Slime Girl

Chapter 188

- Shari -


I need to admit that Tamarah's compendium is worth its money.
All the recipes, personal notes for brewing, and information on the proper dosage, application, and intended result, don't just make this an excellent cooking advisor but also grant a stable foundation for someone starting out in the medical area.
It's still stupidly big, and with my slow reading speed, I’ve barely scratched the surface, but I can see glimpses of where the journey is going.
On the other hand, I now have to go and deal with the downside to this.
Yes, it's true, my mornings are still reserved to help out as Tamarah's assistant.
Mostly because I need to pay her for the book.
However, it would be a lie if I said that I don't have a personal interest in soaking up every bit of knowledge she's willing to pass on to me.
Which comes across somewhat wrong considering that my body is doing the soaking.
Nonetheless, for various reasons, I want to make it on time.
But before I'm out, there's Liqu waiting in the main hall.


"Where are you going?" (Liqu)

"Liqu, you know that I have to go to Tamarah in the morning. But you have to go somewhere as well. If I'm right, you still need to check with Michael on the response for the appointment you set up in the guild. Look, I'm quite proud of you that you managed so well on your own yesterday, so I think it's good for you to do your own thing once in a while and make your own experiences." (Shari)

"Uh, well... If that's what you want to do." (Liqu)


Seems like she doesn't have much to put against my argument.
Also, we kind of have an agreement on such matters.
While I don't like the implications of doing it, I need to admit that linking with Liqu makes her understand my point better.
For this reason, she agrees now to grant me the space I need at times to do my own thing, which I'm very glad about.
Something that might appear slightly weird right now when I am, in jolly spirits, wandering through the streets of the slum I live in, at a time before it even gets bright, to meet my abrasive boss for a job that basically only pays towards the huge amount of debt I incurred and where I literally have to sell my body.
I guess it depends on one's personal outlook on things.
So I arrive at Tamarah's shop.


"Hello, I'm back!" (Shari)

"No need to shout. Did you continue with your studies?" (Tamarah)

"As well as I could. Still in the first chapters, though." (Shari)

"Hm. What's the advised temperature to brew a mid-grade mending potion?" (Tamarah)

"70°C, 75-80°C if you're using slime as a medium, as the contents don’t spread quite as quickly within it and you need more energy to destroy existing structures. Though, while I can attest that the slime becomes more liquid-like with continuous heat application, I am not quite sure if I can get the measurement right by feeling alone." (Shari)

"That's almost a perfect recitation. Fascinating. To think that this is now stored inside your mind. Quite outrageous, I need to say." (Tamarah)


Uh, should I thank her?
Well, it's mostly my physiology and not my skill she is complimenting here, so maybe not.
However, since there aren't any customers yet, now is the time to show her the fruits of my labor.


"Speaking of my abilities as an alchemist. Would you mind taking a look at my productions?" (Shari)


I fetch the stamina potions and the salve out of my bag and put them on the counter next to her.
She doesn't waste any time with the appraisal.
And in the end, stays the unforgiving assessment.


"Did you make this by yourself?" (Tamarah)


One could even say with myself.
Though, I don't wish to dwell on this part.


"I had to improvise a great deal, though I still hope this is somewhat useable." (Shari)

"It surprisingly is. While the solution is quite simple and the quality is lacking, it's already astonishing that you were able to prepare something practical with insufficient equipment. Yet this is mostly due to the fact that you used the good slime, which is amplifying everything. On the other hand, this doesn't say anything about your skill, as that level is still determined by how you achieve quality." (Tamarah)


Well, thanks for what almost amounts to a compliment.


"Prepare yourself. Today, you're in charge of setting up the ingredients. If you ruin them I will add it to your debt. After this, we may see if we can ingrain some more recipes into that core of yours." (Tamarah)


And so the daily grind begins.
Literally, cause grinding some dry ingredients is part of my tasks.
Something that is easier said than done, cause it's very hard to adjust strength without dropping my body matter into the bowl.
Yet that's not the only thing.
Also, cutting plants, cooking out monster glands, and cleaning.
Funnily enough, getting rid of foreign elements on a surface is quite easy for me, as I can just dose the object with water afterward, which perfectly gets off the residual slime.
This makes for an effective combination.
Summarized, I guess that I can do this job quite well.
If not for the odd demands of my employer.
For example, she's forcing me to simultaneously put a tendril of slime into a glass container below a flame and tell her how hot it is, which is quite distracting from the other things I'm doing.


