Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

0 – Prologue!


PART 1 – First Life!


Unlucky, what does that mean?


Bad luck is when something bad happens and we have no control over it. This is a definition that applies well to the term, but consider the following scenario: You were born into a humble family, which is not rich but not poor either. Your parents are loving, but at age 6, you lose your father, who was the family's main breadwinner. You are looked after by a hardworking and loving mother.

His father's death can certainly be considered a misfortune, but it is an inevitable coincidence that occurred before his time.

This was the basis of Matheus' life, but he had something special. He wasn't like most kids. Due to the difficulties caused by his father's death, he had to mature very early. His high IQ allowed him to adapt and understand reality as it really is.

In this way, he grew up strong and healthy, studying all kinds of things far beyond what public school could offer, always having the best grades and having no difficulties whatsoever, resulting in him skipping several school grades.

At the age of 14, he won a scholarship and entered Physics college, completing a course that would normally take 4 years in just 2 years! His grades continued to be the best, and he always looked for ways to provide a better life for his mother, the person he loved and respected most.

He was a genius, but most of all, he was his mother's son, and that would never change.

Matheus prospered, and he sought to study Engineering and Chemistry to further enhance his education. At the age of 21, he was already working on important academic studies, obtaining great support for his research and the institute he worked for.

For Matheus, his life was perfect; with the money he had, he was able to provide a wonderful life for his mother, who married a biology professor at the institute where he worked, whom he respected a lot. His mother was even pregnant, expecting a little girl.

When he turned 23, Matheus was working on research into subatomic particles, a smaller study without much focus or large investments, just for experimental purposes. However, a discovery was made by chance: they found Supersymmetric Particles, which until then were just a hypothesis.

Matheus was so happy, but who would have thought that while he was running to break the news to the director of the institute, when he turned into a corridor, he would trip and fall flat on his face, leaving him extremely confused.

Matheus accepted that he had somehow been teleported somewhere, and with his genius and abundant knowledge, he tried to understand how exactly this occurred.

But the important thing until then was to find a source of water and food, where his worries ceased when he found a village full of Asians who spoke Korean, but were of an old-fashioned type. As he knew a little, he tried to talk and find out more about where you were.

The result was that perhaps he was in North Korea, as the Asians he met spoke many names that he didn't know, so naturally it must be something from North Korea since little is known about the country governed by a dictatorship.

And as the people were very humble, he understood that there would be little information he would get, so he sought to understand more, and from the information he had about the fugitives from this oppressive regime, he tried to find out the leaders of the communities.

The problem is that no matter what he tried, it seemed like they didn't understand what South Korea or North Korea were. Matheus sought to know more about the world, discovering that the most popular one is called Khanmai.

If it weren't for the prejudice of the people, he would barely get information; he had to cowardly ask the children to know where he was and almost got into trouble with several angry parents who didn't want their children to interact with foreigners.

As a result, Matheus sought to find out more and get food, where he ended up meeting a merchant and selling his clothes, which were of excellent quality for a price certainly lower than he should have received, but it was still enough for some food, which was probably mistaken.

With food and some more common clothes, he, with difficulty, managed to get a ride in a cart to the nearest town, and there they were attacked by bandits.

The bandits wielded primitive weapons. Matheus, who was no warrior, much less someone full of courage, shrank in fear and terror, but then someone came to his rescue.

A very calm old man dressed luxuriously by this world's standards, he jumped several meters high to the shock of Matheus before majestically attacking the dozens of bandits and obliterating them.

It was a magnificent scene that surpassed Matheus’ understanding of reality!

He hesitantly asked the old man what it was all about—that brilliant energy that divided them—and the old man said, - "Martial arts!"

In this, Matheus' life changed, and he understood that he was no longer on Earth, and now he sought ways to understand the phenomenon that sent him to this world and find a way to return!

But he was a researcher, where he wanted to understand what was happening, and so he wanted to know more about Martial Arts, researching them, and even under great pressure and prejudice, he found sources of income.

