, he fucked her silly.

“This... isn't bad... I can do this...” Toria said between the pounding.

Bastion grabbed onto her ass and forced her down to the floor. He fucked her deeper.

“Easy... human!” Toria yelled.

Toria didn’t know why. This was starting to feel good.

However, he didn’t want to feel pleasure... The Guardian separated his consciousness from the woman he was possessing.

The real woman didn’t know what her guardian was doing. All she knew was she’s getting fucked.

She leaned her back more and bounced on Bastion’d dick as his pelvic thrust into her.

The woman moaned as the big cock penetrated her again and again. Her juices sliding on his dick. She began to collapse more onto the floor as he continued to doggy style her.

Audible noises were heard throughout the chambers as she climaxed with a scream.

Bastion didn’t stop. He kept on thrusting into her pussy. She bit her lips as he grabbed her shoulders to lead to his climax. As he pumped into her pussy, his cum burst into her.

Without warning, she started throwing up a full-grown woman. Even that didn’t stop him from pelvis thrusting at her. She threw up another naked woman on the ground.

Bastion pulled out of her and walked in front of her to conquer her mouth.

“I have claimed you, now clean my cock.” Bastion growled.

The woman’s lips wrapped around his dick. She licked his stick clean.

He was still horny. So he kept on thrusting her throat while using his shadows to fuck the woman’s pussy.

She loved every minute of it. She squirts as her throat is getting filled.

When the Guardian’s mind came back to see if the human was done. He witnessed a dick still sliding in his throat. His pussy was getting attention.

Bastion shot streams of cum down his throat; forcing him to swallow.

Toria drank as Bastion held the guardian’s head.

When the climax was done. Bastion released his hold; pulling out of the cum filled mouth. Bastion pressed his dick on Toria’s lips, making her kiss it.

“I am done.” Bastion said.

He was still rubbing his dick on her lips.

“Enough, human! You had your fun!” Toria shouted.

“Did you like it?” Bastion asked.

Toria didn’t say anything about that matter. She looked around. She saw new women groaning on the floor. They were bred from her?!

“What the hell is this, human! You cum in me?! Have you no shame?! Now, I have to dispose of these... Things! I can’t let anyone know they belong to me! Although, it would set off alarms even if I did kill them! What a mess you made!” Toria yelled.

They don’t have your real name. I may need them to distract Silver’s forces while I kill her.

Toria thought about it.

“Fine, but this better not bite me in the ass! Just get the job done, human! As unamusing  as this was, I am now leaving for now!” Toria shouted, then disappeared.

“Hey! Stop all that yelling! What’s going on in there?!” A guard yelled.

When the guard opened the door and walked into Bastion’s cell. He saw Bastion with two naked women. This confused the guard.

The two women licked the guard then started biting him until he was no more. They were like animals.

“You girls are vicious, I like it. With you and my new powers. I’m going to have my revenge.” Bastion said.


{At Ormshire, Silver’s Seaport Kingdom}

Silver saw so many different ships! Their biggest ship was definitely fit for an Emperor!

“Wow, this is so amazing! I love this one! I can put a whole house in here!” Silver exclaimed.

“Thank you, we try. Too bad you’re going to destroy it,” Wendy said.

Silver pouted, then sighed.

“Tell me, what do you think I’ll do with them? For real!” Silver questioned.

“We haven’t seen it yet, but we heard you have a Magic Shop. Your empire didn’t really try to hide this with me. However, I can't access that function. But anyway, this is how you have so many cores. You can break material or objects down, then recreate it. It’s the same thing you do with classes. I suspect you’re gonna do this with our ships. So go ahead and deny it!” Wendy said.

Silver didn’t say anything for a bit.

“Are your men staying clear of all the ships? My people will start the process.” Silver said while avoiding answering her question.

“Yes. Before you start, I want you to put my people on this task. The ships are near and dear to their heart. As naval officers, we know what should go where. So allow them to do this entire thing if you may. I want to try this as well. You told me you’ll treat us no different from your people. I want to do everything you can do!” Wendy said.

This woman not long ago told Silver she wasn’t a real royalty. She didn’t marry a real king and she completely lied to her people… And now she wants to be trusted?! She even wants the Magic Shop...

Silver wanted to protest, but Wendy didn’t do anything wrong, yet.

“I’m only trusting you because you remind me of myself. Which is also why I don’t trust you... You and I are like a double-sided blade. Your nickname is even ‘The Serpent’!” Silver yelled.

