Sleeping Princess

Ch.23 Better Friends (4/4)



The class was about to start, and I had a few minutes to spare. Taking this chance, I stood in the hallway and took out my phone. Before I made any more decisions, one person had to be addressed. The gatekeeper of my life, my mom.

“Hello, mom?”

“Oh, Madoka, is everything alright?”

I could hear the bustle of work in the background of her phone. It sounded like a war zone, and it worried me. There were people screaming and shouting and when I strained my ears more...a few were crying too.



“Is…e-everything alright there, mom?”

“…Yashiro…ah…Mari’s assigned writer…a popular novelist… is causing an uproar at the office right now with her latest release.”

She sighed agitatedly. Mom sounded far more tired than I’ve ever heard her. I could clearly hear a man scream something along the lines of, “why is the dog back alive?” Whatever the heck that meant.

“A-Are you sure you’re okay there, mom?”

“Right now…Mari is trying to calm the situation. We…might have to stay late today…or even sleep at the office tonight. Ah, do you have work today, sweetie?’

“Oh…no, I’m off tonight. But…that’s why I wanted to talk to you about something…”

I could hear her stretch the side of her cheek.

“Well, you see…Sophia-san, Mae-chan, and Mihara-san were thinking about getting together at her house later this afternoon…"

“Oh…are you going out with your friends?”

“Exams are coming up, and we think it’ll be best if we all started studying.”

“I see. Would it be too much trouble if you take Hana along with you?”

I shook my head from side to side as if she could actually see me do that.

“I was going to text Hana-chan about it after telling you. I think she’d enjoy studying with my friends.”

Mom took a sigh of relief.

“That’s perfect actually. I…hate it when you two are left alone without us for too long.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened, mom.”

Mom groaned.

“Oh…I know, Madoka. You’re growing up, and you have your own things to worry about…I know.”

Mom sounded annoyed as she said this. It made me draw back a little. As if she noticed her crude tone, she gently spoke.

“S-Sorry…It’s been a stressful day. Mari’s been so busy, and…I have my own work to get through. Ah…you girls have fun, alright? And stay’s supposed to storm today.”

Mom tried to piece together the calm motherly self I knew, but she wasn’t able to. It felt like she knew how forced her words sounded as she went on to the next question...

“Ah…how long do you think you might be over there for?”

“Sophia-san said that we’ll get a ride back home.”

“Good. I’ll see you when you get home, sweetheart. If we’re not back by then, don’t wait, and get right to sleep.”

I nodded.

"Okay, mom."

She hung up. 

"When does mom...ever hang up first?"

The pit in my stomach grew as doubt barreled into my stomach.

"I'm just worried...that's all."

All of the strange instances were causing me anxiety. It was simple, mom had a lot of stress at her job. Sadly, the home wasn't any less oppressive for her work. I…felt guilty knowing that I'm the primary cause of her worries right now. But soon…when all of this is behind us, and she’s happy again…truly happy, then everything would be for the best. I had to believe that.

“Ah, I need to text Hana-chan.”

I texted Hana-chan to walk to the high school after class and she replied with a cute [OK]. 

Before I could put it away another text filtered through. It read...

[Can Sora-chan come too? She needs to study for upcoming exams.]

Sora-chan wanted to come too? I haven’t seen her since the cultural festival, and I wouldn’t lie, it might be fun if she was with us too. I was sure Sophia-san wouldn’t mind so I messaged her back.


I concluded as the bell rang, forcing me back into class.



After school, Sophia-san and I walked to the front gates where we planned to meet the group.

“That redhead kid, Hino-san is coming along too? Thankfully Eleanor is bringing her bigger car to get us.”

After a bit of waiting, Mae-chan joined us. With her books in hand, likely all from the work she missed out on, she cutely nuzzled up to me as we waited for the remaining three.


The tiny voice of the middle schooler approached. With Sora-chan in tow, Hana-chan stopped next to Sophia-san and gave everyone a polite wave.


Sora-san rushed me out of nowhere. She buried her head in my chest.



“Still as aggressive as always, aren’t you, Hino-san?”

"Aggressive?! Is that what you think I am, Onee-san?!"

After another tight squeeze, she let go of me and walked back over to her best friend. There they stood together as if they were two pieces of a jewel that shines bright when together. 



Sora-san sported a dark grey puffy jacket that looked a tad heavy but extra warm. With her school-issued sweater and black signature skirt, the redhead was all ready for the upcoming winter months. Looking at the two of them, Hana-chan and Sora-san both seemed a bit more excited about this than I would have ever imagined.

The shark stared at the flower with her arms crossed.

“How are you, kid?”

Sophia-san teased. Hana-chan shrugged indifferently.

“Stop calling me kid.”

