Slime Girl

Chapter 182


- Shari -


After our introduction is done we continue with the formalities.
This mostly includes signing some documents, making sure that all guard officers know that they shouldn't apprehend us unless they want to get into real trouble, and looking through all the information the local guard might have about slavery in Ekoras.
Which isn't all that much.
Almost as if "someone" would deliberately turn a blind eye to related cases.
Or at least not spend too many resources on solving them.
Looking through them is absolutely nothing I'm prone to do since my core's information processing is only good for ingraining information, not skimming through it to gather interesting tidbits.
Michael, on the other side, is seemingly in his element, scanning through whole mountains of papers in an astonishingly short time.
Since this isn't a suitable location to discuss any potential findings, we'll do so once we have privacy.

All in all, while the officials show a certain bias that benefits our enemy, as of now, it seems like our gamble plays out in our favor.
This is mostly indicated by the fact that we currently don't have to kill everyone who's assembled here.
In this regard, I'm very much in favor of the neutral stance of the local lord if it leads to this.

Eventually, we're done.
Actually, quite quickly since Captain Gareth seems to want to get rid of us.

The moment we step out of the guard hall I am overcome by relief.
And I mean literally, as I ease up so much that my human shape almost disintegrates.
Fortunately, I manage to pull myself together before anyone can get a panic attack.
Yet it should be understandable, considering how likely it was that things take a really, really bad turn.


"Well, that went quite well, right?" (Shari)

"Not as well as it could. He sure as hell is going to inform the lord. Then it will depend on if Lord Varros will maintain his neutral stance until he has to choose a side. And that's what we will enforce. This might be risky, but if one thing is sure then it’s that we're going to lose if the other side is allowed to increase their grasp on this place without any opposition." (Michael)


Ekoras might be a chaotic shithole, but it's nonetheless of value.
The population, the wealth, the strategic location, all this shouldn't fall into the hands of our enemies.


"You said you were able to acquire a base for our operations?" (Michael)

"Yes. A former shop in the southern district. It got rundown and hence was made available for purchase but should serve our purposes quite well." (Shari)


So we walk to the southern district.
Fortunately, we also took a small city map with us while we were in the guard house, otherwise searching might've taken a while.
Yet once we arrive, I realize that I wasn't aware of a very important point about our new home.
The doors were not included in the ridiculously high price.


"This is it?" (Michael)

"Well, it might look a bit rundown, but that should be expected in this area." (Shari)

"Rundown is good. This place got raided. It would be nothing short of a miracle if the planks of the inner floor would still all be there." (Michael)

"Maybe we should first head inside before we rush to assumptions?" (Shari)


At least in the front room, it seems like a miracle took place as we find a completely intact floor.
Aside from that, it's a mix of nice and utterly devastated.
The latter, as the general condition, is certainly less than great.
Many accumulated damages, like holes in the wall, several broken planks, a stairway whose guard rail might be more dangerous to use than not, and I'm not sure what else the thick layer of dust is hiding.

On the other hand, I can see its potential.
The front room is spacious, it has as promised a second floor, and everything that's keeping the house from breaking down is still doing its job.
At least, I don't notice any signs of instability.
And in the backroom should be the entrance to Liqu's cellar.
This one even has two doors.
One, rather rundown, between the rooms, and a decent one to the cellar.
Yet both are too small to replace what's missing in the entryway.
Anyways, it seems like we have at least enough space to spread out here.


"Well, at least the stairway will make for a good line of defense. Under the assumption that we'll even make it up there." (Michael)

"We could just crawl along the wall!" (Liqu)

"Sigh. Maybe I should just find myself an inn." (Michael)

"Can I look around, Shari?" (Liqu)

"Sure, but don't forget where we are. You still have to pay attention so you won't be seen." (Shari)


Otherwise, she might start walking naked around the house.
Which isn't so great when there are no doors.


"Yes, yes!" (Liqu)


And off she goes.


"Whoah, this looks nice!" (Liqu)


She shouts from the backroom.

Now that it got a bit calmer here, I might discuss our mission with Michael.
Nothing against Liqu, but her presence can be distracting at times.