“You have contracts from us... Do you need more signatures? How much of our lives do you need to make you feel safe? What more do you want from us?!” Diana said.

“Yeah, please at least let us sit at the big kid’s table!” Wendy teased.

“Fine, and you’re right... I am just getting this feeling something bad is about to happen to me. I don’t trust anything. But I am willing to give you three a chance...” Silver relented.

Wendy walked towards Silver and kissed her.

“There, that wasn’t so hard. And besides, we have plenty of people to protect us if something happens.” Wendy said.

Silver let Wendy and her people handle the whole thing. They decided on the various shapes of the ships. Silver and Wendy had their own empire vessel.

Wendy gave each ship levels. The ships had various abilities like the crew moved quickly while boarded. Depending on the ship and crew, these abilities were key.

And to top it all off. The ship had levels on everything. Cannons, sails, and other things on their own level. Everyone except Silver was shocked. Some items like weapons had levels, but never ships and things of that nature.

“How is this possible!?” Wendy said with amazement.

“My empire has things like this all the time. We just learn to roll with it. Anyway, I guess I won this round by surprising you, again!” Silver said.

Wendy slowly nodded a yes. She definitely agrees.

Silver looked at her new emperor’s vessel. She still felt uneasy about something, but this thing was huge! She wasted no more time and got on the vessel.

As she was walking towards the captain’s cabin, a figure appeared in the sky.

A man pulled back his arm. Then he clawed and slashed from above; marking ships with cuts while shredding the ship Silver was on.

She dodged the incoming attacks. The attacker was constantly clawing attacks from above while keeping a huge distance.

“Ahhh! What?! Who the fuck?!” Silver yelled.

Ala has taught Silver to always be prepared for any attack, so she was able to sense where this figure was aiming.

“Protect the three empresses! Teleporters, get them out of here!” Men from Silver‘s army yelled.

The figure drew closer to the ships. He huffed and puffed, then blew all of the ships out of the water. The ships rolled onto the seaport kingdom; crushing citizens below the ships with a mighty howl.

Soldiers manage to get the empresses out of the way. Hundreds of citizens died as the ships rolled across the kingdom and onto the land.

With another howl, the figure blew buildings down; killing the people within those walls.

Whoever this was, they wanted to destroy everything!

Silver emerged from the wreckage, coughing up blood.

As black fog like-smoke filled the air, Silver heard loud howling within the thick fog.

When Silver manifested her wings to fly out. Several Shadow-Wolves bit her and took her down to the ground.

“Ahh! Take this!” Silver yelled.

She repels them with her skill. Although she blasted the wolves. They reformed and came back with more biting her; drawing blood.

The Shadow-Wolves were disrupting her system. Or at least she thought it was them. Something was jamming everything. Her skills were on a longer cooldown. Silver’s energy was also being drained.

Not knowing what to do, she looked at her situation and saw what she had available. She didn't want to use her best skills too soon. And she wanted to use things that don't take energy. Then she remembered she has two weapons that are equipped.

Silver took out her wand. She was able to summon Travis and Sandra to her Location. It would seem they were close enough. She summoned everything she had. However, she didn’t expect several other ghosts to also show up.

Travis and Sandra looked around. They didn’t really see anything in this black fog. Silver must have summoned them for a reason. They just didn’t know why. So they waited, weapons ready.

“Help! These things are draining me! Save the people for me!” Silver yelled in the black fog.

Sandra swirled her reaper scythe around to blow away the smoke. It didn’t seem to do any good. There was so much of it. Whoever was doing this, was pouring out more and more.

“Silver! Where are you?!” Travis yelled.

“I will be fine! Save the kingdom! That's an order!” Silver yelled back.

Travis leads the ghost to help Silver’s people.

“Don't You Dare Die!” Travis screamed.

Normally she would say, “You, too!” but since Travis was already dead. Silver said nothing.

Silver was unable to see anyone, although she heard so many cries. She thought about who else can help her people.

“Ala! Boris! Handsome! Kilo, Lavender! Anybody, help!” Silver screamed.

“You seem to have so many people who would come to your aid. Unfortunately for you, they won't come! I have taken that ability from you! Me, a woman! All will know a woman did this!” A strange female said.

Silver couldn’t see her, but she sounded bitchie. The voice was annoying.

“Oh, yeah?! Then you're a guardian?!” Silver questioned.

Silver was trying to get up but didn’t have any energy to do so. The wolves were holding her down. They weren't trying to kill her, only keep her there.

