Sleeping Princess

Ch.24 A Night to Remember (1/5)



“Oh, so you’re the Simpson Eleanor-san I heard about?”

I asked while bowing slightly to her. She leaned her head to the side and put a finger to her mouth.

“Oh, you do know about me already…?”

Like lightning shot down from heaven, my body jolted as I realized how I might have messed up. Sophia-san mentioned her in passing, but it was Taylor-sensei who told me that she was her ex-boyfriend's little sister. To pass it off, I smiled as best as I could.

“Sohpia-san mentioned you occasionally.”

However, Simpson-san lowered her gaze and looked at me a tad suspiciously. Like a Naichō agent, she scanned me up and down, picking me apart piece by piece.

“Is that right?”

Annoyed, Sophia-san cut in between us.

“I do tell people about you, Eleanor. Now…let me introduce everyone to you.”

As we stood outside the oppressive weather began to make the sky turn darker.

“This is Nakagawa Madoka, her stepsister Koda Hana. The redhead with the spunky personality is her best friend, Hino Sora-san. The blue-haired idiot is my good friend, Watanabe Mae, and Mihara Yuko is the tall one over there.”

As if proud of herself, Sophia-san crossed her arms and nodded with a satisfied smile. I wanted to pet her on the head and say “good job,” but I’m sure she’d hate me with a passion for it.

“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. Thank you for taking care of my Sophia while she’s at school. Like Sophia mentioned, I’m her parental guardian while she’s in Japan. My name is Simpson Eleanor.”

Mae-chan bowed. She had a bit of a cuteness in her words as she smiled slightly.

“The pleasure is ours, Simpson-san.”

Before the floodgates of rain could unleash from the sky, Simpson-san led us to the car. Luckily, the back was larger than I expected. Sophia-san did mention that she was bringing her “larger vehicle” to pick us up though.

“Now if you will, please. Ah…Mihara-san, would you mind sitting in the passenger seat instead of the two back sections?”


Yuko-chan’s eyes perked up. Sadly, I don’t think she realized that it would be far more cramped back there if she’s in the back seat with the rest of us. It might be best if she stayed in the front because she’s so tall and there’s more legroom.

“O-Oh…it’s because I’m…big, isn’t it?”

Dejectedly, she looked back at me as if pleading with me to stay with her. I wanted to hold her in my arms and let her sit next to me, but now wasn’t the time for it. That didn’t stop her puppy dog eyes from tearing at my soul though.

“It’s for the best, Yuko-chan.”

I encouraged her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll sit next to Mado-chan for you!”

Mae suggested, latching onto my arm. She playfully escorted me to the car door. I wouldn’t lie, she felt as though she was an overly touchy drunk hooking to me.

“How should we approach this?”

Sora-san questioned. There were five of us. Two middle seats and in the backroom enough for three people. So actually, it was perfect. Sophia-san crossed her arms and declared…

“I don’t want to sit in the back with the kids.”

Hana-chan put her hands on her hips now.

“Are you serious right now, Conway-san?”

“I’m sitting in the middle towards the window.”

And she did just that, entered the car before everyone else, and made herself a throne towards the window.

“I’ll sit next to her, that way I can be next to Yuko-chan.”

I suggested, turning back to everyone else.

“Ma-chan, do you mind being in the back with Hana-chan and Sora-san?”

Sora-san leaped up.

“Oh, let me be in the middle so I can get snuggly warm!”

Hana-chan went in first and sat next to the window. Excitedly, Sora-san plopped down in the middle and Mae-chan took the seat closest to the door.

As requested by our driver, Yuko-chan was timidly in the passenger seat.

“Is everyone ready?”

The gentlewoman questioned as she looked back at us.



“Yes, ma’am.”

Hana-chan and I chimed. Sora-san nudged the shark by poking her from behind as she asked excitedly.

“I’ve never been to your place, Conway-san. What’s it like?”

“Ah…it’s nothing special. I-I do have a request when you guys step into my room though.”

She sighed, dejectedly.

“I-I didn’t have time to straighten up everything because I of course didn’t know this was going to be a thing…so don’t be surprised if it’s a bit messy.”

Mae chuckled.

“Don’t worry, Mado-chan will clean up your room.”

Hana-chan nodded in agreement.

“That’s right, Onee-chan has that covered.”

