Single Stat System

Chapter 84: Realization

A little while ago...


Sakim jumped to the side as a bullet went past him. But he was surprised to learn that while he was still in the midair, another bullet was coming his way. Did that guy finally get serious?

With that in mind, Sakim decided to become even more serious as well. The moment his feet landed on the ground, Sakim jumped quickly to the other side. But to his horror, while the incoming bullet was still on the way to miss him, his Blood Servant told him that another bullet was released. Not only that, this bullet was actually rushing in the direction of where he would land. Was this guy serious? He never thought that the other party would go this far just to hit him. What should he do now? Should he just let it hit him? From what he saw, it was the only plausible solution he could think of for now.

Or maybe not...

At that moment, Sakim suddenly thought of something. Although the bullet was extremely fast, maybe he could steal it, right? All he needed to do was to make physical contact with it and then the job would be done.

"Maybe I should try it..." Sakim thought as another bullet went past him. But knowing full well that he would not be able to dodge the next incoming attack, Sakim raised his right hand forward, trying to catch the incoming bullet.

An incredible amount of Greed Energy was then released from him as he intended to steal the incoming bullet. His eyes were sharp like those of the wild beasts that were about to catch their prey.

But contrary to his expectation, instead of stealing the bullet, he was blown away pretty far, forming an arch before he landed on the ground with a heavy thud. The moment the bullet made contact with his hand, it immediately exploded before it could even be stolen.

"Ugh... So I can't do it..." Sakim muttered as his back lied down on the grassland. He realized that stealing something using his passive skill: Greed was not instantaneous as it needed some time to process. At least a few seconds. With that being said, he was unable to steal something as fast as the bullet that would immediately explode the moment it made contact with his body. It was really a pity that his passive skill: Greed had such limitations.

With that in mind, Sakim got up from the ground. But as soon as he sat on the ground, his Blood Servant informed him that another bullet was coming, giving him another shock. It appeared that that sniper really wanted him dead.

However, at that time, his Blood Servant also told him that the bullet wasn't coming in his direction but to somewhere else. Learning about it, Sakim heaved a sigh of relief. It appeared that the other party could still miss him even if he didn't try to dodge it. Since that was the case, Sakim didn't bother dodging this time.

However, Sakim was surprised as he just noticed something. He checked his Status and sure enough, his HP bar didn't go down that much unlike when he was hit by that exploding bullet last time. Sakim nodded his head as he guessed that the other party had just used a different kind of attack this time. He was just thankful that this skill was not deadly. But...

It really sent him pretty far away. It appeared that that sniper was so eager to delay him and buy time for Julius to make him safe until the paralysis status effect of The Fooler wore off.

"Only two minutes left..." Sakim muttered silently as he gazed at the body of Julius lying on the grassland. Could he really do it? No, he must do it! Because if not, he would surely be in huge trouble.

Sakim could even feel the other party unleashing some kind of formidable aura as it appeared that he was itching to be freed from the paralysis status effect already. If he really was freed, Sakim was certain that this guy would go rampant. If that happened then who knew if he could still survive.

With that in mind, Sakim raised his palm in front of his chest. With a smile, he muttered, "Come out, my Blood Servant."

A drop of blood then came out from the center of his palm and floated in the midair. After which, it changed its form as it slowly turned into a bloody-red moth. It appeared that this was the moth he created a while ago. And it appeared as well that instead of wandering around, this moth was actually lying leisurely inside of Sakim's body.

But then, it was Sakim who put it unwittingly inside of him when Izel gave him a good kick a while ago, the moment they first met each other. At that time, he grabbed the moth resting on his palm. But since he grabbed it pretty hard, it turned into blood and was absorbed by his skin. But Sakim knew that it was still alive and was just inside his body. That said, he didn't worry about it.

In any case, now that he summoned it again, he naturally had another plan in mind. Since that sniper was trying his hardest to keep him away from the leader of the bandits and was shooting him pretty insanely, he would just put a kind of screen that could prevent the other party from seeing him.

Others might have a light screen (flash grenade), another else might have a smokescreen, but Sakim had a dark screen!

With that in mind, and with a smile appearing on his lips, the surroundings, under the watchful gaze of the sun, suddenly turned dark. The light was then separated from darkness and was kept outside of the perimeter of the darkness where it reigns. Since Sakim couldn't see right now because of the darkness, he could only rely on the hearing capability of his moth. With that, he could definitely reach his distance towards the leader of the bandits and feed him the Blood Manipulator Pill already.

"You want to play with me?" Sakim smiled as he said inwardly and continued, "Then let me show you how it is done."



A few moments ago when Sakim unleashed his Greed Energy to try stealing the incoming bullet...

"Wa-what the hell... Are you serious? Is this for real?" Julius, who was now lying with his back on the grassland, was astonished when he suddenly felt an enormous Greed Energy around him. Although he couldn't move his body, and turn to see where the Greed Energy was coming from, since there were only the two of them in the area, it was safe to assume that that Greed Energy came from that guy.

And he couldn't believe it at all. He even thought that he was dreaming. Or perhaps he was already tired and his senses were playing tricks on him.

However, that great amount of Greed Energy, he only felt it from 'those' people. And it left him a deep impression making him believe that he wasn't dreaming or seeing things. Just what the hell was going on now? Was this for real? It didn't make sense at all. Not unless...

Julius swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he was starting to realize things.

That guy was a low-level player.

Izel and Kristina followed him like he was a king and was as if their free will was stolen and had no choice but to obey.

And now...

He would just learn that this guy had an incomparable Greed Energy hidden within him?

Julius didn't want to admit it but... "Is he really the vessel?!"

All along, he thought that this guy was a rich kid that they would try to strip naked. He was even thinking how fortunate he was, stumbling upon such a fortuitous encounter. But who would have thought that...

Julius suddenly grinned from ear to ear as his Greed Energy leaked out from his body causing terror in his surroundings. Who would thought that he would encounter much better than the walking gold mine? To think that the news given by his younger brother was actually correct. Just why did he not think of it a little earlier? Surely, those two bitches were the culprit as they tried to shift his attention to other things. If those two had just told him right away that this guy was the vessel, then he wouldn't have thought of him as a mere walking gold mine. Those two really deserved punishment! He would definitely teach them a lesson himself once this matter was over.

However, as he was still thinking how lucky they were this time and how would he punish Kristina and Izel, another surprise greeted him. The surroundings suddenly turned dark as not even a trace of light was left in the area. What now? What was going on now? Was it nighttime already?

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