"So, how do we proceed from here on out?" (Shari)

"I'd say with a thorough renovation. Maybe a new paint for the walls. White might look nice." (Michael)

"Groan! Please, you know what I mean." (Shari)

"Sure, but for some reason it's pretty tempting to rile you up. Regarding our mission, this whole operation might take a little while. Our friends at the guard have barely gathered any material. I suppose they're trying very hard to sweep everything under the rug. This means an extended period of the most boring part of our job. Information acquisition. We'll have to ask the different involved parties if anyone knows something about the missing people. As mentioned before, our relevant sources of information are the locals, adventurers, and naturally, anyone involved with the perpetrators. Yet we can't afford to raise their suspicion or they might change locations once they know we're looking for them. So we need to put some effort into looking like mundane citizens, or we might be found out. And just in case you don't know, a reputation as someone who's coming from an official side is not exactly beneficial while asking delicate questions." (Michael)


Well, if it's about simulating a civilian life...


"On that matter, I... might've started a job." (Shari)

"How long were we in this town again?" (Michael)

"It's just that I knew someone. An alchemist to be precise. They offered to teach me the basics. I need to say, it’s a tempting offer. You know, improving myself in this manner." (Shari)

"Seriously? Let me guess, Tamarah, the lunatic genius?" (Michael)


That nickname is new to me but the assumption was spot on.


"How did you know?" (Shari)

"Alchemists tend to hoard their knowledge if not for those making a living by teaching at committed institutions for horrendous prices. So it seems quite impossible that someone who doesn't even know your face, for good reason that is, would just do so. Not to speak of what would be if they'd known your face. Regarding why I thought of her, that woman is infamous. I wouldn't know anyone else willing to forego basic common sense as much as this woman. That aside, I suppose... good for you. The knowledge you gain in this kind of apprenticeship may prove invaluable along the way. However, you shouldn't forget about our mission." (Michael)


Yep, starting my career as an alchemist while people are being sold as slaves might be a questionable thing to do.
At least, one might justifiably ask if that won't distract me from doing my job.


"I understand. This will only take a part of the early morning. Tamarah still has to manage her shop. For the rest I'll be fully operational." (Shari)

"Regarding concrete measures, I have some contacts I'd ask about anything regarding possible slave trafficking. I suppose it should pose to be difficult to meet up again before the evening. You might ask around on your own. You know, learning the ropes. For example, in the slums." (Michael)

"I was told that the local adventurers might know something." (Shari)

"Well, that's a lead. Good for us. Finding a starting point is the difficult part." (Michael)

"Well, thanks. If you'll excuse me now, I need to look after Liqu. I always get nervous if I don't hear from her for too long. You may get ready for the night." (Shari)


By now it's getting dark, and I don't think there'll be many cooperative informants out there at this time.


"You're right. The curfew is making it difficult to move freely. It's just unfortunate that we're in this district. Maybe I should set up some alarms. I'd very much appreciate not getting my throat slit during my sleep." (Michael)

"It might help on that matter that slimes don't really sleep. You'll probably be quite safe during the night." (Shari)

"Just saying, I consider myself pretty tolerant, but if possible, don't sneak up on me while I'm sleeping. I don't really need that kind of scare." (Michael)


Well, at least one would be awake afterward.
Since this is over, I walk to the cellar where Liqu is supposed to be.


"Are you in here?" (Shari)


I look into a dark wet cave.
Without my dark vision, I wouldn’t be able to see anything in here, and it seems like the nearby river leaves a part of its water here as the cellar was built too deep and not isolated.
If I'd have to see this in a positive light, then at least it's only a pond and no indoor pool.
I eventually find her clinging to the ceiling, a small head starting to form out of the mass.


"Yes, I am! Isn't this great here? Just right for us!" (Liqu)


Well, someone is happy.


"Am I right that you want to sleep here?" (Shari)

"You don't? I mean, this is just perfect for a slime. You really should just try it." (Liqu)


I get where she's coming from as I can't deny that my perception of the environment has changed.
However, not today.


"I have to read that book Tamarah sold me. This place is no good for this. Also, someone should watch the rest of the house." (Shari)


At least until we have doors.


"Oh, okay. I learned that this is important to you, so I won't get in your way." (Liqu)


I need to say, that sounds encouraging.


"Alright. If you need me, I’ll probably be on the upper floor." (Shari)


This might be a good night.
It seems I'm going to become an avid night reader.


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