Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

1 – Beginning!




What is a Tabletop RPG?

Answer: A role-playing game where we have the “Players” who create the characters they will play and, most importantly, the “Master”, the one who will introduce you to a world full of adventures, challenges, and stories for you to think about and overcome.

What makes a Tabletop RPG so magnificent?

Answer: In addition to the ability to play a fictional character and have a wide range of freedom for your actions, the “probability” factor, which is nothing more than the actions you want to carry out, will only be possible if you overcome certain difficulties through “Dice”.

What is “Dice”?

Answer: They are the foundation of the Table RPG System, where the most common is to use a D20 (20-sided dice), where the bigger the better. The “Master” will give you situations where you must overcome them through your actions and luck; he will dictate a “Difficulty”, If you reach or overcome it, you will succeed; if it is less, you will fail! In other words, dice decides your success or failure!

What can we expect from this story?

Answer: The attributes and personalities of the many characters in this work will be drawn. Interacting with them in a forced way, like trying to seduce them, persuade them, manipulate them—everything will depend on how well the dialogue goes and, of course, an important factor called “charisma”!

How do Attributes affect luck?

Answer: There are “Attributes” and “Modifiers”. Attributes from 1~9 indicate that the individual is not very good in these aspects, as they will have something called 'Negative Modifier', which will reduce the results of the die; from 10~11 it will be null; it will not affect the die negatively or positively. It's that phrase “a lot of help, who doesn't get in the way”. From 12~20, these are the ‘Positive Modifiers’, which will increase the results of the dice, making it easier to achieve your goal.

Example (1): I have [7] Strength, which leaves me with a [-2] Modifier, so the “Master” dictates that I need to do a 'Strength Test', the difficulty is 15, so I will play 1D20-2. The result that dropped the D20 was 15, I reached the difficulty, but look, I have [-2] Strength, reducing the result from 15 to 13, in other words, I failed!

Example (2): I have [15] Strength, which leaves me with a [+2] Modifier. The same situation as before, but this time, the result that fell on the D20 was 13 and not 15. I would fail as the difficulty was 15, but I have +2 strength, so I add it to 13, and as a result, I have 15, so I succeed!

Some information about the Dice! [Base: 1D20]

1 = Quantities of Dice that will be released.

D = Dice.

20 = Number of Faces. (In this case, results from 1~20)

Note: We will use many other dice, such as 1D4, 1D6, 1D8, 1D10, 1D12, 1D15, and so on. The D20 itself is more for situational and lucky things; other dice are related to causing damage or certain bonuses, which will be better explained in the future.

[General information]

1° Everyone in the world has access to and knowledge of the System. (Note: The System translates in such a way that even an illiterate person can understand and interpret what is being shown.)

2° Per level, you acquire 1 point; this point can be used in the following ways:

- 1 Point = 2 Attribute Points. (You can allocate both points to a single attribute or choose 2 attributes to increase by +1 point.) (You cannot exceed the imposed limits.)

- 1 Point = +1 Skill Slot. (You can use 1 Point to increase the limit of skills one can possess by 1.) (Filling this Slot is purely up to the individual, but it can also be filled through certain skill-giving items.)

- 1 Point = +1 Skill Level. (You can use 1 Point to permanently increase the Level of a Skill.) (If you forget that skill in the future, the points will not be lost but will be randomly redistributed among the other skills.)

3° Killing gives EXP, and having sex also gives EXP.

- To acquire sex EXP, both parties must have accumulated 10 orgasms. Gain the same amount of EXP as you would from killing him.

- Even if you gain EXP by fucking someone, if you kill them later, you will also gain the same amount of EXP.

4° Even if you were born unlucky with low attributes, it is possible to train and unlock the “Achievement” called “Effort(I)”, which will give 2 bonus Attribute Points, where the difficulty of achieving higher levels of the achievement increases by 5 times.

Example: It took 2 years to achieve “Effort(I)" 10 years for “Effort(II)”, and 50 years for “Effort(III)”. If so, of course, by conventional means.

[Additional Information]

1° Sometimes there will be a [Part 0] like this, bringing with it information about the System or the world, things that would not be pleasant to explain within conventional chapters, and I do not see the need to create entire chapters for this.

