Slime Girl

Chapter 170


- Shari -


"Now it's my turn. I need to ask you to accompany me." (Serenia)


Whatever just transpired here comes to an end and we ought to join the queen when she leaves the room.
Since we're apparently now part of her order.
Did I mention that I'm still slightly confused about that part?
The one upside is that she's leading us to more remote chambers which grants me the opportunity to act on my confusion.


"What just happened?! I seriously didn't expect to join some order right after waking up! Especially, since I'm only hearing now about this." (Shari)

"You see, it got a bit bothersome to make up excuses for your presence in the inner palace. You should feel honored. Not only was this order created just for you, but you will also be able to wield the crown's authority as long as it serves its goals. This means that your current status not only sets you above most of the country's organizations, but you can also force your will on them. In practice, you could enlist the city guards if it serves our purposes and are immune to any claims of authority excluding the crown. This includes those of noble status." (Serenia)



I'd call bullshit here.
Sure, the crown is important, but a local lord usually holds the local authority.
And just because the king signed some document moments ago, we can't really claim anything on the sole basis that somewhere exists a piece of paper that only a select group of people ever saw.
You can only base yourself on officially accepted things, and if it serves the established powers better not to accept that we wield authority, then it won't be the case for the time being.


"That's all very nice, but I doubt it's going to change all that much. A guard that thinks we're suspicious might try to detain us even if we claim to be part of some order." (Shari)

"Well, that's because you didn't receive your crests yet. A very wise person once said that it's all about the outer appearance. So prepare to receive some gifts!" (Serenia)


She says this almost cheerfully while I'm asking myself with rising trepidation what she's planning now.


"Gifts? That's... unexpected." (Shari)


I wanted to say uncalled for but that wouldn't help my position.


"My husband called me your patron. If this is the case, I would be a great failure at it since you didn't receive a single thing from me. I think it's time to remedy this shortcoming." (Serenia)

"Well then, thank you, I guess." (Shari)

"First, let's take care of the obvious. It wouldn't do to have you serve me in those rags you're calling clothes. So let's switch those with something more appropriate." (Serenia)


She claps and two servants enter, each carrying a small chest.
Do those two know what they are dealing with?
Anyway, they're placing them on a nearby table.


"Please, look inside. It wasn't easy to prepare this. Shari's is the left one, Liqu's the right." (Serenia)


Well, to stall any longer might appear rude.
So I move to the chest and open it.
At first, I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at since I'm only staring at a blanket in a color that's a mix of black, grey, and a hint of blue.

I touch it, and even through my gloves, I notice that something's weird about the fabric.
It's in some way too smooth.
Not in a sense of softness, but it feels almost... polished.

When I carefully pull it up, I see that below the first layer there's something like a solid piece of armor, a chest plate.
Looking to the side, I see that Liqu has an identical item.


"I guess I can start bragging now. You know, the creation of these pieces was an arduous task, and placing an order for something so specific was no lesser challenge. The 'fabric', if it can even be called such at this point, is made of a special material based on the threaded fur of water cats, who are famous for hunting for fish without getting wet, while the armor was forged from the scales of a kelpie. You know, those water-wielding sea horses. On this base, we placed a strong water repellent spell, so they should stay dry even after long contact with liquid substances. Needless to say, they're also quite tough." (Serenia)


That must've been expensive as hell!!!


“You can bet on it. (Serenia) 


Oh shit, I said that aloud.


"The materials, the artisans, the mages, and let’s not forget the magical imbuers. Those certainly amounted to quite a sum. Probably enough to buy something between a town and a village. Fortunately, I had barely spent anything of the budget allotted for my personal expenses." (Serenia)


I take the breastplate out of the chest and find that it has a weird crest on it.
Some kind of elongated drop with two swirls to the side.
Almost like... slime that stretches while lowering to the ground.
And it weirdly reminds me of Liqu's "signature".
Is this some weird kind of humor I don't get?


