Slime Girl

Chapter 189


- Liqu -


It doesn't happen often that someone wants my support.
And afterward, they usually don't invite me another time.
Yet here I am, once again doing stuff with this Michael guy.
I guess I must've been a big help if he still likes to rely on me.

Also, we're again going to the guild.
I need to say, I'm getting slightly nervous around all these monster killers.
Yet mostly because people who have experience with monsters might have a higher likelihood of identifying what I am.
Something that would end up being quite troublesome for me.
Though, last time no one did, so I might just worry too much here.


"So, Liqu, do you remember what we're here for?" (Michael)

"You put a hunting request out for those we're looking for so the adventurers do the hunting." (Liqu)


It's not like I'm not familiar with this concept, being subjected to it myself.


"Well, a bit simplified, but it seems you grasped the gist of it. Just know that the most important part for us is that they tell us where the targets are." (Michael)


I can understand that very well.
Chasing and looking for trails is, after all, the tedious part of hunting.
It's perfectly understandable to want to push that onto someone else.


"And in return, we're giving money." (Liqu)


I'm still not too convinced about this part of the concept.
Giving useless metal plates for something of value.
But if it works...


"Exactly. Now I probably don't need to remind you, but just to soothe my worries. Please, don't forget to keep up your disguise once we're in there." (Michael)

"Yes, yes." (Liqu)


So we head inside.
Yet I realize that I don't exactly know what to do in here.
The exact machinations of this place have still to be grasped by me.


"We're going to check the blackboard. If our request got granted, any adventurers who are interested or have some kind of information to deliver will be able to get into contact with us. They can either find us at our address, which I added to the assignment, another boon of having a place of our own, or we can make contact via the designated meeting rooms the guild offers as part of its service. You'll see, it's not going to get very difficult." (Michael)


Uh, whenever my Shari says this, things usually get particularly difficult.

So we go to that place where already several apparent adventurers are dwelling.
However, I have the goal to go there to look for our assignment, so I simply push through in a way that I open enough space for this Michael guy to follow.
That's even quite easy, as humans are all lightweights.


"Hey! How dare you?" (shoved adventurer)


Hm, that one seems angry.
My Shari taught me that, in such cases, it's better to make some empty gesture of politeness instead of drawing someone's hostility.
From a strategic viewpoint, I can follow that notion.



"Excuse me! We want to read there." (Liqu)

"You think I don't?!" (weirdly upset adventurer)

"Hm, it seems you do." (Liqu)


Well, nothing to do about this now.
So I simply turn back to the board.
I should look for letters that translate to slavery or something similar.
I'm by no means all that proficient, but after all, it's all about practice, so there's no harm in giving it a try.
Yet most of what I read is about hunting different monsters for their body parts.
To think that this is the place where it's decided who's going to get hunted.
Though, I should be on the safe side for now.

Or maybe not, as I suddenly feel my backside getting poked.
With this stupid cloak and powder, I lack my usual vision, but coming from the feeling, it might've been an elbow.
While continuing scanning through the requests I conduct countermeasures.
Since I reflexively start to think quicker whenever anything happens to my body, it's no trouble to do so in time.

First, I quickly snatch the arm that is responsible for the pressure in my back, winding around it with the sleeve to get a better hold, before yanking it to my right side.
At the same time, focusing my stability on my right leg appendage, I let my left one reach out to the relative position of the culprit.
Since I'm used to feeling for things with my body, I quickly find his feet.
Now, during the movement I forced on him, I intercept his footwork and make him lose his grounding by pushing upward with my own.


" Wha-, Aargh!" (hurt adventurer)


This should incapacitate him and, to make sure that he stays like this, I simply sit down.
This should finally settle that they shouldn't mess with me.
I mean, how many times does the same thing have to repeat till they learn to expect the outcome?


"Aaaargh!" (adventurer in pain)


Uh, I probably applied too much pressure.
I always forget that humans are such fragile little things who can't even endure all that much weight without their internal structure breaking apart.
Yet by now, I drew unwanted attention.


"Did you see that?"

"She put Bron down without even looking!"

"Hah, and subdued him only with her ass!"

"Well, he could be in an enviable predicament."

"The way he's groaning, apparently not."

"But how did she do that?"

"Wait! That's one of the core dwellers!"

"The guild leader told us not to get involved."

"But she is clearly getting involved with us!"

"Uuurgh!" (flattened adventurer)


Maybe I should consider getting off of this guy.


