Slime Girl

Chapter 179


- Shari -


Alright, that took quite a long time, but at least we're ready to go now.
The issue is that now we really have to hurry up, or the counter will close before we can get everything under wraps.
And I wouldn't want to have no place to go when it's getting dark and curfew starts.
Fortunately, we still make it before sunset, which is a good indicator that it should still be fine.


Once again, we walk past the guard at the door.
Luckily, the guy from before is still at his job, which means I won't have to explain everything a second time.


"How can I he-... It's you two." (clerk)

"Good day, sir. As promised, we're bringing the voucher, signed by a suitable guarantor." (Shari)

"That will be on me to decide." (clerk)


I hand over the ledger while being grateful that this mask helps me to maintain a neutral expression.
Otherwise, he would see my uncanny smirk.


"Hm, Tamarah, the alchemist." (clerk)

"You can't say this isn't a known name. Her shop is well-visited, and I know for sure that she has a considerable reputation in her field of expertise." (Shari)

"This may be true, however, her personal reputation is questionable." (clerk)


Is this guy trying to be irritating on purpose?


"Are you kidding me? You said yourself that wealthy merchants would qualify as guarantors, which is the case here! Did she ever get involved in a crime? Or is she the kind to vouch for too many people?" (Shari)


She certainly doesn't give the impression as if she would support everyone.


"No, that she is not. Yet she is known for being of peculiar character." (clerk)

"Which should pose no issue, as she still remains a well-known character who never gave a reason that would induce anyone to doubt her judgment or intentions." (Shari)


He clearly wants to make this difficult for us.


"Alright, alright. I'll cut you some slack and accept this. Since it seems like you want to press the matter and already went through the list of available objects, is there one you want to settle for?" (clerk)

"There were some that fit my priorities. May I see the list again?" (Shari)

"As you wish." (clerk)


It doesn't take long and I have again the list of available houses in Ekoras.

It seems like buying is going to be quite a bit more expensive than I thought, since the available ones are all full buildings.
This means I'm either acquiring the whole place or not.
But there was one that looked like it would suit my purposes.

I'm looking for something in the south, but not too deep in the slums.
Also, it shouldn't be completely run down.
Which are exactly the things the list is telling me about them.
Name, district, price, and some kind of grade for the state, as well as a short description that summarizes everything there is to say about it.
If this is trustworthy, I’ve made my choice.


"Liqu, how about this one?" (Shari)


I point at my choice.
A two-story building, close to the southern gate and the main street.
In this proximity to the guards, it shouldn't be ruined by any troublesome suspects.
Which means it has just the right amount of security that isn't too pressing.
Aside from this, it seems to have been a shop in the past, as there's a rather big front room.
Yet it could also work as an inn.
Those are at least the suggestions.
However, the price of three gold seems quite high for my taste.
On the other hand, it has a cellar, which might be the most important factor.
Because if this slime is content, then my life is easier.


"I don't understand very much about these things, Shari. I'm fine with anything you want." (Liqu)


If I tell her why I would choose this one, she'll just nod to everything I say.
Not like I'm unsatisfied with the result, but it leaves a bad taste that I'm deciding something so important basically by myself.


"Okay, this one." (Shari)

"Are you sure? That's quite deep in the south. You shouldn't believe that the guards are going to scare off any criminals." (clerk)

"It's fine. We're able to defend ourselves. Which also goes for possible monster attacks." (Shari)


Not to mention, that they wouldn't even be able to smell us.


"Would be nice if they'd come to us." (Liqu)


I still see a concerningly high chance that our choice is going to become known as a horror house.


"Alright. If you pay the required five gold then I can get everything on its way." (clerk)

"Excuse me!? The price says it's three gold!" (Shari)


I could still pay that much but certainly don't want to.


"That was the old price. Times changed since this piece was added to the list. The value of property within the walls is steadily increasing. Also, we have to add the fee for the sped-up process you're requesting." (clerk)

"Shari? What is wrong?" (Liqu)

"We're getting ripped off." (Shari)

"Ah, I know that one! Great!" (Liqu)


What is great about this?!


