Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

2 – Growth!




For years, I have consumed Korean Manwhas, and I particularly love the concepts of Cultivation and Martial Arts related to Murim.

Reason? I feel like Martial Artists are more “human”.

It is not like Chinese Cultivation which is divided into Kingdoms, levels, and grades.


– Body Refinement → Spiritual Foundation Realm → Core Stabilization Realm…

- Levels 1~9 (1~3 = Lower) (4~6 = Intermediate) (7~9 = Advanced)

- Low, Medium, High and Peak.

And in Chinese cultivation, the simple fact that you are 1 degree above someone, even though you are at the same level and Realm, makes you 2 degrees stronger than the individual; your Martial Arts practically eclipse your opponent's only 1 degree lower than yours.

Not to mention that the moment you start cultivating, when you reach the 1st level of Body Refinement, the lowest, you literally surpass the greatest athletes on Earth in terms of strength, endurance, and speed. Then, at Level 9, you are easily 10 times stronger than the strongest on Earth!

In Cultivation of Murim, this is not the case; its levels are more comprehensive and contained, so to speak, where the lowest are:

Third-Rank Martial Artist → Second-Rank Martial Artist → First-Rank Martial Artist → Martial Arts Specialist or Master.

After the Master Level, you begin to enter various concepts and realms of mental state that resonate with the Martial Arts. It is not something that can be explained; just by reading and experiencing your own understanding, you would know.

So, while in Chinese Cultivation you easily become something superhuman, in Korean Cultivation, even though you are a Martial Arts Master, you are still human, and blades wielded by ordinary people can still hurt you.

But truly, what makes Martial Artists (Murim) so incredible and why the most powerful can ignore blades and things like that was something I discovered during my readings, which is quite recent.

Those who reach the level of Martial Arts Master use their Internal Energy in a more efficient and controlled way, which gives them something called “Protective Qi”. That is, they create layers of protection around their bodies.

These layers are what allow them to survive powerful attacks, while their entire environment is practically destroyed by the collision of energies, their bodies are practically intact, and their clothing is damaged.

But here is something very interesting that I came to discover, and I believe this to be the case. The reason they vomit so much blood, even though they have no open wounds or visible damage, is not censorship (of course, a large part of it must be that), but it is due to the “Protective Qi” itself.

This energy protects them from all external attacks, but Internal Energy, in my opinion, has the property of causing more internal damage to their enemies, and the “Protective Qi”, unless there is an extremely absurd difference between Martial Artists , some of the damage will still affect you, so it's not 100% protection; a small percentage will still pass through.

And even if the body is not visibly damaged, the organs will be a mess as all the attacks will be received from within, and that's why we see them vomit so often. It's simply because they take damage, but it's not damage. visible.


PART 1 – After the War!


My parents died… Orcs dominated my tribe and enslaved my people. As for me, I was only 8 months old; I was already able to take my first steps. I also learned the simple language of these people, but I don't have the ability to protect myself.

As a result, I saw the Orcs plunder everything they found valuable, including male and female Orcs, capturing human men and women and taking them to be their toys.

As for what happened to me, I was left in the care of my cousin, whose name is Talya. She is 7 years old, and apparently, she is my only family member still alive.

Our mothers were sisters; they went to battle together, but unfortunately, they did not return. Maybe there are chances of them being alive, but just in the arms of their enemies. Whatever the case, it's not something we weak children can do.

And because we are children, the Orcs did not show interest in us, which is actually a good thing because, as large and muscular creatures, they see beauty in larger and more voluminous bodies, which is why only the tallest women in the tribe attract their attention; the children were left untouched.

As for females, they tended to look for stronger men to procreate with, so they were not interested in human males, at least not adults. As they just wanted to have fun, they tended to look for younger men and make them toys, just for relief—something sadistic.

For days, the tribe was a nightmare, with Talya, my cousin, watching over me, doing her best to keep the Orcs' scraps and feed us.

