Since 1983

Chapter 28 - In a flash

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

The Old Summer Palace in April is full of desolation, the stone is not green, and the lake is not green.

This is a large old locust tree with dense and tall leaves. It covers a natural stone bench. Xu Fei and Zhang Li lined up under the tree.

This plot (script) was when Jia Yun and Xiao Hong first met, Xiao Hong deliberately lost his veil and was picked up by Jia Yun. One day later, when the two met at Fengyaoqiao, Jia Yun dropped the veil and asked her to return it to Xiaohong.

Xu Fei retreated to this side, Zhang Li retreated to that side, using the stone as a bridge.

There were many times before. There was a tacit understanding. As soon as he took a step, she also walked forward, and then caught a glance at each other.

Xu Fei’s theoretical knowledge is quite rich, and the actual operation is a younger brother. After all, he has never acted in a drama. He tried his best to find the sensation, first a little stunned, and then he became joyous, striding forward slowly.

Zhang Li also had a meal, revealing a bit of surprise. The two walked to the edge of the stone, glanced at each other, and missed.

“I think you were not right just now.”

He called for a pause, pondering the connection between the characters, “Xiaohong let Zui’er bring Jia Yun over, so it shouldn’t be a surprise, but with tension and excitement in anticipation.”

“Expect, nervous, excited … I’ll try again.”

Zhang Li was very embarrassed, but since he promised to help, he never thought of giving up.

So again, I don’t know how many times, the two backed away. Xu Fei is also transforming this surprise and joy, how can it be more natural.

In the words of later generations, this is called a sense of hierarchy.

There is a sense of layering, which is divided into layers, but it must not be cut apart. I will be surprised first, and then rejoice when this is over. This is Yang Tianbao’s method. You must have me in you, you in me, contain each other, and be clear to each other.

Zhang Li continued to move forward. This time it was not as good as last time. His expression was very weird. He felt that he could not do it. “It’s too complicated, I can’t catch it.”

“Then we simplify.”

Xu Fei thought about it, and it was really difficult for others to reorganize it. “In fact, the feelings of Jia Yun and Xiaohong are very bold in the feudal society. Both of them are in a bad environment and they want to take the initiative to change, regardless of Career or love.

In the current words, the two look at each other first and then fall in love freely. So when performing, you are probably about seven points bold and three points shy, after all, they are women. I added another two points. Nine points are bold and one point is reserved. Come, let’s try again. “

“Remember, seven points are bold and three points reserved.”

The two tried again, this time it was much simpler. Zhang Li’s eyes are already big and energetic, without too much expression, just look at the other party and close it a little, it will be almost the same.

“Not bad!”

The two of them lined up several times in a row, although there are still some shortcomings, but the progress has been amazing.


Zhang Li finally relaxed, sitting on the stone to rest, and found that he occupied the whole stone, hesitating for a moment, or moved to the side.

“Just practice again. How about your purple cuckoo row?” Xu Fei didn’t pay attention to this and sat down.

“I have been trying to understand the purple cuckoo. I memorized almost every dialogue, but it seems to have no effect.”

Zhang Li was frustrated and said, “Maybe I’m not smart enough to always catch her feelings. There is also Xiaohong. I have watched it for a long time when I went back. She is a lively and enthusiastic girl who is very motivated and thinks out of her. You, you shouldn’t find me … “

“Yeah, I don’t think so.”


The girl was stunned and listened to the other person’s voice, but said helplessly: “But I can’t find anyone else, I can’t let Hu Zehong come? She is not Xiaohong, it is money string. I can’t let Deng Jie come, she jump Can you get up to my knees? You should do me a favor and rush through the first round first. “


Zhang Li rarely laughed, revealing teeth that weren’t neat, and then quietly covered it with his hands, “You mouth is exactly like Xiao Xu, no wonder it came out of a place.”

“Your regional prejudice! What’s wrong with a place, Deng Jie is also from Rongcheng. Why don’t people talk when the mushrooms are cold?”

“You, you are …”

Zhang Li was embarrassed and would not be upset, so he had to express his protest in silence.

The day in April is not long, and the sky is dark. The garden is still full of activity, some are still arranging sketches, and some have already practiced qinqi painting and calligraphy. The piano was placed on the shore of the dried lake, looking from a distance, only a few backlit shadows.

She wears a lot, is busy for a while, and gets hot. The face reflected the afterglow, a little oily light, and some warm honey, as soft as the ripples that appeared in the corners of the eyes.

It was Xu Fei’s first close-up, so she looked at her so carefully, and compared with another person unconsciously. That girl’s temperament is better, but purely on the facial features, this girl is a bit taller.

A real face like a silver basin, eyes like water apricots, peace of mind at any time, self-defeating.


