Single Stat System

Chapter 83: Combo Attack

[Agila: Sorry leader. But I saw that that guy was trying to feed you something. So to prevent it...]

[Julius: F*ck! Then why the hell did you shoot me instead of him?]

[Agila: That guy will only evade my bullet. And I don't want to waste my mana anymore that's why I chose you. After all, you cannot move right now, making you a perfect target. Please understand...]

[Julius: F*ck! What do you mean by that? Are you trying to get on my nerves?]

[Agila: Besides, I didn't use Explosive Bullet this time. You may notice it already but what I just used is my Bullet Push.]


Julius was fuming in anger and wanted to kill Agila already. But thankfully, when he read the last message of Agila, he calmed down a bit. He checked his HP bar and sure enough, he only lost about 3% of his max HP. No wonder why did he only feel a little pain and only too many frustrations. It appeared that Agila had only just used his Bullet Push, a skill with a strong knockback effect but weak damage.

But even so...

[Julius: Even if that's the case, you should have shot him instead of me! Do you think I don't know that you are just playing around?!]

[Agila: Yes, yes. I'm really sorry boss.]

[Julius: Just hurry up and shoot that guy! He is coming at me again!]

Agila chuckled softly but he didn't reply anymore as he was satisfied with the outcome. He pointed his gun at Sakim again as he looked at him with the sniper scope.

"This guy seems like underestimating me too much. How dare he walk leisurely and show his back under my watch..." Agila suddenly frowned. He saw Sakim, of which back was against him, and was just walking leisurely on his way to Julius. It appeared that he wasn't even worried if a sniper was targetting him or not. As if Agila was so insignificant that he didn't even worth the worry.

"Die, you bastard!" Agila pulled the trigger of his gun accompanied by furious cursing. Since his Explosive Bullet cost a lot of MP, he didn't use it this time. But instead, he only used a basic attack that cost a lot less MP.

Although this basic attack could deal high enough damage, its accuracy was way too off. However, with his proficiency in his job class, he had a satisfying accuracy. That said, hitting the target with that distance wasn't impossible. It was just 10-90 though. 10 for the hit, 90 for miss. And it was already satisfying enough with his current level.

But what he intended to do right now, was to keep attacking the target and keep him busy from dodging. There might even a chance that the other party wouldn't be able to keep up if he attacked him continuously. After all, his movement speed was comparable only to new players. With his sluggish movement speed, Agila could only smile widely doubting if the other party could really keep up from his attack forever.

And also, his mission this time was only to buy four minutes. Whatever happened next, their leader would be responsible for it. And he knew that he wouldn't let this bastard go no matter what. As such, it could be said that he had already taken his revenge once he dragged the time for four minutes.

In any case, since his active skill: Accelerate was still in cooldown, he couldn't use anymore the same tactics that he used against Kristina and Izel previously that gave them a surprise attack. With this skill: Accelerate, he could use the same skill five times without any cooldown, enabling him to use Explosive Bullet consecutively.

And since this skill was in cooldown, he could only rely on the combination of his different skills and basic attack so that he could attack continuously and give no time for the other party to have leisure time.

With his high Perception stat, his attack speed was naturally high as well. When using his current weapon: sniper, of which it had a very slow attack speed, he could attack every five seconds using a basic attack, thus, improving its actual attack speed by almost 50 percent.

Coupled with his other skills, and as long as he used a good combo, he could definitely keep that guy busy, or troubled for four minutes even if he had a great capability to dodge his attack.

So with the crisp sound of the wind, a new kind of bullet was released from his sniper gun. It was a basic attack with low accuracy.

To his surprise, Agila found his bullet directly going to the target. It could be said that it would definitely hit the target as long as he didn't avoid it. It appeared that his luck was with him this time.

But his luck didn't accompany him along the way. Because just like what he thought, the other party really jumped to the side to avoid his attack. But this time, he didn't even look back as he tried to dodge. It appeared that this guy really had some kind of artifact that serving as a drone for him, enabling him to see his every move. And from the looks of it, that artifact was just near him. Just where the hell was it?

In any case, as if he already expected the other party to avoid his attack, Agila grinned widely. As Sakim was still in the midair jumping to the side, he released another bullet. Since his basic attack was still in cooldown, he used a skill this time.

"Stun Bullet!" Agila exclaimed the name of his skill excitedly as the bullet rushed towards Sakim. But as if it wasn't enough, and knowing that the other party might still be able to dodge his Stun Bullet, he pointed his sniper gun at the next spot where Sakim might possibly jump into. And upon confirming that perhaps, because of the momentum, there was a high chance for him to jump into that certain place, Agila pulled the trigger again as he couldn't help saying, "Bullet Push!"

Another Bullet was then released. But Agila didn't become complacent. With the great capability of that guy to evade his attack, it might even be possible that he could still evade the combination of attacks he made. That being said, he prepared himself to launch another attack to where the other party would try to run into.

But to his surprise, it appeared that the other party wasn't planning on dodging his last attack. Perhaps, he couldn't keep anymore but he saw him raising his hand forward as if trying to block his Bullet Push. How stupid. What was he trying to do now? Did he really think that he could block his attack with only that little hand of his?

Agila mocked the other party for his stupidity. Wasn't he rich? Why did he not summon a defensive artifact instead of blocking his Bullet Push with just a mere hand? It appeared that the other party's arrogance had gotten ahead of him that he thought that he could block his attack without relying on any defensive artifact. He sure was stupid. The world must be mad if he really managed to do so.

And just like what Agila had thought, the moment his Bullet Push made contact with the other party, it immediately exploded, blowing him away for quite a distance. Agila then grinned seeing the beautiful sight. Although he knew that his attack didn't deal strong enough damage, blowing him away was really good to see. It also saved him a lot of trouble for buying more time. And with that, he had also conserved some mana giving him some time to take a breath of relief and prepare for another combo.

But Agila didn't become complacent. Knowing that that guy wasn't normal, he presumed that the other party had some cards under his sleeve to turn the table and make the situation good for him. That being said, he prepared himself to launch another attack once the other party got up from the ground and tried to get closer to Julius.

Since his basic attack was now available, he planned to use this again at the beginning of his next combo. But of course, he would only try to use his low-level skills. After all, it only cost a little amount of MP and it had a short cooldown. That said, with his current 20 percent mana, even if he continuously attacked with these low-level skills for four minutes, he was certain that there would still be at least some mana left in him until then.


"Damn it, if Kristina ever caught me, I will surely die without retaliation..." Agila cursed inwardly. After he bought enough time, he would surely run away quickly and find a good hiding place to meditate. After all, he desperately needed mana right now. And other than instant mana potions, of which he didn't have any, meditation was the fastest way to gather the surrounding mana in him.

Agila was just hoping that Kristina would stumble some kind of accident along the way, giving him more time to escape.

And while Agila was thinking of it, he saw Sakim getting up from the ground. He didn't think much as he shot him with his basic attack.

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