Annoyed, she walked over to Mae-chan and stood next to her. Sora-san bounced with her and struck Mae-chan next. There they spun each other around.



I wasn’t sure when they got on first name bases, but it was clear as day that they were happy to see one another. Sophia-san didn't seem to care in the slightest as she switched subjects.

“Hmm…where’s Mihara-san?”

Annoyed, she crossed her arms and tapped her feet impatiently. Now the group of five looked around, but it seemed as though Mihara-san was running late.

Sophia-san’s expression told me that she was ready to rush in, storm the building, and drag her out.

“I’ll go look for her.”

I suggested. She wasn’t answering her phone, and the group was getting a bit anxious. The clouds outside felt as though they were getting heavier too. The last thing we wanted was the storm to pour down on us as we waited for our remaining straggler. 

“Okay, Mado-chan. We’ll call you if she shows up after you leave.”

With momentum pushing me along, I rushed back to the school. Students were flooding the halls as they tried to escape to their freedom.

The first place I was going to check was her classroom. Once I made it there, she wasn’t there. Everyone was pretty much gone, but a couple of girls were chatting away.

“Ah, excuse me…”


They both turned to me as they tilted their heads.

“Ah…have you seen Mihara Yuko-san?”

One of them put a finger to her mouth.

“Hm, I think she was heading to her club to grab a few things. That’s what she mentioned when we asked her to help us clean up.”

“Oh, thank you.”

As I raced off towards the art room, I wondered…how does Mihara-san act in class? Is she still as timid as when she was in middle school and now? Does she have friends in her class? I’m not sure why I was so focused on this lately. Something in me wanted to…know more about Mihara-san, I guess.

As my mind began to flood with that white-haired mouse, I began to wonder the question Hana-chan posed this morning. Why…haven’t we made that transition from calling each other by family names yet? Despite us both clearly wanting to be better friends, we haven’t made that first hurdle yet…

“S-Saya-san…I need to go…”

As I approached the art room, the small voice of the girl in question caused me to wake up.

"One second. I want to finish up this reading! Lately, I've been on a roll, Yuko-chan!!”

From across the hall, I spotted Mihara-san halfway out the door of the club. It looked as though her hand was being tugged towards the voice as the arm of a certain cultist was pulling her back in. She had tears rolling down her eyes, and she seemed to be in a panic as she cried out.

“I’m late, I need to go!”

“Ah, Mihara-san!”

I cried out as I tugged the other side of her hand. Next thing I knew we were in this strange tug of war with Mihara-san as the rope.

“Eh, Nakagawa-san?!”

“What are you doing to Mihara-san, Saya-san?! Are you trying to hurt her?!”

I accused. 



For some reason, instincts took over, and I had to protect her from the clutches of Saya-san. Strangely enough, though, she just smiled and gave me a chuckle.

“Oh, hello Madoka-san. I was just trying out a new ability I learned as I rested yesterday. Mihara-san is perfect for it.”

“I-I told you already... I’m busy today.”

“It’ll only take twenty minutes.”

“B-But I don’t have that much time, Saya-san!”

Unwillingly, Saya-san finally let go, causing Mihara-san to fall into me. I held her tight without losing my balance though. There I held her as I began petting her head.

“There there…the evil woman didn’t get you.”

“Eh?! Why are you treating me like I’m some devil, Madoka-san?”

She pouted. Although I was kidding, that was a unique side to Saya-san. She then turned back to us as I let Mihara-san go.

“Sorry, Saya-san. We’re going to study at Conway Sophia-san’s home, and we’re already running late.”

"Oh…that's fine then. It's just that my readings have been spot on lately, and I wanted to try a few new things out. Guess I'll wait for the other club members to come then."

I tilted my head.

“Shouldn’t you be studying for the exams though?”

“Study? Why would I need to do that?”

Mihara-san sighed as she turned back to me.

“Oh…this will be your first high school exam, isn’t that right, Nakagawa-san?”

Confused, I answered with a slight nod of my head.


Mihara-san put out her arm as if announcing to the world who this “Saya-san” truly is.

“You see… Saya-san…is usually in the top 5 highest scores on exams. She…never studies.”

Saya-san giggled as she put her hands behind her back. That was so charming the way she tilted her head as she did it. It kind of reminded me of Saitou-san’s mannerisms with a younger twist.

“I never studied once in my life. Unlike my sister who has a photographic memory, I pick up on things and never let it go.”

This family was scary. They both were a force to be reckoned with. I slowly confirmed with myself that if I dare to battle against the Saitou’s in any way, I would have a fight ahead of me.

“Lucky you.”

I teased as I pushed my tongue out at her. To my surprise, she lunged back a bit but still had that charming smile that I know her for now.

"Well, if you guys ever need help, just ask me. But today isn't the best day. I wanted to do some work for New Year’s with the club."

