Sleeping Princess

Ch.20 Our True Feelings (1/7)


With our bags packed lightly, we loaded our belongings into the back of the car. We were invited to stay at the Hamasaki Inn and Onsen, a popular onsen treatment spot that is quite spendy, to say the least. The establishment is known for its all-natural onsen that springs up a vast amount of minerals. Some even suggested that the fountain of youth might even be hidden within its depths. However, that was a tale found in another random magazine called, "The Seven Myths of Hiroshima Japan." The only reason I know about this was that I stayed up the previous night researching all about it.

"Ayumi, are you ready to go?!"

Mari-san called out from the driver's seat.

"Yes, I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Mom stepped out the door in a one-piece dress with a small coat around it. She pushed her tall legs about as she raced to the other side of the car. Hana-chan and I were already sitting patiently in the back. Now was going to be some time for quality rest and relaxation. Just me and the family I love...enjoying the onsen together. Uncle Ryuji was going to meet us there as he was also invited on my birthday.



“Do you have a change of all your clothing, Hana?”

Her mother questioned before we began to take off.

“Yes, mom! I told you already!”

Annoyed, Hana-chan dragged out the “mom” in her complaint. It was super cute and only made Mari-san giggle as she finally set sail onto the open road.

“Ohh, we haven’t done anything like this as a family! I’m so excited.”

Mom leaped into her seat, snuggling close to her travel bag in hand. I couldn't remember the last time mom and I took a small trip like this. The sensation of riding in the back seat with dad driving captured me. How long ago those days felt now that mom is with...Mari-san and this new family...

“Now Mari…no fighting with Ryuji! He was overwhelmingly kind to convince our boss to give up these coupons! They pay for all the meals and we have access to all the facilities. Everything is paid for so we have nothing to worry about too!”

Mari-san shrugged.

“It’s just rich people doing favors for one another...”

A punch flew across the front seat, whacking the unexpected victim in the chest.


She cried as she rubbed the top of her right breast. I was afraid she’d keel over in the driver’s seat with how forceful mom was. That wouldn't be good if we got into an accident because of them fighting.

“Ah…mom, not when Mari-san is driving us...”

I get anxious seeing them…be romantic with one another but violence was a whole other thing. Mari-san panted sharply before regaining her composure. With a deep sigh, she pulled onto the highway. Today was one of the few instances that we all traveled anywhere together. We were going to be together for two days and that was rare without any of us having work to get done.

My mind began to race as I watched the scenery go by casually.

...Maybe it would be a good chance to ask mom about her feelings during my coma...and what led up to my trauma? I've noticed that mom and I don't have the time together that we used to. She spends most of her time even helping out Uncle Ryuji's girlfriend or hawking over Mari-san. Rarely is she free long enough for us to have a conversation for just the two of us...

“Madoka-san, here!”

Bursting my imaginary bubble, I turned to Hana-chan who pushed an orange object into my mouth.


“Aren’t they good? Sora-chan’s cousins own tangerines at a farm and they canned them. Do you like them?”

I coughed as I rubbed her cheek.

“Don’t feed me so suddenly, Hana-chan.”

“Eh? You don’t like them?”

“N-no…they’re sweet and juicy! I love them...”

With force this time she slammed another into my mouth. I wasn’t getting anywhere with her and pushed her cheeks in defense. But she was relentless and tried to shove more in my mouth. This habit was getting out of control and I had to put an end to it soon else...she'd feed me until I was overweight!

“Mari! Do you see how our babies get along now?”

I heard mom mention with a giggle from the front seat.

“Yeah…they have seriously grown on each other.”

Now taking control of the situation I held both Hana-chan’s arms and face up to her.

“They are good, Hana-chan. Now please…I’m still full of breakfast and you're going to make my stomach hurt!”

“Oh…Sorry Onee-san. Want me to give you more later then?”

I felt that alluring cold sweat stick to my back. But her cute innocence couldn’t be mirrored so I caved and agreed to let my little sister feed me when the time comes...



She beamed as she put the jar away in her bag and pulled out her small gaming device. Now focused on another source of entertainment I did the same. I reached for my phone revealing a small message from a certain shark.

The email read...

[Sorry about the other day.]

Confused, I opened the email revealing a short text.

[I shouldn’t have called you out like that…]

That’s where the messaged ended. By the way things were spelled it felt as if Sophia-san wrote this in a rush. Was she talking about what she found out the other day? Maybe it’s been dwelling on her?

So, I replied…

[About Mari-san? No, it’s okay Sophia-san. I’m not upset.]

That’s when another message instantly came in…

[I’m glad. That is a troubling situation...]

But before I could reply she hit me up again causing me to delete the message I was about to send.