(Note: I will try to explain the System on my Discord server [ ], in exclusive channels where I will try to provide as much detail as possible, if of course you are interested.)

2° Interactions and certain decisions will be made through draws; I will still dictate and direct many situations, but I will try my best to leave everything up to luck.

- So know that a character you like can simply die because an enemy achieved a “Critical Success (20 natural)” when hitting him and decapitating him. Or even that character who was described as so powerful and smart may have a “Critical Failure (1 natural)”, where he will simply stumble face-first into a spear and thus be impaled and die!

-Protagonist can also end up being abused if she goes head-to-head against many powerful enemies who have plans for her body. The protagonist can suddenly kill a creature several levels above her. The protagonist can fall in love at first sight because some random character got a “Critical Success (20 natural)” on the seduction die. Anything can happen.


PART 1 – Baby, again…


Argh! Shit! Shit! Shit!

I feel my flesh burning and my lungs exploding! Shit! This is the second time I've felt this... What happened? I was just born! This happened, FUCK!

Simply put, the reason babies cry at birth is because they have their first direct contact with fresh air, either through lung breathing or simply through exposed skin. All of this brings excruciating pain, and this is the second time I've felt this!


Skarla, an intriguing name, is at least not Korean. Not that I have anything against it, but I was born on the American continent. I lived a good part of my life, being treated well like Matheus, until I ended up in that world, and because of my ethnicity, I suffered heavy prejudice and humiliation.

In my second life, I spent most of my time obsessed with the World Energy, studying in the correct way what those simple minds full of philosophy could not achieve. So, in a simple way, I gave meaning to what the ancestors of that world spent millennia cultivating!

But I was exploited by my family and my wife's family. Heavens, I believe my children weren't even mine. Even if they weren't, I didn't love that woman; it was just a form of relief and to keep up appearances while her family supported me in my inhumane studies.

Now having a different name and looking at faces that... to be quite honest, I didn't adapt to the Asian appearance. I know there are many beauties and differences, but I got confused easily, and the fact that I practically live inside an underground laboratory dissecting didn't help much with social interaction.

So seeing such different faces with no notable similarities, except for skin and hair color, was gratifying.

The problem I saw is that I'm apparently in some primitive place. The clothes of those around me are made of leather and animal fur. The houses are simple—a mix of indigenous and Viking, perhaps?

Anyway, I'm a baby again...

Since there's not much I can do other than suck my birth mother's breasts to survive, I'm going to practice my Mantra… result: No results!

I became curious and slowly focused on feeling and connecting to the World Energy. It didn't take long; in fact, it was much faster than I expected, and the answer came quickly!

The amount of World Energy… is extraordinarily vast! 50, 60, 80… shit! I can't measure it correctly, but it certainly exceeds the energy volume by 100 times, but… the quality seems to be inferior.

But it doesn't matter; quantity far outweighs quality at this point. That's why I felt the World Energy so quickly, because with such a high amount, it's natural for someone as sensitive as me to feel it. Not to mention that I'm a baby, my body is extremely fragile, but it has the advantage of being much more sensitive as the brain is still developing.

And through my many researches into the World Energy, the conclusion as to why human beings are able to possess superhuman strength and store energies as if they were batteries is that the World Energy exists, an element that did not exist in the world. Earth.

The presence of this element that I discovered has some level of rudimentary intelligence, as if they were neurons invisible to the naked eye, which everyone has access to, and the most sensitive ones can connect and receive more benefits from it.

It's very complex, and I know that unfortunately I don't understand everything, but from what I already understand, it was enough for me to create the best techniques that surpass the so-called Supreme Cultivation Techniques by several times.

The problem is that I finished creating such techniques at the end of my life; if I were given another 5 to 10 years, I would have become the strongest!

Anyway, as I connected with the World Energy, I realized that this is different; not only is it extraordinarily high, but it also makes the people of this world more likely to be remarkable individuals. Certainly, the strength of this world scales to the highest levels. high, is dozens of times superior to the Supreme Masters of Murim.

