Sleeping Princess

Ch.20 Our True Feelings (2/7)


“It’s nice to see you again, Saitou-san.”

Hana-chan bowed deeply as she addressed her as stern and pointed as a soldier.



Does that mean Hana-chan knows who Saitou Risa-san is? When did she meet her then? Just who was this enigma that came out of nowhere swaying her figure in front of me? My eyes danced around her gorgeous figure in that sakura pink yukata. The flower design mirrored that of a sunny field.  Before I could react, her sly gaze caught me in a fluster. How I prayed that she didn't catch me gawking at her again.

"She's your boss mom, Mari-san?"

"Madoka, don't be rude! I taught you better than that."

Mom scolded as she whipped her finger my way. My shoulders slumped knowing she was one-hundred percent right. I was being rude so I bowed deeply like Hana-chan.

“Don’t worry Nakagawa-san! Your daughter and I already met recently. I mean, she works at my favorite restaurant now, didn't you know?”

Mari-san rubbed the back of her head.

“Oh yeah, you frequent the Red Roses, don't you? You even brought me there the day after I got hired on. Didn’t think you’d meet Madoka-san there though, Saitou Bucho.”

With a huff, Mari-san continued.

"And no Madoka-san. She’s just my boss now. She used to be Ayumi’s boss too when I first started working at the editorial department."

As if reminiscing of the past, Mari-san looked up at the sky. That's when mom held her hand and continued the story...

"Once we became a couple I had to move departments. Couples aren't allowed to work side by side for professional reasons."

Saitou-san is Mari-san’s boss...but she used to be my mom's boss too?

So, does that mom’s boss has been flirting with me?!

“Why didn’t you tell me you met Saitou Bucho at work, Madoka-san?”

Being accused, I lowered my shoulders even more.

"S-She didn't tell me who she was...Mari-san."

My feet were like stones now. I was too afraid to move from this spot. What if she mentioned that I was staring at her butt to them?! What would they say to me?! Thoughts like those were blaring through my head like a windstorm and nothing could stop there now.

“I should have told you that I knew your mother, Nakagawa-san. But you were on your first day, and I thought it might be more fun if you didn't know."

She giggled so charmingly that I was taken aback. How could something that adorable come from that wolf?

“So…you knew who I was all that time, Saitou-san?”

She nodded cunningly.

“I’ve known you for a lot longer than you remember, Nakagawa Madoka-san. I even visited you in the hospital along with your family a few times.”

Now I was super embarrassed. This woman, Saitou-san from the beginning knew who I was and still played it off as us being strangers? She was on a completely different level of fooling around now. It was almost maddening!

“Ah…it’s nice to see you again then, Saitou-san...”

My shoulders dropped as I admitted defeat.

“Saya, my little sister, is here too. You both can catch up, Nakagawa-san!”

It seemed even her sister was taking a break here with us too. Today went from a super relaxing day at a super-rich onsen to an insanely nerve-racking endeavor.

“Nakagawa Ayumi-san, your brother wanted me to tell you that he’s in the restaurant once you arrived. It's right to the left of the entrance so you can meet him right away.”

“Is that right?”

“Here mom, I’ll take your stuff for you!”

Hana-chan leaped holding onto mom’s bag as if for dear life.

“You’d do that for me, Hana? You’re so sweet.”

Mom pet Hana-chan on the head just like a puppy.

“Go see Uncle Ryuji!”

Hana-chan cried. Even she called Uncle Ryuji...Uncle Ryuji now. Certainly, this flower had integrated into the Nakagawa-san's with ease. She was certainly excited about this family trip. It made me wonder…how many of these occasions did Hana-chan actually get when growing up? With her father passing away so early in her life and Mari-san likely being overworked…I guess she wouldn’t have experienced many “family outings” like these.

“Welcome to my humble abode.”



Now entering in, Saitou Risa-san turned around and clapped her hands.

