Since 1983

Chapter 36 - First shot

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

On the morning of July 30.

The heat of last night hasn’t faded, and it was superimposed by the fusion of the hot air this morning, making the temperature a little higher.

The working people walked out of the house, complaining about the bad late summer. The bicycle jingle bells were ringing in the streets and the listlessness. The whole city seemed to be covered in this heat wave.

Xu Fei called Chen Xiaoqiao early, and after breakfast, he rode the rented three rounds to Xidan. The teenager was confused in the car, accompanied by a hundred T-shirts and a few large pieces of cardboard.

The small courtyard house is near Andingmen in Dongcheng District. In another thirty years, the house prices will range from 60,000 to 120,000.

He pedaled the car and walked along Andingmenwai Street, and soon reached Ditan Park. When he passed the door, he squeaked a brake. “Ah, what about the people?”

Chen Xiaoqiao glanced casually, and said sparsely: “Practice Qigong!”


Xu Fei blinked, and saw a dozen uncles and aunts on the lawn in front of the door, posing in various exotic gestures. Some cross steps, lean forward, arms outstretched; some sit cross-legged, heads raised, words lingering in the mouth; some simply lie on the ground, sideways, wondering if they are asleep or silly …

“This is Luo Hangong, and I usually imitate Luo Han to be able to protect my luck. My teacher still has several exercises, and the uncle next door also learned it.”

“Then your grandma learns?”

“My milk looks down on these people the least, saying they are stupid!”

Hey, I am worthy of my aunt, there are layers!

Xu Fei was amazed. It turned out that the Qigong fever started so early. He didn’t know much about it. He always thought it was only in the middle and late 1980s. I really want to get in touch and see what kind of demons and ghosts there are.

The distance wasn’t too close. About eight o’clock, the two people arrived at Xidan Shopping Mall.

There were three Beijing commercial districts this year, Wangfujing, Dashilan and Xidan. Xidan takes a large shopping mall as its core, and then includes peripheral shops, what a half-mu garden food store, Fuhanchen Dental Tooth Pavilion, IWC Barber Shop, Shengxi Fu Hat Store, Zhixing Bookstore and so on.

Those with a little spare money love to come here to shop, one is relatively clean, and the other is complete. Surrounding this land, buying a thing, organizing a haircut, watching a movie, beating a tooth-giving festival … that sense of happiness is not much worse than it is now.

Before the mall opened, the door was full of cars, and there was a pedestrian bridge by the road. This overpass is very famous and is the memory of many old people.

Xu Fei observed the flow of people and decided to support the stall on the overpass. First put a few pieces of cardboard into place, and set up a small stall with a few T-shirts on it, a hanger next to it, and a few hangers.

Chen Xiaoqiao did this for the first time, and he was not sure, “Brother, can we sell it?”

“Can’t sell.”

“Ah?” The boy was stunned.


Xu Fei smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then pointed at him, “Go and buy dozens of newspapers.”


“Let you go, just go for a while.”


In the 1980s, literature was hot. At the same time that various books were published, newspapers were also varied. But they are all retail investors, who support bed boards, put up a shelf, and sell newspapers, magazines and old books everywhere.

It was only in the 1990s that the government coordinated with the postal department to set up special newspaper kiosks printed with “postal newspapers”.

So this will be all stalls, and even a newsboy, carrying a broken schoolbag, splitting area, can earn a few cents a day. The children are clever and business-savvy, knowing when the traffic is heavy and when they can rest.

After half past eight, as the mall opened, Xidan suddenly had more people. These little radish heads also started to move, drilling in and out, shouting desperately with their throats:

“Outside! Outnumber!”

“China won the Olympic gold medal for the first time, China won the Olympic gold medal for the first time!”


The shout was like throwing a stone into the lake and ripples. People had come to visit the mall, and after hearing it, they all stunned. A young man said: “Child, give me a copy!”

“One part is not easy to change, we two together …”

“Don’t talk nonsense, give me two!”

He took a “People’s Daily” and a “Sports News”, first read “Sports News”, the first two big letters, nicknamed!

Then with the picture, a Chinese athlete with slightly curly hair and a round face, wearing a fiery sportswear standing on the podium, holding flowers in his right hand.

And what hung on his neck was a heavy gold medal!

“Sports News” has relatively little content and may not have much information. The young man hurried through it, only to feel as itchy as a cat scratch, and felt that a fire was burning in the depths of the heart, and the depression could not be released.