The nightmare lasted 2 weeks before a large group of orcs came, led by a female orc with a fierce countenance. Apparently, she is the leader.

“Slaves of the Vulture Tribe! I am Gakai, daughter of Makaulu, King of the Krugar Mountains! From today onwards, you will send tribute every week for 1/3 of everything you hunt or produce; if you disobey, you will die."- Gakai said in a cold and indifferent tone to the less than 100 remaining individuals of my tribe.

Many have already been taken, as they were attracted by the orcs because I liked their bodies and appearances. Anyway, my cousin and I watched, and after the announcement, we were forced to work!

Hunger… I've felt this before. In my first life as a foreigner in a different world, it was difficult at first, and I also didn't adapt to the Asian taste.

Anyway, I had a way to reduce the weight of hunger by circulating energy and using it to nourish my body. This way, I managed to stay healthy even without having all the basic nutrients.

Talya, my cousin, is surprisingly mature and hardworking. At only 7 years old, she was forced to take care of me and feed us. I wanted to help, and so I did, working on making arrows. I did everything I could with my small, fragile arms.

We got very little food, but in the end, we didn't have enough good hunters; most were killed, and those that remained were old, sick, and crippled.

The hunting wasn't going well, and there were still Orcs. Around 20 of them stayed living in the tribe, leading it, and also went out hunting, but the hunting they had was theirs alone. As for the little we got, they took 1/3, but in fact, they often took more than that!


Time passed, and four months after the war, many women were sent to the tribe—dozens of them, many of whom were from that tribe, but others who came from tribes that no longer exist.

These women, without exception, were pregnant! They were the Orcs' toys for months before the Orcs lost interest in them, staying only with those they really liked and the rest sent to the tribes to raise their bastards.

The 20 Orcs governing us stayed to watch these pregnant women to make sure they weren't attempting an abortion. It seems that the Orcs have plans for the half-breeds. But thinking about the number of women captured, if they were all impregnated, we are most likely talking about 600~800, maybe even 1,000 mestizos.

If the Orcs use human women as surrogates, it's obvious that Makaulu, their king, has ambitious plans, but I wonder what he'll do about food.

The war killed many humans, but orcs consume large amounts of food, about two times more than humans, and as we no longer have the Hunters of the past, we do not have enough manpower.

Problems after problems—in the end, we can only observe and accept them.


PART 2 – Progress!


1 year is how long I have lived in this world. It's surprising how much happened in that short period of time, but it's not like I had anything to do with the events. I am nobody in this world, at least for now.

Apart from child labor and hunger, I never stopped training!

This year was very important, as I managed to adapt my body to the World Energy, which resulted in the acquisition of another Talent:

[Magic Body]

A body with a great connection with magical energy, facilitating the fluidity and effects of energy throughout the body!

Permanent increase in +1 HP and EP, per level!

Accelerates the acquisition of training EXP by 15%!

I know this will improve, as I can further strengthen my connection with the World Energy. Until I am 6 years old, I know I will achieve a lot!


2 years later!

I'm already 3 years old, and as I expected, the Orcs began to leave the tribe, assigned to other tasks, and placed under command strong women and those with mixed-race children to be the Chiefs of the Tribes.

In fact, orcs sometimes visit and impregnate some women.

I then discovered something interesting: they have been negotiating with people from beyond the mountains; I don't know exactly who, but they are selling the fur, medicinal herbs, and other valuable resources that we find in the mountains to people from outside the mountains, and in return, they give a lot of food.

From this, I knew that Makaulu was looking for ways to feed his future army, as he began to treat the tribespeople much better, giving rewards, and slowly, the orcs that came to fuck the women would simply cease as the years went by.

In these 2 years, I have been improving my [Magic Body], where the bonus was a percentage of 15%, increasing by about 1% per month. After 2 years, I had reached 40%, and along with that, +1 HP and EP per level increased to +2.

[Improved Magical Body]

A body with a strong connection to magical energy, which refined it to suit it perfectly.

Permanent increase in +2 HP and EP, per level!

