Sleeping Princess

Ch.41 – Alongside You (5/5)


I was guided down the steps and into the kitchen. It was remarkable and looked like one of those places you’d see on a cooking show. There were all kinds of utensils hanging on the walls. There were knives stations, woks, pans, pots, and everything a professional would need.

“This is my playground!”

Risa-san announced as she showed me her world of the cooking arts.

“What color do you like, Madoka-san?”

She asked as she showed me her line of different aprons. It felt like Risa-san had everything needed to be a fantastic cook… but she wasn't. That added a bit of charm to her, if I had to be honest.

“I like the white one with blue flowers.”

I removed my jacket as I walked over to her.

"You're right. This fits you the best."

She said as she wrapped it around for me. Skillfully, Risa-san tightened the strap then held me from behind. Her body was warm as she pushed closer to me while messing with the straps on the back.


Playfully, she giggled.



“So, what are we making?”

She asked as she squeezed me. I was in her clutches and I couldn’t do anything else but hold her arms that were wrapped around mine.

"I was thinking…"

I had to calm myself down. Remind me that I was the more skilled in this position and that I had to take charge if I wanted to not be bullied this entire day. With a huff, I stood firm as I looked over my shoulder.

“We’re cooking something simple, miso soup and rice.”

I figured that would be the easiest to make. Mostly everyone and their mother had the ingredients to make miso soup and rice in their home. For someone as passionate about cooking as her, that would be a staple meal for anyone.

“Oh, I love that!”

She exclaimed as she let go, put one hand on her cheek, and smiled brightly.

“I’ll show you how I make it, Risa-san. Get your apron on!”

I demanded. The boss lady looked at me a bit curiously. Her eyes began to shine as she put one hand on her cheek.

“Oh, you’re taking charge here, Madoka-san?”



For someone like Risa-san, who was basically the boss of everyone in her life, I'm sure this put her on her back foot. If I wanted to show her that I wasn't just a fun prey to play around with, I had to make sure I asserted myself in things I was great at.

“Of course… I want you to taste my miso soup, Risa-san.”

I teased, knowing just how that sounded. Surprisingly, Risa-san was at a loss for words as she rubbed the back of her head and looked at her apron sheepishly.

“I’m lucky today.”

She smiled back.

“I get to taste Madoka-san’s food… and maybe even get a chance to taste her too with a kiss on the cheek.”

I smirked.

“Only if you can keep up.”

I found myself poking her nose with my finger. My eyes lowered as I tilted my head to the side, allowing my hair to drape over my right shoulder. Risa-san pushed her shoulders up and giggled.

“I’ll do my best.”

She cutely said, and with that, my sou chef was appointed. Risa-san put on a black and red apron. Those colors always looked great on her.

“Have you made miso soup before, Risa-san?”

She bounced over to me, ready for my directions.

“Yes! I made it a bunch of times for Saya-san before school. She loved it!”

With a spin, she twirled around, causing that lovely hair of hers to dance. As she did this, I got a whiff of her perfume. It… was alluring and caused me to fall into a slight daze before coming to.

“I would add in my own flair too that she’d love!”

The sous chef added.


I questioned, a tad suspicious at her words. The boss lady put one finger in the air and announced her secrets.

"I would add honey, hot sauce, and barbeque sauce at the end! Then I'd mix it up until the miso soup became a bit thicker. Sometimes the consistency wouldn't be what I wanted, so I'd add in a bit of flour and-“

I was horrified by the thought of that miso soup. Miso soup is the elixir of the Japanese diet. To hear it being abused like this almost made me keel over in agony.


I whispered her name. Saya-san said she had a stomach made of iron, and I was starting to see the pain that she had to endure to reach that state.


Risa-san hopped, clapping like an elementary schooler as she excitedly continued.

“I also love putting in chilly peppers to add to the hot sauce spice. Saya-san loved that the most she said.”

“You… have such a kind little sister, Risa-san.”

Oblivious to her torture, she giggled and put her hands behind her back.

“Yeah, she’s the best! One day, she might even be your sister too.”

“Saya-san being my sister? That… is a terrifying thought.”