He quickly turned to the most authoritative domestic newspaper, which was much more detailed:

“On July 29, 1984, the Los Angeles Prado shooting range became a historic location. And Xu Haifeng also became a resounding name on this day!


At the age of 27, he was standing on target No. 40, wearing a red sports suit, sky blue sports pants, and the Chinese characters printed on his chest.

According to the competition schedule, the first item to be awarded a gold medal at this Olympic Games was the slow shot of the men’s self-player. The game has reached the most critical moment, the sixth round of ten bullets.

In the first three shots of this group, Xu Haifeng actually scored 6th, 7th and 8th ring. The situation changed sharply and suddenly became extremely unfavorable to him. He fired four more bullets, but it seems that he hasn’t found a feeling yet.

Xu Haifeng stood quietly at the target position, with only three bullets left, but he was not seen shooting with a gun … “

The young man poked in the endless stream of people, motionless, clutching the newspaper tightly, his fingers trembling slightly, and his mouth reading lightly. Around him, more and more similar people stopped.

“One minute, two minutes, three minutes, the time slipped away little by little, getting closer and closer to the end of the game, but Xu Haifeng was still standing on the target position like Zun Shi.

Everyone was anxious. The coach of the Chinese team quietly gathered behind him, sweating in the palm of his hand.

14 minutes passed.

I saw Xu Haifeng slowly raised his head, adjusted his breath, and raised the gun in his hand.

9 rings!

Good results, there was a low commotion in the stands.

10 rings!

The coach behind him unconsciously wiped his forehead. He knew very well that Sweden ’s Scanakl and Wang Yifu had finished all the bullets, and were temporarily ranked first and second with 565 and 564 rings.

At this time, Xu Haifeng’s score is 556 rings, that is to say, if the following shot is a ten ring, the Chinese will achieve a zero breakthrough!

In the 60th shot, the last shot, many people even closed their eyes.

10 rings!

A large 10 ring is printed on the target!

Every compatriot on the scene was cheering. The coach and the leader ran up and hugged him tightly … At the award, Samaranch held Xu Haifeng’s hand tightly and said: This is a great day in Chinese history! “

There is also a comment behind it, “Historical Breakthrough”.

“In 1932, the 10th Olympic Games was held in Los Angeles, USA. 23-year-old Liu Changchun was alone and became the first Olympics player in China.

In 1952, the 15th Olympic Games was held in Helsinki, Finland. Opening on July 19, our country only received the invitation the night before. A 40-person delegation formed on the 23rd started on the 25th and arrived in Finland on the 29th.

The competition has started for many days. Only Wu Chuanyu participated in the 100m backstroke preliminary round and failed to qualify. However, for the first time, the five-star red flag list floats above the Olympic stadium and the host city!

On October 25, 1979, the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee passed a resolution in RB Nagoya, restoring the legitimate seat of the People ’s Republic of China in the International Olympic Committee.

On July 29, 1984, on this day, the Chinese achieved a breakthrough of zero Olympic gold medals. Xu Haifeng finally turned the Chinese people’s pursuit of the Olympic dream for more than half a century into reality!

At the Olympics that attracted worldwide attention, our national anthem finally sounded! “


The fire in the young man’s heart was finally released completely. He was greedy and hungry, rereading every word and watching every live picture

The ordinary and great athlete, the heavy Olympic gold medal that seemed to shine through black and white typefaces, and those two big China and fiery red flags!

He raised his head again, and looked at each of his compatriots holding a newspaper. Those who knew him or not knew each other’s excitement and blood.

“Give me a copy!”

“Give me a copy!”

“No more, no more!”

The huge Xidan business district seemed to be at a standstill for a moment, and then spewed out again, rushing and flowing, infecting everyone.

In this era, it has been suppressed for too long. In this era, there is too much desire for glory and self-confidence.

Newspapers from various stalls have been sold out for a long time, but stall owners who have no newspaper to sell are patting their hands and screaming:

“No nickname! China won the Olympic gold medal for the first time!”

“Xu Haifeng broke the record with one shot!”

“We are not sick in East Asia!”


Xu Fei didn’t really think that he was infected by this atmosphere, as if he wiped out the gap of the times, and became a member of this moment.

He looked at it for a while, then wiped the corner of his eyes, “Start work!”


