Since 1983

Chapter 267 - Come out book

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

At noon, the Beijing-Taiwan office.

The original tables and chairs have been removed and replaced with tables and benches.

The general pattern is very similar to the New Year’s Day party in the elementary school. A table slides in the front for the actors to sit, and there is a slide on each of the three walls, and there is an empty space in the middle.

There was a banner hanging on the wall, “The Hutong People’s New Year Tea Party.”

Zhao Baogang shouted loudly, and sent a foreman’s temperament, “Every table has a pot, check to see if there is any tea. If you don’t, add it to it, get a good black tea, don’t fool people.

“Tell the cafeteria that you have enough hot water, don’t drink half the water, it’s disgraceful.”

“Dim sums and fruits are on display, one plate per table.”

“There is that word, hey …”

Zhao Baogang walked to the left of the doorway, and a brush writing was posted on the wall, “Hele is harmonious and feels at home.”

“Who wrote this?”


“What kind of words? Still harmonious, we don’t have a culture at first glance. Hey, Teacher Xu!”

He called Xu Fei, Xu Fei glanced, and shook his head, “No soul, come with a pen.”

Someone handed a writing brush next to it and was very surprised. Didn’t hear that Teacher Xu could write? I saw that the goods are waist and horse in one, and a few strokes were injected into the soul, two impressive characters:

“and also……”


I saw eight words added on the paper: harmony and auspiciousness.

Zhao Baogang looked at it, “The words are still done, the words are not good.”

“I didn’t say that I would use it. Whoever took it to the director and asked him to write one.”

Someone went down.

At about 12:30, the site layout was completed and the door was opened to pick up guests.

This tea party is to drink tea and talk, not in the morning, there is no atmosphere in the morning. In the afternoon, just a few snacks, a group of people eloquent, arrived home in the evening, Bashi.

At 1 o’clock, one after another came.

Nine residents of the big miscellaneous courtyard, journalists from several newspapers, Beijing TV ’s own cameraman, plus 50 spectators. Eight microphones were prepared. The leader did not attend, fearing seriousness.

Xu Fei got a seat alone, counted as the host. He looked around and saw that a little girl who was wrapped like bread was coming in, wearing Tao Bei’s earmuffs, very spirited.

Recognized for a few seconds, eh? This is not a small pink!

This girl is nice, with good personality, good acting skills, smart and clever …

Slightly slightly.

Xiao Taohong is now a member of the National Synchronized Swimming Team. She was fined for writing a review while watching TV. However, she won the lottery and came to participate.

Looking around, the cat was finally in a corner.

Waiting for the same, Xu Fei turned on the microphone, “Hey … Quiet, let’s start.”

“Welcome everyone to participate in our New Year tea party. There are friends from the press, enthusiastic audiences, and TV drama creators. Don’t be constrained. The purpose is to meet everyone and chat.

I am today’s host … “

“Little Liu!”

Someone shouted underneath, causing a laugh.

“What Xiao Liu? My name is Xu Fei, I play the policeman Xiao Liu, and I’m also the producer of this drama. I’m familiar with this one next to me. I’m missing one today. Teacher Li Jianqun, who plays Yu Langu, is working outside. She is also the costume designer for this play. Hey, yes, have you ever seen “The Stubborn”? “


“That costume design is also Teacher Li.”


Everyone marveled because Liu Bei’s clothes, Pan Hong’s clothes, and the fashion show were so impressive.

Followed by, a vote of actors introduced themselves, each applause was loud, and lasted more than half a minute when Ge You. Ge You exposed his teeth, waved his hand slightly, and was not seated twice.


There was another burst of laughter. Uncle Ge’s comedy image was slowly established, and he didn’t do anything. He wanted to laugh as soon as he went there.

At first it was relatively shy, and gradually let go under Xu Fei’s constant active atmosphere.

“I want to talk to Teacher Han that you are too close to Teacher Mo in the play. I have been looking forward to your love at dusk, but unfortunately I have never been satisfied.”


Han Ying laughed heartily, “I love to watch young people fall in love, you’re fine, what can the old lady and the old lady look at?”

“Why not?”

Mo Qi answered, “The most beautiful thing is that the sunset is red. If you change me to an old lady, maybe I will talk.”

This sentence, from a song “Sunset Red”, is also an old program of CCTV. Xu Fei lived with her grandma ’s house when she was a child and accompanied her to watch, “The most beautiful but the sunset is red, warm and calm … The sunset is the love of being late, the sunset is the endless love …

Of course not yet, he wrote in the script.

Another spectator stood up, his face full of excitement, “Brother Yo, can I call you Yu Brother?”

“Yes, your age calls my brother and I still take advantage.”

“I want to ask, are you with Liu Bei?”

“Are you saying that it’s inside or outside the play? I’m a married serious man.”

Liu Bei grabbed the microphone, “Virtue, I still look down on you? This friend, you are asking for absolute confidentiality, you can’t say it now, everyone will know it at the end.”

