Slime Girl

Chapter 177


I need a voucher.
And quickly before they close the town hall for today.
Unfortunately, the only person I'd know to ask is someone I don't want to visit.
In addition, I'm not sure about our status in her books.
Aside from the fact that she scares me.
That woman is the best alchemist in Rakis and the greatest weirdo in this world.


"Where are we going?" (Liqu)

"Tamarah. We need to ask her if she can vouch for us. Do you remember her?" (Shari)

"Oh that one. Yes, yes. I had a nice talk with her. I remember the ones who were nice to me." (Liqu)


I'm not entirely sure if her behavior can count as "being nice".
Rather, excessively close with little respect for personal space.


"Well, I'd like to ask her to vouch so we can get the place." (Shari)


There are also other reasons.
As a local, she might be a good first address to ask about missing people and the slave trade.
Also, I know that she's trustworthy.
If you ignore her foreign behavior she's at least not involved in any dubious business.
The only issue is that we have to walk quite a distance to get back to the northern district where the alchemy shop is located.
At least it's still business time, so it's open.
I open the door and enter.
To my surprise, a chime I don't remember rings, and Tamarah walks from the backroom up to the counter.


"Welcome to Tamarah's concoctions. How can I help you?" (Tamarah)


She isn't looking too interested and we're hidden beneath the cloaks with the unfamiliar chest armor.
How should I go about this for a smooth talk transition?


"Hi, Tamarah!" (Liqu)


Well, that would be one way.
Suddenly, the alchemist is wide awake.
Which might also be due to the potion of unknown contents she just gulped down.


"Oh damn, you're still alive?" (Tamarah)


I hoped for a friendlier welcome.


"Yes? Why wouldn't we be?" (Shari)

"Do you have any idea what kind of chaos you left behind here? You put the town into the greatest economic disarray since the last monster flood, when all those adventurers died! Not to speak of the underworld. For months every single thug in this town was after you. I was questioned by four different parties about your whereabouts." (Tamarah)

"What did you tell them?" (Shari)

"What I knew. That you left to the north to get your asses out of the fire. As any being with a brain, pardon..., or any equivalent of it, could deduce. Didn't have much of a choice. They knew you were here since someone saw you entering my shop, so I had to tell them something." (Tamarah)


That might be the reason for the bounty hunters we faced.
Yet it could be completely unrelated.
Also, I understand her position at that time.
So I won't blame her for this.
Well, and because I want something from her.


"Still, that you were directly writing us off." (Shari)

"Yep, still alive!" (Liqu)

"The last thing I knew was that you were going to deliver yourself to the gates of the noble with the strongest monster killer force in Rakis. So yes, I didn't give you too high chances of survival." (Tamarah)

"It started a bit tense, but we were treated well enough. Right, Liqu?" (Shari)

"I had a great time. So many humans to talk to. I even made a friend!" (Liqu)

"Liqu!" (Shari)

"That I'm not supposed to talk about!" (Liqu)


I'm not sure which is worse.
The fact she hinted at the friend being an important individual she can't mention, or that she's completely oblivious to why this answer was problematic.
Thinking about it, since I already started educating her on common sense I can directly start here.


"Liqu, if you say it like this you're providing information about the thing you are supposed to hide. Now she knows that there's a reason for you not to talk about it. Can you see how this is contradicting the purpose of this rule?" (Shari)

"Oh! Thank you for explaining this." (Liqu)

"You two seem to get along better now." (Tamarah.)

"What do you mean?" (Shari)

"The last time I saw you there was a bit more tension between you two. You didn't interact so willingly with her as just now." (Tamarah)


Huh, she could be right.
I mean, when we took refuge at Tamarah's place I had just killed someone.
Chris directly for Liqu and Cid in the aftermath of that situation.

I'll admit that made me a little somber and was bad for my patience.


"Isn't it great? I'm growing closer to my Shari every day!" (Liqu)

"Sure. Would you be so kind to tell me now what you want here?" (Tamarah)

"Uh, well. I'd like to ask for a favor." (Shari)

"The last favor I did for you put me at odds with every single criminal entity in this town that basically consists of criminality. This is the reason why I had to install a magical chime that will give off an alarm if it's not disarmed in time, which means that I have to head for the counter every time a customer enters. Thank you for this!" (Tamarah)


She sounds pissed.
Which might be justified to a degree.