To try to use his plans and gather the information he wanted, all Matheus could do was interact with governing figures, so he went to the Ruler of the State of Yiopoi, who was very kind and welcoming and was quickly impressed by his talents and knowledge.

But because Matheus is… him! It turned out that many of his works would be ignored. As such, Matheus used a false name in exchange for the information he wanted and a comfortable life. He helped the governor develop several profitable businesses that enriched him and also used his great knowledge that was adapting!

Matheus is a genius, but he focused on practical studies. Here, this would be useless without the ability and tools to study; that is, he had to learn new things that would make him an indispensable asset, and as he has an incredible memory and has already been young, before entering Physics, he researched many areas and did all types of studies to find the area that best suited him.

As a result, he studied the military strategies of this world, assimilated them with the knowledge he possessed, and thus became an incredible strategist and political advisor.

In this way, the state in which he lived prospered, but it seems that the world was not kind, and years later war came—not war between nations but internal wars within the Murim World!

Murim is a hidden part of the world where the government and common people have to try their best not to get involved, and whoever belongs to Murim will do the same.

Murim is nothing more than the World of Martial Arts, where they Cultivate Internal Energy to reach the pinnacle, developing frightening strength comparable to nuclear bombs or even higher!

And with this severe conflict that involved everyone, the Empire had to act and thus sent many investigators everywhere to find out who was involved and punish, where he was discovered, and because he was a foreigner, he ended up being captured and taken to the capital with the governor.

Of course, this in itself wasn't a crime, just that there were many suspicions about his characteristics, where they wanted to know where exactly he came from, and Matheus couldn't explain it until he told the whole truth, and of course, no one believed him.

They thought he was making an idiot of himself, so they tried to get more information from him about his many books and parchments full of his studies, but in the end the answer was the same, and so the rest of Matheus' life was spent in a cell, being tortured until you gave up your life, not being able to take it anymore!


PART 2 – Second Life!


Matheus woke up again. He was a baby in the arms of a simple Asian woman, who called him Cheol Mu Rin, belonging to the small and fragile Clan Cheol, which was a Merchant Clan, but not very famous.

Apparently he was reborn 10 years after his death; the war in Murim had officially calmed down, and then his opportunity to no longer remain hidden had arisen, even though he didn't understand exactly how this was scientifically possible.

Of course, he knew about Martial Arts, which are actually Sorcery, capable of changing bodies, but he didn't know anything related to that, which makes everything even stranger.

But one thing he knew was Cultivation!

He tried when he was Matheus, but it seems that his energy flow was horrible; he had a body incapable of feeling or absorbing any trace of Internal Energy, much less being able to practice External Cultivation, which still requires Internal Energy, but in smaller quantities.

But that didn't stop him from trying; it just stopped him from succeeding!

He tried and tried, studied, and did everything he could to become a Martial Artist, He wanted to research deeply into Internal Energy, which allowed the bodies of humans in this world to absorb and strengthen themselves with this mysterious energy.

If it weren't for ethics, he would have long ago tried to kidnap the Martial Artists to do all kinds of experiments. But now, after years of being tortured, even though he told the truth, he no longer cared about anything!

Cheol Mu Rin grew up firm and strong, having accumulated Internal Energy from a young age. Due to starting so early and purging much of the impurities he accumulated, he ended up passively developing the best body for martial arts, where he seemed to have developed some kind of “Unique Constitution” that helped him practice Martial Arts 3–4 times more efficiently than others.

In this way, he became strong early and accumulated more and more Internal Energy, being able to understand how magnificent this world was, which made him obsessed and want to know more.

And one day, when he was in his 11th year, visitors from a powerful family came to visit and discovered his power and talent. They quickly married him to one of their daughters and took him to the main house, where he received proper studies in Martial Arts. and access to better techniques, which further boosted its progress.