"Liqu, would you mind stopping this? It's going to get us into trouble if you keep this up." (Michael)


He might be right.
Humans tend to be protective of their own.
At least those who can fight.
Then it might be better to lift my weight from him.




Tsk, I barely squashed him.


"I'm letting you go, but please let us read now." (Liqu)


I don't think I'm asking for too much.
With this, I think we can proceed.
By now, there's even enough space for Michael to join me at the board.


"You can read?" (Michael)

"My Shari taught me to!" (Liqu)


I still remember fondly how she took the time to go through all the letters with me.
It's a kinda neat ability to have.
I become especially aware of this when seeing the reaction of a human, like the one Michael now shows.
His look makes it quite clear how special he thinks this is.
Yet once he starts himself, he's much quicker than I am.


"Hm, I designed it as an open assignment to keep it open for competition and get as many adventurers as possible to work with us, but it doesn't seem to stand there. What about specific contacts?" (Michael)


Does this mean he has a system for reading?
Not that I intend to be ungrateful to my Shari but anything to increase efficiency would be appreciated.


"How are you reading so fast?" (Liqu)

"Please don't bother me now. I need to concentrate." (Michael)


Hm, if he needs this.
I too have things I can't do well if I get distracted.


"Those damned assholes." (Michael)


This emotional outburst, although not too big, is enough to get whoever was still close by to distance themselves.


"Something wrong?" (Liqu)


At least it sounds like there is.


"It's not there! They didn't put our quest up!" (Michael)

"Maybe they need more time." (Liqu)

"I doubt it. They had more than enough time to prepare. Something else is at play here." (Michael)

"If you say so." (Liqu)

"Yes, I do. Would you accompany me to the counter?" (Michael)

"Sure. If you tell me the trick to faster reading! (Liqu)

"Sigh. Okay, on the way to the counter." (Michael)


That's at least something.


"Alright, listen. All I do is scan for certain words or formulations. If you know what you're looking for, all you need is the particular example, not the whole text." (Michael)


That's nice to know.
Is there a place I could soon make use of this knowledge?
Maybe there at the counter?

However, this Michael guy seems to have something to settle there first.
That's fine by me as long as he's doing all the handling of the other humans.
This doesn't seem too difficult, as most of those present don't look as if they're going to approach us at this point.
Nevertheless, I should recognize my own weaknesses and leave it to him instead of overconfidently trying to do crucial stuff that could easily backfire on me.

Hm, now I'm not exactly sure if this would be my usual approach or if my Shari has imprinted here on this matter.
On the other side, I rarely have the luxury of a human around me who can take the load off me.
That's a nice change of pace.
Also, I need to admit that he looks somewhat reliable the way he's walking to the woman stationed at the counter.


"Excuse me? Yesterday we came here and ushered an assignment of severe importance. Yet for some reason, when I just checked if everything was processed correctly, there's not the slightest trace of it. Would you mind explaining to me what the heck went wrong here? Or are you going to tell me that the guild is truly working so slowly?" (Michael)


Wow, he isn't even stopping to breathe.
The way he talks to her reminds me of some of my Shari's harsher scoldings.
However, the woman barely even flinches.
Quite the astonishing feat.
She must be a seasoned warrior to stay that calm in the face of adversary.
This assessment of mine is only further solidified when she responds in a very calm and collected tone.


"If your assignment wasn't able to be released, it means it wasn't up to the guild's standards." (clerk)

"Not up to the standards?! The reward I offered was generous, to say the least, and the task in perfect alignment with the law! So please, tell me where I went wrong! I'm very curious!" (Michael)


This is very interesting.
I seldom witness such great examples for a human exchange of such high intensity.
I'm so captivated that I almost miss how another human behind the counter ceases with their tasks and moves away while throwing glances at us.
Telltale signs that something is going on with us as the focus.


"The guild only accepts requests which are up to its high standards." (clerk)

"High standards, my ass!" (Michael)


I think I should say something.
That's what a good support does, right?


"Michael-guy..." (Liqu)

"Yeah, I know." (Michael)


So he turns back to the clerk.


"Why don't you go and fetch whoever you were calling here yourself?" (Michael)

"That won't be necessary. I already am." (guild leader)


Ah, that one.
He's important if I'm right.


"Guild leader, would you mind elaborating to us what went wrong here?" (Michael)

"Certainly, but I don't see a reason to make such a scene here. So why don't you accompany me into my office so we can sort this out?" (guild leader)


Hm, is this a trap?
I'm not sure.
But something tells me not everyone gets to speak with the important people if they have a problem.
How would Shari say again: It's kinda suspicious.
Yet I think if something happens I could get us out of there.
Michael-guy seems inclined to follow.

