Slime Girl

Chapter 190


- Shari -

Eventually, my morning with Tamarah comes to an end.
I ended up making a bunch of different potions and disturbingly became a part of even more.
Tamarah is quite relentless of using me as an ingredient.
She even started telling me how my slime's consistency and color are part of the customer appeal and influence her sales, at which I really had to stop her.
One could say I was slightly uncomfortable.
So I was rather glad when I finally had the chance to leave.

The next thing on my list is buying some more containers and ingredients for my alchemy.
Because my finances won't allow for more I only had the choice of buying some cheap pots and a selection of more common herbs, which came down to eighty copper.

Now I have to find Liqu and Michael.
Fortunately, I have just the right asset in my possession to make this happen.
The "find-me" stone I got from the queen.
Liqu always carries hers, so I just need to follow the pointed direction.

Once the two come into view on the street, I can't help but experience this slight sensation of dread.
This only gets worse once Liqu faces me and starts to excessively wave in my direction.
I suppose she constantly keeps track of my position the same as I did here.
Yes, I knew she was out here, but it's still something different to see her walking like everyone else among the people.
The implications are just too worrisome.
I guess I should greet them properly.


"Hey, you two! Did you wait for me?" (Shari)


I ask with increasing trepidation why they would want to meet up.
It seems rather likely that something is up if they want to meet with me so soon instead of walking back to our base.


"Kinda. We had to conclude some business with the guild. With limited success that is." (Michael)


Did something happen!?


"The boss there wishes us all the best!!" (Liqu)


Well, as weird as this is to hear, it at least quells my worries that they might be suspicious of us.
So, somewhat soothed, I guess I can turn back to Michael.


"You said there were problems?" (Shari)

"The guild basically declared that they won't support the country if it isn't about monster subjugation." (Michael)


Considering that I am one, this isn't too great to hear.
Does this mean they would let the enemy hire them against us?
Somehow I think some confirmation would be nice.
Yet it's not like I could go there and ask.
On the other side, this kind of leaves us at a dead end regarding possible traces to follow.


"So what now? How are supposed to proceed from here on out? I'm sure someone with your experience has an idea what we are looking for." (Shari)

"Only theories. Nothing concrete." (Michael)

"That's better than the nothing we have now. Out with it!" (Shari)

"You see, regarding what the guild leader said, there's definitely something going on. There has to be a greater operation and subsequently, some traces leading to them. Now, keeping people captive isn't as simple as it might sound. It requires personnel, a system, facilities. Foremost, I doubt that they're walking broadly through the gates. No, too much attention. There has to be a passage below the walls, rather close if they didn't build a tunnel through the whole city. Yet where exactly is beyond me. At the scale we're talking about, once they leave the town, there has to be a camp outside the walls to gather all the smaller groups and coordinate the shipments in caravans. Essentially, we have to find a minimum of two different locations, yet I presume more." (Michael)

"So we need to find a place within the town and supposedly one in the wilderness. If we get those then our mission could be considered a success, right?" (Shari)


Sounds easy enough.
Find the bad guy, beat them up, then return for a hopefully handsome reward.


"Sorry to let you down on this, but it won't be quite as simple as you make it out to be. While it's right that we're supposed to bring down the enemy operations in the area, this won't suffice. The queen won't be satisfied if we free some slaves and kill a few henchmen only for the true culprits to consolidate their losses and get everything back in order once we are gone again. We are ought to find a permanent solution." (Michael)


Suddenly, I feel like I got caught up into something they don't pay me enough for.


"Then what do we do? Find the bases, raid them, and torture whoever is there until they snitch on their bosses?" (Shari)

"A bit crude, but not completely off. Yet whoever operates in Ekoras might be quite low on the list. Rather, I would suggest we follow the trail of the enemy's transportation lines and find the rest all the way to the exchange points. If we can turn the next delivery into a disaster and take down all the involved, then all the better. But I probably don't need to mention that this can't be allowed to be traced back to the country, or we could directly send a declaration of war." (Michael)


It sounds at least like a plan.
Not necessarily one I'm comfortable with, but it's a start.
Yet to get started we're still in need of a necessary first step.


"I see where you're coming from, but the plan still fails at the crucial detail that we can't find their bases. So how do we make that happen?" (Shari)

"For the inner camp I was trying to ask the slum dwellers. The location of the gathering base has to be somewhere near the slums, as I can't believe they would dare prey on anyone else besides the weak who nobody is going to miss. However, those people are quite the distrustful folk, and asking around procures irritatingly low results." (Michael)


That comes as a surprise.
I thought meddling with people was his expertise.


"Do you have suggestions on how to get anything out the locals?" (Shari)

"Either doing something drastic or slowly building up trust. Which is the reason why I supported buying that house. It will either help us become part of the community or provide enough privacy to serve as a torture chamber." (Michael)


Did I mention before that this guy creeps me out?
And I would like to point out that I am the creeper here.


"Uh, personally I'd like to continue slowly blending in. It would be bad if we gain a wicked reputation, right? You know, as representatives of the queen." (Shari)

"Then we should prepare for this mission to have an extended duration. At the very least we need to send a report on our status." (Michael)


Hopefully, the queen will be indulgent on that matter.
However, I have no intention of being ruthless and throwing my reputation down the gutter.


"Well, it might prove to be convenient that you were able to acquire a regular occupation. This might add to our credibility. Some carefully spent gifts might also aid in improving relations." (Michael)

"Nonetheless, we have to make use of the time we have. Should we maybe patrol the surroundings of the town under the pretext of doing adventurer work? We still have the cards after all." (Shari)

"For the outer camp, I'd dare to say that it might be in the west. Deeper in the South and they'd clash too strongly with the fauna of the Evergrove. Which on the other hand might work well for concealment. I still believe the adventurers should know more or at least are the best ones to ask to track down anything in the wilderness. But as mentioned before, there's not much to expect from this direction." (Michael)


Is there really no way?
Like, for example, placing a fake assignment that is still close enough to provide us with information.
Okay, I never claimed to be good at this secret operation stuff.


"Can't we do anything? There must be someone we can ask." (Shari)

"The guild didn't completely deny cooperation. Just not officially. If we could get one or two in private, they presumably wouldn't need to fear repercussions from the guild, yet neither any support. The issue is, my ties to the adventurer guild aren't too great, and I doubt you have more friends among them than I do." (Michael)


Well, maybe not exactly friends, but would acquaintances suffice?
Acquaintances we share a difficult history with?


"Urgh, I didn't want to do this. But I might know someone we can contact." (Shari)


At least, if they don't decide to hunt me down first.
Which could very well happen.
Well, then let's go to the adventurer barracks.


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