Sleeping Princess

Ch.43 – Linda-san (1/4)





The rest of the school day was relatively uneventful. Sophia-chan and Okabe-san stayed away from one another as best as they could. That made my day that much easier, giving me the time to…think. In class we took notes and just reviewed lessons as things wind down due to the upcoming break. Takanaki-sensei reminded the class that this Wednesday would be the start of our winter break too. Our school’s vacation would go all the way through Christmas and The New Year. A much-needed break for all the girls in my school. I could hear the sighs of relief, knowing that we only had two days left before we could rest.

On the other hand, I was beginning a war that I knew wasn't going to be as easy. Once class was over, I prepared myself mentally as I made my way to the school's exit. My feet weren't heavy because I didn't see this as a burden. I saw it as a right of passage to become the person I've always wanted to be.

I was going to see Taylor-sensei, Taylor Linda-san… my partner, so I could soothe her aching heart. I've tried to call her throughout the day, but she wasn’t responding to my messages. Her phone must have been off because I didn’t see how she could benefit from not answering my calls. It was one thing if it was Sophia-san… but a whole other that it was me, her trusted partner that she was avoiding.




I whispered her fragile name.

As if saying the wrong things would shatter her further, I gently reminded myself that… she was broken, and I needed to help put her back together. With a stride, I exited the school's doors and made my way out into the cold afternoon. The sky was clear, and the world was a twilight hue. My hair flew in the wind, causing me to lift up my scarf above my chin. I pulled my jacket together and briskly made my way to the school’s gates.

“H-Hold on, Madoka…”

Before I could turn the corner, Sophia-chan ran up to me. As she got closer, she slowed down and stopped at my feet. Her body language wasn't as strong-willed as she usually was. The shark had no bite left in her, and her shoulders slumped slightly.



"Are you sure you don't want Eleanor to take you over to Linda's place? It's pretty far from here, even by train.”

So-chan asked in a begging tone. I knew what she really wanted. Sophia wanted a chance to see her sister again. Maybe in her head, some fantasy of them reconnecting and everything being alright was playing like a movie. However, the reality is that things like that… don't usually happen in real life. The last person Taylor-sensei might want to see… is Sophia-chan.

“No, I’ll be fine.”

I stated firmly as I shook my head.

“I want to make sure that it’s only me that Taylor-sensei is seeing, Sophia-chan. She… might hide if you or Eleanor are there with me.”

Sophia-san stomped on the ground, likely to relieve her frustrations. I could tell she wasn't angry at my rejection. She was clearly annoyed by her inability to medicate the situation. So-chan… must have felt lost if I had to describe it.

"A-Are you sure? I know you promised to help her, but this isn't your problem. This is between my sister and me and… I'm selfishly putting all this onto you because of my own insecurities, Madoka-chan..."

I shook my head again, causing my brown hair to brush up against my shoulders. The twilight sky was already cleaving in, and the night would come soon if I didn't get moving.

"No, I made this promise not only to you… but to Sensei on the roof that day. I… I need to go there… and make sure my friend is okay, Sophia-chan.”


It was then that Sophia-chan backed up a bit. She straightened her back and looked up at the sky as if someone from heaven spoke with her.


She repeated before gazing back at me.

“My sister… doesn’t have any friends in Japan as I mentioned before, Madoka-chan. She’s been ostracized by her coworkers. She doesn't spend time with her classmates, and… her family made her out to be the black sheep because of everything that happened to her.”

Her eyes gazed down at the cold cement.

“But then… you came and confessed your feelings to her. For the first time in a long time… Linda had trust in someone.”

So-chan… smiled softly.


Her feminine side peaked as she looked back at me. Her cheeks had a hint of red with them compared to the dazzling sky behind her. With one hand behind her back, she… said what was in her heart.

“Thanks… for being my sister’s friend.”

With a rub of her feet on the ground, she perked her head up and met my gaze.

“Thank you for helping me and my sister, Madoka-chan. You… make me feel that everything will be okay.”

Suddenly, she lunged at me and pushed her body onto my chest. Briefly, Sophia held me in her arms. The warmth of her body wrapped around me as her warm cheeks pressed against my neck. She was so cute that I had to hold my excitement not to grab her and swing her around. I… didn't want to ruin this precious moment between us.

"You… are so special to me, and I've only known you for these few months. Thank you… thank you."



Before I could speak, she pushed off me and put her hands behind her back. With a light giggle, I could see the tension in her body subside just a little bit. Her petite frame turned around and ran off towards the street. I watched her back until she turned the corner, falling out of view. So-chan told her honest feelings, and it warmed my heart, hardening my resolve.

“I’m coming, Taylor-sensei.”

I said as I took the first step and made my way to the train station. The direction of her place was actually going the way of my… real home. I didn’t mention it to Hana-chan because Mari-san had been picking her up from school since I wasn’t there to walk her home. Plus, I needed this time alone to think to myself about what I wanted to say to her.

As I waited at the train station, I thought about all the things that happened in her life… and how we are similar in many ways.

Taylor-sensei is searching for that fantastical romance. One where she can be swept off her feet and be loved to no end… and there's nothing wrong with that. However, her idea of romance seems too pure for this world, and she's often found herself giving all the love she can to someone… and them not equaling that love back to them. Taylor-san… no, Linda-san, my partner… is looking for a romance that may not exist.

She reminds me of a princess or maybe even someone like Cinderella. She expects everything to line up perfectly when she finds her prince charming. With that, her fairytale will have this perfect happy ending. In her relationship with Spencer… she was willing to accept his rejections and horrible behaviors because…

That was her fairytale romance, and it was only a matter of time before everything would fall into place and things would be… happily ever after.

Taylor-sensei… just wanted a happily ever after.

And it’s cruel… to think that she, someone so pure and honest with their feelings, can’t have that.

There is a fine line between fantasy and reality. People aren't perfect, and just because one person would love someone… doesn’t mean they would love them back. Love is cruel in that way. It can be so beautiful, so unique that one would feel that they are being lifted up in the clouds and soaring on the winds in the sky for one minute, then in that same instant, everything could change as they experience pain and heartache because of that very love.

Love swings our emotions from one side of the spectrum to another, and sometimes… it's too much, and we can't bear it alone.

Reality does not meet fantasy when dealing with the war of the hearts. And it's clear to me that Linda-san's expectations for So-chan… didn’t measure up to what reality gave her. And because of that, Linda-san is scared to accept everything that's happened.


The pains and suffering she was put through. The hard aches and tribulations that others went through to help her.

Linda-san… has to endure this crumbling moment in her pursuit of romance. The anguish that her savior... doesn't feel the same for her must be ripping her apart from the inside out.


Her romance…

Her fantasy is broken...

And Linda-san doesn't want to accept that. 

So, I'll have to be there to comfort her... before it's too late.


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