Slime Girl

Chapter 181


- Shari -


So the good news is we got our base.
The bad, my reputation is down the gutter.


"Turns out, buying a house isn't so easy in this town. We nonetheless managed to do so." (Shari)

"You bought a whole house? An apartment would have surely sufficed." (Michael)

"Liqu wanted a cellar, and I usually prefer to keep her content." (Shari)

"You mentioned difficulties. At this price range embezzlement shines through. Do you need any help? I have some contacts in this town." (Michael)

"It was difficult, but we have some allies as well. By the way, I might have a commitment tomorrow morning." (Shari)

"Sigh. Well, that mustn't be entirely bad. Keeping appearances on long-term missions is part of the job. Just make sure that you don't load so much onto yourself that you can’t follow your orders." (Michael)

"I'll try. Speaking of which, what exactly should we do now?" (Shari)

"We'll reveal our presence to the local authorities. If it comes to a clash with other powerful groups, especially the nobles, they'll have to choose sides. We cannot afford to get treated as criminals and lose our ability to operate. After all, it's not like your identity is a secret after the announcement of your order, we just have to make proper use of it." (Michael)


Guess I'll follow his lead.
He seems to be more experienced than I am on this matter.
It's not like this will make anything worse.
Our identity as adventurers has already been compromised since the incident with Cid.
However, aside from this, they shouldn't know anything else about us, as we never showed our faces, for good reason that is.
Aside from that, if the local guard turns out to be hostile, it should be rather clear who is responsible for slave trafficking in Ekoras.
Nonetheless, the next step makes me a bit anxious.


"Is something wrong, Shari? It seems so to me." (Liqu)

"Uh, well, you know that we are going in there now?" (Shari)

"Sure." (Liqu)

"Well, it might not be the smartest thing a slime could do to enter the headquarters of the guard." (Shari)

"Don't worry. I recovered quite a bit. If they attack you I will just dissolve them all." (Liqu)


That's exactly what I'm worrying about.

I repeat my usual speech about not killing humans before we head in there.
Entering the building itself comes rather easily as access to the foyer isn't restricted.
Apparently, they want to at least keep up appearances that it's possible to come here to report crimes, and so they can't restrict the access for the populace.
The interior is more on the basic side.
A table at the entrance to note who comes and goes, weapon stands, some rows of beds in the connected barracks, and rooms I can't look in from my position.
Though, even if things are like this, there's a point when you can't go any further.
Which is usually when they demand that you state a reason for your presence.
As does the woman at the counter now.


"Please state type and location of the crime." (guard official)

"We have other business. We're here because we need to talk to your captain." (Michael)

"Do you have an appointment?" (guard official)

"We don't need one. I'm sure he'll be very eager to see us." (Michael)


Kinda nice to have someone doing the talking for you who has any social skills and you don't need to watch that they're not dissolving the other party.
Though, while he banters with that clerk, I notice something disturbing.


"Hey, do you see those two over there?"

"Aren't those..."

"... according to the descriptions..."


Yep, it's safe to say at this point that we can't just turn around and leave anymore.
I should've given more thought to the matter that we're basically suspects in a murder case.


"Could you please hurry up a bit? This is an official investigation!" (Michael)


Yes, please, before we get apprehended, if you may.
The guard official notices the current disturbance among the ranks.
However, only an imbecile wouldn't think that there might be a reason for our presence.
A reason the boss might want to hear if we're asking for him.
And so she turns around and calls out.


"Could someone please inform Captain Gareth of this situation?" (guard official)


That man is stored in my core.
It's the guy who came after we killed those two thugs in our room and who assisted this baron in taking our money.
The latter might indicate a problem.

Through some miracle, we make it till the message is relayed to a room at the end of the barracks.
A moment later, the guard captain leaves it, but halts the moment he spots us.


"You! Are you here to confess your involvement in the incident?" (Gareth)


Well, I suppose it doesn't matter anymore.


"If you mean Cid, sure, we were involved." (Shari)

"It was me! I did it!" (Liqu)


He quickly turns to his subjects.


"What are you all standing around for? Apprehend them!" (Gareth)


First, I need to take care of the biggest problem.


"Liqu, calm down. There's no reason yet to take action. We want to avoid a fight if possible." (Shari)

"Yes, yes. But if it gets dangerous I won't hold back." (Liqu)


Not exactly soothing, but apparently all I can get.
To make things worse, the first guardsman is already far too close to me.
I glance towards him and hope the mask is helping to deliver this.