She stretched her arms out wide amplifying the size of the establishment. With a passion for the old days echoing the estate, my eyes couldn't believe how much it would cost for a night here alone. Saitou-san smiled brightly as she guided us around. The establishment echoed the traditional Japanese rooms with strong yellow wall patterns that mirrored the Edo Period. The strong air of aged aroma took my nose. Needless to say, this place wasn’t for your everyday citizen.

“Thanks for the coupons, Saitou Bucho…"

“Just call me Saitou-san today, Koda-san! I’m not your boss today."


Mari-san backed down. It seemed she was having a bit of trouble trying to be polite. This over concern of hers was extremely adorable to me and it made me want to pat her back for motivation. It must not be often that they see each other outside of work. Now turning back to the boss lady, I couldn’t stop looking at her sway back and forth in that yukata of hers. No guy would be able to resist the temptation to look at her for sure.

“Koda-san, your stepdaughter is a sweet girl.”

My ears perked up like a puppy's as I heard them talk about me. My body tensed up as I ruggedly rushed towards them.

“She’s respectful, kind, and smart too. I enjoyed meeting her again.”

“Again? You said that before but could you elaborate?”

Mari shrugged.

“Saitou-san used to visit you in the hospital every now and then. Her being Ayumi's boss she occasionally would check in to see how she was you were doing.”

Hana-chan nodded.

“Yeah, I remember that mom.”

"And is that how you met Saitou-san, Hana-chan?”

Hana nodded with vigor.

“Yep! She brought treats every time she came up to the hospital. She was super nice to mom and mom.”

So all this time Saitou-san knew who I was but hid it just to tease me? Is that really the only reason why she did that? I thought back to that time at the restaurant where she literally told me that she was indeed attracted to me. Was all that really an elaborate joke?

“This is the lounge. It’s open until 9 PM tonight and tomorrow. Here you can watch TV while relaxing in the folding chairs.”

She giggled as she twirled her body around. It reminded me of a top how elegantly she was.

“They serve drinks and everything is already paid for, Mari-san. So you two can drink away the night if you want!”

Her boss leered with her hand behind her back as Mari-san scratched her cheek.

“Don’t tell Ayumi about that…I don’t want to drag her around because she drank too much.”

She sighed harshly.


A familiar lower-pitched voice echoed from across the hall. There, in a dark purple yukata flourishing with a flower pattern, the sister of this businesswoman Saitou Saya-san walked over. Her long hair bunched up in long braids that split into two now causing them to flap in different directions as she jogged. The clicking of her getas brought me back to the summer days at festivals even though it was the dead of winter right now. She approached with that ominous feel as if darkness was her name. When she finally made it, Saitou Saya-san tattered next to her Onee-san. They seemed extremely close as they nearly joined at the hip with one another.



“Saya-san, I’d like you to meet the Nakagawa-san’s and Koda-san’s.”

Saitou Saya-san bowed to Hana-chan and Mari-san. Of course, we know one another well by this point. Her being as strange as she is…

“Welcome everyone. I remember you Koda-san from the Cultural Festival.”

“Hello, my name’s Koda Hana and I’m Nakagawa Madoka-san's little stepsister.”

"It's nice to meet you. How about I give you a palm reading later, Koda-san?"

I stepped in between them shielding my little sister from being conned.

"No, you don't!"

All Saitou Saya-san did was laugh while holding her stomach. After what felt like quite a while she finally calmed down.

"This is going to be a fun couple of days you two. Well anyway, I have a few purifications I have to finish up in me and my Onee-san's room. See you two later!"

With her arms behind her back, she playfully whisked away down the hall. After a bit of light jogging, she turned to a door and entered in. It seemed as though we all were in the same section of the inn. Saitou Saya-san...She was seriously weird and I needed to protect my little sister from her!

Now with introductions over Risa-san brought us to our room. She had some business to attend to so she waved us off and made her way down the hall.

Hana and I will share a room while mom and Mari-san will share another. With mom looking around with Uncle Ryuji it left the three of us alone for the time being. As Hana-chan and I were unpacking our belongings that black-haired fox entered the room. For a moment she scanned the place. Its somber yellow spirit tone gave a peaceful vibe. A medium-sized table sat in the middle of the room with customary treats in a bowl. To the side a large window captured the life of Hiroshima Japan. Something told me that at night this view will be a sight to behold.