Sora-san leaped up and poked my back next. This was going to be a thing, wasn’t it?

“Oh, are you a neat freak, Onee-san?!”

Annoyed, I crossed my arms.

“Not you too, Sora-san! Listen, guys, I’m not a neat freak!”

Finally, our driver took off as we rode on the main streets. I knew from chatting with Sophia-san that she doesn’t live too far away from the school. Occasionally, her and Mae-chan would go the same direction as we parted ways. So, I expect this to be a short ride. However, with the weather turning bad, Simpson-san was taking her time as she drove around.

“So, how did you all meet Sophia?”

The driver questioned as she turned the corner. Mae-chan was the first to jump up in the conversation.

“Sophia-san and I met around the beginning of this year. Then I introduced her to Madoka-chan.”

“Yeah…that’s what happened.”

I nodded in agreement.

“Yeah…just like that.

Standoffish, Sophia-san admitted. I take it she didn’t want to go into the fact that she forced Mae-chan to wash her clothing, or that she nearly pushed my teeth down my throat with her fist. Just thinking about that day made me wonder…what would have happened if she did punch my lights out? Would we be as close as we are now?

“Oh, that’s nice.”

“I met Sophia-san outside of the train station. Then we all went to the arcade together and played some games. It was a fun day.”

I reminisced about that day. It was fun and was the first time I went out after my coma. Mom was apprehensive about it and for good reason.

Next, Hana-chan perked up as she pushed her small body forward.

“Me and Sora-chan met Conway-san during the Cultural Festival.”

She turned back to the shark whose face was starting to show a slight tint of red. However, Hana-chan wasn’t able to see this from behind her. It was a show only for me right now.

“Sophia-san’s…really good at video games. She taught me a few things.”

“Okay…okay, you don’t have to say that, kid.”

Sora-san poked her on the side from behind.

“Aww, are you getting embarrassed now, Conway-san?”

“You kids…”

With a blush, she turned to the side. Frustrated I take it, she buried her gaze to her thighs. It was super adorable. Sophia-san was super adorable right now!

“What about Mihara-san? How did you meet Sophia?”

“Why do you have to ask everyone, Eleanor?!”

The ball of embarrassment exploded as she lashed out, but her guardian seemed to ignore her as she pried for information.

“O-Oh…ah…we-we met during the Cultural Festival too.”

She finally got it out. Luckily for her, I was just a reach away as I tenderly patted her head. Surprised, Yuko-chan looked back at me with a soft smile.

“Mihara-san, how old are you? Are you a 3rd-year?”

“Oh…ah…I’m 16…I turn 17 soon.”

“Wow, you’re taller than I am at your age. It must be something standing beside Sophia…”

Nodding fiercely, Yuko-chan continued.

“C-Conway-san is…actually really nice…and…ah…she let me be her…p-partner in gym class.”



As I watched her talk, she was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. But what she pushed out next was nothing short of adorable…

“C-Conway-san…helped me become better friends with…M-Madoka-chan.”

As if a nuke unleashed in the car, the dirty blond began shaking about causing everyone in the back seat to stare at her in astonishment. Me being right next to her, I could feel her shoulder pound mine relentlessly.

“Oh god, please stop!”



The girl cried out, face as red as a beet. Steam was blowing from her head. Clearly, she wasn’t angry…she was just honestly embarrassed. This side to Sophia-san was one I was happy to experience.

“You don’t need to say all of that, Mihara-san! You really didn’t have to go that far!”

We both caught eyes with each other. It appeared as though Sophia-san gave Yuko-chan that push she needed to try and be better friends with me. Who would have thought?

Everyone began laughing, even Hana-chan and Sora-san held their stomachs. Seeing this honest side to Sophia must have caused it. I think we all knew we were teasing our friend by this point.

Looking at the group of us here, what’s the odds that we’d all meet like this? Hana-chan and I were a special case for sure with Mari-san being with my mom. Hana-chan told me about how Sora-san stood up for her in elementary school and how they are best friends because of it.

Mae-chan and I shared a bond that’s lasted into our teenage years. Yuko-chan crossed my path in middle school and was right there when I woke up. Sophia-san, someone from another side of the world, landed here in Hiroshima, Japan, and met us. We all might not be on the same level of friendship, but I don’t think any of us could deny that we are friends.

