Slime Girl

Chapter 171


- Shari -


Apparently, receiving a royal emblem that identifies you as a member of a recently established order is quite a thing.
Especially, the royal seal carries some metaphorical value.
It's such a complex depiction of a dragon at night that copying it would be quite difficult.
Not to speak of the fact that your life is forfeit if you'd do something so completely crazy to incur the wrath of all the royals in the world.
Next to the royal seal they placed the drop symbol from our 'order'.
Which I still perceive as something like an elaborate joke.
However, that doesn't keep them from making quite a scene when I'm handed that thing, apparently made from only the finest metals.

It's not a particularly grand ceremony, but the king is the one to hand this thing over to me and there are some officials in the room.
I guess they didn't want to point rebellious nobles straight at the fact of what we are supposed to do for the queen.
Too much attention on my person wouldn't have been in my favor in the first place.
Neither does it work well with the fact that we are about to go on a secret mission.
Yet some officiality was simply necessary.
Basically, so we won't just appear as a number in the books, but also be known by some people who matter as existent figures.

Naturally, I was quite worried that Liqu would mess up, but fortunately, my old "hold-still-till-it's-over" order worked well enough.
Just good that facial expressions don't matter that much while wearing a mask.
Yet I'm immensely relieved once it's over.
Now we're expected to meet up with the queen as her new guards.


"I see you were able to push through this ordeal without causing the greatest outrage in the history of the kingdom. That one time when it was discovered that King Relion had a literal taste for young boys included." (Serenia)

"What about eating children?" (Liqu)

"Excuse me, your highness?" (Shari)

"Very well, from today on you're both recognized as agents of the kingdom. With all the privileges coming with it." (Serenia)

"I'm bored. I don't really understand what we were doing there." (Liqu)


Well, recently I left Liqu quite a bit out of our decision-making.
But that was mostly because of the fact that I just went with the flow.


"Uh, does that mean we are now knights?" (Shari)

"In a way, yes. Though, I'd like to ask you not to saunter around the palace, waving your order's emblems without your disguise, demanding that people call you 'lady'. You aren't nobles." (Serenia)

"We're not?" (Shari)


I thought that's what being a knight is about.


"Don't be ridiculous. I don't even want to imagine the uproar it would cause among the nobles if we'd lift up adventurers of unknown origin to such a status." (Serenia)

"Then what are we?" (Shari)

"Slimes?" (Liqu)

"A fitting answer." (Serenia)

"Oh god, please. No smart-ass response." (Shari)

"Are you aware that this kind of speech could get you hanged?" (Serenia)

"Sure, put a rope around my neck and pull. I thought we'd be past this point considering the nature of the things we are discussing." (Shari)

"Wouldn't the rope just pass through the slime?" (Liqu)

"Sigh. Yes, Liqu, that's the point." (Shari)


I know that she can be annoying, but for some reason, Liqu's input makes me snicker inwardly.
Maybe her erratic behavior grew on me, as I find her complete lack of conscience for a situation to be refreshing right now.


"To get back to our topic. The position you now hold as members of a recognized order grants you certain advantages. The most noteworthy being that you may do anything you deem necessary to pursue your tasks. The order of the Longing Drop is now recognized as my personal guard, so you're officially protected by the king's command. As long as you’re acting in my interests, nobody can openly go against you. The conspirators aren't as bold yet as to act so obviously against someone who enacts the king's will." (Serenia)


Makes sense.
Basically, we're royal captains.
It's not a noble title but a practical one.
It still positions us quite high in the hierarchy.
As long as it's part of the job we can't be stopped.
How convenient.


"I see you're content with the position." (Serenia)


Damn, was my smile again stretching too far?


"Sorry, it's certainly unexpected that such an honor would be bestowed on someone like me." (Shari)

"You're also doing the corresponding work. Your abilities are noteworthy and it only makes sense to appoint you accordingly. I guess this is the best way to bind you to our side." (Serenia)


She's surprisingly honest here if she says so openly that she wants to gain our loyalty.
Though, I need to admit, the offer is generously tempting.


"Well, as long we get some free time once in a while and the chance to make use of it." (Shari)

"I'll try to arrange this. As of now, you may spend your time within the palace as you like and may request what you wish for. As long as you're not going to expose yourself." (Serenia)


Should be a given.


"Naturally, I'll do what I can." (Shari)

"Great. Then you should chase after the green one. She left a moment ago. I guess she was truly bored. Which concerns me." (Serenia)


Oh shit, the slime is running rogue.




- Liqu -


Hm, which way was it again?
I'm currently trying to find the way to Anvenia.
I like that little girl and don't think that my presence was needed in the other talk.
This woman looks always so strangely at me when I say something.
Also, her strange soul is making me uncomfortable.
There's something unsettling about the way it erupts sometimes.

Yet walking in these clothes is a bit difficult as I'm not seeing as much as I'd like to.
Usually, I'm just following my Shari when I'm in this getup.
Though, I'm not sure if I am right here.
Maybe I should ask for the way.

That woman wears the clothes of those who work here so she should know her way around this place.
Yet to my surprise, she's the first one to approach me.


"Oh my! That mask! You're the new royal guard!" (maid)

"Hello!" (Liqu)

"This is so exciting to meet you!" (maid)

"Thank you? Uh, I'm looking for..." (Liqu)


Wait, I shouldn't talk about Anvenia being here.
Shari told me this so many times.