"Can you tell the temperature at this degree?" (Tamarah)

"Only through guesswork. It's not like I see the numbers." (Shari)

"Is that true? From what I saw before from you and Liqu, you seem to work very exactly. For example, you two always seem to have a very good inkling on how much you need to restore to full capacity." (Tamarah)

"I can differentiate and tell the changing heat levels, but not give you a perfect call." (Shari)

"You know, I always had this theory that slimes were originally created artificially, which must mean there had to be a step when their inner workings must've been designed. There must also be fail safes in place as it's at risk of completely running awry. Like stopping the dissolving reaction at some point. And since artificial creatures have no instincts or, so to say, feelings telling them when to stop, one probably used something akin to numbers. In this sense, I'd like to see if it's just a question of you not being familiar with the measurement system and we can ingrain this concept into you." (Tamarah)


Is she seriously openly admitting here that she wants to experiment on my mind?!
While I can see that this may not be a totally useless ability, it sounds terrifying.


"What exactly are you planning on doing to me?" (Shari)

"Nothing too complicated. Below the flask you're operating on is a measurement tool. Put it into the heated slime and just say the numbers in your mind to associate them with what you're feeling. We're basically developing your sense." (Tamarah)


Doesn't sound too ominous.
If I just wouldn't have to do all the other tasks in the meantime.
Sigh, multitasking I guess.

Fine, let's just keep the numbers as much in view as I do the temperature.
It says 54 degrees, increasing.
58, 60, 64, 70, where it starts to settle.
I also follow the preparation task while always spending a part of my mental resources on keeping track of the heat.
Eventually, it reaches 75, which is where I inform Tamarah.


"75 it says." (Shari)


Promptly, the mad woman sprints to my side and closes some lid over the flask, trapping a part of my body inside, then adds something to it.


"What was that?!" (Shari)

"The slime had to be at the right temperature to bond properly. You should be aware of this fact at this point." (Tamarah)

"No, I meant that you just used my body as an ingredient!" (Shari)


Even a good part with energy.


"As I told you before, my reserves were almost depleted. So it's convenient to have you around during the production phase." (Tamarah)


Does this mean I'm just a convenient slime donor!!


"This... I'm pretty sure this kind of treatment of an employee isn't in accordance with general rules of labor!" (Shari)


Otherwise, I'd be far more worried about the situation of assistants in slaughter facilities.


"Well, you're mostly here for your slime. Or did you think your skill and talent was going to make this arrangement worth it for me?" (Tamarah)


Not really.
I kinda hoped our established relationship was making her more generous toward me.
A false hope, as it now turns out.
And it's not like I could turn to anyone with the problem that my boss is using my body as her ingredient of choice.
However, I'm not going to let her take my all on such conditions.


"Are you aware that the fact I was controlling this part in the glass means it was energetic slime?" (Shari)

"Yes, I am. On that matter, it might interest you that I discovered that energetic slime has the property of amplifying certain magical effects. There are some similar theories regarding the use of enchanted water. Though, concerning what I heard about those, the results weren't quite as pure. The water element is too particular and not compatible with any intended effect. Also, it can't hold all that much mana." (Tamarah)

"Mana?" (Shari)


Never heard that term.


"Oh, a scientific reference to describe the saturation of magical energy within an object in concrete numbers. For example, an average human of 100kg might get to 100 units of mana, yet that's not to be taken as an absolute. It's just starting to get established and is more on the theoretical side and not too relevant for my craft. Alchemy is more about the kind of ingredient one is using, and rarely requires the saturation of magical energy to be determined in concrete numbers. Usually, knowing if there's an abundance or only minuscule amounts of energy will suffice. However, the measurement unit can serve as orientation. I probably don't need to tell you that your slime is uniquely better suited to contain mana. In addition, the effects are far more generally applicable. Unfortunately, there are no 'slime mages' for the corresponding enriching enchantments." (Tamarah)


At this, she winks at me.


"Okay, while I can admit that this is quite the breakthrough in alchemy, it still means you took mass that I'll need to replenish. Don't know how often you get to consume it, but meat is pretty expensive." (Shari)

"Sure, whatever. I'll consider it when subtracting everything from your tab." (Tamarah)


At least Tamarah isn't a liar, so I can probably count on her keeping her word on this.
Not to speak of that pissing me off wouldn't end too well for most people.
By now Tamarah is done mixing what distressingly is declared as eyegloob into the slime mix and hands it over to me.


"Temperature?" (Tamarah)

"49 degrees." (Shari)

"And you said you'd need measurement tools." (Tamarah)


Oh damn, she successfully messed with my mind.
Will I really be fine on this job?

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