Since 1983

Chapter 29 - Talk

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

“Does he like me, care about me?”

Chen Xiaoxu stepped out of the building and reached the yard. The night breeze in May blew, and he felt a lot refreshed.

“In this regard, I think Ma Guangru is determined to pursue you, but can you turn a blind eye?”

“Anyway, I don’t like him!”

She had a clear attitude and took Zhang Li to take a walk in the courtyard.

“Yes, you have a boyfriend. Hey, how are you and your boyfriend now?”

“No contact for months …”

Chen Xiaoxu pulled a leaf in his hands and said, “When he first went to school, he also sent two letters a month, and then one letter a month. He only said that he would be busy with school, and he didn’t come back in the New Year.”

“Then he didn’t have a word?” Zhang Li felt incredible.

“No. I don’t even know what it is now. We count together, or are we divided?”

Zhang Lizong is not a troublesome person, and wants to persuade him at this moment, “I think you still have to make it clear. In this situation, he belongs to an irresponsible attitude, and you have to think about it, don’t delay yourself.”


Chen Xiaoxu looked at her and smiled, “Why are you the same as him? Obviously they are all the same age, how can I be born young and educated me?”

“You are small, although I am half a month older than me, but I always treat you as my sister.” Zhang Li smiled.


Chen Xiaoxu wrinkled his nose and said: “Don’t talk about me, what about your boyfriend?”

“I do not have to die.”

“I do not believe!”

“Really do not have!”

The night wind burst, and Zhang Li saw that she was a little cold, so she shook her hand and slowly said: “My father and mother are public servants, and they are very strict with me. My father’s calligraphy is good, so let me learn calligraphy, Later, I also asked my teacher to teach me how to draw, and when I grew up, I was sent to learn to dance. I grew up as if I had been learning this and that, and I didn’t have my own time.

When I arrived at the Battle Flag Cultural Regiment, a few boys were interested, but I was very stupid at the time. Others suggested that I didn’t think about it. Later, I said I was cold, and no one mentioned it slowly. “

“So what do you like?”

“I never thought about it.”

“I really don’t believe this!”

Chen Xiaoxu scratched her waist with her hand, “Hurry up!”

“Ouch, I really didn’t think about it, don’t make trouble!”

The two made a little fuss for a while, and they both felt close to each other. After all, playing together before, but never talked like today.

“Looking at you being so thin, your strength is not small … Come on, your braids are going to loosen …”

Zhang Li pulled her under the dim light at the door of the building, untied the single braid, and fastened her again.

Chen Xiaoxu lowered his head slightly and looked at the shadows of the two people. He suddenly said, “Actually, I think the purple cuckoo is not suitable for you. You are quite like Baochai. Will you try Baochai next time?”

“Baochai, can I do it?”

“I tried it before I knew it. If you are Baochai, I am Daiyu, and I will be able to stay together often in the future.”


In the office a few days later, Wang Fulin, Dai Linfeng and others formed a circle and were watching the first round of selected videotapes.

In the Daiyu group I watched first, there were six or seven people. After watching it, they were very silent. Afterwards, Wang Fulin said, “It’s not a good performance, you still have to practice. For now, Chen Xiaoxu, Zhang Jinglin, and Zhang Lei are more selective. Right. Talk separately, try other characters. “

After looking at the Baoyu group again, the Baoyu group has more people, but two are worth discussing.

One that everyone is very familiar with is the squad leader Hong in “The Story of the Cooking Class” and also the treasurer of the money in “Wulin Gaiden”. Hey, just the fat man, who is actually Jia Baoyu’s candidate, dare you believe it? ! ! !

Squad leader Hong will be young and look good, except that there is a scar on the forehead, which is left by the stitches.

Dai Linfeng glanced for a long time and said, “The image is a bit heroic, with less fat powder.”

“He does have this problem. We study and study to see if we can change it through makeup. In addition, I talked to him and would like to have an operation to remove the scar.” Wang Fulin said.

In conclusion, the result is well known, and it may be that Supervisor Hong feels unnecessary. The impression he gave to the audience has always been kind, but then something went wrong. It is said that the faith on the wine table of the Arab brothers broke out … Then the buddy changed his job.

The other one is Ma Guangru.

When I saw the video of Ma Guangru, I couldn’t help but feel sorry.

He grew up in a special environment. He was raised as a girl at home. He was still braided when he was twelve years old. A pair of natural peach eyes have fat powder and good acting skills.

Very suitable for a person, but this is the acne!

“Old man, is there any surgery that can eliminate this pox?” Wang Fulin mentioned the stubble again.

“It seems that there is no technology in this area, I inquire.” Ren Dahui scratched his head.

The two of them take it for granted, others don’t take it seriously.

This year, the choice of actors is basically the same, even though the artistic quality is guaranteed, but sometimes it is too extreme. For example, Wang Fulin wanted Chen Xiaoxu to cut his nose and Jia Baoyu to lengthen his chin-his jaw was short, and he didn’t look delicate enough.

Baoyu did it, but Daiyu didn’t take care of it-she was the one who knew she had cancer and wouldn’t do chemotherapy!

After the Baoyu group, it was the Fengjie group.

Nothing said, Le Yunyan overwhelmed the crowd, and Deng Jie didn’t dare to try Sister Feng at this time, but Ping’er.

Followed by the Jia Lian group, mainly Wu Xiaodong and Gao Liang. Wu Xiaodong lost too old and pretended to be old-fashioned, Gao Liang in his early twenties, it is the pink wolf dog.

After reading the main characters, it was Jia Qiang and Jia Rui ’s turn. When Jia Yun waited, everyone stopped talking.


Li Yaozong said after the video was finished, “This look is so good, I felt it when I filmed it, it’s too clever! Zhang Li is fine too. She tried the red chrysanthemum very well, but she was shy to try Xiaohong It’s also very interesting. “

“It’s warm and bold and has a sense of balance. Both of them are appropriate.” Wang Fulin nodded and praised.

“Hey, isn’t this Xiao Xu? Acting is also good!” Dai Linfeng was surprised.

“He’s okay to paint, he drew a lot of pictures, and taught everyone what to do during the New Year. It’s very easy to understand and saves Mr. Deng a lot.” Ren Dahui said.

“Really, what’s the skill?”

Dai Linfeng wiped his glasses, put them on again, and looked at the young man frozen in the screen, unconsciously showing a trace of appreciation.

The old man is courageous and able, and there is one more point, that is to be pitiful.

“Xu Fei has a good appearance and is of appropriate age. The original text says Jia Yun is a ‘life with a long face and a long body, and he is only 18 or 9 years old, and he is beautiful and gentle.’

“Then he ordered Jia Yun?”


After finally watching the video, a group of people were dizzy and their hearts were heavy.

A group of children with no foundation has just been trained for a month. Although they know that the speed is not enough, the pressure is not enough. Fortunately, there are still a few dazzling characters that will not let everyone collapse too much.

(Single dogs, 520 happy acridine !!!)

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