Accelerates the acquisition of training EXP by 40%!

Initially I had doubts about what this training EXP was, until a few weeks ago, I received a notification!

[You have achieved great things through effort and hard work!]

[You have acquired the Achievement “Effort(I)”!]


The reward for those who strive to change their destiny through hard work!

+2 Constitution!

I saw my Constitution attribute go from 16 (+3) to 18 (+4). I was able to feel stronger and healthier. I was curious about what exactly this means, but I didn't want to ask, as it seems like it's something few people know, and even though people are simple-minded, they're not stupid!


More years passed, and soon I was 6 years old.

I lived with my cousin, Talya, who is already 13 years old and is already a huntress, who, luckily for being small and having only recently reached puberty, did not attract the attention of the Orcs, who often came to impregnate the women of the tribe.

During the past 3 years, I have reached what I believe to be the limit of [Magic Body]:

[Superior Magical Body]

A body magically strengthened through an unusual method, evolving a Talent beyond its limits!

Permanent increase in +3 HP and EP, per level!

Accelerates the acquisition of training EXP by 100%!

+1 All Attributes!

It doubles the acquisition of training EXP, which I still have no idea what it is, but the best thing was the +1 increase in all attributes, which made me stronger and made me want to reach my limits even more, because apparently 20 points is the limit for those below Level 10.

I already understand that this is a Tabletop RPG System, at least a modified one.

I'm not going to go into details about the System, since my knowledge is limited; I'm just using it while I look for ways to get out of its influence.

And now that I am formally 6 years old, with a stronger and more developed body, there are no longer many benefits that I can generate through that method; it is only efficient from birth to 5 years of age, a time when the body is very fragile and is adapting to the world, generating antibodies, and adapting to the climate.

And because of the peculiarities of a magical world, I, who have had consciousness since childhood and know about the World Energy, was able to turn something instinctive into something intuitive.

For example, I believe that this [Magic Body] or [Mana Vision] are Talents that are acquired if the baby is very sensitive to such energies; the slightest detection at this stage will allow them to be acquired.

As for [Magic Body], it is necessary to learn to absorb and circulate it throughout the body, but I know that it is possible to have the help of a third party for this, but the individual must be, at least, a Supreme Master, as it is a delicate work.

Now that I am 6 years old, I will no longer receive benefits from this passive training, which was to cure any genetic damage in my body and which will help a lot in the development of that body, making me something much more ideal.

Through my research on what the Dantian is, it is one of the 3 Cores of the Body, and its location in itself is nothing grand; it is simply the best place to have it.

The Dantian is recognized as the Lower Core, the one that is capable of storing and purifying the World Energy.

Just above the Dantian, where the heart is located, is the Central Core; it does not have a specific name, but it is where vitality is found. Martial Artists call it Life Energy and when they use it, they are able to exert great temporary power, but in exchange for their life expectancy, there is no way to replace this energy.

And further up, we have the Superior Core, which is found in the Brain, what they call the spirit, training it will allow it to affect the material world.

For example, there are those recognized as Sword Sages, a title given to those who master the Way of the Sword and have achieved the feat of “Levitating a Sword with the Mind”.

This state, which I did not reach, was psychokinesis, which I tried to achieve, but it was extremely difficult to discover the method to improve the Upper Core, and train it with the support of the World Energy. Naturally, I succeeded, but I would need more time to be able to use it.

In this life, it goes without saying that I will try to benefit from all 3. I have developed a method that encompasses all 3, a way of training the mind, vitality, and energy. Only I had access to this—something I never taught anyone!

I have my doubts about this being effective in this life, but it doesn't hurt to try!


As always, my actions are frustrated by the difference in rules between both worlds, but that didn't stop me. I just needed to adapt and evolve, and that's what I did!

I started physical training, staying in standard martial arts postures and circulating my energy roughly through the body. I managed to put more pressure on myself and thus triple the effects of my physical training.

It was painful, but I was already used to it, so I just endured it, meditated, and healed myself before I started using Vital Energy.

