Since 1983

Chapter 37 - Baoyu

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

If someone goes back in history, Xu Fei’s head will definitely be named “the first person in a cultural shirt”.

According to normal development, cultural shirts will only rise in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and the criticism is not very good. Because the cultural shirts at that time were mainly rebellious and ridiculed, full of personal emotions.

“I am a rogue, who am I afraid of”, “Follow your feelings”, “I eat apples, you eat skins” and so on …

And now it’s 84 years, who has seen the Olympic shirt? Who has heard of the water group can discount this operation?

“Two thousand dollars! Two thousand dollars!”

Chen Xiaoqiao jumped excitedly, clutching money like a life, “This is more exciting than sliding the door lock, will we come tomorrow?”

“What do you say?”


The teenager seemed transparent, and said seriously: “Brother, I won’t do anything else in the future, so I will follow you.”

“Don’t tell me! Go to your school, I’m all quick money.” He immediately refused.

Just at noon, it was still early.

Xu Fei wanted to go back and pull it again, but felt a little overdone. This stuff had to cooperate with the gold medal.

If he remembered correctly, the Olympic Games won a total of fifteen gold medals. If it is not clear, he remembered Xu Haifeng’s first gold, and Li Ning’s three gold, two silver and one bronze, which laid the prince of gymnastics Status.

“Huh, it seems that you have to guess a medal!”

He was thinking of new ideas while letting Chen Xiaoqiao close.

One hundred T-shirts are not left, and a few large cardboards are left. The most conspicuous is naturally the chat group. A huge board is almost full, with a variety of fonts, and the children’s handwriting is crooked.

There was only a small row at the bottom, and I could barely write a few words.

Xu Fei was ignited by everyone’s passion, and this half-day rush was full of heart. He picked up the pen and wanted to express something, so he added a few numbers at the end that made Chen Xiaoqiao extremely confused:



Beijing, Xishan.

A mountain road dotted with wildflowers, winding and winding to the top of the mountain, stands at the end of a building. It is the home of the Air Force Guest House where the second training course of “Dream of Red Mansions” is located.

The grandma, the lady, the old man, and the young man, after a few months of edification, have become fascinated and obsessed, and everyone is bringing themselves closer to that era.

The girls were braided, their high heels were thrown in the corners, and they were covered with dust. They still got up early every day to practice body shape and various etiquette.

Without someone watching, Chen Xiaoxu is in a solid state recovery, and the etiquette practice cannot escape, but he can escape running.

At this moment, she was hiding behind a tree and reading a book, looking down while looking at it-the little friends were panting while running on the mountain road.

It was estimated that the time was almost before she slipped back to the guest house, pia on the bed, frowned, and an uncomfortable virtue.

After a while, I listened to “Boom!” Hu Zehong banged open the door, his head full of sweat. When he looked at her like this, he got angry.

“What do I see?” Chen Xiaoxu was extremely weak.

“Your brother Bao is here!”


She crawled up, “You said Baoyu found it?”

“Come here … Hey, wait for me!” Hu Zehong shook his hand and chased him out.

After the first training class, most of the roles have been determined, except for Jia Baoyu. To this end, the crew had to recruit actors in the newspaper, and put forward extremely strict requirements:

“Face protein, fat but not stupid, not very round.”

“The body can’t be tall, the hands and feet can’t be thick, the cheekbones can’t be tall, and there must be a peach blossoming face.”

Ouch, look at this condition!

The former Jia Baoyu was usually a cross-talk, but one of Wang Fulin’s death principles is to never cross-talk!

Of course, he found a girl to play Qin Zhong, but when it was audited, he felt that it was really inappropriate. He still cut Qin Zhong’s scenes.

However, he said that Chen Xiaoxu left the room and walked down the mountain by himself. From afar, he saw that the second grandfather led a strange boy up.

When he was near, the second grandfather Lian smiled and said, “This is Ouyang, the Baoyu I just found. This is Daiyu and Chen Xiaoxu.”


The girl looked coldly and saw that he was wearing a short sleeve, big pants, round baby face, big eyes, tiger teeth when smiling, and nothing else was surprising.

“Hello there.”