This left me very intrigued and interested. The problem is... the functionalities of this energy and its properties are so different!

The means of connecting and “communicating” were the same: having a calm mind, and as I am already proficient in this, it was easy for me to calm down to connect with this energy.

Through the connection, it feels like I gained something!

[Congratulations on acquiring the “Mana Vision” Talent!]

[Mana Vision]

– Your mind and spirit resonate with the world, allowing you to see a world full of magic and mysteries to be unraveled.

– Increases Intelligence and Wisdom by +1 (Permanent).

– Allows you to learn and study Magic through “Magic Runes”.

I felt subtle changes, and… this connection seemed to be something artificial. There seems to be an intermediary between me and the energy; I can't feel exactly what it is, but I know there is because the connection I feel is very different!

I didn't like it; I feel like I should have control over this connection. I don't need the support of what I believe to be this RPG System, which must be what caused this.

But unfortunately, I don't possess the authority or power to get rid of the middleman; I can only accept his rules for now.

So with this connection, I was able to try to detect more about the World Energy, know its peculiarities, and understand why the Perfect Body Mantra, which I devoted my second life to creating, wasn't working!

I spent days mentally researching, which led to exhaustion, and due to the lack of energy of being a baby, I passed out very quickly.

The days went by, and I slowly memorized some things. I also stayed awake longer, and soon I discovered who my parents were.

There is a woman who is always carrying me; she is beautiful and charming; she has white skin and an athletic physique; apparently, her name is Liskay; she seems to be someone respected in the tribe we live in.

As for my father, it was difficult to know which one it was, especially because Liskay slept with a lot of men, and I'm not kidding. In the week since I was born, many men came to visit her, but there was one who came a lot; he was a tall, muscular, and black man. His name was Morak.

Through his interactions with me and Liskay, I soon discovered that he was potentially my father, and from this, the number of male visitors decreased in frequency. Maybe they participated in some kind of raffle or something, so whoever got Liskay pregnant would get her?

I can't say, since I don't understand anything they say except for their names. Anyway, I'm relieved that they accept my quirk, which makes me believe that this world is some kind of joke.

I was a genius, and I was working on something very respectable on Earth, but I was no saint, so I know that Futanari has something related to Hentai. A term used to describe women who have a dick, that is, hermaphrodites!

I myself did not consume such content, but I interacted with people who consumed a lot of it, especially because I was sure of people with brilliant minds, many of whom did not have good looks, which made it difficult for them to interact with women.

Not to mention that everyone there was intelligent and destined to be successful as long as they didn't do something stupid. So those who had low self-esteem knew that they would only get women because of money and not love, so they were content with 2D content and their hands.

There were those who only accepted that women would be more interested in their riches and in having sexual relations with beautiful women. I wasn't much different, but I came from a humble background, and even though I was arrogant, I wasn't stupid, and I knew how to contain myself. I didn't let wealth or praise come to mind; maybe that's why I never had many lasting relationships.

The reason I think this world is a joke is exactly the use of Futanari instead of Hermaphrodite to describe my gender. Without mentioning that this is the 2nd time that I have become a conscious baby, this is certainly the result of the actions of somebody!

Potentially someone who has transcended the carnal body and connected with the World Energy or something even higher that I still don't know about.

I could even see my first life as an accident and the result of many anomalies, but this is the second time this has happened to me; there is no way I can simply see it as an accident.

I don't know the reasons for this, nor do I know if this being is listening to my internal monologues, but if it is, why doesn't it show itself and say what it wants?

It appears that will not be the case. So I'm just going to enjoy it, and in this life, I think I'm going to avoid becoming an inhuman bastard. Let's take advantage of all the knowledge I've accumulated and see how I use it here.

Not to mention that I'm in a primitive area, I find it difficult to find valuable materials or resources for my research here, so let's just stay strong, understand how the world works, and enjoy!


PART 2 – Progress and Surroundings!


After 1 month since my birth, I finally managed to find the reason why my Mantra is useless—I don't need it! The amount of World Energy is so voluminous in this life that these tricks are not needed to attract and absorb more energy.