I joked with one hand on my hip, I stood tall, ensuring I kept up the boss persona I'd need for her to respect me.

“Today, we’re going to make it my way instead.”

"Yes, ma'am."

She lowered her eyes and looked back at me.

"Teach me everything. I'll be a good girl today and listen."

I smirked.

"Keep it up, and I'll punish you."

I shot back, causing her to squeal. This would go on forever if we both kept enjoying our pointless flirts, so I looked over at her refrigerator.

"Would you mind if I look and see what you have?"


I walked over and looked into the cooler. There I found the tofu and soybean paste that we’ll need.

“Risa-san, do you have a rice cooker?”

“Yes, right over here!”

She rushed over and got it out. We would need to get that started before we do anything else. That way, when the food is ready, our rice will be prepared too.

“Would you start the rice?”


I watched as she put the cooker on the counter. My sous chef took out the bag of rice and poured the… entire bag into the rice cooker without measuring it.

“Ah, Risa-san!”



Blissfully, she added a little bit of water not measured either and closed the lid. The rice was pouring out from the sides as she forcefully pushed it down. After messing with the machine for a few seconds, it started heating up, grains of rice poured out of its sides as if the cooking was bleeding white rice all over the counter.


I demanded her attention, waking her up from her daydream.

"Oh, what is it, honey?"

Cutely, she walked over to me and pushed her cheeks up to mine. Her nose brushed up against mine as she attempted to look like the adorable housewife she was. It… made scolding her harder, but I had to be the boss here and… break her dreams.

“That rice… isn’t going to cook like that.”


She looked back at the cooker as if it was normal for it to be spitting up rice grains...

“I always cook it like that.”

I thought back to the day I met Saya-san in the fine arts classroom. She was chewing on… crunchy white rice, and I understood the reason why. Risa-san gets into a dream world and disregards directions when cooking. I… believed she thinks everything will turn out magical because of her passion.

“We’re going to have to fix this.”

I walked over to the cooker and turned it off. Then, I waved my hand, and my sous chef approached me like a child in trouble for making a mess and not cleaning it up.


I took her hand, trying my best to be gentle with her. Together, we took a measuring cup and a bowl. Slowly, we both scooped out the leftover rice from the cooker.

"First off, we're only two people. It's… only us here, Risa-san. There’s too much rice for just the two of us.”

I found myself putting my arm around her back as I held her soft hand. I… was becoming closer to her without even realizing it at first. Her being taller than me as I guided her to fix her mistakes reminded me of when I hugged Yuko-san, strangely. However, Yuko-san was much taller than Risa-san, so the comparison didn't work.

“Am I supposed to measure it out, Madoka-san? I just figured all the rice would cook eventually.”

I found myself giggling, but Risa-san didn’t seem to find it funny as her cheeks puffed up.



“Geez, don’t bully me like that, Madoka-san.”

"Oh, am I bullying you?"

Gently, I rubbed her back, trying my best to cheer her up. I’m sure she was embarrassed, having someone younger than her teach her like this.

“I wasn’t thinking clearly… that’s why this happened.”

For the first time, I think I had Risa-san on the ropes. Eventually, we measured out the right amount of rice for the two of us. The wet rice that wasn't going to be cooked, we could bag for another day.

“One part rice to two parts water.”

That was the golden rule of rice. I explained to her as we both got the water we needed and put it into the cooker. I allowed her to close the lid and set the timer on it.

“Is that all?”

She asked, looking like a dog with her tail between her legs. I felt super bad because she was trying, but it was clear this wasn't her area of expertise. So, to cheer her up, I put my finger on her cheek and said…

"Good work. I bet your rice is going to be fluffy and delicious."

Her expression brightened as she looked at me. Swiftly, she moved her mouth over and playfully nibbled my finger.


I cried, but instead of letting me go, she brought out her hand and put her finger to my sides. Suddenly, she began tickling me.

“You’re in trouble for treating me like a kid, you little, snarky brat."

“S-Stop! Stop! I can’t take it.”

I tried to escape as I turned around. However, the devil wrapped her arm around my back and held my stomach. She put her chin on my shoulder and whispered into my ear.