But beyond that, Cheol Mu Rin knew the power of money, and as his family was one of merchants, having an adequate structure, he restructured it and used his subordinates to leverage the company's profits and shares.

Using his fiancée's family, Cheol Mu Rin was successful in gaining protection while enriching both families and also doing his research.

At the age of 17, he lost his sense of morality and began utilizing the support of his wife's family, who belonged to an Unorthodox Faction Clan, He was successful in capturing bandits and carrying out his inhumane research.

But this was successful because, using their bodies, he better understood the effects of Internal Energy on their bodies and how exactly the Cultivation of External Energy worked, which used the same principles.

Internal Energy is the act of accumulating through breathing, mental focus, and unique mantras to accumulate energy, refine it, and thus store it in your Dantian. As time passes, more Internal Energy will be accumulated, and as a result, more abilities and techniques can be used.

External Energy, the act of accumulating energy through breathing and a single mantra, dispensing with mental focus, as the energy will be absorbed and permeate your bones, organs, and muscles, strengthening your entire body.

After researching more deeply, he understood the probable reason why people in this world were capable of such high heights. This would be the fact that there were natural elements in this world that did not exist on Earth!

These elements somehow react with the neurons; as for the mantra, they are unique chants that help to calm the mind and connect more deeply with this energy, which does not seem to be something that only exists but is something that has some type of consciousness or a type of neuron but is not capable of thinking.

Cheol Mu Rin, upon scientifically understanding the Cultivation of this world, thought about how to benefit from it to the maximum, and so he tried to develop his own mantra to have the greatest connection possible, where he thought about what types of stimuli would allow greater effectiveness in Cultivation.

As a result, many people died, but over time, he developed many Internal Energy Cultivation Techniques, discovering that the energy was linked not only to animal consciousness but also to concepts such as swords, axes, spears, armor, etc.

When he looked for a reason for this, he came to understand that this energy somehow tries to communicate with people, where it is capable of directing the way in which brain stimuli shape Internal Energy.

As a result, Cheol Mu Rin developed improved forms of many techniques and thus developed all kinds of specialists to protect him, while he also became stronger because he wanted to understand the so-called “Epiphany”.

A process where apparently the individual achieves clarity on certain subjects, where apparently their mind is more connected to the Energy of the World, where they receive greater benefits, and in some way, this energy will tend to shape and evolve their Internal Energy into something unique.

The same occurs with External Energy, which, in its research, came to discover that the body itself develops countless, extremely thin layers, which in themselves modify the body into something non-human but, superficially speaking, is still human.

While with internal energy, you have a battery inside your body, which allows you to manipulate it through thoughts and muscle memory, with External Energy it is different; all the energy itself is spread throughout your body, creating a type of source of flow and perpetual energy.

This flow continuously runs through your entire body, imperceptible to the naked eye. To this end, Cheol Mu Rin developed techniques to meet the need for many modern tools, and of course, he created his own tools to help him.

With this, he was able to deeply research the secrets behind World Energy and use this to improve himself.

Using his knowledge, he discovered the way to possess both Internal Energy and External Energy, which he called the Perfect Body Mantra.

Furthermore, he practiced many arts of sword, spear, axe, shield, etc., where he understood what made them so special: the properties of the Internal Energies of their Cultivation Techniques, along with the amount of energy used.

If we were to put it in numerical form, we would have: Quality and Quantity.

We will measure “Quality” in the form of multipliers of 0.1 to 5 times, while “Quantity” will be measured in terms of Years of Internal Energy, which is the norm.

Quality amplifies the effect of Quantity, where if we have 2.5x Quality and use 10 Years of Internal Energy in an attack, it will become 25 years due to amplification.

That's why sometimes a genius with around 30~40 years of Internal Energy ends up beating an elder with 100~120 years of Internal Energy, all because in some way the Quality of his Internal Energy, which many call “Depth” and to explain such a thing, they say that it is the individual's Martial Comprehension that is very profound.