Of course, the same process doesn't work; I need a new one, especially because the properties of the World Energy are different and something else makes it seem that the consciousness of this energy is more powerful and intelligent.

When I focus my senses, I end up entering an expanded and immaterial world where the World Energy is even denser and seems to take shape, where mysterious symbols fly over the entire environment.

Thinking about what to do, unfortunately I don't have information about what all this is, so I can only accept and look for tricks where I practice “Breathing”, which are rhythmic breathing methods that allow an improved circulation of energy through the body before expelling it. There, some residues will remain in the body, and much of it will be absorbed and purified for your Dantian.

The problem is that I'm a baby; I don't have a formed Dantian yet, because it won't be until I'm 6 years old that my Dantian will be completely formed. Until then, I will use the World Energy to purify my body and provide me with a “Unique Constitution”, which in the past guaranteed me a body more adaptable to the World Energy, accelerating its accumulation and also its purification.

I will try to achieve the same. And even though the rules of this world are different, the body doesn't seem to be that different, so I just need to absorb the energy. I slowly discovered the best methods.

Entering the “World of Energy”, I am able to interact more with the World Energy, so after testing, I discovered that breathing in this “Spiritual Form” of mine attracts this energy, and as my body seems to follow the example of breathing, it was not difficult.

The days passed where impurities were being cleaned and certain genetic defects were being repaired.

Because of this, as time went by, I had more energy, which allowed me to stay awake longer. I was also able to do more complex calculations while thinking about more efficient ways of absorbing this energy.

So my days as a baby were like this, constantly finding ways to accelerate my progress and establish the ideal body for the rules of this world, which will allow me to achieve surreal power when I grow up.


During the time I spent focusing on strengthening myself, my mother took me everywhere. She is a very proactive and strong woman. Apparently, I'm her first child, not that it matters.

My father, Morak, seems to be one of the strongest warriors in the tribe, or the best hunter, I can't say, but he is respected, and no one dares to come close to my mother when he is around.

The tribe is relatively large; it seems to have around 300 members, and I see men and women with black, white, or brown skin. Because I have a black father and a white mother, I am naturally in the middle. I am dark-skinned.

But while I was taken everywhere by my mother, being shown to various people like some kind of trophy, it seemed like being a Futanari was something to brag about and be proud of. This world is strange...

Anyway, something caught my attention: people, men and women. They were the minority, but they had moss green skin and little fangs coming out of their mouths... The only thing I think about when I see them is that those races seen in fantasy worlds, Orcs and Goblins, are too tall to be the second, so they are Orcs!

But due to their human features, like many of those who were younger, they were always walking alongside their mother but never their father, which makes me sure they are mixed race.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see any pure blood. Seriously, I feel uneasy knowing that there is a race of sentient beings that are not human beings walking and breathing so close to me. I want to know if they are different from us in anything other than their appearance.

But in the end, I'm just a baby, and I also decided to abandon this life of inhumane acts. I need to focus on becoming stronger and then focus on research in the future. I first need to have the strength not to become a toy and not run the risk of having all my work destroyed by third parties!

Other than that, there wasn't much else that caught my attention.


PARTE 3 – Retorno!


The Krugar Mountains are a set of mountains and an elevated region from the rest of the continent, having its own ecosystem and, towards the north, an immense expanse of rugged lands, which will lead to the snowy and wild lands of the north.

And the Krugar Mountains, a region with few natural resources, become the environment of war between many tribes, where there are 3 predominant races in these mountains: humans, orcs, and dwarfs, with the first two being the most numerous.

The power and sovereignty levels of the Krugar Mountains are well balanced, with any disturbance capable of disrupting this fine balance.

And within the Krugar Mountains, there are several forest regions with rich animal life, but there is one in particular full of dangers, known as the Black Forest, a place where aberrant creatures live, and venturing there is asking for death.

And coming from this forest that even the fearless and thirsty for battle, the Orcs, are afraid to explore, came an imposing figure with a fierce countenance, a muscular physique, exuding a surreal power, a green skin covered with scars, and his eyes, an intense and cruel red glow.

A being that seems to have come from hell itself was stepping on these lands after a long time!