“Thank you for being so kind.”

In an instant, I went from trying to escape the tickling assault to… having my blood pressure rise because of her honest… and tender words.


She brushed her body up against mine as I looked over my shoulder at her.

“I know… you’re still hurting about your feelings. But… I don’t think you realize how happy I am today because you decided to come over, Madoka-san.”

She held me from behind as she confessed her feelings to me. I… couldn't deny that I was happy to be here too. And that… I felt a bit flustered as I tried my best to take charge. It was clear that these moments between us were more than just friendly.

“I’m… happy to be here too. It takes my mind away from all the stuff at home, Risa-san.”

I turned to her as we were in each other’s arms. There… we faced one another and gazed into each other’s tender eyes. Her maturity was captivating as she tilted her head to the side.

"One day, your lips will be mine. But for now, I'm happy to just do this!"

Suddenly, she kissed my cheek like she did on our date before. It was passionate and made my heart leap from my chest. I shouldn’t have been surprised that she’d take this time to romance me.


We both looked at one another. This kind older woman showed me her honest feelings. However, my heart was twisting with guilt and complicated emotions I was still doing my best to understand. So, I held her hand and looked her in the eyes.

“Your sister told me… To open my heart to others. And… when I’m ready I… I want to do my best to show you how I feel. But… but right now it all hurts.”

She nodded.

“I’ve been in that position too, Madoka-san. You don't have to worry. One day we'd both be on that table over there making our own meal out of each other."

I nearly exploded with embarrassment as she finally let go and laughed to the side.

“Alright, enough! W-We need to make the miso soup!”

I demanded. After I calmed down my flustering emotions, I took charge again as we put together the miso soup. Risa-san followed my lead and orders as she fully understood where she'd been going wrong this entire time. I wouldn't let her get off easy from teasing me, so I destroyed her by telling her the proper ingredients for her miso soup.

“Madoka-san’s on the warpath!"

She screamed as she jumped around the kitchen. She would wiggle her butt seductively as she did this, doing her best to make me all flustered. It wasn’t in vain either. She did cause me to look away when she caught me taking glances.

Eventually, the food was done, and we both had a bowl of rice and miso soup with tofu at the table.

“Let’s eat!”

Risa-san chanted as she set her food next to me. She pulled up a chair next to me, and it was then I knew just what she was doing.

“Feed me, Madoka-san.”

“I’m not doing that.”

Despite saying that… I began feeding her the rice. I didn't know why I was doing it, but... it just felt right.

"Oh wow, this rice is fluffy."

“You made it, Risa-san.”

I reminded her as I brought up more rice to her lips.

“…We did it.”

She added, making my body tense up. I was as hot as the miso soup streaming from the bowl. Together, we shared this wonderful lunch. If I had to be honest, this was one of the best times I’ve had in a long time.

“That’s a cute coat you have, Madoka-san. What kind is it?”

Risa-san asked as we fed one another.

"Oh, it's…."

Together we talked about fashion and styles. Risa-san looked intrigued as I went on about different brands and the like. She asked me questions, and I informed her of all the types and gossip around it. Risa-san… was a great listener, and it only made this little date of ours all the better. For the first time, I was able to teach her a thing or two, and I believe she appreciated the change in dynamics between us if only for a day.

“Have a great rest of the day!”

I waved to her as I left. Risa-san smiled brightly and yelled at the top of her lungs.

“Thanks for the good time, Madoka-san.”

I was embarrassed as I lowered my gaze. People were walking by, and it was clear that she said it like that to… make me all flustered.

“I expect a great meal next time we see each other. You better keep practicing, Risa-san!”

It was like I shot her in the chest as she backed up and lowered her head.

“Hehe, I’ll do my best!”

For a moment, we stared at each other. It was as if time had stopped, and we both were forced into this position. Finally, Risa-san broke sight as she gave me a… slow wave.


There weren't any other words between us as she shut the door, but that cute gesture spoke volumes.

“She… certainly knows how to take me away from all my problems. Risa-san… is something else.”

Happily, I hummed as I made my way back home.


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