"Funnily enough, it's again about housing." (Shari)


So I show her the voucher document.


"A guarantor's contract for a housing purchase? Are you kidding me?" (Tamarah)

"We have enough money but the extra payment seems too extreme." (Shari)

"I don't doubt your funds but certainly your common sense. Do you seriously intend to buy a monster nest within a town of monster hunters?" (Tamarah)

"Why? A nest for the two of us sounds so nice."(Liqu)

"Sure it does. Until you get exposed and all the killers will have a door to come knocking at."(Tamarah)

"It's not like this will concern you." (Shari)

"You don't seem to listen. I'm going to be royally fucked if you cause a massacre and I was vouching for you." (Tamarah)


Kinda funny that she said royal.


"You know, from the guild to all the gate guards in town, there'd be so many more who'd be in a similar position. I doubt you'd be the first target of interest." (Shari)

"I still can't believe that they're all unable to look through a mask and the thinnest cover of powder." (Tamarah)

"We also made many important friends! Those are also on our side." (Liqu)

"The count?" (Tamarah)

"For a start. I might be willing to tell you more if you vouch for us." (Shari)

"I still don't think so, as it's quite a risk for little reward." (Tamarah)


Seems like I only have one choice.


"How about I pay you half of the money I'll be saving?" (Shari)

"Tempting. Do you have more?" (Tamarah)

"Sigh. How about us paying in slime?" (Shari)

"I don't mind." (Liqu)


Well, as long as Liqu is fine we're good, right?


"Hm, the supply you left before you went your way is starting to dwindle but I'm not entirely convinced it's worth the hassle." (Tamarah)

"Fine. How about this? I got here an ultra-rare poison I obtained in the capital that comes from more than far away. Something about causing strong hallucinations. Interested?" (Shari)

"Why the heck would you keep something like this with you?" (Tamarah)

"I decided to add poison to my offensive repertoire. It makes for a good addition and allows, depending on the usage, for different approaches during a fight." (Shari)


For example, not to kill.
A soldier hallucinating about his deceased mother isn't going to cause too much trouble and it can cause the kind of chaos on a battlefield I might need to lop off.
After all, killing isn't the only option to reach your purpose in a conflict.
And while I'm able to end a life if it's necessary, I'd rather abstain from it if possible.


"Sigh. Let me test it. If it's viable, I'll take it and two liters of slime. Then I'll sign this thing." (Tamarah)

"Thank you very much." (Shari)


I procure the vial and hand it over.
She uses some kind of small glass container where she pulls the backside up to suck a bit of the substance inside.
Then she heads with it to the backroom.




A piercing screech echoes through the room and after a moment Tamarah returns.


"I have truly no idea what that is. The reaction of the test subject was more than peculiar. Where did you say you got it?" (Tamarah)

"The alchemist I bought it from mentioned something about far in the east. He's a fan of yours, by the way." (Shari)

"Far in the east? I would've thought the southern jungle or the Evergrove. The only country past Koreso is Tarsona. It's quite a developed area. Not exactly the place where you'd find such exotic substances." (Tamarah)

"So is this acceptable as payment for the favor?" (Shari)

"Wait a moment, please. One final test." (Tamarah)


She already tortured some poor creature.
What else does she have in mind?

The next thing she does is gulp down another concoction of hers.
Then she takes the glass thingy from before, drops a bit into the water...
and takes a sip.

Did I mention that she's crazy?


"That's a weird thing to do." (Liqu)


Even the natural slime thinks so!?!


"Don't be like that. I know that it's not deadly from the test with my little pet over there and... Woah!" (Tamarah)


Guess it sets in now.


"Those are some colors. Are these colors? I think I can taste them. Or... smell? It feels calming. Homey. Don't know when I the last time felt like this." (Tamarah)


Her eyes glaze over and I start to seriously doubt that she's still at home in her head.


"Are you alright?" (Shari)

"Giggle. Sure, sis!" (Tamarah)


I am quite sure that she's not fine.