In any case, even with little energy, it is possible to compare or even surpass someone who has 2~3 times more Internal Energy than you!

And let's add something new to this, something called “Property” or “Concept”, which shapes your Internal Energy, which can give you additional advantages if your enemy's energy is more fragile or he is incapable of understanding and deleting your property.

As a result, techniques of Fencing, Lancery, Archery, etc. are nothing more than simple attacks and patterns that anyone can do, which are being embellished in a methodical and calculated way by the Quality, Quantity and Properties of Internal Energy.

And it is worth mentioning that it is possible to combine two or more properties, resulting in more powerful effects, and sometimes, by performing something like “Rotation” and “Compression”, accumulating a lot of Internal Energy in just one point. When discharged, it can only cause an explosion, but with enough control, you can shape it into something unique and majestic.

Cheol Mu Rin lived a luxurious life, but he was watched for his research and always sought to progress more and more. As he made progress and his family was rapidly growing in power, naturally they continued to support him and desire more.

It's just that Cheol Mu Rin forgot that Murim doesn't get involved with the common; common people began to disappear as the bandits ended, and it was detected through the Black Markets, a large movement in the purchase of slaves.

The result was investigations by the Murim Alliance, which sooner or later came to discover about the Cheol Clan and allies, powerful Clans that saw an explosive increase in their Martial Arts to the point of even selling Cultivation Techniques at extremely cheap prices to anyone who wanted them. purchase.

But the curious thing was that there were no large increases in Martial Artists in the surrounding area, especially because they were kidnapped.

In other words, Cheol Mu Rin, by not controlling and managing how things were going and only accepting his test subjects while obsessed with progress, was unable to suppress his family's greed for more and more power.

And the result was that the Murim Alliance with the government came looking for answers, and the result was a brutal war, and Cheol Mu Rin desperately got rid of everything since he had all the research memorized.

But then, while running away, he ended up bumping into the Saint of Plum Blossom, one of the 3 Saints of Mount Hua, a Grand Master of Martial Arts, near the Supreme Peak!

Cheol Mu Rin confronted him, demonstrating an incredible balance between his natural physical strength and his Internal Energy.

He caused serious problems to the elder, who was about to be defeated, but the other 2 Saints from Mount Hua arrived and were attacked by 3 masters who were almost at the Supreme Peak. Cheol Mu Rin found himself having his body pierced by 3 swords; several limbs were broken, and he no longer had any strength.

As for the 3 Saints, they suffered serious injuries, as Cheol Mu Rin's attacks were brutal, as the peculiarity of Internal Energy is that his attacks cause internal damage to the targets, perhaps hence the name.

But anyway, Cheol Mu Rin was dying at the age of 37. He had achieved so much, and if he had a few more decades, he confidently said he would reach the peak of the world, even without going through any Epiphany.

Cheol Mu Rin had the power of science on his side, the power to seek the truth, and the truth surpasses all these old-fashioned and simple concepts, depending largely on luck and state of mind.

Cheol Mu Rin was asked about the people who died, his laboratory rats, and what he had done to thousands of people, and the answer was only silence.

Even though he had done such heinous acts, Cheol Mu Rin still felt ashamed, understanding that at some point, the anger he felt towards these people, after being tortured and humiliated for so many years, simply became meaningless!

Even though he has no regrets about the progress he has made, he understands that he took many lives for his ambitions, and he only accepted all of this in his final moments.

Who would have thought that this moment would bring him the first and last Epiphany of his life, where he connected more deeply with the Energy of the World, drastically increasing the Quality of his Internal Energy, which, let's say, in the past was 8x; now it has become 12x!

His power increased, and the External Energy that passively strengthened his body simply helped him regain his strength, much to the despair of the 3 Saints.

But Cheol Mu Rin didn't attack them; he simply took out the swords from his body, and the wounds closed, as Cheol Mu Rin said. - “This is my second life!” - This surprised the three, and not just them; others had arrived to support the trio.

