Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 8: Past and the Monster.

Chapter 8: Past and the Monster.

'Is that a Goblin!!'

Felix hid behind a tree as he stared at the creature that didn't exist on Earth but existed in many fantasy stories including animes and web novels that he read.

The creature before was a short and skinny, slightly hunched-back humanoid figure.

It had green skin, a long nose, pointed ears, a wide mouth, and small sharp fangs coming out of its jaws. Its limbs were thin to the point of showing the outline of its bones.

Felix cautiously looked at the golbin without making a noise and found out that it was using a short blade-like weapon to slash a small animal that looked like a big rabbit.

'Is that monster hunting rabbits?'

He tried asking the system about the monster in a low voice.

"System can you tell me about that thing in front of me?"

[Affirmative. The monster in question is called a Goblin and it is a Rank 1 being.]

"Is that all you can tell to me?"

[Host is advised to find everything out yourself.]

"Well whatever I'll have do it myself"

Felix gave up trying to find out anything from the system.

It seems he could only count on himself in this forsaken world.

'It said it was a Rank 1 monster so that means it could give me 10 skill points.'

Having thought that, he made up his mind to take down the monster because only having more skill points could make him stronger and increase his chance of surviving in this foreign world.

Thinking about fighting the monster, Felix couldn't help but remember how he used to fight against the other kids in his neighborhood.

It all started when he was 11 years old, the kids at the orphanage used to go out to the playground where many children from the area came to play together.

One day, while they were playing games at the playground, a bunch of kids around 11-13 of age started bullying a boy from his orphanage.

Wanting to stop them from doing that, Felix and a few of his friends ran toward them to protect the boy.

He tried making peace between them and stopping them from ever bullying that boy, but the bullies told him to mind his own business or else they'll beat him together with the kid.

A bit annoyed at what the kids were saying he told them that he would complain to their parents for doing this.

But it appeared that they did not like that idea as a kid who looked like their leader furiously punched him in the face.

Holding the face that hurt a bit, something seemed to have made him forget all his reasons as his body trembled out of anger before he started dashing forward beating that guy without stopping, even going as far as pushing him down and raining punches on the kid's face.

His friends and the other kids tried to stop him but it was too late as that boy who Felix was holding under him was already bleeding in his head.

After finally stopping the fight with the intervention of some adults at the scene, the boy was taken to the hospital while Felix was given punishment at the orphanage as even Police officers came to inquire and scold him.

This made him have a bad history because of which he did not get adopted by anyone.

Even the kids at the orphanage started to look at him scared faces, as they were afraid he would come and hit them until they bled.

They were little children, and as kids, they didn't know how to justify a situation or find the real reason for it.

Instead, they just believed what they saw and heard, before acting upon it.

As the rumors of the incident went on, most of the kids started to stay away from Felix, making him a loner, at which point, anime and webnovels were his only escape from the harsh reality. freewebnσvel.cøm

After that incident, for a few years, Felix got into many fights with kids around his age, as even though he didn't like it, words of his actions spread with many coming to him looking for trouble.

Seeing the never ending line of trouble children, students and delinquents that came for him, he didn't shy away and faced them with everything he got, but every time he was stopped by the adults before it went too far.

As it became a daily occurrence, the nuns and the caretakers of the orphanage decided to give him a lengthy consultation for many days telling him that if he got into trouble again then he'll get expelled from the orphanage.

With no other choice, Felix had to stop his violent tendencies of getting into fights and focus on studying to make plans for his future.

Still, feeling bound by the rules and regulations of society that made him hold back his desires, he felt it was suffocating to even live that life.

He felt as if staying in such a peaceful world while getting knocked down by the higher-class people and living a pathetic average life was not something that made him feel satisfied.

That was why when he got the chance to end his life, he did not try resisting, not knowing that his fate had stored something else for him.

Coming back to reality, Felix shook his head off his thoughts and planned on sneaking behind the goblin as the monster had his back towards him.

He removed the knife hanging on his waist and clutched it tightly with both of his hands.

After calming his mind, he considered. freeweɓnovel.cѳm

'I must do it as fast as possible before the goblin notices me'

The surroundings turned silent as the only noise that he could hear was the small growls of the goblin.

He quickly made a plan of stabbing the knife right into its neck to kill the goblin as he concentrated on using the skill 'Silent Steps'.

Upon feeling the change as his presence dropped to increase his stealth, Felix jumped out from behind the tree and rushed at the goblin who was poking the small animal with his short blade.

As he felt the wind pressure blow against his face while he ran, Felix neared the unguarded goblin.

When he reached around one meter away from the creature, he suddenly widened his eyes as the goblin slowly turned around coincidentally.

The monster was dumbfounded and looked surprised at the human that magically stood behind him without his notice.

It seemed as if time stopped for the both of them as they stood there looking into each other eyes.

A pair of beautiful crystal red eyes stared right at another pair of dirty yellow eyes,....before chaos erupted.

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