Sleeping Princess

Ch.41 – Alongside You (4/5)


“It’s good to see you, Auburn-san.”

Risa-san seemed to be thrown off as she saw the both of us here at the doorstep. She regained her composure as she allowed us inside, though.

As charismatic as always, she brought my auntie to the side.




“How have you been, Auburn-san?”

“I’ve been fine. Ryuji is still overseas, and Madoka-san decided to stay with me for a while.”

Mary-san brought her arm behind her back and looked around.

“I won’t be staying for long, I have errands to run, but I just wanted to drop off my niece and give you a warm smile."

“Oh, that’s too bad. I could have made you some tea.”

Risa-san said as she shrugged, although something in me told me that was a lie. I… think the boss lady was beyond glad that Mary-san wasn’t staying for tea. It was then I was tugged by Saya-san.

“Madoka-san, follow me! Follow me!”

The devil dragged me along with her up the broad steps. I wasn't sure where we were going, but I didn't have the energy to resist her either.

“Have fun, Madoka-san!”

Mary-san cried out as they continued their conversation. When I reached the top of the steps, Saya-san brought me into the room nearby.

"We can hide in here until they're done chatting. Then when the coast is clear, you can go back out and be with Onee-chan!”

Saya-san clapped as she marveled at her own plan. After her applause session, she turned around and opened the door to her room, revealing something I… kind of expected.

Her room was full of dark posters of witches and warlocks. There were banners strung about from one end to the other. They had spells written on them. She even had little trinkets along the walls here and there such as dream catchers. If I recall correctly, dream catchers are made to protect people from bad dreams. Yet another superstitious thing that I associated with the ever superstitious Saya-san.

“Welcome to my humble abode.”

“Thank you for having me.”

I looked around and realized something…

Saya-san’s room was full of all kinds of strange things, but her room had to be one of the most organized that I've seen since I woke up from my coma. All of my friend's rooms, Hana-chan’s included, left something to be desired in the clean department. But to my surprise, everything was well organized, and that felt outside of the quirky character that is Saya-san. It went to show me that looks are deceiving.

“Hm, what’s this?”

I walked over to a mini toy on the counter. It was like a small box that was bright purple and appealing to the eye.

“That’s pandora’s box. If you open it, it’ll release all kinds of unspeakable evils!”

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Saya-san stone-faced. I think she truly believed what she said. Curiously, I reached for it when her hand tapped the top of mine as she gently slapped it away.

“Are you trying to kill us all, Madoka-san?!”

“No, I’m curious.”

I answered, as serious as her. It was odd that we both could be clear-minded when one is delusional and the other is practical. However, to be a proper guest, I brought my hand away from Pandora's box so we could all live another day.

"Well, since we're alone…."

Saya-san took my hand, swung me around, and before I knew it, my back hit her bed. In an instant, she was on top of me, holding me down as she grasped my palms.



“W-What are you doing, Saya-san?!”

Confused, I struggled to get away from her.

“Madoka-san… you are the prophet that I’ve been waiting for!”

I was squirming as she brought her face closer to me. I was sure that she was going to grow fangs from her teeth and bite me, turning me into a vampire alongside her. The idea of us being immortal and having to feast on others for blood raced through my mind.

“Don’t bite me!”

I pleaded. I didn't want to be a vampire. I liked being an ordinary high school girl, and the thought of my life-changing suddenly was causing me anxiety.

“Oh, you don’t want to be bitten? Well, okay then.”

She nonchalantly said as she squeezed her grip on my palms. I wasn't sure if she was joking, but as casually as she took that, it made me shudder at the thought that she might have thought about it.

“Ah… why are you holding me down, Saya-san?”

We were in a very compromising position, and the last thing I wanted was Risa-san to come in and joke about it for the rest of the day. Saya-san didn’t relent though as she pushed me down, deeper into her sheets.

“You… will be the one who makes my meals that much better, Madoka-san!”



Her butt slammed on top of my stomach as she sat there, looking at me. She let go of my palms and placed her hands on my sides. Her fingers rubbed on my hips gently. This was an even more compromising position, and it showed me that Saya-san just didn’t care.

“Listen… I’ve eaten my sister's bad meals for as long as I can remember. I have an iron stomach by this point, so I don't throw them up anymore!"

She looked behind her as if someone was there. I take it she was making sure her sister didn’t burst in, catching her sprouting the truth of Risa-san’s cooking.

“Madoka-san… promise me you’ll teach my sister. I don’t have the heart to do it!”

She gazed back at me with fire in her eyes. That's when she began bouncing up and down on me. This excitement caused the air in my stomach to push from my mouth. My gut started to hurt as she continued this motion.

“Get off me…Saya-san.”

I forcefully pushed her to the side, but all she did was giggle. There I lay next to her as she had her eyes closed, chuckling at my reaction.

“You’d make a fun sister-in-law.”

"Oh, hush."