She added while twirling around. She was acting strange again, and I worried about her mental state when she got like this.

“Ah…Mihara-san mentioned that earlier. What is it?”

“It’s a surprise for now. Only club members know. So, don’t ask Watanabe-san, or else she’ll be punished for telling you.”

“Fine. Well, we’ll be going now, Saya-san.”

But before I could, Saya-san skipped over to me and took my hand in hers.



“Huh? W-What is it?"

Being this close to her now, her eyes reminded me of cats as they gazed into mine.

“I just wanted to say…thanks for making my sister happy yesterday, Madoka-san!”

An innocent glow resonated from that demonic-like child. Saya-san…looked like an angel.

My mouth jawed as I searched her eyes. They were full of something I could only describe as appreciation. She…absolutely loves seeing her older sister happy. I take it she was talking about me giving Saitou-san my schedule. I noticed she was happy about it, but she tells Saya-san everything, and I mean…everything.

“No…ah…tell Saitou Risa-san that…ah…”

I wanted to get something out after last night. Something I forgot to tell her. I dug down deep in my chest and opened my heart in order to express the feelings pumping through me.

“Please tell her…that she made me happy yesterday. And I’m looking forward to seeing her again.”

“…Sure. I’m sure she’d love to hear those words.”

Before letting me go she closed her eyes.

“I see in your future…”

Annoyed, I tugged away but she blurted out something in my ear.

“That you might get someone’s number soon so you can tell her yourself! ~”

She giggled as she let go. My fingers were trembling…I wasn’t sure if it was out of sheer annoyance or not. Was she saying…Saitou-san wanted to ask me for my number earlier but didn’t? But instead of answering her teasing, I spun around and began walking.

“Come on, Mihara-san.”

It was time to go back to the group, and I put a pep in my step and hurried along.

However, she waited before she lowered her shoulder and followed timidly. As we made our way through the almost emptied hallways, her tender voice spoke up.

“Ah…why do you call Saya-san…Saya-san, Nakagawa-san?”

A question I wasn’t ready for hit me on the back of my head. Could it have been in my face all this time? Maybe she was thinking back to what Hana-chan asked her this morning…

Why do we still call each other by our family names?

Despite knowing each other for such a long time…

But that answer was simple, we just never came to the idea of calling each other by our given names. But probably hearing that I call Saitou Saya-san…just Saya-san may have left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth.

“Well…it turns out that my stepmom…you know, Koda Mari? Well, Saitou Saya-san’s older sister is her boss.”

I began to explain as we walked side by side now. The clouds were turning the cloudy day darker as it made her reddened cheeks glow a soft light pink.

“You see…I figured this out over that short vacation to the onsen. We became acquainted, and Saya-san just figured it’ll be easier if we called one another by given names.”

She shrugged.

“T-That sounds…like something…Saya-san would do.”

She pouted as she continued walking with me.

Even if it did answer her question, I could still feel a bit of hesitation in her voice. Before I knew it, she lagged behind quite a ways.

When I turned back to her, Mihara-san's head was angled to the floor.


“…She sounds like…she’s better friends with you than I am, Nakagawa-san...”

“Better friends?”


She admitted. Mihara-san was honest. We stared at one another before she turned away and put her hand to her side. Mihara-san…was pouting, wasn’t she?

I recalled the day when she ran out of the train after she and Hana-chan had that fight. How at the end of the day she…wanted to only have time with me.

Mihara-san…certainly thinks highly of me, and she might be aching right now, not knowing why we were still so distant from one another. I certainly didn't feel like we were…but in her mind, in her head, we might have been as far apart as two people in different countries. And to have heard me call Saya-san, someone I had just recently met by her given name…

“Well…I wouldn’t say that. Saya-san is nice, but we only decided that out of convenience for one another.”

I shrugged. But she wasn't biting, was she? So…I closed my eyes, put my hand on my chest, and…gathered the sweetest voice I could as I melted my words into sugar.

“You want me to say it…don’t you?”

I teased as I put my hand behind my back.

I could feel my heart pound a tad faster as I let out the sweet-savory sugary words from my lips.






I said it though, no matter how foreign the name sounded to me. Her ash hair flipped behind her as she lifted her eyes to me. Those adorable crimson irises caught my chest as I tilted my head to her.

“We’re going to be late, Yuko-chan. Everyone is getting anxious...”

Again, I added. For some reason, my mind raced back to Mihara-no, Yuko-chan-in that small body I slightly recall. Only her outward appearance had changed. But back in the past…the one I vaguely remember, this girl relied on me. I’ve known her for two years…despite feeling like I’ve only met her recently. She used to visit me often in the hospital too. I wondered how long she’d wanted to call me…Madoka-san for? But out of respect, she'd been distancing herself.