Before, I talked about adapting and evolving, but what exactly did I do?

I noticed that using my Dantian would be useless; this world does not have the same rules, and as such, there is no such stable natural Dantian; what exists is irregular and full of defects. I did not think about this possibility.

But perhaps because I am descended from tribal barbarians, my vitality is very strong. As I needed a place to store my Internal Energy, I thought, Why not in my heart?

Since there is no Lower Core, we will put everything in the Central Core and as a result, Vitality and Internal Energy have been assimilated... In fact, I find it difficult to call this Internal Energy, I think from today onwards, I will call it Mana, as it is like that in this world!

I assimilated both; it wasn't difficult; in fact, it was extremely easy. My [Superior Magical Body] helped immensely in the process, but that alone wouldn't have been enough, which made me understand that Mana is more neutral than I thought, making it easier to work with.

So as a result, this occurred!

[You have achieved great things through effort and hard work, accomplishing something unthinkable ahead of time!]

[You have acquired the Achievement “Aura”!]


The fusion of Vitality and Mana, an energy both physical and magical, only the strongest warriors who have proven themselves after long battles would be able to get their hands on it, but mysteriously, you created it while only being level 0!

Acquire the [Aura] Skill!

+1 All Attributes!

+1 HP & EP per level!

Curious, I look at my Status:

6 years and 2 of my Attributes have already reached the maximum allowed, I still have more work to do, I won't stop until everything is 20!

Aura (Level 1)

  • Requirements: Level 10 & 1 Point & 100 EP.

  • Use the accumulated “Aura Points” to activate one of the following effects. It is possible to recharge Aura Points, consuming 5 HP and 10 EP. Aura Points have no expiration date!

  • Fortification: For 1 minute, all Strength, Dexterity and Constitution tests will be +2.

  • Protection: For 1 minute, the body will be protected by a layer of energy with 20 points of protection. (The protection disappears if the timer runs out or the protection reaches 0.)

  • Attack: For 1 minute, your weapon will be covered in blue energy, increasing Damage by +1d4+(INT or WIS).

  • At Level 1, only 1 effect at a time!

  • The limit of [Aura Points] is according to the Level (minimum of 1) + Sum of STR, DEX, CONS, and INT Modifiers ÷4!

Aura is very interesting; it is only the most basic level, but it already has effects similar to the Internal Energy of a Martial Arts Master. Only the visual effect appears to be the same, because if we are measuring power, this is not even 1/1000 of what a Martial Arts Master is capable of doing.

Anyway, I acquired a way to protect myself. But I'm curious: how will Elemental assimilation affect this?

So far, I've only been training the basics; without implementing elements such as Fire, Wood, Metal, Electricity, etc., the effects are already incredible, but when I start implementing my knowledge and understanding of the Elements... I can't wait!


PART 3 – Training Results!


4 years later!

In the northern area, a region with large rocks that cover a lot of the vision of anyone trying to look for something or someone in that region, we have a flat and organized area with several rustic bodybuilding tools, and there, a beautiful young woman with dark skin and hair Long was trained.

With your feet together and pointed towards the heavens, your toes stretched out against the hard ground. Skarla was sweating profusely, eyes closed, as she breathed and felt the flow of magical energies resonate with her body and mind.

And inside her body, she was purifying the breathed energy, which accumulated around her heart, surrounding her compact [Aura] there, and creating several layers. All of this is due to a single skill:

Central Core (Special)

  • Note: This is a special ability full of mysteries and infinite potential!

  • When you accumulate 100 days of Energy, it permanently increases by +1 EP!

  • Current Accumulation: 3017 = +30 EP.

Skarla was able to bring the concept of Internal Energy here, but due to the different properties, she had a lot of work to convert and thus separate the concepts of Internal Energy, to just Vitality and Magic.

And the result was that she accumulated more than 3,000 days of Internal Energy, in about 4 years. Unfortunately, the tricks with the Perfect Body Mantra didn't work, or it would be 5~6 times more, but even so, this is an incredible amount and will only increase in the future.

