Slime Girl

Chapter 178


- Shari -


"Goddamn, that stuff sure packs a punch. And this even after I diluted it and ingested a neutralizer beforehand. Just what kind of creature would use something like this? There's no need for such a profound effect." (Tamarah)

"Creature? I thought you didn't know what it is?" (Shari)

"Oh please! This stuff made me want to do everything I was told. The last time I checked plants were unable to utter wishes. It's peculiar, but quite clear that this serves a purpose. A purpose that involves getting rid of the victim's free will. At least till the effect wears off again." (Tamarah)

"Did you seriously have to drink it?" (Shari)

"Did you have to punch my guts from the inside? The answer is, in both cases, yes, since I hate not knowing what something is. I'm not the best alchemist in the world for nothing. I couldn't tell what the effect was, and I'm not working with something I don't know. There are too many unknown variables to doing so. So I had to change this or I couldn't stand up to my own reputation. There was no other way to check this out." (Tamarah)


Sure... Selfpoisoning.
That's certainly common practice among alchemists.


"Just good that slimes can't get poisoned." (Liqu)


I just doubt that Tamarah is appreciating this fact the same way as you do.


"About that, the 'potion' you 'brewed'." (Tamarah)


Yes, I know both of these terms are, at best, stretched to uncanny levels by what I did, but ultimately only to help her.
So she should be more appreciative in my opinion.


"Look, you told me yourself to apply that stuff to keep you alive." (Shari)

"I doubt that I was in any real danger. However, that wasn't what I wanted to say. Rather it was... good job." (Tamarah)

"Did you just... compliment me?" (Shari)


It's nice to get a compliment once in a while that doesn't come from a heavily biased slime.
Which on the other hand doesn't look too happy about my reaction.


"Well, it was crude work at best, and you could've added many processing steps. Did you even think about heating the mushrooms to loosen the spores? However, dividing the effects was a smart call. You can't combine an emetic concoction with another effect if you want both effects to apply. That is, if you don't use something that soaks into the skin. For something you had to prepare on the fly, it was sufficient. And I don't give this mark easily." (Tamarah)


Coming from the supposed best alchemist this means something.


"Well, I had some advantages in that regard." (Shari)


Like analysis, dissolving of useless components, and an endless supply of the "foundation ingredient".


"Do you have any idea how jealous I am? Your body is basically your own lab equipment! All you need to brew is yourself! And this paired with halfway decent basic knowledge. It could work..." (Tamarah)

"What could work?" (Shari)


At this, she moves somewhere in her backroom, procures something from there, and returns.


"Catch!" (Tamarah)


With this, she throws a heavy and therefore distressingly expensive-looking book that should never be handled in such a manner in my direction.
I actually have to bend a little higher than my usual height and swing a bit backward to compensate for the impact.


"That's a compendium about the usual recipes along with some personal notes. Since I remember that you don't have to sleep from your last visit to this town and I would really despise wasting time on teaching you the basics, you should spend your time wisely and memorize what's in there." (Tamarah)


I can barely believe that she's handing such a thing out just like this.


"Wow, that's very generous, Tamarah." (Shari)

"Generous? That thing is at least worth ten gold coins. And I expect to receive those from you." (Tamarah)

"What!?! Are you serious?!" (Shari)

"Did you believe the knowledge of the great Tamarah would be for free? That's actually pretty generous. If it helps, you can see this as a security deposit. If you bring it back in pristine condition, you can have the money back. Yet I somehow doubt this will happen. You're the kind to vanish when things are getting too hot. And don't you dare sell it to my competition!" (Tamarah)


Well, seen from that side, this book might be worth much more than what she's demanding.
Yet, there's a certain issue.


"I don't have that much money. And we still need to pay for the place." (Shari)

"Well, in that case, you don't seem to have much of a choice but to work it off. I expect you tomorrow morning." (Tamarah)

"What!?" (Shari)

"We need to take care of your severe gaps regarding how to handle ingredients. And the processing isn't just about dissolving, you should be aware of the other steps and their different effects. And don't forget proper treatment, the different ways to apply a potion, and, of course, mixture ratio." (Tamarah)

"Wait a moment! What are you saying?" (Shari)

"Come back tomorrow. We're gonna make a proper alchemist out of you. Or at least one who can properly prepare potions instead of fist-pumping their victims." (Tamarah)


Me, an alchemist?
That's... overwhelming.
Yes, I received an education about harvesting herbal plants but the difference is like night and day.
It's not just gathering the right stuff and cooking yourself a healthy cup of tea.
Each single ingredient has to be processed differently.
Some have good parts as well as poisonous ones, and others only work if you apply exactly the right temperature.
Don’t even get me started on mixing techniques, the respective portions, or controlling the magical interactions that can go down to even choosing the right vessel.
Becoming an alchemist is like being given permission to mint my own money.
If you think about what one single potion can go for, minus the expenses for the raw ingredients, you can ask for twice, thrice, and much more of the original value.
Already the chance to learn something is a golden opportunity.