“Almost 100 years ago, I was born on a technologically advanced world called Earth. I was a genius there, extremely intelligent, but I was born into a humble family. I lost my father, my main source of income, at an early age, and my mother had to work hard to create me, but she managed, and… years later I became what for you would be a Scholar, only not of philosophy, but of science, of understanding the foundations of the world, the truth hidden in places that the eyes cannot see!"

“At the age of 23, I was so excited; I made an incredible discovery for the world. I ran to tell my boss the news, and… I stumbled and ended up in his world, where I was humiliated and suffered all kinds of prejudice for being a foreigner. In the end, I had some successes and hid behind a kind man, helping him improve the lives of the people of this country while I studied, trying to understand this magnificent thing called Martial Arts, which did not exist in my world."

“But the war in Murim almost 50 years ago resulted in me being discovered, taken to court, and even though I told the truth, I was tortured for years, and then I took my own life. I didn't want that anymore... I think it started from here that I harbored hatred for your people and abandoned my humanity. The human greed of those around me helped... Your question about where are all those people? Their bodies were cremated and their ashes spread across the Yellow River. Their families received some compensation, so I hope that they have.” - Cheol Mu Rin said bitterly, and the insults came. Cheol Mu Rin vomited blood; even with the epiphany, he was not cured; he was already at his limit.

“My research on the Energy of the world—I call it that—I destroyed; everything I fought to discover I burned…” - Cheol Mu Rin said, looking at the heavens.

“So you killed thousands of people for nothing?" - A roar came from a beautiful young woman.

“Child… I, through my research, discovered how to improve the best Martial Arts that you cultivate by at least 10 times. I myself have more than 300 Years of Internal Energy, even without having consumed any elixir, I achieved what the greatest geniuses of your people would take 60~100 years to achieve with pure effort."- Cheol Mu Rin's words shocked everyone!

“Through my studies, I managed to reach the perfect balance between Internal and External Energy, it still has its flaws. I couldn't finish integrating those concepts into my body. Well, the epiphany I had just now did little to cover the many flaws, but... I'm already a dead man!” - Cheol Mu Rin laughed lightly.

“Any Clan or person who got their hands on my studies, in 10~20 years, would become the most powerful individuals in the world; if any of you got your hands on it, you could, in 5~10 years, obliterate the No-Faction. Orthodox or the Demonic Sect, this is the confidence I have in my studies and the fact that I have taken the 3 Saints to such a stage, even though I am under 40 years old. I only started to have successes in the last 15 years, i.e., in 15 years of my successes, I have already had the strength to match 3 Masters close to the Peak of Martial Arts, so imagine with the research completed, if a genius put his hands on it and practiced for 10~15 years… none of you here would be your date!” - Cheol Mu Rin laughed full of pride, and everyone frowned.

“I'm saying this, not because it's the daydream of an unlucky dying man who ended up in another world, separated from the family he loved, but because I hope they finish burning everything that may still be left. I know I destroyed the main research, but for the rest, I recommend burning it because I already see a lot of greedy and evil looks here; some of them must have already run to my laboratory in search of my research. Burn everything, because if the smallest remnants escape, I guarantee that Murim will suffer from a bath of blood even greater than that which occurred almost 50 years ago.” - Cheol Mu Rin fell to his knees, feeling increasingly weak.

“If you are as righteous as you say you are, I wonder if you will ignore your greed for my heinous research and avoid perhaps the greatest catastrophe of this primitive world of yours, or if you will give in to curiosity and ambition, running like hungry wolves to try to get the crumbs. That will be fun, but it’s a shame I won’t be able to watch…” - Cheol Mu Rin fell to the ground, laughing dryly, but still said.

“I don't regret my actions... I only regret not being able to see my mother a second time. She would probably repudiate my actions, but even if it was to see her disappointed and sad face, it would be worth it. Mom... I miss you... ” - His gaze became more vacant until his final moments.