"I wouldn't do this if I were you. Unless you want to get rid of that hand that is." (Shari)


Yes, that was enough to make him step back.


"What are you waiting for?!" (Gareth)

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, captain!" (Michael)

"Sure. And what exactly would convince me otherw..." (Gareth)


At this moment, Michael takes out his badge and holds it out for him to see.
Since I presume this was as good a sign as any other, I do the same and procure the badge that identifies me as an agent directly under the command of the crown.


"This is a joke, right." (Gareth)


I give Liqu a jab and point at the badge.
Fortunately, the slimehead is able to decipher the meaning of my action and takes out her badge as well.
To make a bit of a point, I also reveal the finely carved chest plate, adorned with this embarrassing slime drop symbol.


"We also have several documents with the king's seal and signature. Though, I would prefer to go about them in a more dedicated environment. Would that be possible?" (Michael)


One really has to admit that this man is impressive with how he stays calm despite the tense situation.
If not for my slime body, I would be a trembling mess at this point.
Especially, as the next moment decides everything.
Is the guard corrupted and they'll attack us, or are they reasonable?


"Fine. Follow me." (Gareth)


Well, that's a promising start.


Captain Gareth's office isn't what I would call spacious.
Rather, it's just big enough for all of us to get in there without squeezing uncomfortably close together.
Which I appreciate quite a lot in view of my condition.

The issue is also alleviated by Gareth sitting down behind his desk, which leaves just enough space on the other side to allow him to sit down while bumping the chair against the wall.


"I want you to know that I'm not convinced yet, but on behalf of your proclaimed status I can't just ignore your position. You said you have documents. May I see them?" (Gareth)

"To be precise, there are two which are of interest to you. The first my lovely company will show you now." (Michael)


I know exactly what he means.
Aside from the badges that show the royal crest and basically say that we're working for the crown, we've got something like a more in-depth contract.
From the big one that refers to our nature and the whole agreement we have with the king, but foremost the queen, there only exist three copies.
One with us, one in the palace, one for the count as the honorable voucher.
Yet that's not the one that matters, as it's private and I can't show it to anyone.
No, the one he means is the official document that declares us and our order as royal agents.
With seal, signature, and all there is to it.

So I procure the document and hand it over.
I don't have to be too concerned, as the parchment got enchanted ten times over with durability spells.
One exclusively to make it impervious to contact with any kind of liquid for, well, obvious reasons.
Alone, this degree of meticulous crafting can act as proof to show this isn't just a forgery.


"Ahem: 'It's hereby declared that the individual, known as Shari, is appointed as a knight of the order of the Longing Drop. As such, she is only bound to the crown and her demands must be fulfilled.' Seriously, it sounds unbelievable, but the seal seems to be real." (Gareth)

"Because it is. Liqu has her own. We both are agents of the crown and on an official mission." (Shari)


Michael as well, by the way.
However, Captain Gareth doesn't look too comfortable with this thought.


"In the short time I knew you, you two caused more chaos than this town saw in a long time. I just can't wrap my head around how it would be possible for you two to ingratiate yourself with any of the royals." (Gareth)

"Maybe they took a liking to our straightforward approach?" (Shari)


At least in Liqu's case, it's only about pointing at a problem to make it gone.
Yet this man once again shakes his head.


"Can I ask you one question?" (Gareth)

"It depends on the kind. There are limits to the things we can disclose." (Shari)


For example, none of the kind that want to investigate my nature as a monster.


"It's more a matter of curiosity. Did you kill Cid on royal order?" (Gareth)

"No, that was long before. We just promised and I didn't like him." (Liqu)

"Which doesn't matter, as their appointment included a complete amnesty." (Michael)

"I know the usual procedures. Yet I still have to ask myself what utter morons you are! Do you have any idea what you did there?!" (Gareth)

"Getting rid of a vile underworld boss? You should've known what kind of asshole he was." (Shari)

"That's not the point! You caused the greatest economic disaster this town saw in centuries! Cid kept his records hidden to avoid getting replaced so there was no one to take over this business, while the shops were still unsure if they'd be allowed to buy from other sources. None of the adventurers had any idea where to sell the excess they brought into town. The stench on the streets was terrible and the loss of wares more than regrettable." (Gareth)


His grim expression tells me that if not for the royal amnesty he was already fully committed to using us as scapegoats for this mess.