Her clothes were torn, which gave her an idea. She wrote a note in her Inventory and pushed her fashion emergency button. The note said, (Give this to Boris, CODE: 13). With the fashionability, they can see how damaged her clothes are. However, they knew why she called. 

“No! I am not! A guardian will never do this!” The strange female yelled.

“Are you male? You talk like them…” Silver asked.

“Quiet, human! I’m in control here! Not you, not Bastion! Me!” The strange female screeched.

“So, that was Bastion? Did you give him powers? And you took the system away from me. You must be the strongest woman I have seen. Stronger than any male Guardian!” Silver yelled.

“What?! Of course not! Male Gardens are far superior!” The strange female said.

“But you were saying a woman did this! You have more balls than any Guardian to pull something like this! Take what you want! Male Guardians are cowards compared to you!” Silver said.

Silver wasn't sure, but this woman looked furious. She was in danger, but she was having fun pissing this person off. Although, her main objective was to stall for time.

“Hey, hey! You being a woman. Did you let Bastion give you the dick?! That’s what I would’ve done! Join me and you can feel as much pleasure as you want!” Silver teased.

“AHHH!!! I am not a toy to be played with!” The strange female yelled.

“That’s enough! I have already claimed this woman! I will take back everything you took from me!” Bastion yelled.

Bastion floated down to the ground and stood near the strange female.

“Even, Bailey? I thought you didn’t want that daughter.” Silver said.

“Well, actually... You can keep her… But that’s not the point!” Bastion yelled.

“You two are really cute together! But as much as I love to piss off my enemies! I am going to have to stop you from killing more people.” Silver said.

“Ha! You can’t! I disable your calls. I can jam communications with a large radius! I, a woman named Toria, did this!” Toria yelled.

Bastion rolled his blue eyes.

“Oh, yeah?! Apparently, your ability doesn't work on some skills. Especially when they're not my actual abilities! Because they are already here! Now, Tess!” Silver yelled.

Ala, Boris, Kilo, Jeopardy, Despair, and Lavender appeared.

Tess Left her mother to spread herself onto Toria.

Bastion stepped in front of Toria, then blew Tess and everyone else away. The Mighty Howl pushes them into the buildings of the Kingdom.

Not wanting to take any more chances. Bastion flew to the sky with Toria, then scratched and engraved the kingdom with big power claws.

“Go in hiding as we planned, but keep disabling their powers. Our girls will handle the Guardians. We are moving to phase 2.” Bastion told Toria.

“Okay! Just get Silver! And you don't need to protect me, human!” Toria yelled.

Bastion drew her close for a kiss. As he kissed her lips, he grabbed her ass. When their lips parted she wanted it to last longer.

“You are mine, now. I don’t care who you were, you're stronger than any woman I’ve ever met. As Silver said, you are a guardian who would get shit done. I like that. You are going to stay as my partner and destroy this planet. I dream to conquer this world and you will help me. Now get to work!” Bastion said, then dropped her in the fog.

All Bastion saw was her blushing face, she was shocked.

Boris jumped at Bastion with a slash. The lover couldn’t fly, but he had his ways. He used his wind sword to cut Bastion’s arm. The attack didn’t cut deep, Boris felt Weakened by something. Someone's disrupting his abilities.

Bastion warped one of his daughters at Boris. She flew to Boris with her claws. Boris dodged as many as he could, but the girl also had this strange claw ability that can destroy things from afar.

He needed to come up with a way to defeat them without getting more people killed.

“I will let you have this Kingdom while I attack Silver’s Kingdom!” Bastion said. Then he disappeared. Bastion's plan was not to stay in one spot and he felt fighting Boris won’t be easy.

Boris was confused. He wasn’t sure why Bastion suddenly yelled his plan like that before doing it. Was he bluffing or he really was going to the main Kingdom? That felt strange and intentional to throw him off.

The lover started messaging during the fight, to see if everyone was okay. It turns out, it was true. Several attacks are happening throughout all of the kingdoms. Either this Bastion has gone over there or there were more beings with those wolf abilities.

Bastion's plan was to divide and conquer. He knew how powerful Silver's flag was. So instead of a head on fight. His plan was to spread his enemy out for them to solve different problems. Bastion has been battling his entire life, so he know how to plan for favorable outcomes.


On the ground, Silver was in a lot of pain. The black fog was still getting to her.

**Wishlist**Silver, run! Something is after you!**

Without thinking, Silver followed her guardian’s advice. However, it was too late. Shadow-Wolves started biting her again. Bastion appeared, then teleported her to a different place.

