Sleeping Princess

Ch.42 – Circle(3/3)




When Takade-san, Saya-san, and I got off the train and made our way to school, I caught sight of a familiar collection of uniforms making their way to school. It was Hana-chan’s sister school members. When I thought about it, Hana-chan’s school is only a few blocks away, and most students would pass by the Jinda High school on their way here.  It was likely that Sora-chan got on the train at one of the many stops and I just missed her.


As I walked, it caught me by surprise, but that bright-haired, rowdy girl, Sora-chan, was in the distance. She spoke with a few girls in the same uniform and was way too far for me to call her out. I wasn’t sure if Sora-chan rode the same train though. Mentally, I made a note to speak with her another day. It was strange; I realized just how many people I met in these few months and how their lives were intertwined with mine in the broadest of ways.

We crossed the street and made our way through the gates. Like the delinquent normally did, So-chan stood there with one arm on her hip.


I smiled warmly at her. Takade-san and Saya-san gave her a slight bow.

“Good morning, Conway-san.”

Saya-san said first. Takade-san took this chance and leaped up.

“How’s it goin', girl?!"

"Eh… fine, I guess."

Sophia said warily. Clearly, she was taken back by Takade-san’s over-familiarity. It was then, Yuko-chan and Mae-chan walked up to us.

"Hello, everyone!"

Mae waved, greeting her fellow club members and us.


Coyly, Yuko-chan waved at me. She got closer to me, put her hands in front of her, and tilted that adorable puppy-like head of hers.

“Good morning. Ah… Koda-san asked me to say… hello to you for her.”

She giggled at the idea. It was awkward as I messaged her the same thing not too long ago. However, I took it and gave her a decisive nod.

“Hehe, tell her I said “hello” too.”

At that, Yuko-chan has become our human telephone, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her cheeks brightened a bit as she turned to the side. With a timid kick of her feet, she nervously looked around. Something was on her mind, and just as I was about to bring it up, a certain someone walked through the gates.


Okabe-san, likely annoyed by our large group, held her backpack tight as she brushed her way past. Before she could reach the door, someone called out to her.

“Okabe Kasumi-san!”


It was Sophia, to my surprise. She broke off from the group and approached her. Okabe-san turned around in defense and crossed her arms. As we watched this strange interaction happen before our eyes, everyone's attention gathered toward them.


Okabe-san stated firmly. She wasn’t amused at the idea of the shark invading her space. I could see a bit of resentment flash through her expression as Sophia approached a little bit more, but not close enough for her to strike her.

“Listen… I…”

Sophia looked away, took a deep breath, and turned back to her enemy.

"I heard that you helped my sister the night of the concert…."

With a kick of her feet to the side, the delinquent mustered up the courage to continue.

"Thanks to your help… a lot of things got resolved, Okabe-san."


Sophia was struggling to put out her feelings. She did just that with Okabe-san in the past, only to be demonized and hurt. They've had it out for each other ever since, so this spectacle was a miracle happening before our eyes. The fog rolled under our feet, only adding to the mysterious encounter. The cold bite of the mist added to the icy reception as Sophia-san continued.

"Ah… what I'm trying to say is…."

“Save your ‘thank you’s.”

Okabe-san cut in.

“Taylor-sensei helped me out, and I was just returning the favor. I don't need any gratitude from you."

A fire burned in Sophia's eyes as she clenched her fist. However, she looked back at us… waited for a bit and released her palms. The English woman straightened her back and confessed what was going through her mind.

“No, I want to thank you truly. I know we have our differences… but what happened that night wouldn’t have been possible… without you.”

Okabe-san looked away as she tried to avoid her gaze. When she closed her eyes, she huffed hot air, causing the heat to vanish in the air.

"Listen, Conway-san.”

Okabe-san did the same as straightening her back, standing tall, and meeting her enemy's eyes.

“When I disrespected your sister… then you punched me like some psycho bitch..."

The Ivy-head paused then squared up to Conway-san.

"I admit, I shouldn’t have said what I did.”

Okabe-san said then sighed harshly.

“I… was more pissed about how… your problems felt so meaningless.”


Sophia-san asked. I could feel the frustration in her voice as she asked this. Okabe-san glanced my way, then turned back to her enemy.