A moment later we are inside a room down the hallway behind the counter.
Personally, I find it a waste to put the heads of perfectly good creatures on the wall.
They'd be fine to dissolve and certainly serve no purpose up there.
However, I should concentrate now, as the talking is about to begin.
Who knows what about this might be relevant for my Shari.
She's always such a worrywart.


"I suppose there's a reason why you intend to talk in private. Did something go wrong with our assignment?" (Michael)

"I'd like to start with a question. Do you take me for an utter fool?" (guild leader)

"Pardon, it seems I missed the context." (Michael)

"Then let me rephrase it. How incompetently oblivious do you suppose I am to believe I wouldn't notice when two officials enter here to utilize guild resources for political ambitions?" (guild leader)


Oh, okay.
I should make a mental note on being official.
On that matter, what even makes one official?
Is official different from being human?
Or citizen?
Recently there have been so many terms I need to process that my core might run hot.
For this reason, I'm glad that I don't have to be the one to act on that unfamiliar base.


"So you were aware of our identity?" (Michael)

"You make it sound like a feat. As if it's so complicated to follow the trail from the "Core Dwellers" getting involved in the probably greatest uproar of the last decade, getting hired by the most influential noble of the area, renowned for his loyalty to the crown, and then returning with a man of all-too dubious background, Michael the bloody jester. You're not as covert as you believe. And this only to inquire about the probably most delicate subject this town knows. Do you truly believe nobody in our business would be able to follow the trails and make educated assumptions? That's almost insulting." (guild leader)

"If you have gathered that much and know who we serve, how come you're showing such a concerning lack of cooperation?" (Michael)

"Are you going to accuse me of treason?" (guild leader)

"Well, the idea comes up, looking at this situation." (Michael)

"Then you're misunderstanding something. We aren't taking sides, nor do we support the other. You're simply at the wrong address here." (guild leader)

"The wrong address?! We are putting up a request to investigate the lost citizens, people of the kingdom, and you're telling us this ain't your problem?!" (Michael)

"When will you officials finally learn that the guild is neutral?! We're not going to fight your battles. Don't try dragging us into your political quarrels. We are committed to our own people, the members of our guild, and won't sacrifice them to you." (guild leader)

"So may I take it that this is the official stance of the guild, and no adventurer will support the country until you know who's going to win?" (Michael)

"If you have some monster to get rid of, you're welcome. However, essentially you're right. The guild won't get involved, and as such, will not allow you to place any assignments that would bring us into direct conflict with your opposition. We won't spend any resources on behalf of this godforsaken conflict." (guild leader)

"But you're aware that we're trying to take down the slavers? People who prey on the folks of this nice little town? Did you really fall down that far?" (Michael)


Hm, I didn't think that the correct response in this situation would be to chuckle.


"Hehe, nice little town? We really have different views on these matters, my friend. However, by now you should understand that there's nothing the guild itself can do for you. We won't support the crown but neither are we going to actively impede you. Also, adventurers are free, that's the other side of the job. Our members can do as they please, as long as they pull their own weight. But in some cases, they won't be able to rely on the guild's position to get them out. Basically, this means, that I don't tell my guys what to do in their free time. As you can see." (guild leader)


At this, he turns towards me.
Damn, does that mean I have to communicate?
I already said I'm not good at that.


"It seems I have to congratulate you for your group's steep rise. I'm not miffed that you're seeking opportunities. Having aspirations and dreams is part of what being an adventurer is about. As short and dubious your time as members of the guild was, it was certainly beneficial for our side as well. However, you might have waited for less troubled times. The current prospects aren't the best to build a stable future. Nonetheless, I wish you the best." (guild leader)

"Uh, thanks?" (Liqu)


It's rare that a human wishes good things for me.


"No need for that. In fact, I ought to be thanking you. Many might see this differently, but in my opinion, Cid's death was the best thing that happened to this town in a while." (guild leader)

"Then I'm glad. Very nice of you." (Liqu)

"Interesting that you openly admit this." (guild leader)


Well, what's done is done.
Not like this mini-villain left any impression on me after I dissolved him.
Then Michael grabs my wrist and draws me somewhere else.


"We learned enough for today. Now it's time to get going and try to tend to our other issues." (Michael)


Well, if he says so.
Yet this here looks like a dead end for me.
However, this doesn't worry me as I didn't have to get involved with anyone.


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