“Are you two about to get dressed in your yukatas?”


As if an explosion went off in my head I grabbed my ears and spun my head.

"I forgot to bring one!"

I cried out as I rolled on the floor. Staying up late and researching the Hamasaki Inn and Onsen I forgot to bring the most important thing...

"Madoka-san, calm down. It's okay."

"No, it's not! How could I be so stupid?"

I punished this idiot named Nakagawa Madoka with a whack on my forehead. Mari-san just giggled and it made me a tad annoyed.

"Come over here with me, Madoka-san. I'll show you something you'd love."

"Eh? What are you talking about, Mari-san?"

Defeated I followed her slender back as we approached a small closet. When she opened it wide a selection of beautiful yukatas flooded out. Colors of all kinds like reds, blues, greens, yellows, white, on and on! She was right...I did love this place. If I could stay somewhere forever it would probably be here because the yukatas were so mature and cute all at the same time!

"I want this one!"

That child in me cried out as I selected a subtle bright cherry one that had flowers from the front that waterfalled to the darker heels. It was super cute and I was feeling a tad adventurous today. This yakata resonated with my heart.

“Oh, that’ll suit you, Onee-san.”

My little sister jumped with vigor.

“Come over here Hana…I’ll put your yakata on for you.”

“Eh…I know how to do it, mom! Remember, you taught me last summer when I went out with Sora-chan.”

Hana complained, standing up to the mother tiger.

"Hana-chan knows how to adjust the sash on her yukata?"

If that was true then Hana-chan has one over me. I’ve always had mom fix the yukata for me so I never…had the chance to actually learn. With how spoiled I used to be I’d run into her room and beg her to help me. That image of little Madoka with tears in her eyes came back to mind. How she begged her mom to fix her yukata so she could go to the summer festival with Mae-chan. Now I reprimand my old self. What am I going to do? Tell Koda-san that this 17-year-old doesn’t know how to properly put on a yukata? I’d die from embarrassment!

“Maaadoooka? Do you know how to properly put on a yakata?”

Mari-san jeered as she approached me slowly.

“Eh?! Of course, I do!”

Any proper Japanese descended should know! I grumbled as I leaned my head to the side.

“There’s no reason to be shy. Mari-san is here to guide you through.”

She teased, patting her lap. This irritated the heck out of me, but I caved. Hana-chan grabbed her dark purple grape one which matched her marvelous hair. She made her way over to the corner of the room and without hesitation, she began adjusting her clothing all on her own like a big girl.

"Hey, there's no reason to be shy about this."

My cheeks were terribly warm now. I worried that if the girl I...loved touched them she'd burn herself. Of course, this wasn't just because I never learned how to properly tie the sash...I didn't want Mari-san to be the one to find that out...that's all.

"I'll come clean with you, Madoka-san."

She whispered in my ear as she wrapped the first part across my chest.

"W-What is it, Mari-san?"

I tried to stay calm as her cheeks rubbed against my neck. They felt as soft as marshmallows. And with her sweet breath trickling over the nape of my neck there were too many stimuli shooting in me to stay calm.

"You told me in the past that you never had the time to learn how to put on a yukata. Hehe..."


I glared at the trickster now who baited me into this. From the get-go, she knew I would need help. Could it be that she asked Hana-chan not for her sake but for mine? Did she want me to get all flustered?! Why...did that make me a little happy despite how mad I should be?

"You're an idiot, Mari-san!"

"Oh, don't call me that. I was just having a little fun. Now you pull this this...”

I followed her instructions as her sweet breath captured my lips. Ever since she gave me this gift my feelings have been even stronger for her…and I am scared I’m going to say the wrong thing. What if she realizes that I have feelings for her as Sophia-san did? Would I never be able to let her hold me like this again?

"Here, I'm going to fix your hair for you too so, hold still for a moment."

"A-Are you sure. I can do that myself, Mari-san."