“Sorry, Sophia. I just wanted to get to know your friends, that’s all.”

It seemed that Simpson-san was something like a mother to Sophia-san. However, knowing that she is one of the main reasons why Taylor-sensei isn’t allowed to see Sophia-san put me on a different level. It honestly sounded to me as if she was looking for a link between us and…a certain professor at our school.

“Ah, Simpson-san.”

I spoke up.

“Oh, what is it, Nakagawa-san?”

“Ah…how do you know Sophia-san?”

She giggled as she looked at me in the rearview mirror. Those beautiful sapphire eyes gazed at me.

“Well, as you know already, I’m her parental guardian for the time being. I grew up with Sophia for the most part.”

“You grew up together?”

“That’s right. Her older sister and I, who you might have met already, were good friends in school. You know, your school nurse? Their father gave me this opportunity, and I took it with the utmost happiness.”

Her tone was nothing short of delighted, sincere even.

“Sophia had always been like family to me.”

Simpson-san confessed.

“That’s sweet.”

I expressed, still watching Sophia-san pout like a kid all tuckered out.

Mae-chan pushed her body off the seat and looked at Simpson-san.

“I’ve been wondering for a while now, when did you two learn how to speak Japanese, Sophia-san, Simpson-san?”

Mae caught on to my own train of thought and asked first. Sophia lifted her shoulders, turned towards the back seat and responded instead.

“My parent's business trades in Japan, America, and, occasionally, China. I don’t know Chinese as much as I know Japanese, but eventually, I’ll have to learn that too.”

Simpson-san nodded as she made a turn around the corner.

“I’m fluent in Chinese as well. Her father put me through the same extra schooling as Sophia. I think he’d always believed that I’d stick by her.”

Hana-chan pointed to the shark. That was a little rude of her to do that, but I let it pass.

“So, you really are from a rich family?”

“That’s right. That’s the reason why I had Madoka-san give you that manga. I didn’t need it in the end.”

She chuckled. Hana-chan flared up as she tussled back and forth. Sora-san reached next to her and settled her down now.

“Then you should be the one paying for all the meals from now on!”



The flower screamed in frustration.

Sophia-san didn’t respond; she just laughed it off and turned to the side. I think she enjoyed teasing Hana-chan more than I could ever imagine. She acts one way, but Sophia is actually a kind person who seems to like children younger than her. The way she taught Hana-chan and Sora-san how to play that game on my birthday showed me that the crude, mean, and sometimes threatening Conway Sophia-san…likes kids.


I blurted it out. It’s been a while since I’d done something like that. Sadly, it was too late as Sophia-san spun to me and remarked.

“Y-You think everything is cute, Madoka-san!”

Sophia-san grinned, playfully at me.

“I don’t think everything is cute, Conchi-chan!”

I poked her adorable nose, earning a bite towards my finger. Luckily I whisked it away before she could take it from me.

Mae-chan interjected in the fight between us.

“Yes, you do think everything is cute, Mado-chan.”



“Mae, you’re supposed to be on my side!”

I attempted to reach back and tug her cheeks like I’ve been doing more and more often lately, but I couldn’t. She was sitting at an odd angle, and it would have looked ridiculous if I tried. Silently, I swore I’d get revenge on Ma-chan!

The weather outside was growing fiercer now as the wind started picking up.

“Looks like the storms are about to begin…”

Simpson mentioned. We all seemed to silently agree as the conversation began to die out.

“Thanks for taking good care of my Sophia while she’s at school guys. I can’t express my gratitude enough.”

“Shut up, Eleanor.”

These two seemed close. I know that Sophia doesn’t like being in Japan, but I’m glad she’s with someone who seems to really like her. Just knowing this put a smile on my face.

“We’re approaching our home. Get prepared to get out, everyone.”

At that, our chauffeur rolled up to a modest-sized home. The garden was well trimmed, iron gates rose around it in a European style. There was a fountain that wasn’t too large, flowing beautiful water that trickled along the fence line. Even though it was winter and probably isn’t the most opportune time to have this, it fits with the environment.

Once we all stepped out of the car, Sophia-san crossed her arms.

“We got here a little later than I would have hoped.”

Sophia-san rubbed the back of her head slightly annoyed.

“Yeah, we’re going to have to make the most of our time.”