Chen Xiaoqiao was not deeply touched. He only took out a second-hand loudspeaker and shouted according to the lines he had practiced beforehand: “Let ’s take a look. The manufacturer specializes in Olympic cultural shirts. This is the only one with no branches. There is also a preferential blessing activity. Newspapers are free , Let ’s take a look! “

It was when Xidan had the most people that the overpass was full of people. The stand was eye-catching, and this call shouted around the third and the third floors.

A little couple just came up, squeezed in, and was suddenly attracted by the big picture.

“Hey, this picture is so beautiful!”

“Really good, atmosphere!”

I saw a few pieces of cardboard made up of cardboard, with a red background, half of the Tiananmen Square was exposed, and it was brilliant, saying “Cheer for the Olympics!”

There is another blank cardboard, the purpose is unknown.

Looking at the clothes, it seems to be a T-shirt coming from the south, but the style is more delicate, with a five-ring printed on it, and the words “Los Angeles, 1984”. The top is a sentence:

“Cheer for China, cheer for Jianer!”

There is no emblem, because it has not been announced when it was done, and there is no first shot and zero breakthrough, then it becomes an unknown prophet!

The girl liked it a lot and asked, “How much is one?”

“23 yuan.”

For T-shirts, it is a bit expensive, but it is not unacceptable. A long-sleeved shirt with good fabric is also more than 20 pieces.

She was about to bargain and listened to Xu Fei: “We have a special offer. Did you see the cardboard over there? As long as you write a blessing for the Olympics, we will offer a discount on the spot, 20 pieces each!”

“Preferential treatment after writing?” The girl’s eyes lit up.

“Yes, it’s a discount when you write it, whatever you write.”

“Then I will!”

The girl suddenly stopped tangling and walked to the blank cardboard, “What am I writing?”

“Just write about China, come on,” the boyfriend said.

“That’s too monotonous …”

She thought about it for a moment and clapped: “I write the old look for a new face and fight for a new era; you write about the Olympic athlete’s many ambitions to add glory to the motherland.”

Two young people who looked like college students took the brush and wrote two lines of characters. The fonts were beautiful and generous, and they were particularly prominent on the cardboard.

The girl paid 40 yuan on the spot, and Chen Xiaoqiao almost didn’t throw it away. He hadn’t received so much money in his life, and quickly handed over two white cartons.

“What about the packaging?”

The girl opened the carton and saw that the T-shirts were flat and well-laid, and they were very satisfied immediately. She was wearing a short sleeve, but she had a good personality and took it out on the spot.

In my own body, “Cheer for China, cheer for Jianer!”

The boyfriend said, “China’s rise!”

Everyone who comes to Xidan has a little spare money. Coupled with this wave of enthusiasm, all the emotions are surging and they are moving. “I want one too.”

“I want two.”

“I want to rise that one!”

“I want two women’s models. This dress design is pretty good.”

Do you want to sell something? You have to make the customer feel cheap and have a sense of participation … More and more people are buying now, and there are problems after buying. I do n’t know what to write when I poke on the cardboard. I am shy one by one.

“what are you writing?”

“I haven’t figured it out yet, what are you writing?”

“I didn’t think about it either.”

“Hey, let me come!”

A young guy with glasses squeezed in, grabbed the brush and wrote it, everyone looked at it, and he was the first oil poem!

“Growing light for the country At this time, struggling to play Kai Ding echoed.

The charismatic figures are rewarded today, leaving the legendary eternal love! “

“it is good!”

The atmosphere warmed up instantly and applauded in unison. Driven by this, others are no longer hypocritical, and the more they are released, the ancient poems and modern poems, the excerpts of the originals are all up, and there is a guy who has done more than 100 words, which is actually a short comment, and at the end there is a signature.

For the sake of conservatism, Xu Fei took only a hundred pieces, and the result was that they were taken away in a wave and sold for more than half in two hours. Later, after I bought it, I didn’t leave. I just stood by and watched the excitement, looking at what others wrote.

“Why are there tears in my eyes? Because I love this land so deeply …”

“East Asian sick man’s hat, we took it off!”

“Xingqi myself!”

A piece of ordinary white cardboard has become a low-profile BBS. Those who have seen the news and have nowhere to vent have finally found an exit. The overpass was severely congested, and the passing heart was unhappy, and as a result, he looked at it and couldn’t move.

For a long time, the sun hasn’t risen yet, and one hundred pieces are sold out!

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