I pushed her shoulder as we gazed into each other’s eyes.

“I’ll do my best to help her learn… without showing her that I’m trying to teach her how to learn.”

This was going to be complicated. Risa-san cooks from the heart. Her passion cannot be mirrored, and I didn't want her to get demotivated if I scolded her for all the wrong things she's been doing. I wanted us to have fun, that was my main goal today. It's the least I could do for everything she did for my friends and me earlier.

Risa-san gave me the tickets to make Sophia-san’s and Taylor-sensei's events possible. The least I could do was show my appreciation for everything she did by having a fun time with her today.

"I read in your future…."

Before I could react, Saya-san skillfully grabbed my palm and began giving me a shady reading.


I tried to pull away, but she gazed into my eyes and pulled my hand closer to her.

“That you’ll see something amazing today.”

"That's vague. Anything could be "amazing," and that would fulfill your prophecy."

I complained as I tried to pull away. But Saya-san wouldn't let go as she tugged on my hand more.

"You need to believe more, Madoka-san. We are surrounded by good spirits today that only want the best for us. There's even one wrapping its arm around your back right now."

I felt something touch my shoulder, and it caused me to scream from the top of my lungs. Something was going to take me away, spirit me away like in those horror movies.

“Got you!”

Risa-san said as she pushed her body against my back. Saya-san giggled hysterically as I was pinned between the two sisters.



"D-Don't do that, you two!"

“I just had to!”

Risa-san excitedly said as she squeezed my shoulder. We all sat up on Saya-san’s bed.

“Are we going to cook, Madoka-san?”

With her hand on her cheek, Risa-san asked as her eyes shined like a child in a toy store. Saya-san kicked off her bed, put her arms behind her back, and tilted her head.

“You two have fun!”

She said as she backed up.

“Where are you going, Saya-san?”

“I have to go release the curse I put on Saki-san earlier yesterday. She had a nightmare about me dating a 1st year or something.”

With both hands reaching to the heavens, she confessed.

“So, I’m going to release her nightmare curse and chalk this spell up to be a grand success! I can now curse people with nightmares of my choosing!”

Takade-san might just be trying to tell her to notice her more. But before I could tell Saya-san that, she rushed out of her room and ran down the steps. After a moment, I heard the front door open and shut, signaling that she was gone.

“I don’t want to get nasty with you on my sister’s bed. Want me to show you my room, Madoka-san?”

“Huh? S-Shut up.”

Risa-san giggled as I pushed her shoulder.

My body went warm as I realized that I was in the lion's den with nobody to stop her. Gently, she guided me out of the room as I fell into a daze. We entered her room, and I noticed the white walls from her picture. Unlike her sister's room which was noticeably child-like in comparison, this room was sophisticated and with an air of maturity. She had a red carpet and a dark tone that only added to her maturity.

“You have nothing to worry about.”

She whispered as she turned to me.

“We’re just going to have a lot of fun today. And when you’re ready to open your heart up… I’ll be at the forefront of your mind.”

She smiled brightly as she eased my worries. Risa-san was… good at doing that. Risa-san led me to her desk on the side of her room. There were pictures of when she was younger, likely in high school.

“This is me at your age.”



Even back then, she was nothing short of beautiful. She didn't have her bangs to the side like today. Her bangs were brushed to the right and it made her look far younger than me today. In this picture, she was wearing her tabletop tennis uniform. Many people were behind her, and I assumed this was her ping pong, champion team.

I recalled that day in the spa where she demolished me with her skills. She sharked me into playing with her because she was a professional player from her high school days. This picture only solidified that Risa-san was far more than a flirty businesswoman.

“Look at all these awards.”

I whispered as I looked at her desk. They had trophies and other things that showed Risa-san was an accomplished woman. In a way, that only made her more alluring as I discovered this different side of hers. From a published thesis from her college days to community awards here and there, Risa-san was certainly someone to look up to.

“If you ever need a college recommendation, I’d write one for you, Madoka-san.”

She said as she approached from behind. The boss lady hovered over me as I looked at her desk. Her body was warm, and I could feel the strands of her hair touching my neck.

“Oh, thank you.”

I mumbled as I looked over my shoulder. Our faces were close as we stared each other in the eyes. I wasn't sure what to say, so I calmed my mind and whispered.

“You… really are amazing.”

I don't think she expected my compliment. Coyly, she would bring herself back and stare at me. Those rosy cheeks reddened a bit as she looked to the side.

“Thanks. And you’ll be just as amazing when you find what you’re passionate about too. So, don’t sell yourself short, Madoka-san.”

Skillfully, she brought my compliment back to me. There was no doubt about it, though. Risa-san's words were something to go by. In a way, as I explored more of Risa-san’s world, she… had all the things I was inspired to be in the future. Someone successful and mature.


“Okay, it’s about time to get going, Madoka-san. Today, I’m going to show you something else amazing!”


I parroted.

“Yep! My cooking skills!”


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