Since 1983

Chapter 268 - Young year

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Xu Fei had an in-depth conversation with Yu Jiajia and was very interested in publishing.

I first studied the subject’s ideas. He thought that he hadn’t reached the point of making a statement, and that entertainment was still possible.

First of all, it is not a serious academic book. The number of words will not be too much. It is about 200,000. It is inclined to the style of a booklet.

The second is what to write.

Xu Fei thinks the other party’s ideas are very interesting. How to evaluate a work? What are the criteria for a good drama and what are the characteristics of a bad drama?

Thinking down, he had direction, “Teach everyone how to watch the drama.”

Dramas, including movies and TV series. In a word, the publishing house is not responsible for that.

Divided into several articles, each structure is divided into two parts, “what to see” and “how to see”. Including themes, plots, characters, performances, costumes, photography skills, etc.

Point to stop, too deep, I don’t understand.

The aesthetics of film and television is essentially subjective. Nine out of ten people feel bad, and the remaining one is partial. Others like “Little Times” and “Fuchun Mountain Residence”, sincerely.

That’s right. You cannot say that he is wrong, only that the aesthetics are different.

However, this thing also has very rigid objective standards.

For example, you ca n’t make 16 years into 86 years; you ca n’t ignore the state ’s policies on poor children by using your intellectual conjectures; you ca n’t let the police catch the thief without bringing back the transcript of the dispatch, but tie it to the stool with a rope .

It is not allowed to pull a one-kilometer warning line, logistics and medical services are on call at all times, and reporters have to go back to the scene of the cabin after screening, and get two farts close, not only close, but also help!

What is even more pointed out is that this blind Jiebao is a lot of nonsense, and some people completely ignore it. It must be said that you do not understand the mood and the appreciation level is low!

Of course, the picture is still pretty.

What Xu Fei wants to write is these objective standards.


At the same time that Hutong 2 was on the hot screen, an extremely important meeting was held in Beijing.

“China Film News” front page headline, with “main theme? ! Entertainment film? ! “The title, published the” National Feature Film Creation Conference “minutes.

It’s a long story.

In 1987, the country launched activities critical of bourgeois liberalization.

A guy surnamed Zhao, transferred from Changying Factory to Beijing, helped the newly appointed film director to design a slogan at the National Film Conference.

The slogan is: highlight the main theme, adhere to diversity-this is the first time to clearly put forward the concept of the main theme. At the same time, there is another slogan called unity of the three sexes, namely artistic, ideological and ornamental.

Is it familiar? Because it is still in use.

The background at the time was that, due to the rise of the fifth generation, many experimental art films were filmed. As a result, no one watched it, and the film was gradually released.

Like Tian Zhuangzhuang’s Drum Book Artist, no more than 10 copies. Li Xiaolong’s “Drum Tower Love Story”, zero copies.

Art films cannot be sold, and studios create entertainment films on a large scale. What is “intellectual beauty snake”, “invincible mandarin duck legs”, “Dongling thieves”, crude, but some people watch.

People in the film industry call it the “entertainment tide.”

It is in this environment that this meeting was held. The leadership department was divided into two camps, fighting each other, and later evolved from “art or entertainment” to “main melody or entertainment.”

The main theme won.

This result has led the country to vigorously support the main melody movie in the next decade or so, so that the number of viewers has been diving.

From the peak of 29.3 billion in 1979, it fell to 14.4 billion in 1991, and then to 10.5 billion in 1992. State-run movie theaters also quickly withered.

It ’s all afterwards, so I wo n’t go into details.


“It’s a bit less interesting and split, but TV commercials are different from prints. It’s already very good that you can do this for the first time when you create independently.”

“If you have more energy, you need to improve it. You need it urgently. You want to shoot after the Spring Festival.”

“Don’t force it, that’s fine.”

In the evening, Chen Xiaoxu came out of the professor ’s house and stuffed a thick stack of drawings into his schoolbag.

The school has been on winter vacation and she is still busy. The professor really contacted a washing powder factory, a township enterprise, and said that he spent two dollars to make an advertisement, but he was not willing to find a big company to do it.

As always, some people do not value the value of the mind, “Hey, you learned design, help me the whole LOGO.”

This is all.

Other students learned theory from scratch. Xiao Xu, in turn, had a lot of advertising-like experience before, and even completed a Beihai fashion show, which is equivalent to learning theory from practice.

The speed is very fast, often eating small stoves.

She rode home in the cold wind, and the road was bustling. It’s a small year now, and the atmosphere of the Spring Festival is strong. Stalls are set up at the entrance of the mall, with some sugar, dried fruits, persimmons and the like.

She bought a pound of persimmon and was stopped when she entered the Baihua Hutong.


The aunt of the neighborhood committee ran from the side and asked happily, “Hang out?”

“Well, I bought some dried persimmon. Would you like to try it?”

“This cold weather can’t stand my teeth. Give me a pancake and I can bite two …”

The aunt said a few words nonsense, “Shen Lin’s couple still lived this way, and I haven’t seen them for a while.”

“They moved away.”

“Moved away? Do you still live with Baochai?”

“what happened?”

Xiao Xu was wrong to hear this.

“It’s okay, don’t blame me for being talkative. The two of you big girls live in a lad’s house, even though they are tenants, it’s inconvenient. I used to be accompanied by a colleague. Good boy, but outsiders do n’t know, you are also big stars, and I ’m afraid people will talk about things. ”

The aunt saw her look and hurriedly said: “I’ll wake up, OK, you are busy.”


Xiao Xu froze for a while before entering the hospital with his head down.

There was no one in the yard. She paused and pushed open the door of the East House. Shen Lin’s couple moved at the beginning of the month, and the furniture was still there, but they were empty and deserted.

She was thin-skinned, thinking too much, sitting motionless on the wooden bed, her head full of words.

When I promised to move in, I had Shen Lin as the base and had a reason to persuade myself, but now it is gone.



Zheng Li’s kung fu, Zhang Li pushed the car into the door, “Come and come!”

“Yeah, why are there so many things?”

“The new year’s goods that were issued a while ago have always existed in the unit, and today they gathered courage and moved back.”

I saw the old high piled in the basket, three paper boxes tied to the back seat, and two bags hanging on the handlebar. Xiao Xu is very magical, “You can ride because I can see, what I sent.”

The two moved the new year’s goods into the kitchen and turned them in the same way.

“Taiyu, it’s tiara again.”

“Apple, another apple.”

“Dried persimmon, I just bought persimmon.”

Xiao Xu turned over for a long time, and was greatly disappointed. CCTV had nothing more than that of Beijing and Taiwan.

(He is in poor health and needs rest.)

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