Without waiting for my acceptance she curled my semi-wavy hair in her fingers. The room began to spin slowly as the realization of Mari-san tenderly combing through my hair took hold of me. As when she occasionally pets my head this sensation was on another level. Her thin nails caressed each strained like a dance between two romantic partners. Everything felt right with the world as she finished up almost instantly.

“Wow, you look remarkable Madoka-san!”

Mari-san eyed her handy work. That’s when she turned me to the mirror on the wall.




What stared back was a proper young lady all buttered up for the onsen. Not only that, my stepmother placed me in a brand new hairstyle that I wasn’t sure about. My ponytail fell to the side leaving the back of my neck clearly exposed.


How did this all make me feel? I knew the answer but my mouth didn't want to speak it out of sheer embarrassment. But I had to push forwards and express what I want her to hear…

“I’m really happy with this style, Mari-san.”

I admitted as I turned back to her. I’ve already breached that barrier before and now I was evading it again. I held her slender body close to mine. Every fiber of my being wanted to hold her close to me. Merge her with me so she'd never think about anyone else but me.

“…Thanks for everything Mari-san. I love…”


My stomach caught the words trying its best to escape. So, I sucked back in that feeling and opened my mouth again…

“I love it!”

Not you Mari-san…but in this case "I love it." I corrected it in my head. She wouldn't even be able to hear my panic but I continued to denounce what I was going to reveal aloud.

"I'm glad you love it Madoka-san. I've always found this hairstyle of yours cute."

" that so?"

Is this the style I should wear from now on then? Would Mari-san give me more attention if I had it on?

"Do you like this Mari-san?"

My eyes felt heavy as I asked an embarrassing question. I turned up to Mari-san to see her face way more red than usual. Could it be…what if she felt embarrassed by my question? Here we sat, our faces closer than they had ever been before. But here I was…so far away from the one I fell in love with.

"What did you ask, Madoka-san?"



No, what was I saying?! I needed to focus and stop thinking like this right now. Luckily I saved my careless words from escaping just moments ago. I had to focus. These two days will be an endurance test. I have to keep my feelings in check until I come to the conclusion of what I want to. If I carelessly confess all my feelings…beg her to tell me about the carnation incident and her feelings for me…

"How is it going over there, Hana?"

Her mother cried earning a head turn from her adorable daughter. I glanced over to Hana-chan who is diligently putting on her yukata. With that innocent smile on her face, she seemed to only have one thing in mind during this trip and that was to have a good time with her family...

But what if I said the wrong thing and...shattered that precious girl's family? Could I live with myself if I destroyed the family Hana-chan so dearly loves? The same family that I've slowly begun to see as my own and love too?

“Well, I need to get on my yukata now. Guess I'll head over to me and Ayumi's room.”

"Oh...okay Mari-san."

Tenderly I spoke up as she made her way to the door. It was strange how my voice suddenly horsed as if I was crying out to her to come back. How I wanted this room to be ours so she didn't have to leave...

As if God sent an angel from heaven there was a knock on the door.

"I got it!"

Hana-chan still partially dressed rushed over to the door, the gown of the yukata flapped in the air as her hadajuban bottom still was not on right, exposing the top of her pure white panties. She looked like a mess but being as diligent as she was the small knight made her way to the door with purpose.

“Hana! Don’t you dare answer that!”

“Eh?! Why mom?!”

Mari-san, like the mother bear she was grabbed her daughter and swung her to the floor. After a slight tussle, the mother bear came out victorious as she put Hana-chan in submission. Now sprawled about on the floor the victor answered the door in her stead. On the other side was no one other than her other half...Mom.

“There you guys are! I was worried sick!”

Mom complained as she made her way inside.

“Oh my…”

She gazed at me as she rushed over to me. With eyes as bright as the diamonds in the sky, she gazed about as her mouth shot open. My mind was in knots over all the sudden attention.

“Your daughter pulls it off well, doesn’t she Ayumi?”

“…I’ve just noticed how much you’ve grown, Madoka. Your daddy would be proud.”

Mom held me in her arms. It was tender, soft, caring…everything that I wasn’t being by loving Mari-san in that way. I…didn’t deserve this kind of love from her…did I?