"What is the meaning of this symbol?" (Shari)

"You could say that I got inspired by your friend. I found it inspiring how she found something to represent herself. And if it's enough for her then it should suffice for the both of you. Isn't it nice?" (Serenia)


Is she for real?
I'm quite sure she's making fun of me.
After taking out a cloak, a long shirt, the chest piece, pants, and even a pair of gloves, I find another bundle below those.


"What is this?" (Shari)

"Didn't you request this yourself? I was informed you wished for a new blade. Well, consider your request fulfilled. Maybe over-fulfilled since I prepared two." (Serenia)


Two new blades?
Well, I'm very interested in what a palace quality blade is like.
I carefully unwrap the bundle and look at two blades made of glistening blue-grey metal.


"Aren't they beautiful? The color results from them being made from a special alloy of metal and the teeth of a lycan. There's barely anything harder than this that I know of." (Serenia)


I suppose she was looking forward to bragging about this present.
Since she clearly put some effort into it, I'll let her keep this little enjoyment.
The blades are not very wide but a bit longer than what I'm used to, at probably around ninety centimeters.
And they're quite different.
One is a one-sided smooth blade with a rounded backside, while the other has a saw blade.
I don't even want to imagine the kind of wounds the latter can cause.

When I lift the one with the even blade, I notice that it's quite a bit lighter than I expected.
My limited stability doesn't allow me to wield any weight at arm's length, since that appendage would collapse due to the strain.
My daggers were usually the heaviest things I could lift with the gloves while the shortsword I required to be completely enveloped in slime.
But this weapon, albeit longer, is only putting a manageable strain on my appendage.
Is this because of the material?

The reason becomes apparent once I take a look at the handle.
It's hollow.
More precisely, the whole blade is hollow.
Even at the tip, there's a small cavity.


"And? What do you think?" (Serenia)


I think: Why is it hollow?!
Yet I should word this in a more friendly way.


"Isn't it... bad... if there's no metal on the inside?" (Shari)

"You're right, in so far that it's not built for stability. However, the material should still allow the weapon to persist through a few fights. But this isn't the point. Don't you have a certain idea if you look at this cavity?" (Serenia)



An idea?
What kind of idea?
What could I push in there that... Is she for real?


"Sorry, do you truly want me to push my slime in there? I'm a bit perplexed." (Shari)

"That's the idea. You can't fight effectively with just the hold from the gloves, right? Well, this new equipment will take care of that problem. Try it." (Serenia)


If she insists.
I free my hand and make it wrap around the handle.
Then I guide a small stream inside.
It's a bit weird to feel my arm so oddly elongated, but the queen was right.
I have almost the same kind of control over the weapon as when I wrap them in my slime.
I can control the weapon till the tip.
This kind of control might grant me some unique movement options in a fight.
It's almost strange how good it works even if it's not as covered as in my usual fighting style.


"Happy?" (Serenia)

"These blades are something, but is it just me, or is there something up with my connection inside?" (Shari)

"No, you're onto something there. The inner walls of the blades are coated with a substance derived from core crystals. It should not only work to counter a dissolving reaction on the inside, but also improve the transfer of the signals you're using to enact your control. You might've understood by now, these are meant to be your weapons of choice if you have to fight without revealing yourself." (Serenia)


I see.
This might truly work.
If I glue my slime to the inside, I should have just the stability I need to not lose my weapon at a clash.


"Thank you very much. I'm aware what special items these weapons are." (Shari)

"Well, I need to provide for my newest order!" (Serenia)

"Do I also get something?!" (Liqu)


Damn, Liqu is excited at this prospect.


"You know, Liqu, it was quite hard to find the right thing for you." (Serenia)

"Awwhhhh..." (Liqu)

"But I think I found just that!" (Serenia)

"Really!?" (Liqu)


Liqu doesn't let the queen tell her twice before she rips the clothes out of the box and procures what lies below.
Well, that's...