"The toilet? There's one just to your right." (maid)


Right, that's where humans dump their waste.
However, I'm full at the moment.
We're receiving regular meals of monster flesh and I didn't have to spend that much.
Even my core strain got much better by now.


"No, I don't need to go there." (Liqu)

"Oh, I'm sure you have very important appointments. How is it to work for the royal family? I'm sure it's interesting to work for the queen." (maid)

"No. It's mostly boring." (Liqu)


I don't even know why I'm talking with her.
I should try following what I know about the layout of this place.


"Boring? Don't you meet illustrious characters? The queen must be such a fascinating character! And you're directly next to her. Isn't she interesting?" (maid)

"She has a weird soul, but mostly she's just like any human." (Liqu)

"Soul? Oh, you mean she has a peculiar character? Well, it almost sounds like you don't like her all that much." (maid)

"I don't. She's no fun and demands weird things. I'm just here to... Uh, make a living." (Liqu)


That's at least what Shari says we're here for.
So we can build a good life for ourselves.


"Make a living? So you're doing it for the money? Ah, I've heard you're an adventurer. You know, if it's money you want, I could help you with that. If you'd be willing to help me out that is. Do you understand? You'd only have to tell me a bit about what happens on the floor the royals cut off from the rest of the palace." (maid)

"What happens there? Barely anything at all. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do there." (Liqu)

"Sounds harsh. Do you have anything concrete? Like who usually sleeps where? What they're doing? What exactly are your duties there?" (maid)

"As I said, not much. Most of the time I play with their girl." (Liqu)

"Girl? Wait! The princess!?! She's here?! If I report this to my contact I'm never going to have to worry about money again." (maid)


Wait! I didn't say that she's here!
Why is she assuming this? I don't understand.


"Thanks for your insight. I appreciate that you're so cooperative to tell me this. Oh my, I might get a bonus for such a haul." (maid)


That's not good.
Shari told me I shouldn't tell anyone about Anvenia because this could mean trouble.
I need to get rid of that problem.

The soul of the woman seems fine.
From what I perceive she isn't especially evil.
At least not more than it's normal for humans to be.


"Wait! You can't tell anyone about this." (Liqu)


Shari is going to get angry with me!


"Oh, you don't have to worry. Nobody is going to hear about your involvement. That's actually the best part about it, you don’t have to do anything at all. You're only going to tell me what happens around you and I tell it to the next one in line. Maybe they're going to ask you not to pay too much attention for once. And if someone takes notice that you're not diligent enough, they're going to cover for you so you keep your position. Isn't this great? Half of my colleagues already took this deal." (maid)

"Uh, I'm not sure." (Liqu)

"Come on. What did these snobbish royals ever do for us? Don't they work you to the bone? We need to look out for ourselves." (maid)


I don't have bones.
But it's true that my Shari complains about too much work.


"Well, we did quite a lot of things recently." (Liqu)

"See? Those royals don't care about us. So we can just take the best offer and fly with it. You only have to sit still for some time and you'll get your extra pay. Or if you want a bit more. Maybe cause an incident." (maid)

"Incident?" (Liqu)

"Yes. For example, the 'girl' could fall and crack her head, if you understand."(maid)


How would that be possible?
I'm cushioning her so well.


"That sounds very unlikely." (Liqu)

"Well, it doesn't have to be you. I'm sure there are many others willing to get rid of the royals. You just have to lay back and witness their end." (maid)

"But I don't want them to end her. I like Anvenia." (Liqu)


Suddenly, the woman becomes somehow different.
Less cheery.


"Wait, what? Then why did you tell me everything you did?! Sorry, but there's not much you can do. Don't you understand that they've already lost? You should just abandon the sinking ship!" (maid)

"You can't tell anyone, understood? I'd get into serious trouble if you do!" (Liqu)

"Are you threatening me?! Just know, I have important friends! Without evidence you can do nothing! I'll just scream and say you assaulted me because you messed up and told me about the princess!" (maid)


Did I say I'd attack her?
No, don't think so.
But maybe this isn't too bad of an idea.
I have to do something before she's going to tell others that I messed up.
I need to get rid of the problem.


"I can't allow that you tell anyone." (Liqu)

"Who cares? I'm looking out for myself. Might be what you should do. Just don't get in our way. Your reputation is going down the drain if you accuse me out of nowhere!" (maid)


That's not good.
I'm getting into trouble.
It would be so easy to get rid of her.

Hm, I don't like her but she might be right.
Shari always says I needlessly kill others.
And there might be issues if I do something now that I can't fathom yet.

But who cares?
I don't like her.




Before she can react I push my mass out of the clothes and envelop her body.
As always I'm naturally first going for the mouth.




Dissolving a living being is still something completely different from just receiving flesh.
The energy I receive feels just a bit fresher and the struggle is making things exciting.
Yet now I have a bit too much mass with me.
Fortunately, I know where to dump the excess when I look to my right.
When I'm done I just have to slip back into the clothes.
They might be annoying, but the effect is undeniable.


"Liqu! What are you doing here? How many times do I have to tell you not to run off on your own?" (Shari)

"I was looking for Anvenia." (Liqu)

"You're in completely the wrong place here! This is no safe place! You might get into trouble!" (Shari)


I know she sounds angry, but I linked often enough with her to know the truth.
She cares for me in a not completely defined way.
And this knowledge is the most wonderful thing I have in my existence.


"Don't worry. There were no problems." (Liqu)

"Sigh, fine. Then come. I'll bring you there." (Shari)

"Yes, yes! Coming!" (Liqu)


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