“It doesn’t matter. Listen, I don’t care for you or your relationship problems. If I helped you, that’s fine. I’m… glad your happy about it.”



Her tone was cold as she turned around.

“But it didn’t solve any of my problems, so I seriously don't give a shit."

Coldly, she walked inside the school. I could feel the rage burning in Sophia as she stepped forward.

"What a piece of work. I can't believe I thought I'd… try to be generous to that jerk."

I walked over as everyone in the group sat there a tad awkwardly. Mae-chan followed me, and soon Yuko-chan stepped over, too.

“She’s cruel for sure.”

I admitted.

“But… Okabe-san probably… doesn’t believe your sincerity, Sophia-san. That’s probably why she doesn’t want to put herself out there.”

Sophia shook her head.

“But why? I was being honest with her. The least she could have done was not step on my gratitude.”

I put my head down and thought about it. Okabe-san has trust issues, which is why it's so hard for her to make friends. She sees everyone else's problems as a glimmer compared to the darkness she's in. Her situation needed to be addressed by an adult…

But Okabe-san didn't trust any adults because the ones in her life were abusive to her.

“She’s been struggling with something…."

I confessed.


Mae-chan chimed in as she looked towards Okabe-san’s back. She turned the corner and vanished into the school.

“Yeah. If Okabe-san's willing to open up to you about it, that's fine. But right now, I think it's a bit too sensitive for her to speak about."

I closed my eyes and thought it over. Seeing this happen between them showed me that Okabe-san had no intentions of letting anyone into her life. I was probably the closest thing she had to a friend at the moment… and I wasn't even her friend. I would have to convince her to ask for help or else this horrible cycle will continue in her life.

Sophia-san sighed harshly.

“You know, since the day I met her, it felt like she's been keeping something from me, Madoka."

She scratched her dirty blonde hair and looked at me.

"She did help me more than I could have imagined. I really hate her guts… but if she struggles with something…."

Sophia turned to me.

“I don’t want to owe her anything. So, if you tell me you need help with something regarding that bitch...I’ll help you out.”

"Yeah, I don't like her much either, Mado-chan… but if you say there’s something more going on, I won’t hesitate to help you out.”

Mae-chan gave me her compliance too.

“You… asked me to be nice to her before. It’s really… hard to speak to her, Madoka-chan.”

The ghost said as she lifted her head.

“B-But there’s a reason why you asked that. I-If she trusts you with what she's… going through. A-And she helped Conway-san…."

She sighed harshly as she continued her public speaking.

“I-I want to help too… if you need it.”

I was surprised by all the people rallying behind me. It showed me that I made some truly incredible friends as of late.

“Oh, that girl. My Onee-chan talks about her all the time.”

I forgot that Saya-san and Takade-san were watching all this unfold too. Saya-san put her hand behind her back and walked up to me.

“My sister has an idea of what’s going on in her life. If anything, we’d all be happy to help if that girl needs it. Okabe Kasumi-san was her name, right?”

Saya-san explained.

Takade-san chimed in right after.

"That girl is a jerk to all hell, but if you think she's worth your time, Nakagawa-san, I'm in too."

Everyone made their vows to help Okabe-san… without even knowing she was being looked after. It showed me the kind heart and generosity of the friends I've made… was slowly bringing in the lone wolf into their fold.

“But I’ll only help that jerk on one condition.”

Sophia put up her finger and looked at me.

"And that's if… you chat with Linda, Madoka. She's not here today… so you might have to get ahold of her after school."

The pain in Sophia-san’s expression was there. That only heightened my resolve. I had to make sure I consoled Taylor-sensei, show her that there's more to the fairytale she wanted. There is another book that the person she loves is waiting for her out there.

Just as she helped my heart when it came to Mari-san… I wanted to do the same to her.

“Thank you, everyone.”

I smiled softly. Today I planned to help Taylor-sensei… one of the sweetest people I've ever met, to heal. Then I'll work my way to saving Nagumi-chan and eventually Okabe-san out of this horrible situation.


With the friends surrounding me lifting me up, I decided….

That I will become the person I am striving to be.

But the only way I can do that is with the help and support of my friends… and family.

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