"Can I dissolve him now?" (Liqu)

"What!?" (clerk)

"Errh, no Liqu." (Shari)


Even if that sounds quite appealing at first thought.


"Are you threatening me?!" (clerk)

"No? This wasn't a threat. Threats are what someone says to make someone else do as they want. I was just saying what will happen, regardless of your contribution." (Liqu)


You’re not making it any better, Liqu.
Yet I guess even a slime can get fed up with corrupt bureaucracy.


"Do you want me to call the guard? Who even are you? Coming in here as if you're expecting that everything will go your way." (clerk)


I need to say that my agitation and the possibility that this might turn into ground zero of slimaggeddon are almost on equal levels.


"Not really. But you don't seem to realize that we have allies as well. The kind who's so important that I didn't want to bother them with house transactions. Aside from this, the simple fact that we can effortlessly prepare money on this scale on such short notice should tell you that we're not your average adventurers, but rather the kind you don't want to irritate. Personally, I'd say it's not in your favor to make enemies if you don't have to." (Shari)


I mean this.
While it would be unprofessional to namedrop our order, and subsequently the queen, and certainly not very smart to link this to the base I want to acquire for our operation, I wouldn't mind getting this guy into trouble.

And let's be honest, he is pretty irritating.


"Iehk! Wha-" (clerk)


Suddenly, the man in question jumps up in surprise and stares first below himself, then at us.
No, at Liqu?
And then she also raises her finger in front of the mask’s mouth hole.
Just what is going on here?


"Th-the price is still what it is." (clerk)


At least he sounds a bit more uncertain.
I should try to convince him now.
And I even have an angle.


"Listen, we're basically doing you a favor. Do you really think I'm not aware of what kinds of prospects a shop has in this area? You could just as well write 'free money' on the door. I'm quite sure it's not easy to sell an object like this. We, on the other side, are not in dire need of a place. It might seem so, as we're rushing this quite hard, but the main reason for this is that I don't see why I should pay for an inn if we can get a place now. So we may either leave now and nothing will come from this except for a developing grudge of yet-undefined severity to you, or you may give us a reasonable price and then you can tell your boss that you got rid of the deadweight for more than the usual price." (Shari)


Sometimes I am almost fine with having slime vocal cords that allow me to speak completely mechanically with perfect certainty.
The man at the counter looks at us for an uncomfortably long time.


"Four gold. And this includes the accelerated process." (clerk)

"Sigh, fine." (Shari)


It might just be the sense of accomplishment that drives me to see this through and buy this place.
I'm not even sure what we will do with it in the long run.
I just believe that if things ever become calmer for us, then Ekoras might be a good place to stay.
Not because the city is such a pleasant town to live in, but because it's a good environment for a slime.
I certainly don't want to stay forever in the palace, with all the conspiracies, killers, and a truthfully rather terrifying queen.
Here in Ekoras, we can work as adventurers, are just two streets away from the Evergrove, which equals filled food storage for us, and if it ever gets really dire we could even dig ourselves into the ground all the way to the lawless killer forest, which would make for a good escape.
Anyway, I procure the money and hand it over, the payment from the count finally getting put to use.


"You didn't lie about your financial capabilities. To think you'd carry it around like this." (clerk)


It might be a questionable decision to have that much money on your person.
Yet it's not like I couldn't defend myself.
And in the case of an emergency, I could just store it within my body.


"Are we done now?" (Shari)

"I want to know as well!" (Liqu)

"Please wait a moment. We have premade contracts for cases like this. I'll immediately put in the details of the object. This is part of the service for the accelerated process." (clerk)


Okay, why is he again looking so hard at Liqu while saying this?
It takes a while for him to prepare the documents, but ultimately he stamps it with the seal of the marquis of the south.
With this it's official.
Liqu and I are now proud house owners.


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