"You better sit down." (Shari)

"If you wanna. Can't deny family." (Tamarah)


Is this stuff making her think I'm her sister?
God, that stuff is strong.
I mean, I'm still a slime.
At least it's clear that she's highly suggestible right now.
Could I take advantage of this?


"Her heart is beating a bit faster than it should in a human." (Liqu)

"I'm completely fine, mum!" (Tamarah)


And that children, is the reason why you shouldn't ingest exotic toxins.
God, she really needs help.
Wait, can't I just ask Liqu to pull everything nasty out of her stomach?


"Liqu, can you dissolve the poison in her body?" (Shari)

"No. If it has an effect this means it already spread. And dissolving everything in her stomach would leave her too clean. For some reason, humans need a bit of a mess in there." (Liqu)

"Tamarah, listen to me. You're currently drugged. Your heart is accelerating and your senses are a mess. We need to do something about this." (Shari)

"Drugged? But I don't have any anti-poison potions. Oh, oh! How about mixing a detox drink?! To get rid of all the nasty stuff in the system." (Tamarah)


Does that mean I have to mix it? If I look at Tamarah she's not in a condition where she should have access to dangerous substances.


"Sounds good. How?" (Shari)

"You need something to upset the stomach, and something with blood cleansing effect, and sugar. Cause sweets are always nice. Ihihihihi, do you know what I use as a foundation, sis?" (Tamarah)

"Slime liquid?" (Shari)

"Naaah, it's slime liquid!" (Tamarah)

"Okay... Liqu, I need your help. Can you go to the backroom and show me the place where she keeps the plant-based ingredients?" (Shari)


I don't know much about using monster stuff, but I should be able to find some plants that have the desired effect.


"Yes, yes. Should be easy. There's a bit much here, but I think I can find it." (Liqu)


I follow behind her, and to my relief, she leads me to an assortment right next to the workbench.


"What are you doing?" (Liqu)

"You know that it's quite easy to influence the human body? Those plants will do this to Tamarah for us. Just in a roundabout way." (Shari)

"Okay. If it works." (Liqu)


Alright, I already have the bowelbouncer.
If I mix this with this retching roarer it should get everything out of her system.

And there...
Coratis grass.
That's like the number one antivenom plant.

This could work.
Yet I need to prepare them first.

For a good effect, one has to use the potent parts.
In case of those mushrooms that means the spores.
And for the grass, the best part is concentrated in the tip, yet the rest is close enough that one could use them whole.

Now I simply have to dissolve everything else.
That might be quite the detail work, but with highspeed processing and my analysis ability which relays to me the concrete composition of the things, I can avoid dissolving too many of the potent parts and only leave what causes the desired effect.
The throw-up concoction I prepare in my right hand and the cleansing in my left.
It only takes a moment and I'm ready.


"Tamarah, I need you to open your mouth and swallow what I give you." (Shari)

"Whatever you're saying!" (Tamarah)


I'm glad that she's so suggestible.
It would've rippled an unpleasant trauma if I had to guide the slime into her stomach.
Yet now I have to do this at least halfway.
At least I could work quickly here and only have to apply it.

I cut the connection to the slime as quickly as possible since having now a profound impression of the inside of Tamarah's mouth is a bit too intimate for my taste.
And then she gulps down the part of mine that I left there, which puts me in a very difficult mood.
It only takes moments and she starts to retch.


"Blurgh" (Tamarah)


God, I hope I won't have to clean this.
Yet now it's time for number two.


"Tamarah, we need to repeat this." (Shari)

"Urbh, urbhl. As you say." (Tamarah)


Unfortunately, I feel that she's retching too much.
It won't ever land in her stomach if I leave it up there.
So I brace myself, thrust my hand down her throat, and pull the part of my arm that isn’t potion out the moment I can.

That wasn't nice for either of us.
Tamarah slumps down on her chair, but from what I can gather of the sorry picture she gives, the potion is doing its job inside her.
We need to wait for quite a while but eventually, she comes to her senses.


"Urgh. Did you just fist my throat?" (Tamarah)


Damn. That's not the kind of talk I want to have.


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