Zhang Li couldn’t help hearing that, and turned his head a little bit. This time, he faced a pair of bold eyes.

Direct, enthusiastic, without scruples, and revealing an indescribable color, it seems to have passed through this era of appreciation and praise.

At first glance, she seemed to have stabbed and quickly turned back.

But the enthusiasm in his eyes seemed to take shape, and turned into a ray of silk into the apex of the heart, and a blush like a blush spread from the ear root to the neck.

She suddenly had a feeling, this is probably how Jia Yun looked at Xiaohong.

Or is he here, watching me?


Xu Fei looked at her reaction, and it was a bit strange, as if she caught the state at once. At that time, when the love began, I met a favorite person. The young man was always tempted, but always tempted.

“Yo, why do you still have a face, and you still have your body on your back, Minger let’s learn.”

A voice floated gently, and Chen Xiaoxu took the Oriental Wenying and walked slowly in front of the big tree, and slowly walked over.

Zhang Li couldn’t bear it anymore, he found a step and ran to the road: “Have you finished the row?”

“Yeah, it’s better to be diligent than you, we can’t sit still.”

“Your mouth …”

Zhang Li stretched his hand and twisted, the two made a lot of noise around the East, and went to dinner together.

What the hell?

Just like in “Lonely Foodie”, Xu Fei dong dong banged three times.


In May, the first round of video recording ended.

The video is divided into three days, Chen Xiaoxu on the first day, Zhang Li on the second day, and Xu Fei on the third day. The shape of most characters is undecided, and the makeup is simple.

Chen Xiaoxu didn’t look like Lin Daiyu at all, with pink clothes, a flower on his head, a big red face, and a full firewood girl.

Zhang Li wasn’t much better, Xu Fei took advantage of it, because Jia Yun’s men’s clothing is so simple, wearing a hood and wearing a costume is OK.

Generally speaking, the first round is still to find the feeling, the crew to see how the status of the crowd, preliminary screening.

For example, those who try Daiyu include Chen Xiaoxu, Zhang Jinglin (Qing Wen), Hu Zehong (Xi Chun), Zhou Yue (Sister You), Zhang Lei (Qin Keqing) and so on.

It’s really inappropriate, it can be screened down in one round, so that the elimination can be prepared for other roles, and the remaining ones continue to focus on attacking Daiyu.

And after three days, it is catching up with the May Fourth Youth Day.

Wang Fulin, together, simply had a party, one to celebrate the holiday, and the other was to let everyone relax.

The party in this era is very boring, not to mention the colorful ribbons, not even a balloon. In that meeting room, the table was placed against the wall, and some peanuts and sunflower seeds were placed. Everyone was sitting behind.

Good fellow, same as the New Year’s party of elementary school students.

The only prop is a tape recorder, I made a few tapes, singing and dancing. Xu Fei did not report anything, he was responsible for the blackboard painting, painted a few peony flowers, with the words of art written on it: Red House Dream Actor Training Class May Fourth Gala.

Oops, the party spirit has increased!

However, there are some lively people, such as Shen Lu playing Qiutong, she jumped the first disco and shocked the audience. In a large group, there must be several lovers who are willing to communicate.

Shen Lu is one of them, the popularity is particularly good, the applause is thunderous.

Following the next show, the style was completely different, and Zhang Mingming danced a dance.

She later played the second sister You, slender, with a ponytail, slightly deep eye sockets, prominent brow bones, and a little eagle hook on her nose. The individual organs are very common, they can be combined together, but they reveal a very charming taste.

Xu Fei came to the spirit in a moment, he always felt that this girl is the first beauty of the Red Mansion.

The other male students also looked at each other with admiration, and the scene immediately reached its climax.


Chen Xiaoxu twitched melon seeds in the corner and didn’t pay attention at all. She was most annoyed by this lively scene. When the party was halfway through, she didn’t even take the seeds and rubbed her temples silently.

“What’s wrong, uncomfortable?” Zhang Li leaned over.

“A bit boring.”

“Then I will go out with you?”


The two got up and walked out of the house quietly, closing the door.

The corridor was much cooler, and Chen Xiaoxu was a little more comfortable. Just a few steps away, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, but it was Ma Guangru who came back to the toilet.

“Xiao Xu!”

He ran near and familiarized himself: “Go out, why not play with everyone?”

“It’s too hot, let’s go for a walk.”

Zhang Li replied when she saw that she didn’t like reason.

“Walk in the middle of the night, I will accompany you.” He said he would keep up.

“No need!”

Chen Xiaoxu spoke violently, with a particularly loud voice. Ma Guangru was frightened and had to leave in a daze.


Zhang Li looked in his eyes and stopped talking. After leaving the door, he couldn’t help saying, “Hey, he seems to like you.”

(For recommendation, for collection …)

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