Sleeping Princess

Ch.19 Two Years Older (6/6)



After everyone finished eating that's when the presents started to be distributed by mom.

“This is a gift from the Watanabe's.”

Mae-chan's mother brought up their gift to me. Despite the occasion, she still wore that stern look as her short bob hair flickered to the side. I was excited to see what they brought but the stares of all the other guests were starting to get to me. With a deep breath and a smack of my cheeks, I pushed forwards.

"Wow, you're so cute, Madoka!"


I unconsciously did something like that in front of everyone. Mari-san cried out causing my stomach to tense up as everyone laughed. This group was driving me crazy because they kept catching sides to me that was improper...

“Thank you, all of you.”

I graciously thank them as I opened the first present of the night. In the long purple box was a beautiful scarf the staple color of violet. The style was from a brand called “Magenta” a popular fashion industry. I immediately knew this wasn’t thought up by Mae-chan which made me giggle. She doesn’t look at fashion too much and not into the latest trends like I am. It was likely from her mother but that didn’t matter in the end. I loved everything about it. I rubbed the scarf on my cheek, feeling its soft and warm, blissful fabric.

“Thank you, guys. I can’t wait to try this with my other clothing.”

This could fit with all kinds of styles is what raced in my head. I made a mental note of the gift as I planned out my return gift properly. As I was awing at the new styles that I could add with this a flash of light blinded me suddenly. I clocked my neck over and caught eyes with that black-haired troublemaker. With her phone in hand, she skillfully captured me in a trance. I wasn't ready and she caught me off guard again.


“Aw, you look adorable Madoka-san.”

“M-Mari-san! Delete that!”

I cried. I didn't know what kind of face I was making but before the world could see I wanted it gone! Gone!

“Send me the pictures, Mari!”

Mom gleefully rushed over. I was being victimized by her teases. When I glanced back over mom held Mari-san’s shoulders. She ogled at the picture as if it was a treasure…and that made my stomach drop. How…much they meant to each other was always being showered in front of me...

No…stop Madoka. Now isn’t the time to worry about this.

I shook my head and brought out a smile…as best as I could.

Mihara-san approached me next as I sat on the couch. She brought out the box from before that was decorated cutely. No doubt, this was Mihara-san’s handiwork.

“Thank you very much, Mihara-san.”

With a harsh nod she coward back to her seat on the wall. Like a turtle, her chin reached down to her neck. Face red, it was kind of cute how all her emotions showed up on her face like a ball of flustered adorableness. Not to let her sacrifice of embarrassment go in vain, I looked down at the box. Inside was nothing short of beautiful. It was a bracelet that matched my hairpiece. The crosspiece that is my signature by this point.

“Oh, I love it.”

I expressed honestly, clipping it around my wrist. The pink ruby in the middle felt as though it twinkled.

“It fits you.”

Mari-san glimmered, looking towards Mihara-san.

“That’s a nice gift, Mihara-san.”

She didn’t look at Mari-san though. All she did was nod but her face was completely red while she did it.

This will match with anything. I can’t wait to try all these new fashion gifts I’m getting.

“Madoka, this is a gift from both Hana and me."

Mom and Hana stepped over with a rolled-up paper. A tad confused I opened the poster revealing nothing short of fantastic. The poster was of one of my beloved STARS. It was cute…super cute. I wanted to run up to my room and put it right on the wall, but mom pushed me back down on the couch. She knew exactly what I wanted to do, rush up to my room, and put yet another poster on the wall. But mom was in full control of the situation and stopped me from abandoning the group.

"Thank you so much you two!"

"Is it your uncle's turn?"

His rough tone barreled in as Uncle approached me. Mom brought over the gift he sent me a while back. Finally what was behind this box was going to be exposed today.

"Before that one Madoka, I have another gift for you first."

Uncle handed me an envelope similar to the ones you get during new Year. The kind that is full of money for the year. I was confused and a tad bewildered all the same.

"Is this from you, Uncle?"

"Actually it's from a coworker of mine. They gave it off to me as a welcome back gift for your niece as they called it. They told me to keep it a secret and you could thank them later."

Mom angled her head now curious too.

"Hm? Is that so?"

Confused, I tilted my head to the side.

“I wasn't expecting this…”

I may have come off as uninterested, or unamused but no…that wasn’t it. I was astonished at what slipped out from this. There were tickets…But not just any ordinary tickets. They were tickets to the STARS concert in late December…a week before Christmas. These were sought out for and the prices were insanely high especially now.

"Oh my god..."

There had to be a ridiculous number of tickets in here. Well over twenty and the price they measure out to had to be at least 10,000yen per ticket. Making this stack at least worth 200,000yen! Who would give a stranger this much? If I told mom and the others how much this is worth right now...