Wherever they ended up, it was cold. It wasn’t below zero, but they were over an ocean. For miles, Silver saw nothing.

“I have managed to divide all of your people up. My girls are teleporting to your locations and destroying everything! And there's nothing you or your people can do about it! I have finally outsmarted you!” Bastion yelled.

“What did you do?!” Silver asked.

“Why?! You expect me to go into a long speech?! So I can give you enough time to counter me!? I’m not some monologuing villain!” Bastion said with an eye roll.

“Oh, come on... You know you want to gloat... What's the fun in outsmarting me if you can’t brag a little…?” Silver said.

Silver was fading, she was getting weaker and weaker from the lack of blood. The wolves were still biting her.

Bastion was staying firm until he couldn't take it anymore.

“Grrrr! For too long I have put up with your shit! I watch you destroy everything I have claimed! I want to enjoy putting you down! However, I don’t have long before your people start looking for you! So, I’ll make this short! The reason why your father died was because of you! I knew you’ve been secretly helping slaves from my kingdom! I am not 100% sure it’s you, maybe it was Margolin or Travis and his mud bitch woman! One of you was responsible for a large shipment of the products coming up missing! And to top it off, you took even more from me! You have cost me millions! I was hoping you died in the village with your father! I can finally kill you! I can do whatever I want now! When I get rid of you! I am going to destroy your Kingdom piece by piece! Everyone who has joined you will also die! All will bow before me! The Great Wolf Of The West! Hahahaha!” Bastion yelled. “Yes! Yeah! It feels so good to finally gloat!”

Silver wasn’t listening; she was bleeding out and losing consciousness. Bastion just threw the bitch in the ocean. Even with her dying breath, she was annoying!

Bastion disappeared to distract Silver’s help until she died. Even then, kill all of his enemies.

As Silver fell into the depths of the sea, the wolves continued to bite her. She used her sword to cut them off of her until they disappeared. Due to the lack of blood, she was fading. The only thing that was keeping her awake was willpower and a chance to fuck again!

She noticed her blob ability was returned to her by Emily. But all of her skills were disabled. There's a good chance that Toria was near and she can disable skills completely. The fashion buttons were still lit up.

Silver figured she definitely can't block someone else's skill if she's not near them. Toria would have to actively go block all five girls to stop their abilities.

‘I could send someone to come and get me. However, from what I can tell they are busy protecting the people... I would just have to figure out how to save myself…’ Silver thought.

She sent a fashion note saying, (I need an outfit for breathing underwater and healing.) Silver didn't realize just how useful having a makeup team would be…

The fashion team did their magic and gave her not only what she asked for, but an outfit that's waterproof and could float her above water. The outfit quickly shot her up.

As Silver floated on the sea, she waited for the outfit to heal her.

**WishList’**Sorry, my little coin. We are unable to help you. There are strong guardians watching you right now. If we do anything, you would have more than Bastion to worry about. If they knew we’ve been helping, the guardians will come down to slaughter your entire Empire. It doesn't matter if other Guardians broke rules, they want me even more. You can’t even wish right now. Unless I get an opportunity to stay hidden… But it's okay! If you die, I will reincarnate you and you will be working for me forever! We will use you as a breeding vessel! So, no worries!**

Silver was definitely sure she didn't want to die right now… Even her current situation was better than that…

‘It… would seem all of my bullshit has caught up to me...’ Silver thought.

As she was passing out from exhaustion. She thought about her parents again. She wanted to bring them to her, but they were too far away from her. It was better for them to protect the kingdom anyway. Silver wasn't in immediate danger. Well… aside from a sea creature attacking her...

She took out her staff. Hoping she could do something with it.


You are near a Dungeon Core, would you like to join it solo? (Y/N)


‘Maybe this is a safe place to go right now.’ She thought to herself. ‘Maybe I could recuperate within.’

Silver also thought about spawning a ship from the magic shop to sleep in. Although she desires to hide and that would defeat the purpose. She didn't want Bastion to come back…

The empire currently had strong people fighting Bastion. She didn't want them to waste their time looking for her. So she sent another fashion message saying protect the people and then look for her when they are done. And with that, she decided to enter the dungeon.

The entrance of a dungeon normally doesn't have any enemies and she could always leave when she's ready. She said, (Yes). It brought her inside of the Dungeon.

The beginning dungeon entrance was a forest area. She was next to a mountain. 


You have entered: Faerie Dungeon!

Because of your level. The mode difficulty is: {Epic: 25-man}

As a Dungeon Master, you can set five boons to this dungeon. When you attack the first enemy these boons will be locked. (Meaning you cannot add any more.)