[Anndddd I was worrieeeed I made you upset.@$#$%]

There were spelling errors all over this as if she wrote it in a rush! Or maybe it was something simpler and she was nervous when writing it? That was such a Conway Sophia-san thing to do, and it warmed my chest a little. Despite how crude she is Sophia-san has a soft spot that only shows when others are in need.

[No worries! <3]

I replied with a heart at the end. It was super cute and I hope she'd appreciated it.


“Oh, what are you giggling about, Madoka-san?”

Mari-san latched on to me, causing my chest to throb. Little did she know I was here chatting about her. What would she think if I told her that I was messaging my friend things about...her?


“Stop that Mari! She might be talking with a crush or someone the like!”

Mom concluded. She still must be on cloud nine from hearing that Uncle Ryuji is getting married and is projecting her romantic feelings onto her daughter...

“That’s not it!”

“Oh, hush Madoka. If you met someone while working, it’s normal. Just be sure to tell us all about them and don’t go out with them without us knowing who they are. I’ll have to vet them and make sure they aren’t trying to hurt my Madoka too-”

“S-Stop mom!”

I cried. My mind instantly went back to that over flirty businesswoman…Saitou Risa-san. This caused my cheeks to flare up even more to the point that putting my entire head into a bucket of ice wouldn't be able to calm my raging emotions.

“Onee-san, do you have a boyfriend?”

“N-No, I don’t Hana-chan! Everyone better stop teasing me else…you’ll be sorry!”

I cried with an empty threat causing Mari-san to burst into a laughing fit.

“You better not, Onee-san! I would be so mad that you didn't tell me!”

When I turned to Hana-chan an ice-cold chill spiderwebbed down my spine. What did I do to her to deserve that kind of treatment? But not only that, why would Hana-chan be upset about that if it was true or not? So, instead of entertaining the idea further I crossed my arms and looked out the window. The landscape mirrored a photograph from a professional photographer.

The chaos toned down as we rode in peace. The elevation began to rise as we neared the Hamasaki Inn and Onsen. Uncle Ryuji explained that he’ll be there with his now fiancé to relax too. This gift wasn’t directly from him though…it was actually a welcome back gift from his coworker. I still haven’t met this person, but apparently, their family owns different onsen treatments across all of Japan. Talk about rich and flaunting their money around...

“We should be here in a little over 3 minutes.”

Mari-san announced like a shuttle driver. Mom giddied in anticipation, even Hana-chan was excited too. I’ve only been to a spa when I was young…maybe around four years younger than Hana-chan. Mom and dad took me there as we vacationed. However, it was less of a couple's retreat because I was that child that didn’t want them to leave me with Mae-chan’s family. My spoiledness knew no bounds back then and I always wish that I could go back and change my behaviors.

“There it is!”

Hana-chan shouted, cutting away my daydream and pushing it out of my mind. As we approached a massive building towered like the mountains around. It broke my expectations as its traditional attire rose to the heavens. Flush flowers flourished alongside the gates as a paved walkway to lead the guest to their soon remarkable stay. Around the outside was blooms of spring waterfalls that tenderly wafted its natural waters into the nose of the customers, only amplifying the cost it must be to have access here.


My mouth jawed at all of this. Finally coming to a stop, I opened my door stepping onto the rocky ground. I stood as a mouse in comparison to the palace-like establishment. No doubt this place was for the rich, and I felt a tad humbled now.

“Take all your belonging, Madoka, Hana.”

“Yes, mom!”

We chimed in harmony. Hana-chan pulled out her small backpack from the back seat. With that dedication, she pulled mine out as well and handed it over to me without me having to ask.

“Here Onee-san.”

“Oh, thank you Hana-chan.”

I wrapped it around my back as we all approached the doors. They towered over us reminding us that we’re in a private yet powerful estate. The guest here is usually for reserved so it's pretty much invite-only. Uncle Ryuji's coworker's coupons are worth more money than I'm sure many of us could even imagine. That reminded me also...

In my bag was a pile of leftover concert tickets. I decided to properly return what I'm not going to use. There's no way I could in good conscious keep that much of a present.

“Ah, there you are! Welcome Nakagawa-san, Koda-san!”

A sharply familiar voice captured my chest…

From within the grand establishment, a beauty stepped outside to greet us. My mouth jawed at who it was. The person who bought me all of those STARS tickets...and gave our family the invite to the Hamasaki Inn and Onsen. Her burgundy hair up in a large bun, exposing her lush white neck. On a sunny winter day, she stood tall in a flawless Japanese traditional yukata that amplified her beauty all the more. My heart raced like a jackhammer at the sudden turn of events.


“Ah, Madoka, Hana, let me introduce you to my boss…”

Mari-san waved to her and announced the name I’ve already known.



“Saitou Risa-san.”


We about to see cute girls in beautiful yukatas! (Put a lot of work into making them! So please enjoy the next upcoming chapters!) lol 

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