Stone'Fang Tribe, one of the most powerful tribes in the Krugar Mountains, is led by Saruko Stone'Fang, a fearless Level 10 Orc.

He stood proud on his throne, with one of his many wives on his lap, feeding him a large leg of calf.


A loud bang reverberated with the entry of a single man; his presence silenced everyone present, and Saruko stood up. - "Brother?" - He asked, amazed at who he was seeing.

“I see you’ve been having fun these past 3 years.” - Said the figure in a thick and heavy voice, taking a horn full of drink and drinking it all in one gulp. - “Sucks, the quality seems to have decreased while I was away.”

“You… are alive…” - Saruko was completely shocked, with her hand already reaching for her nearby war axe, as the intentions of the man in front of her were obvious.

And the man smiled upon seeing this. - “No talking, let’s finish this once and for all!” – With these words, he ferociously charged forward as a thunderous roar reverberated.


Saruko roared as she attacked.


[Saruko – D20+5+3 = 13]

[Makaulu – D20+7+4 = 26]



Saruko's ax came down against Makaulu's fist, now covered in reddish energy, scaring the Orc Chief away, while Makaulu smiled like a madman before slamming a powerful fist into his abdomen.


[Makaulu – 2D6+7+4 = 16]



Saruko growled painfully, but fiercely punched Makaulu in the face...


[Saruko – D20+5+3 = 15]


The firm fist grazed Makaulu's cheek, and he deftly moved his face at just the right moment before going for his wrist holding the axe.


[Makaulu – D20+7 = 27!!!]


Saruko felt a firm grip on her wrist before a supernatural force slammed into him, forcing him back several steps while Makaulu was holding something—a large war axe.

“This has always belonged to the strongest of the Stone’Fang. You are a dishonor for allowing your adversary to take it from you; you dishonor our father!” - Makaulu roared, and the entire ax was covered in red energy.

“From now on, I’m the one in charge of the tribe! If you have a problem with that, continue with your futile efforts, but know that I will not spare your life,  brother."- Makaulu said it in a fierce and bloodthirsty tone.


[Makaulu – D20+7 = 18] (Intimidation)


Saruko growled but slowly fell to his knees, showing that he admits defeat, as the main reason is that his wrist, which was squeezed by Makaulu, is now broken!

Makaulu was smiling, and a strong flame of ambition burned in his eyes.


PART 4 – War!


Makaulu, The Mighty. The one who survived 3 years in the Dark Forest had returned and taken control of the Stone'Fang Tribe within minutes of his appearance.

Rumors circulated, and everyone was on alert for this variable. No one knew for sure how strong he really was, but if he survived in the Dark Forest, he is a force everyone should fear.

And Makaulu's first actions were to attack other Orc tribes of the Krugar Mountains, where he did not start a battle but rather challenged the chief of each tribe, defeating them and taking control of their tribes.

To strengthen the relationship, he took the most influential women from the tribes, making them his wives and spending many nights with them to make sure they were pregnant.

He did this to several tribes, having very high resistance from them, but in the end, Makaulu emerged victorious, taking control over the lives of more than 3,000 Orcs in less than 4 months.

And taking possession of the many Orc tribes of the Krugar Mountains, he wanted to take possession of the rest, which would easily bring the number of Orcs under his control to 3,500, and so he ordered the presence of his chiefs and, of course, their submission!

Orcs are fearless warriors; they don't fear death, but that doesn't mean they seek death either!

500 go against 3000; it is a losing fight, and as a result, the weakest and most cowardly were the first to submit, but there were those who fought, and as a result, Makaulu annihilated them and enslaved the survivors. He made an example of them.

Then… calm down; that's what he had for a long period of time.

Makaulu was establishing his dominance over the Orcs, slowly controlling resources, and in the meantime, he tried to interact with the Dwarves, who had the smallest population in the Krugar Mountains, but his aim was not to have them as allies for his fearless warriors and bravery, but for your crafting and forging skills!

Makaulu needed to arm his people, and the Dwarves had the talent to create the best weapons and armor. As a result, he made promises, which the Dwarves didn't have much choice but to accept!