"Is everything okay, honey?"

"Oh, everything is just fine mom! I-I can't wait to go to this concert! Uncle, tell your coworker that I'm extremely grateful!"

A cold sweat went down my back. Something was wrong with this situation.

"Ah...Uncle, who is your coworker?"

Uncle laughed and waved his hand side to side.

"Not to worry, you'll meet them soon enough."

"I will?"

"They invited us to the Hamasaki inn and Onsen."

Mari-san giggled.

"The Hamasaki Inn and Onsen? Ohh, I know who it is then."

"You do Mari-san?"

With a whistle, she clocked her head to the side. That was a tad immature of her and made me want to pull her cheeks for information. But I caved and looked at my last present.

Uncle Ryuji handed me the present I’ve been holding on to for a while now. Now I was able to unravel the gift that’s been a mystery to me for the last month. So, I opened it revealing a wildly bright pink dress. The hems as a pulled it out sparkled with pink petals. At the fringes, was a wonderful decoration. This wasn’t something you could walk around with every day and expect people not to look at your crazily.

“Oh my…Ryuji, is that what I think it is?”

Uncle laughed robustly as he turned to Hana-chan.

“Yours will be done next week little Hana-chan.”

Mae squealed. I was still confused as uncle stood up along with his girlfriend.

“Ayumi, I asked Mary to marry me and would like your daughters to be my flower maids.”

“Oh my! When did this happen?! When is the wedding you two?!”

“In the spring. Ryuji told me to keep it a secret...He proposed to me last week.”

Mary-san leaned back in her seat as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders. But Mom rushed across the table and took her friend in her arms.



"Hey now, Ayumi! Calm down there girl."


I looked at that dress again. The special occasion that this represented now.

Uncle wanted me to be…

“Yes, Madoka, would you and Hana-chan please be the flower girls of my wedding?”

Was this a competition to embarrass me today? Everyone here was so kind. How I loved my family with all my heart.

That's right...

I love this family...don't I?

And I wouldn't want to see them hurt...


“Y-Yes, I will uncle!”

Hana hoped up excitedly. I did the same.

“Me too, uncle!”

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a wedding.

What a wonderful revelation. That Uncle was finally going to settle down. Him being my fathers’ younger brother it was fitting that he’d finally have kids of his own.


After all the commotion settling down, we decided to cut into the cake. When I took my first bite, the fluffiness of the cake whisked me away. The icing was lemony…like her…


I unconsciously spoke.  I thought of myself as a person who can get around the kitchen well…but she exceeds all of us.

“This cake is fantastic.”

Conway squealed. Her mouth hung wide as if this is unbelievable to her but now knowing that Conway comes from a wealthy family, I guess this would throw her for a loop.

“How did you make this make this Koda-san?”

Mari snickered.

“It's just a little something my family used to whip up, nothing much.”

“A little something she calls it.”

There Mari-san goes again with her mysterious behavior. I wonder if she gets a kick out of being inexplicable. By this point, she could have come from Mars for all I know. Or maybe she’s a goddess in the flesh that's bestowing her blessings onto the mortal world? Okay, now I’m getting too off track. In the end…Mari-san’s food is amazing.

“You've really outdone yourself, Mari! Thank you for the meal.”

Mom praised, tilting your head as adorable as a puppy. The look she gives her is one of…love. They truly…love each other…That’s a good thing, Madoka…it’s a good thing...

“Mom, can you teach me how to cook like this?”

For the first time…Hana was interested in food. Out of all the craziness today, that takes the cake…no pun intended.

“Oh, Hana wants to cook? Now isn't that something?”

“Don't tease me, mom.”

Hana leaned back in her seat, thankfully Sora-san was there to comfort her. The Watanabe''s are busy filling themselves up. Well, everyone but her mom. Mrs.Watanabe was slowly picking at her food while sipping her tea. She wasn't eating too much but then I remember she might still be on a diet. The day I went to her place in order to pull Mae-chan out of her room there was little to no doubt that she is still an exercise junky...

“What about you, Madoka-san. How as today?”

“Everything was perfect, Mari-san…”

My lips pursed as I turned to her.

“…Thank you.”

It looked as if her cheeks turned red to my surprise. It was super cute and took hold of the blood in my body. Her eyes widen but then…like always she gained her composure and smiled back.

“No problem.”

She said with a cool demeanor. That’s when I knew…That I had to be stronger…Because of the family I have now...the way we all can chat and enjoy each other's company...Is dangerous to my feelings...



As everyone began to leave one by one, we waved them off. From Mae-chan and her family to the ghost that still slowly haunted us ever so gently. They each bowed and waved goodbye.


But before the shark left, she reached out and tugged my arm.

“Hm, what is it Conchi-san?”