"A stone? Should I dissolve it?" (Liqu)

"No, please don't. It would be a waste. This stone has a special feature to it. It was created as part of the newest imbuing research. If you separate the stone, both parts will want to join back together. The effect is also quite long-range. This means that it's possible to follow it to the other. At the moment, we could only achieve noticeable results under controlled circumstances with special scientific measuring tools, but with Liqu's fine tuning it should work out." (Serenia)

"Whoaah!" (Liqu)




And at this moment she separates the stone and puts the smaller piece inside me.


"Perfect." (Liqu)


If I concentrate very hard, there's the slightest pull from the stone in the direction of the other.
It's barely perceivable and probably only works because it's floating inside me.
Now that I look at it, I think I also see something like reverted waves around the stone.
Or rather, only on one side.
This must be my magic sight.
I'm well aware that this is probably a very valuable object.
On the other side, the fact that Liqu can use it to find me wherever and whenever puts me in a difficult mood.


"I hope you're content. Those weapons should help you during your next mission." (Serenia)


Another mission?
I should've known that this was all too good to be true.


"It's written on your face what you're thinking. While I would like to grant you some more time to acclimate to your new position and some peace as a reward for your efforts, I fear such a luxury has to wait for a time when the kingdom won't be at risk anymore. As it is, I need to ask you to complete one more mission for all our sakes." (Serenia)


Well, I didn't expect much else.
At least she's asking, which is a big plus in my book.


"What would this mission entail?" (Shari)

"We recently learned that our subjects in Ekoras are being enslaved under pretexts, which according to the current laws on slavery shouldn't be possible to claim, to be delivered in bulk over the border to Koreso. Your mission will be to investigate this situation, discover who's behind it, and naturally, put an end to it as soon as possible. Also, we need to uncover their connection to the Koresoans, follow it until you reach its source, and scorch it. Can you do this?" (Serenia)


What a request.
The main difference to the former jobs is that it's going to be out of town and quite a bit longer than all the missions we did until now.
We would necessarily need to be more independent to act.
That's quite a token of trust from their side.


"Why are you sending us? I know, your side is short-staffed, but this sounds quite complex to entrust someone without any noteworthy experience on such matters." (Shari)


Uh, her look tells me she doesn't like to be questioned.
On another note, were the other tasks she gave us also tests to see how we would do?
At least I don't have to go on a murder spree for them to get rid of the troubling nobles.


"You could say I have trust in your abilities. It might become violent, but different from most of my spies, you have the combat potential to survive such a thing. Naturally, this mission will also involve others than you, but as far as I can tell, a supervisor would only clash with your operation and contradict any budding trust. In addition, I was told that you spent some time in Ekoras, and because of this, have some insight on that den of iniquity. Which makes you the logical choice." (Serenia)


Makes sense.
We came from Ekoras and our contacts might get us a lead regarding where to look for massive numbers of enslaved people.
Though, I'm not sure how many of those contacts would even want to talk with us.


"May I ask, will the crown take care of our expenses for this mission?" (Shari)

"You mean your provisions? You don't have to worry in this regard." (Serenia)

"Well, I was also thinking about equipment, destroyed material, bribes, lodging, and so on." (Shari)


She looks scrutinizing at me.


"There'll obviously be limits. Yet the crown will pay within those." (Serenia)

"Uh, then while we're at it. Liqu and I usually use a certain kind of cosmetic powder to obscure our non-human background. While it's quite good to cover our ‘skin’, it's sadly also very expensive, only sold at high-class shops." (Shari)

"I understand. I’ll see what I can do to prepare this." (Serenia)

"Thank you very much. With this we should be able to tackle this mission." (Shari)

"I appreciate the enthusiasm. However, since such a mission has to be sufficiently prepared, you may spend the time until then as you like. But don't forget to attend the ceremony tomorrow. There you'll receive the emblems and the royal decree that mark your position. Those will be the proof of your status and privileges. I’m sure once you get a taste of the advantages that come with high status, you’ll enjoy it." (Serenia)


I still have my doubts regarding if she's a decent influence for me, and more importantly, Liqu.
Or even the princess, for that matter.



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