In this way, Makaulu began to receive weapons and armor in exchange for resources that his people could easily obtain, and because he knew many things about the Dark Forest, he constantly took his most loyal subordinates in search of resources, returning with many valuable things and huge creatures, with enough meat to feed dozens for weeks!

The human tribes were not only watching but also fearing what might come. Knowing that many Dwarven tribes had already submitted and were working for Makaulu, the dozens of human tribes were forced to ally themselves, forming many alliances in exchange for establishing defenses against the Orcs.

Thus, the Krugar Mountains were in an eerie calm, with tension high in the air.

After 1 year since the arrival of Makaulu, the calm ceased, and a large army of 1,000 orcs marched during the night. In less than 2 days, they reached the first human tribe, annihilating them and making many slaves.

But the army did not stop; it continued, and quickly the news spread. With all the tribes quickly gathering their troops and rushing to the front lines, the Vulture Tribe, where Skarla was born, sent more than 200 warriors into battle!

Quickly, a huge army of almost 2,000 humans had formed—powerful warriors with bows, axes, and spears—and advanced against the fearsome Orcs, armed to the teeth!

Makaulu was very ambitious, but he had the strength to support his ambitions and also the wisdom to back them up!

As a result, there were 2 Orc armies of 500 each, one led by Makaulu's brother Saruko. The other was led by his youngest daughter, Gakai, who is only 13 years old but is already recognized as the most beautiful and strongest Orc, having many suitors.

These two armies aimed to intercept many reinforcements from various tribes, and as a result, with everyone focusing solely on Makaulu and his 1,000 warriors, it is natural that they did not expect to run into 500 orcs.

As a result, the 2,000-man human army, which had hoped to reach the 4,000 mark within a few weeks, found itself unable to surpass the 2,500 mark by the time of the battle.

There was no news about the matter, and as a result, on the day of the great battle, Makaulu advanced, standing out among his subordinates and exuding a powerful and eye-catching energy.

The leaders of many tribes went ahead, watching Makaulu smile. - "TODAY! YOU’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!” - He roared thunderously, accompanied by a powerful laugh full of disdain.

The 1,000 Orc warriors roared as they stomped on the ground, causing a slight tremor. The army's morale was high, while that of its enemies, even though they were in greater numbers, was not good, as they received information about hundreds of dead allies!

Unknown to them, 1,000 more Orcs were marching towards them, and apparently, they were devastating their lands, leaving them filled with hatred and also worried.

What followed was a fierce battle of 1,000 orcs against 2,500 humans. The Orcs' high morale gave them a huge advantage, accompanied by their large and bulky bodies, giving them much more physical strength.

And along with that, superior-quality weapons and armor.

In the first confrontation, it didn't take a genius to understand that the Orcs had the advantage, and as the minutes passed, more and more deaths occurred, with the Humans losing 4~5 times more than the Orcs!

The humans slowly tried to surround them, taking advantage of their superior numbers, which was a good strategy; 2~3 of them could take down 1 orc in a few seconds.

Rivers of blood formed, corpses covered the ground, and then... tremors came, and to the terror of the humans, an army of 500 Orcs had arrived, attacking them from behind and causing absurd damage.

The little pressure they caused the 1,000 Orcs soon ceased, and a true massacre ensued!

Makaulu, in euphoria, hunted and beheaded the strongest. Inadvertently, this led him to the Chiefs of the Tribes, where he killed the men and women; they would take them as slaves!


PART 5 – Results!


The battle lasted about 3 hours before coming to an end. Of the 2,500, only 300 survived; 90% were women, who were taken as slaves.

As for the Orcs, of the initial 1,000, 730 were alive; as for the support of Gakai, daughter of Makaulu, of the initial 500, only 80 died.

In total, more than 3,500 humans have died since the start of the battle, all because of the two armies of 500 Orcs that went around, annihilating the reinforcements of various tribes.

And now, what happens?

There are still several thousand humans out there; Makaulu would take their land and resources. He separated several troops of 100 orcs, ordering them to take control over the human tribes and establish rules.

And so, Skarla, who was still a baby and had barely learned to walk, lost her parents and was now a slave to the Orcs!

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