“You remind me of your grandma actually, Madoka.”

“Of grandma?”

Grandma passed away when I was too young to remember. Mom grew up as a single child, and when she was pregnant with me grandma became sick. When I was two years old she passed away joining her husband of twenty years. I only have small memorabilia about her but apparently, I share her looks.

“Onee-san is amazing, isn’t she mom?!”

Hana shouted from the other side of the room. Now dazzling in her own yukata she shined her own remarkable kind. It was amazing seeing this little flower become a blossom in front of my eyes. 

“Oh, Hana! Let mom fix your hair for you!”

Mom rushed over and began doing what Mari-san just did to me moments ago. It seemed that Mari-san loved messing with my hair and mom loves messing with Hana-chan’s… However, I’m sure Hana-san doesn’t feel all these strange emotions that I do when they touch one another. After around fifteen minutes or so, mom revealed Hana’s new hairstyle. Shaped in a field of braids, her majestic hair flowed like a princess now. I’m easily reminded of how long Hana-chan’s hair is as she walks about the room. It fluffs back and forth as if it has a mind of its own and it’s dancing along a catwalk. Unlike mine that was short and only took a few minutes, my little sister was far longer and took time but it was all worth it.




My chest tensed up. Right now I couldn’t see her as the elementary school kid that I associated her with. While standing in this yukata, I was finally able to associate her as becoming a woman too. It…made my heart throb slightly. It was berry-colored like her hair as I mentioned before. The flower designed mirrored my own but with her small body and hips flowing them out differently than mine she made up her own angelic-like being. She sparkled in this yukata, a cute treasure that I wanted to keep to myself.

“Alright girls, are you going to look around the Hamasaki Inn while your mother and I get ready?"

Mari-san questioned as Hana-chan jumped for joy. Seeing her do this in that mature-looking attire was a truly different sensation.

“If you're going out, don't talk to strangers! Madoka, Hana, if anything happens stay by Ryuji and Mary-san! They're in the restaurant and they will protect you! Oh, and don't-"

“We know, mom!”

We both scream at her this time. However, she didn't back down and continued to ramble on. It took Mari-san to pull her out of the room in order to give us the independence we so sought right now.

“Mom is so overprotective, Onee-san.”

Hana-san shrugged as we both stood in the quiet room for two now. Suddenly, my little sister did something I wasn't ready for. Her small fingers wrapped around my hand.



There we stood in this room alone holding each other's soft hands. If an outsider looked in on us right now, I believe we would look like two creepy statues because neither of us moved a centimeter. I expected her to say something but she just idled there like an NPC in a video game waiting for me to move. A fitting analogy for the game-loving Hana-chan.

“Hana-chan, are you okay?”

“Oh…aren't we going to look around together Onee-san?”

"Yeah, I guess...why did you get so quiet all of a sudden?"

Her cheeks began to heat up like an old iron that one would use for clothing. Those small lumps became bright red as she gandered to the side away of me.

"I was just thinking...this is the first time I'm sharing a room with Onee-san. So, for two days this place will be the home for me and my Onee-san."

I tilted my head a tad curiously. That was quite the way to put it and certainly something only Hana-chan would think of. That's when she turned to me abruptly.

"That means right now we are leaving our home and picking up a few things, right Onee-san?"

"Yeah, I guess so."



The way she made it sound as if we were roommates off at college was super cute. So, I nodded to her as I played along with my little princess. 

"So, this is my date with my Onee-san!"




I giggled. It reminded me of when Mae-chan and I make plans. We usually call them dates, don't we? 

Still holding hands, we stepped out into the hallway.

"Where should we go first, Hana-chan?"

“Oh, before we do anything, can we go look for souvenirs? I promised I bring Sora-chan something back.”

“Oh, yeah let's go see what they have.”

Thus began the search for souvenirs. With my beautiful little sister walking beside me hand in and I had every intention to make sure our small shopping trip would be one for her to remember. That way she can keep that adorable smile as she enjoys her family trip. My feelings should never destroy this wonderful beam on my little sister's face.




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