Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 9: Fight.

Chapter 9: Fight.

'Sorry. I ain't a killer but I need skill points.'

Breaking away from the staring contest with the stupefied goblin, Felix sprang forward using his left leg and slashed the knife right at the poor monster's eyes by swinging his hands.

Finding that a human was already this close without his knowledge, the goblin wanted to retaliate by raising his blade, but the knife was too fast as it slit its eyes from the left side of his huge forehead and came out from the right side.


The monster let out a furious shriek as he felt tremendous pain that almost made him pass out and quickly raised his blade to stab the hateful human. But Felix was faster, soon after slashing the knife he kicked with his leg exactly on the crotch of the furious goblin.


The goblin let out a disgusting growl as he held his aching jewels. But before it could feel any more pain, something sharp entered its chest and made it fall to the ground.

Laying on the floor, the goblin gradually lost consciousness.


[You have killed a being higher than your own rank]

[You have gained 10 skill points]

"Huff! Huff!"

Felix squatted down on the ground breathing for air. It seemed that it was the most his body could do at the moment.

Gazing at the goblin's corpse right beside him, he hesitated a bit before slowly poking its arms with his finger to check whether it was still alive.

'It's still warm.'

The monster had rough skin and it did not feel good touching, so he stopped doing that.

He couldn't bring himself much closer to the corpse to confirm whether it died or not.

'Well the system already gave me the reward but I'm still a bit suspicious of it.'

Deciding to his trust in the system's ability, he smiled as he gained 10 skill points.

"System, show me my status"



[Name: Felix]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 14]

[Sex: Male]

[Mage Cultivation: Rank 0]

[Warrior Cultivation: Rank 0] ƒreewebηoveℓ.com

[Talent: ★★ ]

[State: Bruised with a weak and pathetic body]

[Skills: Silent Steps]

[Skill Points: 10]

As Felix looked at the skill points that went from 0 to 10, he considered what skill he should create this time.

"Hehehe this time I'm not forced to make a skill that means I can create whatever I can."

Imagining lots of different skills from the animes and web novels, he had a stupid grin on his face.

He didn't want to create his second skill while being forced by the situation like the last time.

With the new 10 skill points, he wondered what kind of skill he should try to create, but then something happened.


A loud roar suddenly went throughout the forest as Felix jumped back to his feet putting on a scared expression while gazing around fearfully.

Many birds flew out of the trees and small animals ran away as they appeared to have met their enemy hearing the monster's roar. ƒrē

"Damnit why did I have to jynx myself."

Wanting to cry but also not wanting to waste his time acting stupid, he removed the knife and d it back into the belt as he started thinking.

'That roar was just too powerful. I don't think that monster will be as weak as the goblin, that means running away is the only option.'

Felix did not wait any longer as he activated his skill 'Silent Steps' and ran along with the small animals away from the monster that had yet to show itself. The forest did not have any clear path for him to run, so he had to jump over bushes and tiny plants to not lose his momentum.

Some time later he turned behind to check whether the monster was in his sight.

The monster did not seem to follow him so he relaxed but continued moving forward not wanting to be around any danger.

He only stopped when he found some berries or any fruits on plants to fill his stomach.

Felix walked aimlessly without a specific direction as a few hours went by.

Gradually, the sun started to go down.

Not knowing what time it was, he wondered whether it was going to be dark soon.

"Do I just keep walking? I don't even know where I'm going right now..... sigh."

A bit dejected he kicked a small stone on the ground. Staring at the rolling stone, he followed behind it to kick it again but suddenly stopped surprised.

The stone that he kicked reached a wide path that seemed like a path for traveling.

"Is this a road? But where does it travel to?"

Sadly, there was no one to answer him. He had to either go left or right from there.

'There's no other choice, I'll have to go in any one direction.'

Standing in the middle of the path as he deliberated on which direction to go, Felix found a small stick nearby.

Picking it up, he balanced it between his finger and the ground before letting it go.

The stick stood still for a second and then fell in a random direction.

"And there I shall go..."

Leaving the stick, he took quick steps in that direction as it was starting to get a bit cold and dark.


Felix was still on the road as it became night.

Under the three moonlights, his shadow deepened. Yes, this world had three moons.

Looking at the dark sky adorned with twinkling bright stars and three beautiful moons, he couldn't focus on the road and walked slowly.

'Wow, this is just so amazing. I bet those sky lovers back on earth would get a nose-blood staring at this scene.''


He broke out of his thoughts hearing the pitiful sound his stomach was making.

"Sigh...This again."

Well, it was not the first time this happened but Felix didn't have anything to sate his hunger.

His body was getting tired from all the intense fighting and running and he felt like resting but his hunger did not allow him such luxury.

So he could only limp forward to arrive at whatever was on the other side of the road.

Suddenly he sniffed a faint sweet and aromatic smell that made his tummy tremble with joy.

"W..What is this smell!"

So hungry that he felt it was a dream, Felix hurriedly went toward where the smell was coming from taking quick steps.

He saw that a bit forward on the road, there was a medium sized tent on the right side where a few people were camping out.

They surrounded a bonfire where they were heating some meat jerkies with sauce and vegetables.

"Oh dear, finally something to eat!"

He gulped at the mere sight of it but stopped himself from running over and grabbing them.

'I'll eat that no matter what I have to do.'

Felix suddenly felt motivated as he planned to steal their food, without realizing that something else was lurking in the shadows as it eyed the humans.

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