Slime Girl

Chapter 180


- Shari -


Finally, I can get out of there again.
I double-checked if everything on the paper was in order, which was made difficult by my core brain which always tries to ignore such information.
However, now I first have to settle something.


"What the fuck did you do in there, Liqu?! And don't try to deny it! You were far from being inconspicuous." (Shari)

"Uh, nothing big." (Liqu)

"Big enough to cause an extreme reaction! So what was it?" (Shari)

"I... sent a bit of slime through a hole below me and made it cling to his feet." (Liqu)


Oh great, public threatening.


"You seriously used your slime in a way someone else could see it?" (Shari)

"No. I was working secretly. I only sent a tendril below him and stroked his leg. And there was nothing to see from the outside. Look, I made these holes in the shoes. Now I can guide slime through them whenever I need. That's a great advantage!" (Liqu)


As much as this may open up strategic options, this wasn't the point here!
Stupid Liqu!


"We both know that slime never works 'clean'. Fucking awesome. Why don't you just go directly to the guards and announce to them that you're a slime? And no, that wasn't actual advice, but just me completely freaking out at your lack of common sense!" (Shari)

"But he was mean to you!" (Liqu)


This line of thinking has gotten me into trouble so many times already.
It's time to do something about it.


"So what, Liqu?! Sometimes someone is mean to you. Then you can either do something about it or live with it. While dealing with a problem sounds appealing, this only goes if the reason outweighs the other problems it brings. If I don't want to do something about someone's behavior, there might be a reason for it!" (Shari)

"I don't like this. No one can treat my Shari poorly!" (Liqu)

"This might surprise you, but I can stand it to be treated poorly. I don't need someone else to fight my fights." (Shari)

"But this isn't..." (Liqu)

"This isn't what? Fair? This may surprise you, but life isn't fair! Sometimes you can just suck up to what it deals you. Do you want to know what enabled humans to become so strong? It's the ability to just endure something and not make a big deal out of it. If we couldn't, there would be so much blood on the street that we'd have to swim right now. You're always saying that I should think more like a slime? Why don't we turn this around for a bit of change and have you see things a bit more like a human? Because, you know, humans are able to survive in a society! Which is exactly what you're in right now! And as a fellow human, I just have to say one thing to you: Fucking live with the small inconveniences!" (Shari)


The moment I say this, I shove my arm in her direction and establish a connection with a tendril I extend below the glove.
To get past her chest plate, I have to shove my fist upward from below her stomach and link to the slime surface below.
The moment the link is established, I send her the summed-up version of what I just told her via direct thought exchange.
Let's hope it will have an effect.

Suddenly, I hear a voice call out from the side.


"Hey! No violence! This is a decent place!" (guy)


Damn, I forgot that we're still in public.
And now this guy even comes closer.
He looks somewhat well-situated, coming from his clothes, and has this dark brown curled hair as if he just jumped out of some fairytale.
The nice ones, for kids.
Not those where the fairies spirit you away.


"Were you harmed? If anything severe happened you can bring this to my attention. The guard might be lax, but this kind of behavior has consequences." (guy)


Am I now being treated as a public offender?
Did you forget in what town we are?
This is goddamn Ekoras!
That this is the good part of the city doesn't mean you have to act as if the guard would do their job!
Who even are you?!

Liqu looks even more confused than I am.
Which might also be after-effects of the sudden linking.


"You mean me?" (Liqu)

"Yes, miss. You were attacked, right?" (guy)

"Uh, well, no? We were trying to get a place to live together, and I did something stupid. Shari made me understand that I was wrong. She knows better about these things. I'll try to do better." (Liqu)


Oh great.
What a development.
But could you not say this while this guy is looking at me like worthless scum?
Now I'm also a domestic abuser it seems.


"J-just to clarify, I'm doing this for her own good... Uhh, I mean I usually don't..." (Shari)


What exactly can I say to justify this kind of situation?


"You can do this again anytime, Shari! There's so much that’s new to me and I struggle to get it right, so it's understandable that you're frustrated and react roughly. I think it helps. I understand so much better what you're trying to teach me if you force it into me. I know you're just doing so because I'm important to you." (Liqu)

"Something like this..." (guy)


Can I cry?
I want to cry.
Though, I wouldn't have an explanation for the slime flowing out of my mask.


"Listen, that you have problems in your relationship is no excuse to resort to this kind of violence. One has to cherish one's partner! Otherwise, we wouldn't be better than lowly monsters such as orks. You need to be better..." (guy)


After that, I had to listen for several minutes to a neverending tirade about how shameful my behavior was.
And during the whole time, Liqu only listens, sometimes rejoicing when he refers to us as a couple.


"Anyway, I may not be able to call the guard on you for this, but if I hear that you mistreated her again then I'll personally do something about it. Miss, if you need help, please come to the adventurer barracks. I'll gladly assist you. Just ask for Lorel." (Lorel)

"Okay?" (Liqu)


At least it's now finally over.
At last, we can get on our way.
I still throw Liqu an exasperated glare from below my mask.


"You know, I would've said something, but you told me not to in a situation like this." (Liqu)

"Yes, Liqu, I did. I did indeed." (Shari)


This all took so long that now it's gotten late.
So we should meet up as we agreed.
Fortunately, the guard's main office isn't too far from here.
The reason might be that the upper center and the merchant district in the north are the top priorities so it makes sense to put the center of the town's security service between those.
In front of the building, I can already see Michael waiting.


"There you are! I was growing worried. Did anything happen?" (Michael)


I look at him for a moment, while today's events once more haunt me, and with all the non-existing enthusiasm I'm able to convey at this point, I reply.


"Far too much. Far too much." (Shari)


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