“And training again!” An amused and relaxed voice sounded; Skarla did not respond but made simple gestures indicating that she was listening.

Coming out of some rocks, a beautiful 17-year-old girl, 1.76 meters tall, with a muscular physique and a fierce and proud countenance, Smiling, she sat back. - “When are you going to give up on this? Of course, I know that training helps a lot, but if you don't start focusing on what matters, you will fall behind!” - Talya said, flicking an insect that landed on her shoulder.1-Talya.jpg 

“Don’t bother with me. If you didn’t come to train, don’t bother me!” - Skarla said in a rude tone as she propelled herself, turned in the air, and landed, where Talya clapped her hands.

“Very good. Are you going to become one of those contortionist whores? I hear eastern men love these very flexible young girls. I also heard they love something big in their ass; see, you have both!” - Talya laughed, and Skarla snorted.

"What was it? Normally, you’re more concerned about hunting and staying at your boyfriend's house; what’s the sudden interest in me?” - Skarla asked, rolling her eyes.

“You are already 10 years old; you have to start training, and many men and women in the tribe are willing to help you with this; at least reach Level 2!” - Talya said and added. - “This will benefit you enormously; see, I'm already Level 4, just fucking and hunting!”

“If you focused more on hunting than fucking around, you would be at the same level or even Level 5.” - Said Skarla with a shrug.

“… seriously, are you afraid of dicks? If that's the case, go to the beautiful girls in our tribe. I heard that Jajabi really wants you to be her first; even though she's 10 years old like you, she already has very visible breasts, and her mother is very beautiful. You will certainly inherit those huge breasts, and as you have Orc blood, you will certainly be able to handle it when you grow up." - Talya said, smiling.

“I don’t have time, and... I don’t like children!” - Said Skarla.

"You are a child!" - Talya rolled her eyes and sighed.

“I’m not interested in people my age!” - Skarla reformulated.

“So if I can get a mature, beautiful woman willing to be your first, would you accept?” - Talya asked, smiling.

"No! I'll do it whenever I want! It’s not like going up 1 or 2 levels now is going to change much; in a few more months, I’ll start participating in hunts.” - Said Skarla.

"Fuck! Of all the children in the tribe, because soon my little cousin had to be the damn virgin!” - Talya grunted, then crossed her arms. - “Then how about me? I'm level 4, I'm the prettiest and hottest; let's get this over with; if you're lucky, you'll even go up to level 1!”

Skarla raised an eyebrow, looking at her cousin, then said. - “How about this? I’m going to teach you something I learned—the reason I train so hard. In return, you stop this talk about having sex.”

“…ok, let’s see why you train so much!” - Talya rolled her eyes.

In a few days, Talya's focus stopped being on sex, and she began to be more interested in what Skarla had to teach her—the methods of breathing, feeling magical energy, and finally [Central Core]!

When she acquired the skill, replacing it with one of the ones she used little of, Talya was amazed at its effect, and even though it takes a while, it's still +1 HP and EP every 100 days!

That's not all, because from what her cousin said, this technique accelerates the body's growth in terms of the [Effort] achievement, and Skarla says she believes that in another 2 or 3 years, she will reach Level 3 of the achievement.

When she asked the origin of this, Skarla said that she was just born with this in her mind, so she tried and saw results, and since then she has been training following these rules.

Knowing this, Talya began to spend more time training; she wanted to know more, since who wouldn't want to get stronger?

In this way, Skarla gained her cousin as a training partner.


The days passed, and the time for Skarla to join the hunt arrived. Everyone was skeptical since she was Level 0, but as Talya said she would be fine, everyone accepted.

And her first hunt results were decent; it wasn't spectacular, but it certainly wasn't the efforts of some novice; she had talent!

As the hunts began, Skarla gained EXP, and in a few weeks, she would reach Level 1.

But during that time, Skarla focused her mind on something extremely important: Magical Runes!