Ouyang greeted me cautiously, and looked at her as she nodded slightly, which made her nervous. She missed and asked in a small voice behind her, “She’s not easy to touch?”

“She’s just like that, she knows when she’s familiar, but she has a really good heart.”

Second Grandpa Lian took him into the building, settled in the room, and followed by breakfast.

The food here is stronger than the Yuanmingyuan, and the steamed buns and small pickles are at least enough. Ouyang arrived at first sight, being very careful, looking around and wondering where to sit.

“Baoyu! Baoyu!”

Dongfang Wenying beckoned, “Come here and sit.”


Ouyang refused to refuse, so she had to be mixed in a pile of rouge, and felt like a monkey in a circus, being watched by the girls in public.

“It’s nothing special to see you, how did it come in?” Hu Zehong said straightly.

“I tried it a few days ago, and Wang Dao said that I was okay with the photo, so I stayed.”

“Wang Dao said yes, then it must be fine. I will have to watch it when you record.” Dongfang Wenying didn’t act as Baoyu, but she was still a little unhappy.

Everyone tweeted, but Chen Xiaoxu was silent and bowed his head to eat.

Due to Bao Dai ’s role, Ouyang paid great attention to her and watched this thin girl chew two big buns and drink a large bowl of porridge.

“You, you have a good appetite.” He couldn’t help it.


Chen Xiaoxu gave him a blank look and ignored it.

Hu Zehong replied: “She is different from us. We are all afraid of being fat, and she is not fat when she eats. Last night, we ate big fat meat, we didn’t eat it, just put her into the mouth piece by piece, that’s how angry People! “

“Just talkative!”

Chen Xiaoxu tapped her lightly and fanned her hand again, and she noticed that there were a few flies flying around, frowning: “We didn’t have flies before. Why do you have flies when you come? Right? “

“Oh!” Ouyang smirked.

Can this person play Baoyu?

Chen Xiaoxu grew more worried, wiped his mouth, got up and left.

“It’s okay, she’s just like that, nicknamed each of us. She still calls me Weidoudou, but I also call her Bai Xiuzi!”

“I feel like you, are you all afraid of her?” Ouyang tentatively said.

“I’m not afraid. She’s young, cold outside and hot inside. In fact, she’s very naughty. You just have more contact.” Deng Jie said.

“The main thing is, the person who can cure her is not here.” Zhang Li suddenly inserted.

“Yes, the person who governed her was not here, otherwise she would be allowed to be so arrogant!” Hu Zehong patted the table and agreed.

The other girls nodded again and again, only Ouyang looked stunned.


On August 3, the “Beijing Youth Daily” newspaper.

The members of the editorial department formed a circle and were having a topic selection meeting. In fact, it’s all old-fashioned, introducing policies, the environment, digging into the rich experience, launching excellent youth examples, and opening an Olympic topic.

There will be only party newspapers and professional industry newspapers. There is no concept of a city newspaper.

What is Metropolis? In terms of content, it is mainly based on market demand; in selecting topics, it is mainly close to the people; in advertising, I dare to send as long as you give money.

For example, if there is a fire today, there will be a fight tomorrow, the day after tomorrow your dog will be lost, and the day after tomorrow you will find it again … These petty things will not be reported by the daily newspaper department.

Therefore, only in the late 1990s did the metropolis newspapers rise rapidly, and their economic returns were superior to their peers.

As for the youth newspaper department, which belongs to the Communist Youth League, it is relatively lively.

And after everyone finished the topic, a female reporter suddenly said: “Director, I heard that Xidan has an Olympic cultural shirt, do you want to check it out?”

“What is the Olympic Cultural Shirt?” Director Qi Dao said.

“It’s just that some patterns and texts of the main body of the Olympics are printed on the clothes, and the special fires sold have become a single scene in the west.”

“I watched it the other day, and I didn’t squeeze in. The man was like eating.”

“Eh, my kid asked me to buy one yesterday.”

The several reporters talked eloquently, and the director understood the situation, and immediately became interested. “That ’s okay, you just go and run and call a photojournalist. It ’s better to dig deeper. I ’m worried. Choose a topic! “

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