With my arms extended like a mother duck reaching out her wings to her duckling, I called out to her...

“Come on, Yuko-chan.”



I tenderly called out to her like she was a puppy. Thank goodness nobody was around in the halls, or else this would be super embarrassing. Well, maybe I’d still do the same even if it was. Right now…I wanted to show my friend, Mihara Yuko-san, that she was important to me.



Her tall body moved in my direction, before I knew it, she entered my arms and pulled me towards her. I wasn’t expecting that she’d actually do this though.



Out of her tender lips, something I could only describe as nectar came out.

 "I always wanted you to call me by my given name…"

She nuzzled her nose on my shoulder.

“I’m…so happy, I'm so happy.”



Out of her mouth was nothing but pure, unsaturated honesty. Even to the point that it was far too much for me not to call her adorable. As I listened softly to her breathing, a could hear small hiccups coming from her tender lips. Yuko-chan...was crying, wasn't she?

“T-Thank you…Madoka-senpai.”

“Hehe…you don’t have to call me senpai, Yuko-chan.”

She brushed her cheeks against my shoulder.



The tender glow of the clouded afternoon melted a tone of purple in the hallway. There’s no doubt about it…I had to have been blushing right now. Yuko-chan’s large body holding onto me made me feel as though nothing could harm me when I was in her arms. How strange that sounded…I felt protected by this scared but gentle girl. Why was I just now seeing this timid giant in a new light like this?


She blurted that out again. How tender that was on her lips.

“Senpai again, huh?”

I teased. She just looked away. I’m sure her mind was racing. She was super adorable this way, and I couldn’t help but be a little snarky to her.

Here in this normal, nothing special, school hallway, we stood, facing one another. This moment went from a casual one to something that was important between the two of us. Her cheeks flared up as she heard that name echo through my mouth. I don’t know why, but my eyes began looking at her more now. 

Yuko-chan used to be short, probably around Hana-chan’s size. But despite being so tall now, she mirrored that cute outlook. Her body was well endowed, and one might even say mature, but her personality was nothing like that.


It…made me want to protect her, even though it felt as though it should be the other way around. She would make for a great…

Partner, wouldn’t she?

Ah…I understood now why Mari-san might have felt threatened by Yuko-chan. This girl who may not do much but admire me like this…has an air about her that’s captivating in her own right. Could it be that Mari-san took Yuko-chan as a threat to her because of it? I could clearly see…why that might have been the case back then.

Mihara Yuko-chan could easily become special in that way to me…couldn’t she? If this was the way she was...


I...understood how that might have scared Mari-san.



But that was probably me just exploring my sexuality now. Mainly because I needed to let go of these harboring feelings eventually. I told Saitou-san the other night to give me time as I sort my feelings out. This…was certainly me doing just that.

“Let’s get going, Yuko-chan. Sophia-san and Mae-chan are waiting for us.”

“O-Okay, M-Madoka-ch-chan.”

I believe this was something that was a long time coming. How we should have been doing this a while ago now. But that didn’t matter in the end. Now, she and I breached a new level in our relationship with one another. Now I can honestly say she’s my friend and have little distance between my words and actions.

This was yet another step I took to start expressing myself more clearly: Understanding the pains and wants of others so I can better help them. Just like with Mihara Yuko-chan…or in this case and from now on, Yuko-chan.



"About time. Where the heck were you two?"

The shark lashed out, biting at the two of us. And for good reason, the rain was beginning to start, meaning the storm was over us now.

“Sorry, Saya-san had to speak with Yuko-chan about some things."

I just said it without thinking. Hana-chan’s eyes went wide as she heard me say it. Immediately, I realized how much I might have screwed up at this moment.


Hana-chan parroted.

“Ohhh, when did you start calling Mihara-san by her given name, Mado-chan? Did something happen?! Did she show you the picture?!”


Yuko-chan cried with tears in her eyes as Mae latched on my words like a leech to blood. She circled around Yuko-chan who began to panic visibly.

“S-Stop, Watanabe-san!”

She hid behind me now. This was a mess because I wasn’t able to properly hide her from Mae-chan. They…both were taller than me.

“Mae-chan, if you don’t stop messing with Yuko-chan, I’m going to hit you.”

Now I really was her protector. How strange this situation was to me. Even Sora-chan was showing signs of wanting to jump into the fray. Thankfully, Hana-chan held her back.


“Ah, are you the girls who are coming over today?”

A stranger’s voice came into our group. Standing there was a woman with lush vibrant pink hair and clear blue eyes. She wore a white gym jacket with a dark shirt. With her hair pulled to the back, she approached us as it swung from side to side. In the windy storm, a new face added an air of mystery to our first encounter. 

Sophia-san walked over and held out her hand to introduce her to the group.

“Everyone, this is my parental guardian, Simpson Eleanor.”






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