Everyone looked at each other, and soon some stayed to take care of the corpse, while others went to their laboratory to see what they could find there.


PART 3 – Third Life!


Opening his eyes, it seemed like everything was starting over again—Matheus or Cheol Mu Rin, whatever his past identity was, now it didn't matter!

But he even felt some relief when he saw that his mother didn't have Asian features, but the problem was that he didn't understand anything she was saying, and from the environment, it seemed like she was in some kind of primitive structure.

His logic gave him no explanation as to how exactly he was constantly starting his life as a baby. This is already the second time; surely someone is doing this!

Some entity of enormous power that understood the Energy of the World and potentially assimilated it—perhaps someone on the level of those immortals who have already abandoned their mortal flesh and are literally divine beings with incomprehensible power—will seek to know the truth!

Surely someone at this level or higher is playing with him; if it were just once, it could be some kind of chance, but it's not the first time; only an idiot wouldn't have such a perception.

But whatever the situation, he would live. Since he doesn't know if at some point it will stop, if he simply explodes his heart now, he might wake up again in another body.

In any case, he will see this as an opportunity to reach new heights and redo his research. Only this time, he will try to be more human, take more care of those around him, and then adapt to whatever comes.

[Drawing starting attributes!]

But who would have thought that words would begin to jump before his eyes, words that would change into a language he understood.

[Starting auto-scroll for the Hidden Attribute “Luck”!]

Suddenly, he saw three 20-sided dice, which he recognized. They were data that he would see in Mesa's role-playing games, which he really enjoyed when he was on Earth. It's been so long that he almost forgot.

Then the dice were released 5 seconds later, where they fell into his field of vision, appearing to hit some solid area, rolling until the results showed: 9, 20, and 18!

9 and 18 disintegrated, leaving only 20, who shot into his body and disappeared. The mysterious messages continued to emerge.

[Starting automatic scrolling for the Basic Attributes “Strength”, “Dexterity”, “Constitution”, “Intelligence”, “Wisdom”, and “Charisma”!]

[The Luck of 20(+5 Modifier) influenced, providing fivefold advantage!]

Strenght, dozens of 6-sided dice appeared, separated into sets of 4 dice, totaling 5 sets, which began to roll in his field of vision, and the results went up until finally, 5 sets of results appeared.

But of the 5 sets, each consisting of 4 dice, the 3 highest results were accepted and the smallest result discarded, and the final results were: 13, 11, 17, 10, and 9!

Of these 5 results, all except for 17 disintegrated, where 17 flew upwards and merged with the acronym STR, which was a reddish color before shooting towards his body.

Dexterity, the same thing happened: 20 dice in total, 5 sets with 4 6-sided dice each, began to roll before their eyes until they finally gave the 5 results, always discarding the smallest of the 4: 12, 11, 16, 12, and 7.

16 assimilated DEX; the color manifested was blue, until it entered his body.

Constitution, same situation, 20 dice, 5 sets: 7, 11, 10, 15, and 15.

15 assimilated CONS; the color was green before entering his body.

Intelligence: 12, 14, 14, 9, and 12. 14 assimilated with INT; the color was purple and entered your body.

Wisdom: 12, 11, 10, 11, and 12. 12 assimilated with WIS, taking on a yellow color and entering his body.

Charisma: 16, 8, 13, 5, and 7. 16 assimilated with CHA, taking on a pink color, and entered his body.

Observing this in fascination and doubt, soon something new emerged:

[Your race is “Human”, calculating racial bonuses… +1 All Basic Attributes!]

[Testing Luck to see if you have a Unique Skill… 5d1000, difficulty: 995+!]

[Results… 875, 826, 837, 415, and 564… fail!]

[Creation finished!]

The message stopped, and what came next was:

Something that would come from a game, right before her eyes, and it seems like... a new world is available for her to explore, new things to learn, but she wonders if all her past knowledge will be useful here!

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