I agreed. Simpson-san and Yuko-chan got out last. After locking the door, a cry from the sky caused us all to jump. I doubted that we had much time before the rain assaulted us. The wind was so strong that our school ties were flapping about relentlessly.

“Hm…if it gets too bad out here, Sophia-san, you all might have to turn your study session into a sleepover. That’s if everyone is okay with that.”

Sophia-san scratched her head.

“That wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Classes aren’t required tomorrow so none of us have to get up and go to school.”

The red head jumped up in excitement.

“Are you for real?! We can have a sleepover here?!”

It sounded like Sora-chan loved sleepovers. But there was one fundamental problem with that…none of us were prepared for something like that. We didn’t have a change of clothing either.

Mae-chan held Sora-chan’s shoulder. Usually, it’s me having to calm her down so this was a sight to behold.

“Oh, that would be so fun! But…we don’t have a change of clothing or anything like that. It would be an inconvenience to you, Simpson-san.”

Sophia shrugged.

“It’s not that big of a deal.”

We turned to the shorty with one hand on her hip.

“If everyone is okay with it, that’s fine. My mother owns a clothing line, so we have plenty of spare clothes of all different sizes in the basement, not only for Eleanor and me.”

Sophia-san and Taylor-sensei’s parents owned a fashion line? That made my heart leap for joy. I wanted to know the brand they owned so badly, but Hana-chan was the first to jump on this.

“You have games…right, Conway-san?”

That’s what Hana-chan was wondering about? Wasn’t she here to study with us first? Without getting her answer yet, the flower tugged on my shirt. I already knew where she was going with this, but I heard her out anyway.

“Ah…do you think mom and mom would be upset if we changed plans, Onee-chan?”

“I can explain it to them, Hana-chan. With how bad it’s about to get out here, I doubt they’d be upset too.”

Her eyes lit up a bit. I think a small getaway from home would do us both some good. Right now, we were both having a hard time, and a break from it all might strengthen us more than we could imagine. I held my little sister’s shoulder and pulled her closer to me.

“Would you like to stay the night at Sophia-san’s house, Hana-chan?”

The corner of her lips raised.

“I would like to…if that’s okay, Sophia-san.”

Sophia smiled as she turned to the last person in question.

“What about you, Mihara-san?”

My heart pounded as I noticed Yuko-chan’s innocent gaze. Slightly pink-faced, she timidly spoke up.

“I get to have a sleepover with…Madoka-chan?”

She said this out loud. I’m not sure if she even knew as her face began to go completely red. I was sure I was starting to turn a different shade of pink too. Things like this aren’t good for my heart.

Suddenly, as if noticing the stares of our group at her, Yuko-chan bounced up.

“Oh…ah…m-my parents won’t mind…as long as I told them what I was doing…”

In a panic, she shook her body like no tomorrow now. Yuko-chan needed to stop being so adorable!

“Yes, you can have a sleepover with your dearest Madoka-senpai.”

Sophia-san teased with a giggle. How this made me want to bonk her on the head for messing with Yuko-chan. But knowing her, she’d probably come back at me with something less cute. Like a fist to the face…

“Maybe you can show Madoka-chan the drawing from earlier too, Mihara-san?!”

“Eeeeeeeh, I-I told you not to talk about that, W-Watanabe-san! S-Stop mentioning it!”

“Okay, everyone. Let’s get inside before the weather worsens.”

Simpson-san clapped her hands, drawing in our attention. With that, we all made our way through the European-styled gates. The air of aristocracy stood tall even though the home was actually quite respectable. Once she opened the door, we all began filtering in.



Before I went inside, my phone’s message tone caught my attention.

“Oh…it’s from…”

I stopped myself before mentioning her name. It was my partner, Taylor-sensei.

[I can’t wait for tonight!]

Her message screamed with excitement. That’s when the rain finally began to descend upon us just as we made our way inside. I decided that I had a few goals for this evening.



Firstly, to get a lot of studying done. That was the main purpose of this. I didn’t want any of my friends to fall behind so, I would have to do my best to make sure we all got as much done as possible tonight and likely tomorrow too.

Secondly, to give my partner, Taylor Linda-san, a lot of alone time with the person she loves.

With those goals guiding my resolve, I was the last to walk inside and shut the door behind us.


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