Because of [Mana Vision], Skarla, upon entering a state of heightened meditation, was able to enter a world full of magic, where the World Energy tried to communicate in some way, and her last years were spent trying to understand this.

And the result was that the [Magic Runes] that made up this entire magnificent world were the language of energy and how she saw the world. So she understood why her Perfect Body Mantra didn't work—it was simply because she couldn't communicate with the World Energy using otherworldly language and concepts.

Therefore, Skarla sought ways to translate, and through connection through [Mana Vision], she came to discover that she could communicate with the World Energy through gestures.

And from these gestures, try to give meaning to certain Runes, where the World Energy itself would react in a positive or negative way if it was the correct translation.

After many failures and errors, Skarla finally came to develop specific sets of Magical Runes, which he believes to be the perfect translation of some low-level cultivation techniques.

And the result of trying to practice them was the immediate effect!

The World Energy he normally absorbed was neutral, but because of this technique, its effectiveness decreased by about 20%. In return, his Energy was being shaped into something.

Through this success, she naturally stopped and focused on translating, which unfortunately took two long years.

But after these 2 years, many things happened: how to reach level 2

As a result, his HP increased by 23 points, while his EP increased by 27. Currently, his HP is at 54 points and his EP is at 88.

The 2 points acquired went to skills, expanding her limits, especially because in terms of attributes, she was perfectly fine! Since [Effort] has reached Level 3 and resulted in STR, DEX, CONS, and INT reaching the current limit, where your Wisdom is at 17 (+3) and your Charisma is at 19 (+4),

And the points were to expand the skill limits from 4 to 6.

But the best thing is that after these two long years, which flew by for her busy self, she achieved many important achievements!

The first was to translate, with around 80% accuracy, the High Level Cultivation Mantras, where, until now, the Supreme Level Mantras were at most. With 30% accuracy, it will need at least 10 years or sufficient research data from people who have studied Magical Runes for the longest time.

And the technique she decided to use is known as the Thunder Lion Mantra, which shaped the properties of her Aura and Central Core, As a result, unless she didn't want to waste long years of hard work, she will have to practice techniques of the same element in later levels, but it's not a problem; it's just a matter of creating it!

Aura – Electricity (Level 1)

  • Requirements: Level 10 & 1 Point & 100 EP.

  • Use the accumulated “Aura Points” to activate one of the following effects. It is possible to recharge Aura Points, consuming 5 HP and 10 EP. Aura Points have no expiration date!

  • Fortification: For 1 minute, all Strength, Dexterity and Constitution tests will have a +2 bonus & 33% increase in movement speed.

  • Protection: For 1 minute, the body will be protected by a layer of energy with 20 points of protection, where whoever hits it will suffer 1d4 electrical damage. (The protection disappears if the timer runs out or the protection reaches 0.)

  • Attack: For 1 minute, your weapon will be covered in bluish energy, increasing Electrical Damage by +1d6+(INT or WIS), causing Paralysis (to resist, Constitution test, difficulty 16) for 2~4 seconds (if resisting takes only half the effect, if it fails, take the whole thing!).

  • At Level 1, only 1 effect at a time!

  • The limit of [Aura Points] is according to the Level (minimum of 1) + Sum of STR, DEX, CONS, and INT Modifiers ÷4!

Central Core – Thunder Lion Mantra (Special)

  • A powerful and mystical cultivation technique, helping one overcome worldly limits like a beast born from the very lightning in the heavens!

  • When you accumulate 100 days of Energy, it permanently increases by +1 HP and EP!

  • Current Accumulation: 5472 = +54 HP and EP.

  • For every 10 Years of Energy accumulated, the “Base Attributes” will increase by: +2 DEX, +1 WIS, STR, CONS, INT, and CHA. (Exceeds Limit)

The results of the two modified skills... impressive!

The properties are a way to reduce the progress of Energy development, and in return, you receive many benefits, as you can see.