"I don't like it! A slime doesn't have to know this stuff. Knowing what works on humans and how has limited usability. That's just going to clutter your core!" (Liqu)


Woah, she might have a point, but I'm quite sure she is mostly jealous.


"What is she talking about?" (Tamarah)

"You saw my core before, right? That thing is basically my brain. The issue is that a crystal is a peculiar thing to contain one's mind. It makes learning new stuff more difficult, but once it's in there, it's basically etched into stone. Yet as you might've guessed, it's not recommended to press useless information in there to be stored forever." (Shari)

"Then let me ask you this: Do you consider what I have to offer as useless information?" (Tamarah)

"No. So I'd gladly take you up on the offer." (Shari)

"But..." (Liqu)

"Liqu, take it!" (Shari)


I remove my glove and extend my hand towards her.
I don't like linking, but it's simply the most effective method to make Liqu shut up.
Linking makes us share our thoughts, but it also directly conveys them in a way that translates our points.
Or simply put, it's doing all the convincing for the parties.
If I'm right, Liqu has only her jealousy going for her.
Naturally, she connects with my hand, albeit a bit hesitantly.

Then the linking hits me.
For a moment, I feel irrationally inclined to reject Tamarah's offer, but then I remember why accepting would be a good idea.
There's the money, but also the knowledge, the versatility it would bring, and the ability to help others, as minor as this last point might be.
In the end, I am convinced I’m right.
And as if to prove my point, every little bit of this foreign feeling of doubt subsides.


"Fine. Grlblshlb" (Liqu)

"Did you solve your argument?" (Tamarah)

"Kinda. But why are you going this far?" (Shari)

"Call it a whim or me taking my chance to go down in history by teaching the ultimate natural alchemist. It's simply tempting, and you have at least the right foundations." (Tamarah)


I need to say, this is still a great opportunity.
This book represents basically pure power in the form of useful knowledge.
It would be stupid to pass here.
So I pay, even though it's starting to deplete my funds, while Tamarah in turn signs the document to be our guarantor.


"If you're done now, I need to prepare for the evening wave of customers when all the perverts come to get what they didn't dare to buy in broad daylight." (Tamarah)

"Just one more thing. Do you know anything about people being caught and sold into a life as slaves in Ekoras?" (Shari)

"Are you kidding me? You can be happy if you make it through a single night in the slums without waking up chained to several of your neighbors." (Tamarah)

"Really, it's so bad? How could things become this severe?" (Shari)

"This is godforsaken Ekoras! People are getting abducted round the clock." (Tamarah)


I knew that crime is rampant in this city, but this can't even be called the underworld anymore.
It's rather pure anarchy.
It's almost unbelievable that the lord is allowing himself to look so lost in his position.


"Where do you think might be the best place to start looking to find places where things like this occur or where they'd be brought to?" (Shari)

"What? Did you two join some freedom force or something like this?" (Tamarah)

"Uh, no. It's more of a special mission as part of our current duties. So, can you tell us anything at all?" (Shari)

"Someone seriously hired you? Well, congratulations I guess. But you know, I'm still alive because I don't stick my nose into things that mean certain death, or worse, if you get involved. All I can advise you would be to start in the slums or ask other locals. For example, adventurers should be well-informed about what happens around town. After all, the slaves have to be transported somehow. It's quite difficult to do so past a considerable portion of the local populace who are regularly venturing out. Some might know something." (Tamarah)


Those are good suggestions.
At least something like starting points for our investigation.
I shouldn't expect to get results on the first day, yet it's good to know that there are ways to make progress.


"And while we're at it, take your poison with you. I can't sell something like that here, don't specialize in this kind of stuff, and you seem to need it more for your little investigation." (Tamarah)


Wow, she can be generous if she wants to.


"Thank you, Tamarah! I owe you! Liqu, also say something." (Shari)

"Uh, thanks for helping, I think." (Liqu)

"Yeah, yeah. You can pay me off with your work. Tomorrow morning. Don't forget. And as I told you already, please get out of here now. I can already see the first ones who are too scared to enter as long as anyone else is in here. I also need to make money once in a while." (Tamarah)


We shouldn't impose too much on her.
So we're leaving before her patience is gone.


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