With a slight sigh, she rubbed the back of her head and turned away slightly.

“Could I have a word with you before I leave? Ah...outside?”


We stepped out on the side of the street. An ominous black vehicle sat there causing a chill to go up to my spine.

“What? That’s my ride…don’t worry about it.”

Like a high-ranked boss lady, she remarked as she turned back to me. Maybe she was planning to have me kidnapped? What if men in black suits rushed out and put a bag over my head? I could see Sophia-san being the ringleader of that sort of gang.

“…I get it, Nakagawa-san.”


Her shoulders raised slightly as she nodded to the side. She whispered gently as she looked up at me. The cool November wind took hold of her bangs as she opened her tiny lips.


“I think after tonight of watching you...I get why you’re keeping that secret of yours.”


Her eyes met with mine. They were soft and in an instant, I already knew what she was going to say...

“…You’re in love with Koda Mari-san…aren’t you Madoka-san?”



The air in my body instantly became stagnant as I opened my mouth wide letting that warm air escape. As if all my cells became frozen, I stood there like a stone. Immediately, I went cold as sweat seemingly ran down my back.


“You don’t have to hide it from me…”

“W-why do you say that, Sophia-san?”

With a cross of her arms, she concluded her deduction and turned to the side.

“Because I could see the way you look at her. Let’s be honest Madoka…”

She sighed causing my heart to drop...

“You looked like Linda to me tonight. I’m sure even Mae-chan noticed that…you certainly aren’t the same when you’re around Koda Mari-san.”

I bit down on my teeth. I wonder if she’s the only one who noticed? Now…I’m afraid that all these pent-up emotions could have been discovered by my family. I needed to be careful and I was careless...

“But don’t worry…I understand why you’re keeping this a secret from her...with her mother being close to yours…”

With that, she placed her hand on my head. Despite being smaller she lifted herself on her tiny toes and nodded at me sharply.

“But I can see that you love your family more than your feelings…”


“And that…is admirable, Nakagawa-san….”

“But…there’s more to it, Sophia-san...”

I sighed causing her to approach closer. She didn't know anything behind my feelings and I didn't want her getting the wrong idea.

“It’s a lot to explain right now…but…”

She put a finger up, causing me to stop in an instant.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to pry...I just want you to know that I'm here for you, Madoka-san."

That warmness in my chest flared up. Sophia-san...was in no way judging what she realized today. She's openly being there for me just like a true friend. Sophia-san was nothing short of a true...friend.


“Koda-san seems sweet, Madoka-san.”

“S-She's…that perfect person, Sophia-san.”

"I know, Madoka-san...I know."

I searched her eyes and what they came off as to me was something similar to how someone looks at a wounded pet. It made my stomach churn if I had to be honest. That’s when she held my back. I wasn’t expecting this but she nuzzled her small nose on my breast.





“Family problems are…complicated, aren’t they?"

Her voice was soft as she chanted to me...the pesky tears began to roll across my face.

"Please...just don't become like Linda, Madoka-san....please...."



This reminded me of what she said in the past on the track and field. When she held me from behind and said that family problems are complicated. Knowing how she's being pursued by the sister she loves in a different way...what she said then finally came to light. But now she was aware of my own struggles. Being trapped with feelings for someone I could never have. She released her hands, but I instinctively grabbed hold of her slender waist. I turned to meet a reddened-faced foreigner surprised by my action.

“Thank you…for everything, Sophia-san.”

All she did was give me a subtle smile before nodded softly. Now with that brief moment gone, we parted.

“Have a good night, Nakagawa-san. I’ll see you at school. But for tonight, don’t think about the complicated stuff.”

With that she walked away, getting into the dark car. The windows were tinted so I couldn’t tell if she was waving back at me as she left. My heart throbbed painfully now. I was becoming self-conscious now that someone I didn’t tell about my feelings had figured it out. What if everyone else realized something was off with my behavior towards Mari-san?

“I…need to be careful.”

It’s not that I don’t trust Sophia-san. That isn’t it at all. It’s that I don’t trust my own self to hold this secret. And Sophia-san is right about me…loving my family. As I turned back to the warm home my stomach sank. In the last two years, they made such a wonderful place to call home. But here I am…someone who could shatter that peace. A wolf in a din of wonderful sheep.

“…Come's time to go back inside.”

I convinced myself. Tonight, I had to put away my claws, be thankful for all that they did for me. I’ll need to put the effort to shield these feelings from anyone else who may have a suspicion. I’m lucky that it was only Sophia-san that came to that conclusion…what if it was Hana-chan? What would I do if she asked me the same thing tonight? Or…what if it was mom?

I held my breath as I twisted the warm nob and entered back into my home. These constant feelings of guilt continued to assault me all through the night.

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