But since Skarla is practicing with a high-level technique and not a low-level one that reduced her Energy growth by almost 1/3, it goes without saying that instead of getting worse, it got better!

In six years, she had accumulated over 12 and a half years worth of energy. Even though there wasn't a surprising jump in recent years, the best benefit truly was the attribute bonus.

But apart from that, only now will she officially start practicing high-level techniques, and it is likely that the effectiveness will increase by at least 50%, ideally 100%, but the techniques are not complex, which makes things difficult.

But for Skarla, it's just the beginning!


Time passed, and soon Skarla was in her 14th year. In her personal training camp, what she was going through at the moment could be considered inhumane.

For years, she cultivated her Core Energy, accumulating it, but she also used the energy channels and constant physical training to strengthen her flesh. It is inefficient; if it were Murim, it would have gone faster, but here it is not, and even it feels like the world is limiting her.

The cracking of bones resounded as Skarla had a face twisted in pain. Blood dripped from her lips. Her fingers, twisting in rigidity, sank into the earth. She started punching the ground, trying to disperse her senses, but the pain was surreal!

And after an indeterminate period, a period that was fueled by long years of incessant practice, she finally achieved something for the External Cultivation Arts. Something that only the most powerful and diligent Martial Artists can achieve:

Diamond Body (Level 1)

  • Requirement: Level 10 & +8 CONS & 200 HP & 1 Point.

  • An indestructible body, forged by martial arts and inhuman processes, which refined the body and mind!

  • Bonuses: +2 STR, DEX, CONS, +1 INT, WIS and CHA. (Exceeds Limit)

  • +4 Bonus on saving throws against disease, poison, drunkenness and more!

  • Become immune to stun & Advantage against knockdown action!

  • +1 damage category in Unarmed Combat.

  • Reduce physical damage taken by your Constitution Modifier.

  • Reduce magical damage taken by your Wisdom Modifier.

[Diamond Body], a famous technique in the Shaolin Temple. In the past, she naturally did not have access to such secret techniques, but she came to acquire techniques with similar effects but much inferior, so by researching and improving, she came to acquire something similar or even superior to the legends.

And so she developed a method where, with 10 or less years of physical training, it is possible to acquire what the monks of the Shaolin Temple take 30~60 years to try to achieve and perhaps die trying!

It's surprising how trying to use science to explain things makes it possible to find so many shortcuts and avoid so many side effects!

It's a shame that she was unable to reach her full potential in her past life, but she will be content with her current life!

In a nearby stream, Skarla was diving, cleaning the dirt from her body, which came from body restructuring.

Looking at her reflection, she touched her soft, brown skin. She is recognized as the most beautiful woman in the tribe, and naturally, she has her reasons.0-Skarla.jpg

She is only 14 years old, but she already has the physique of a mature woman; her height has already reached 1.8 meters, where she is still in the growth phase and is likely to exceed 2 meters in a few years.

She quickly noticed that her physique was more defined, as well as being more flexible.

Smiling, Skarla thought about what to do next. She is already 14 years old, has reached Level 3, and is potentially the strongest woman in her tribe.

Because she hasn't shown any incredible feats yet, she hasn't attracted much attention except for her beauty and hunting skills, but now... she thinks it will be difficult to hide.

Not to mention that there are apparently more Orc movements accumulating more resources; a war is certainly close, but the question that must be asked is: With whom?

Many questions, but due to isolation, few answers!

“Let’s wait for Talya to get a little stronger and also prepare the right supplies and the way to escape; I don’t wish to live here anymore!” - Skarla looked at the skies, having already made her decision.

She has no love for the people of these lands, nor does she want to stay living, fearing that the Orcs will come in groups to recruit soldiers, and one of them will fall in love with her because so far all the men and women in the tribe like her very much, so problems arise.

And she knows that there are formidable enemies above Level 10, whose attributes are limited to 30 points and not 20. They also have access to superior weapons and armor.

In the end, Skarla is at a disadvantage, so she is developing Talya to become stronger; she will be her right hand for what comes next!

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