Take him to sit down, Xiao Taohong is brewing for a long time, and rubbing up also stands, “Sister Xiaobei, I, I have nothing to say, I just like you very much.”

“Yo, my sister is so spirited!”

Liu Bei’s eyes lit up, and the girl was so happy, she smiled and said, “Thank you for loving me, and I also like you. Are you a student?”

“No, I am a synchronized swimmer, a regular player.”

“Awesome, come on.”

“Thank you sister Becky!”

Xiao Taohong sat down happily, contentedly.

Everyone is not indifferent. Zucchini and Shi Fatzi also have fans. Cao Ying has won the favor of many mothers. His exaggerated cheeks are flushed and panting.

After the first face-to-face excitement, the chat became professional and began to talk about the plot and characters.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses suddenly stood up and said, “I want to ask Mr. Ge You a question. In the” Literary Youth “two days ago, you are posing as a woman. I want to ask about your feelings or mental journey.”

“There is no way of thinking …”

Ge You thought about it with a microphone. “At first, I resisted a little, but then I wanted to understand it. It was the phrase Bai Fen struggle said right after it. This is the basic quality of an actor, so it doesn’t feel much.”

Yu Jiajia raised her hand and asked, “Now there is some controversy. Do you want to say that this drama is vulgar?”


Ge You scratched her head and looked innocent. “I didn’t realize that a work can’t satisfy everyone. Most people like it, it means that we …”

He saw Xu Fei reaching for the microphone and handed it over.

“Let me talk!”

Teacher Xu asked, “Does any friend present like this scene?”

Everyone paused for a few seconds, and the middle-aged man raised his hand. “I hate it and feel vulgar.”

“Oh, have you seen Chaplin’s movie?”


“So what do you think?”

“Very, very great.”

“Chaplin also played a woman.”


The scene was very embarrassing.

Xu Fei asked the other person to sit down and continue: “Making a woman as a woman and a woman as a man are a common practice in drama. Using gender reversal to create a powerful conflict effect.

As for whether low is not vulgar, I think the situation is divided.

Bai Struggle was fooled by others, released his nature, chose to play as a woman, and challenged herself. First of all, it did not break away from the story, the plot itself has developed here. Secondly, the camera and performance are very restrained.

After Ge You came out, there was no movement, so she sat down and took off the gauze, and the story went on.

This situation, I don’t think it is vulgar, it is a natural comedy technique.

So what is really vulgar? “

Xu Fei glanced and beckoned: “That little girl swimming, you can borrow earmuffs.”


Xiaotaohong pointed at herself, and passed the earmuff dumbly.


Geyou groaned, and saw the goods turned around, like a demon, “Come on, let’s perform a live scene.”

All eyes were open, he couldn’t refuse, he had to stand up and put on pink earmuffs. Not to mention, it’s quite appropriate.

It’s already fun underneath, this trip is worth it. The camera was quickly aligned, and the camera snapped and took pictures.

“It doesn’t have much to do with the plot. It’s like a hard time, but it still focuses on …”

He did not embarrass Ge You. He twisted himself first. He was enchanting and could not bear to look directly. His mouth was still explaining:

“Brows and dances, scratches your head, plays with flirtatious, watery poppies …”

Puff haha!

The whole audience was having fun, not laughing, but the kind of husky, pant-sucking that was a little breathless.

Yu Jiajia felt that her intestines began to twitch, and Xiao Taohong grabbed the table, shaking it …

“Don’t laugh, are we twisting here in front of so many people and looking at vulgarity? No, we are just explaining, what is vulgarity.

Just like before, highlighting the various postures of posing as a woman, exaggerating and exaggerating, makes people feel a kind of physical discomfort, and use this as a gimmick to call it humor!

What’s so called vulgar! “


The audience was quiet for a short while, followed by applause and heartfelt sincerity.

In fact, the age is too early, if in the later generations, he can have better examples, such as “Aunt Li Cha”, “Chinatown Detective 2” that women’s drama.


The tea party will only open until 4 or 5 o’clock, and all of them feel well on this trip.

The audience has bragging resources, and the reporter has material for writing. Both Beijing and Taiwan want to make it a program and broadcast it during the Spring Festival.

Everyone went out in twos and threes, Yu Jiajia stayed and shouted, “Xu Fei!”

“what happened?”

“Suddenly had an idea …”

Yu Jiajia dragged him to a secluded place and whispered: “I think your improvisation with Ge You was just great.”

“Yeah, I think so too.”

“Less poor! I mean, can you write some related articles.”

“What?” Xu Fe wondered.

“I watched Hutong recently, and the more I watched, the more I made too few domestically produced excellent dramas and made too many of them. It seems that the audience does not have a clear concept, how to evaluate a work. Or, what kind of work is good and what is bad? .

You can write about this. Serve Tao, acting, script, and write more. I will help you contact this book. “


Is it … a book?

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