"So, am I right with the assumption that you and the guard are still loyal to the crown?" (Shari)

"What are you talking about?" (Gareth)


Is he truly unaware of what happens in this country?


"Ahem, as of now, a great number of the local nobles in various regions has united to form a group with the given purpose of removing the royal family from their position and essentially handing the control over to Koreso." (Michael)


Hm, he doesn't look completely surprised, but also not fully comfortable with the idea.


"What are you suggesting?" (Gareth)

"You know that very well. Where lies the alignment of the military forces in Ekoras?" (Michael)


Now we're at the crucial part.
The next moments could very well decide if this town is going to survive.
After a draggingly long moment of thinking the captain answers.


"I can't speak on behalf of his lordship. However, he's eager to keep a neutral stance in general. I am in no position to make political decisions. Quite the contrary. My job mostly revolves around preventing the current tensions from blowing up to protect the livelihood of the people." (Gareth)

"Then how do you explain the slaves?" (Michael)

"Slaves?" (Gareth)

"We have intel that a great number of the local population gets abducted or in other ways conscripted to be sent as slaves to Koreso. Which, considering King Parcian's latest edicts, goes directly against the crown's command. How do you explain this? And please, don't try to deny that you have cases of missing persons." (Michael)

"You know this isn't so easy." (Gareth)

"Don't come at me with appeasement. Under your watch, the very people you just said yourself that you are obligated to protect are going missing. As things present themselves you're simply ordered to look away. You're claiming that your position doesn't allow any political involvement, but this is crap. You have all the authority necessary to enact a decisive blow against the very forces threatening to ruin this country." (Michael)

"And what after this? The criminals will openly turn against what is left of the order in this town, I will be replaced by a more loyal subject, and the rot will only fester worse than before." (Gareth)

"Captain, I'm sure you're not satisfied with the current state of affairs. However, I believe you're not in the position to lead an official investigation. Fortunately for you, we offer just that. As soon as we are ready, we will just point you at the right places under royal command. This will provide you with the perfect excuse to act upon, as everything else would be no less than open rebellion against the crown. And such a thing to protect mere criminals. Nobody could take offense if a guard captain does his job, if he receives a command of the highest order to do just that." (Michael)


If this works we basically have him on our side.
Michael makes it sound so easy.


"You're aware that you sound very much like a conspirator yourself? One that bargains for my support?" (Gareth)

"Nothing of that degree. You'll be barely involved at all. Only coming to uphold the laws of this country when the time is ripe. Everything else will be on us. All that we require in the meantime is for you to do what you're already doing so dilligently. To look away." (Michael)

Ouch, that blow hurt.
Yet I doubt there's much he can say against this.
As royal subjects, we're almost untouchable for him if he doesn't want to declare rebellion against the country for his lord, which he just said he won't.


I see him sighing so heavily that it looks as if he's deflating.


"Do what you want. As if you even have a chance. You're what, three people of dubious background against an army? You'll soon see how vicious this place truly is." (Gareth)


While he sounds as if he's berating us, I almost believe there’s something like eagerness at the thought that it's no longer just on him to confront this darkness.


"I fear you're underestimating our abilities, captain." (Michael)

"Do I? You came here without any security measures. That doesn't seem all too professional. What would you have done if the lord had already chosen a side?" (Gareth)

"Then we would've eradicated every last one of you traitors, as is our duty. It's just good that we brought the necessary means to get rid of such rot." (Michael)

"Was that a threat? What exactly are you planning?" (Gareth)

"No, it was nothing but the truth. What we have in store might be messy but effective. Isn't that so?" (Michael)


Seems like he's finally involving us again.


"I'd hope to believe that we could avoid any casualties." (Shari)

"I'm working very cleanly!" (Liqu)


That might depend on who you're asking, Liqu.


"Sigh. I can't stop you, but I already worry deeply about your involvement." (Gareth)

"Well, sometimes it just needs a little purge to get rid of the worst scum." (Michael)

"Should be possible. Is that what I'm supposed to do, Shari?" (Liqu)

"No, Liqu. Please don't kill everyone in the city." (Shari)

"Okay, if you say so." (Liqu)

"God, who did I just get involved with?" (Gareth)


That's something I’ve asked myself so many times.


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