Silver saw the list of things she could do. Because she struggled to read everything, she just picked one for now. She was able to add her own forces.

Although she was still healing with her outfit. It wasn't a real healer. She passed out because of blood loss.

She really wanted to save everyone.

**WishList**I wish: There was a massive revival spell to bring back those who died. And bring the entire empire here!**

While a dungeon was active. Guardians can’t see any activities within it. This rule was set due to cheating. WishList was able to make a wish; leaving Silver with one more orb.

WishList left outside of Silver’s body. She started hugging her.

“If only you knew how much I helped you, my little coin. I love you so much! I will always save you. You will be reincarnated again if needed be. One day, we will make these guardians pay for what they did to us.” WishList said.

She kissed and was caressing Silver.

“I knew it! This is that person?! She is ‘The Wishing Man’?! They both even fuck alike! You tried to hide it but you were too attached to this person. Mother, let him die already! Haven't you put him through enough?! He is still going through hell! I feel sorry for him! Go home!” Beyond said.

“Quiet! You can go if you want! He wished for this! He still needs me! He will never leave me and I will always bring him back! He will kill them this time, you’ll see! We will kill all Guardians who did this! Don’t you want payback?!” WishList yelled.

“I already got my payback! Mother, this is disgusting! I’m going! I thought you would stop toying with him, but I was wrong! No wonder why this person was strong enough to hold us both! I wanted to see how long she can hold, but her Integrity is strong! Just like his! Bye, mother! I hope you’ll let him die this time!” Beyond said.

Beyond left her mother with her lover.

“It’s okay, my little coin. I am still here. We will be together, forever.” WishList said with a kiss.

Now that we're getting to the end game. The year is almost up and I'm almost done with the book, yay!

For those who may think Bastian went from 0 to 100. The best thing I say is it's no different from giving a random person a nuclear bomb and he used to kill thousands of people. He will instantly become the Most Wanted Man regardless of what he was before. That's how I see that scenario. It may seem out of nowhere, but it is what it is.

You all don't know how excited I am about me adding ‘The Wishing Man’! The best way to explain it is to tell y'all behind the scenes of Silver Coin. Technically some of the stuff I'm going to say is a spoiler, but not really. Just keep that in mind.

When I first started the original Silver Coin idea. She got it from a stranger and it was basically only about that coin. There was no World building or anything. I want a mascot, but I wanted a character that I know I love. WishList was an original character I made when I was very young. I love genie from Aladdin so much I made my own Genie. But she is not tied to a Master; she can make her own wishes. I don't know if I'm going to keep most of her original story the same, but she got so bored that she wanted to give her wishes to anyone who wants them. Therefore, I made several stories including her. A list of people she gave her wishes to which is why she's called WishList. It didn't matter if they were naughty or nice I wanted everyone to have their own wish which is funny that I made this book in December Before Christmas. LOL. Which was not intentional by the way.

Anyway, ‘The Wishing Man’ was one of the people she had given her wishes too. He was one of my favorite stories I made with her. I always wanted to write his story. It was a (Be Careful What You Wish For) / (King Midas) type of story. He made one wish, it turned out to be bad. So he made another wish to fix that wish. Then another wish to fix that wish. It became an endless suffering for him. I have always used this idea in my real life. I may have nothing, but at least I am happy with what I have.

Now, what does this have to do with Silver? When I was making the ending of the page. I decided to include him because Silver and him are kind of parallel. When you really think about it. When she made her first wish, ask yourselves if she is happy now? She has a Kingdom, money, women, and fame. But is Silver happy herself? The wishing man had the power to do whatever he wanted but he couldn't ever get what he wanted. right without something going wrong.

I would love to talk more about this story, but if I am going to add him to this lore. I don't want to spoil anything. I'm just giving you an idea of who the wishing man is and why is he important to me. You can say he's like my guide to being a better person and that's why I'm happy to finally talk about him. Also why it makes sense he's in the story because WishList is one of his women. She has a hundred people on her list. I may change the original idea of these characters. I've already revealed this is not her first reincarnation and WishList plans to keep Silver living forever. Love is a beautiful thing!

I will leave it to everyone to hunt for the breadcrumbs I led to this conclusion because they are there. Here's a hint: Did I say WishList came to Silver, or WishList was already there with Silver? And was the cake a lie? I promise you my story is not complicated like “Five Nights at Freddy's”. You need only to read what I put down. LOL.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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